420 research outputs found

    Topological spin Hall effect in antiferromagnetic skyrmions

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    The topological Hall effect (THE), as one of the primary manifestations of non-trivial topology of chiral skyrmions, is traditionally used to detect the emergence of skyrmion lattices with locally ferromagnetic order. In this work we demonstrate that the appearance of non-trivial two-dimensional chiral textures with locally {\it anti}-ferromagnetic order can be detected through the spin version of the THE −- the topological spin Hall effect (TSHE). Utilizing the semiclassical formalism, here used to combine chiral antiferromagnetic textures with a density functional theory description of the collinear, degenerate electronic structure, we follow the real-space real-time evolution of electronic SU(2) wavepackets in an external electric field to demonstrate the emergence of sizeable transverse pure spin current in synthetic antiferromagnets of the Fe/Cu/Fe trilayer type. We further unravel the extreme sensitivity of the TSHE to the details of the electronic structure, suggesting that the magnitude and sign of the TSHE in transition-metal synthetic antiferromagnets can be engineered by tuning such parameters as the thickness or band filling. Besides being an important step in our understanding of the topological properties of ever more complex skyrmionic systems, our results bear great potential in stimulating the discovery of antiferromagnetic skyrmions

    Anisotropic spin Hall effