13 research outputs found

    Use of national and international growth charts for studying height in european children: Development of up-to-date european height-for-age charts

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    Background: Growth charts based on data collected in different populations and time periods are key tools to assess children's linear growth. We analyzed the impact of geographic factors and the secular trend on height-for-age charts currently used in European populations, developed up-to-date European growth charts, and studied the effect of u

    "Microscopic" and "Macroscopic" Level of the Errors for Detonation Characteristics Calculations : Pedigree of the Errors

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    The detonation velocity is one of the principal characteristics of energetic materials. Therefore, computer search for structures of materials with high detonation velocity is a very urgent problem. We formulated the following task : to elaborate a concept of computer design and subsequent screening of target structures with high detonation velocities. The present state of this concept and the operation of the program package are illustrated by computer generation of novel energetic compounds, including caged skeletons. Using some optimum gross formulas, we use methods of mathematical chemistry for computer generation of isomeric structural formulas, which may correspond to potentially interesting substances with high detonation velocity. Then, using different methods (mostly original) for estimating the properties of these compounds, we calculate their physicochemical characteristics and recommend some of them for synthesis. We also analyzed the possible sources of errors during calculation of some detonation characteristics and determined the possible error ranges for the calculated properties at the micro level (enthalpies of formation and molecular crystal densities). As a result, the total (macro level) errors in calculations of detonation parameters were determined


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    The article provides results of in-house research to assess the impact of induction immunosuppression using antithymocyte globulin (ATG) on the clinical course of post-transplantation period after kidney transplantation. The authors analysed 260 allotransplantations of cadaver kidneys (215 children). In some children (n = 25) the medicine was used for induction therapy, in some (n = 10) to suppress steroid-resistant rejection. Patients in the control group (n = 189) were not administered ATG. The highest actuarial survival rate (both transplants and patients) was recorded in the group of children where ATG was used for induction therapy, rather than just for treatment of rejection.Key words: induction therapy, allotransplantation of kidney, antithymocyte globulin, survival rate, children


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    The article provides results of in-house research to assess the impact of induction immunosuppression using antithymocyte globulin (ATG) on the clinical course of post-transplantation period after kidney transplantation. The authors analysed 260 allotransplantations of cadaver kidneys (215 children). In some children (n = 25) the medicine was used for induction therapy, in some (n = 10) to suppress steroid-resistant rejection. Patients in the control group (n = 189) were not administered ATG. The highest actuarial survival rate (both transplants and patients) was recorded in the group of children where ATG was used for induction therapy, rather than just for treatment of rejection.Key words: induction therapy, allotransplantation of kidney, antithymocyte globulin, survival rate, children

    Composition and content of antioxidants in nodules and leaves of stachis (Stachys sieboldii Mig) of Bochonok and Rakushka varieties

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    Providing the world population with high-quality and functional food products is one of the main tasks of modern scientists. The introduction and subsequent cultivation of new and rare crops makes it possible to expand the diet. Stachys sieboldii Mig, or stakhys, is a vegetable plant with medicinal properties. Of particular value is the underground part of the plant, its nodules. But even the leaves accumulate microelements, antioxidants and phenolic compounds. © 2021 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved

    Study of optical and luminescent properties of nanocrystals NaYF 4

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    Studied the photoluminescence properties of synthesized nanocrystals doped with rare-earth ions NaYF4:Tm3+, Yb3+, measured luminescence spectra and absorption in the visible and near infrared regions of 300-1000 nm. Were measured the energy of phonons these nanocrystals, the average phonon energy was 332cm−1. Made optical waveguide impregnated with nanoparticles NaYF4: Yb3+, Tm3+ as the prospect of a compact source of radiation in the visible and UV range


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    The article provides results of in-house research to assess the impact of induction immunosuppression using antithymocyte globulin (ATG) on the clinical course of post-transplantation period after kidney transplantation. The authors analysed 260 allotransplantations of cadaver kidneys (215 children). In some children (n = 25) the medicine was used for induction therapy, in some (n = 10) to suppress steroid-resistant rejection. Patients in the control group (n = 189) were not administered ATG. The highest actuarial survival rate (both transplants and patients) was recorded in the group of children where ATG was used for induction therapy, rather than just for treatment of rejection.Key words: induction therapy, allotransplantation of kidney, antithymocyte globulin, survival rate, children.В статье приводятся результаты собственного исследования по оценке влияния индукционной иммуносупрессии с помощью антитимоцитарного глобулина (АТГ) на течение посттрансплантационного периода после пересадки почки. Авторы проанализировали 260 аллотрансплантаций трупных почек у 215 детей (части детей проводилась повторная трансплантация почки). У части детей (n = 25) АТГ применяли для индукционной терапии, у части (n = 10) — с целью подавления стероидрезистентного отторжения. Пациентам контрольной группы (n = 180) АТГ не назначали. Наиболее высокая актуарная выживаемость (как трансплантатов, так и пациентов) была в группе детей, в которой АТГ применяли для индукционной терапии, а не только лечения реакции отторжения. Ключевые слова: индукционная терапия, аллотрансплантация почки, антитимоцитарный глобулин, выживаемость, дети.(Педиатрическая фармакология 2011;8(1):46-50