610 research outputs found

    VLT/UVES shows no cosmological variability of alpha

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    The cosmological variability of alpha is probed from individual observations of pairs of FeII lines. This procedure allows a better control of the systematics and avoids the influence of the spectral shifts due to ionization inhomogeneities in the absorbers and/or non-zero offsets between different exposures. Applied to the FeII lines of the metal absorption systems at zabs = 1.839 in Q1101--264 and at zabs = 1.15 in HE0515--4414 observed by means of UVES at the ESO-VLT, it provides da/a = 0.4 (+/- 1.5 stat)x10^{-6}. The result is shifted with respect to the Keck/HIRES mean da/a = -5.7(+/- 1.1 stat})x10^{-6} (Murphy et al. 2004) at a high confidence level (95%). Full details of this work are given in Levshakov et al (2005)Comment: 3 pages, 1 postscript figur

    Pre-MS depletion, accretion and primordial 7Li

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    We reconsider the role of pre-main sequence (pre-MS) Li depletion on the basis of new observational and theoretical evidence: i) new observations of Halpha emissions in young clusters show that mass accretion could be continuing till the first stages of the MS, ii) theoretical implications from helioseismology suggest large overshooting values below the bottom of the convective envelopes. We argue here that a significant pre-MS 7Li destruction, caused by efficient overshoot mixing, could be followed by a matter accretion after 7Li depletion has ceased on MS thus restoring Li almost to the pristine value. As a test case we show that a halo dwarf of 0.85 Msun with an extended overshooting envelope starting with an initial abundance of A(Li) = 2.74 would burn Li completely, but an accretion rate of the type 1e-8xe^{-t/3e6} Msun yr−1^{-1} would restore Li to end with an A(Li) = 2.31. A self-regulating process is required to produce similar final values in a range of different stellar masses to explain the PopII Spite plateau. However, this framework could explain why open cluster stars have lower Li abundances than the pre-solar nebula, the absence of Li in the most metal poor dwarfs and a number of other features which lack of a satisfactory explanation.Comment: To be published in Memorie della Societ\`a Astronomica Italiana Supplementi Vol. 22, Proceedings of Lithium in the cosmos, Iocco F., Bonifacio P., Vangioni E., ed

    QSO 0347-383 and the invariance of m_p/m_e in the course of cosmic time

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    The variation of the dimensionless fundamental physical constant mu = m_p/m_e (the proton to electron mass ratio) can be constrained via observation of Lyman and Werner lines of molecular hydrogen in the spectra of damped Lyman alpha systems (DLAs) in the line of sight to distant QSOs. Drawing on VLT-UVES high resolution data sets of QSO 0347-383 and its DLA obtained in 2009 our analysis yields dmu/mu = (4.3 +/- 7.2) * 10^-6 at z_abs =3.025. We apply corrections for the observed offsets between discrete spectra and for the first time we find indications for inter-order distortions. Current analyses tend to underestimate the impact of systematic errors. Based on the scatter of the measured redshifts and the corresponding low significance of the redshift-sensitivity correlation we estimate the limit of accuracy of line position measurements to about 220 m/s, consisting of roughly 150 m/s due to the uncertainty of the absorption line fit and about 150 m/s allocated to systematics related to instrumentation and calibration.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The Spectra of Main Sequence Stars in Galactic Globular Clusters II. CH and CN Bands in M71

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    Spectra with a high signal-to-noise ratio of 79 stars which are just below the main sequence turnoff of M71 are presented. They yield indices for the strength of the G band of CH and the ultraviolet CN band at 3885 \AA. These indices are each to first order bimodal and they are anti-correlated. There are approximately equal numbers of CN weak/CH strong and CN strong/CH weak main sequence stars in M71. It is not yet clear whether these star-to-star variations arise from primordial variations or from mixing within a fraction of individual stars as they evolve.Comment: Accepted for publication in the AJ to appear back to back with paper I. 14 pages with 5 figure

    UVES radial velocity accuracy from asteroid observations. Implications for the fine structure constant variability

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    High resolution observations of the asteroids Iris and Juno have been performed by means of the UVES spectrograph at the ESO VLT to obtain the effective accurac y of the spectrograph's radial velocity. The knowledge of this quantity has impo rtant bearings on studies searching for a variability of the fine structure cons tant carried on with this instrument. Asteroids provide a precise radial velocit y reference at the level of 1 m/s which allows instrumental calibration and the recognition of small instrumental drifts and calibration systematics. In particu lar, radial velocity drifts due to non uniform slit illumination and slit optica l misalignment in the two UVES spectrograph arms can be investigated. The positi on of the solar spectrum reflected by the asteroids are compared with the solar wavelength positions or with that of asteroid observations at other epochs or wi th the twilight to asses UVES instrumental accuracy . Radial velocities offsets in the range 10--50 m/s are generally observed likely due to a non uniform slit illumination. However, no radial velocity patterns with wavelength are detected and the two UVES arms provide consistent radial velocities. These results suggest that the detected alpha variability by Levshakov et al. (2007) deduced from a drift of -180 (+/- 85) m/s at z =1.84, between two sets of FeII lines falling in the two UVES arms may be real or induced by other kinds of systematics than those investigated here. The proposed technique allows real time quality check of the spectrograph and should be followed for very accurate measurements.Comment: Accepted A&

    Daily variability of Ceres' Albedo detected by means of radial velocities changes of the reflected sunlight

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    Bright features have been recently discovered by Dawn on Ceres, which extend previous photometric and Space Telescope observations. These features should produce distortions of the line profiles of the reflected solar spectrum and therefore an apparent radial velocity variation modulated by the rotation of the dwarf planet. Here we report on two sequences of observations of Ceres performed in the nights of 31 July, 26-27 August 2015 by means of the high-precision HARPS spectrograph at the 3.6-m La Silla ESO telescope. The observations revealed a quite complex behaviour which likely combines a radial velocity modulation due to the rotation with an amplitude of approx +/- 6 m/s and an unexpected diurnal effect. The latter changes imply changes in the albedo of Occator's bright features due to the blaze produced by the exposure to solar radiation. The short-term variability of Ceres' albedo is on timescales ranging from hours to months and can both be confirmed and followed by means of dedicated radial velocity observations.Comment: 5 pag, 1fig, two tables, MNRAS Letters 201

    UVES observations of QSO 0000-2620: oxygen and zinc abundances in the Damped Ly-alpha galaxy at z_abs=3.3901

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    Observations of the QSO 0000-2620 with UVES spectrograph at the 8.2m ESO KUEYEN telescope are used for abundance analysis of the damped Ly-alpha system at z_{abs}=3.3901. Several Oxygen lines are identified in the Ly_alpha forest and a measure for the oxygen abundance is obtained at [O/H]=-1.85 +/- 0.1 by means of the unsaturated OI 925 A and OI 950 A lines. This represents the most accurate O measurement in a damped Ly_alpha galaxy so far. We have also detected ZnII 2026 A and CrII 2056, 2062 A redshifted at about 8900 A and found abundances [Zn/H] = -2.07 +/- 0.1 and [Cr/H]=-1.99 +/- 0.1. Furthermore, previous measurements of Fe, Si, Ni and N have been refined yielding [Fe/H]=-2.04 +/- 0.1, [Si/H]=-1.90 +/- 0.1, [Ni/H]=-2.27 +/- 0.1, and [N/H]=-2.68 +/- 0.1. The abundance of the non-refractory element zinc is the lowest among the damped Ly-alpha systems showing that the associated intervening galaxy is indeed in the early stages of its chemical evolution. The fact that the Zn abundance is identical to that of the refractory elements Fe and Cr suggests that dust grains have not formed yet. In this Damped Ly-alpha system the observed [O,S,Si/Zn,Fe,Cr] ratios, in whatever combination are taken, are close to solar (i.e 0.1-0.2 dex) and do not show the [alpha-element/Fe] enhancement observed in Milky Way stars of comparable metallicity. The observed behavior supports a galaxy evolution model characterized by either episodic or low star formation rate rather than a Milky-Way-type evolutionary model.Comment: Accepted by Ap
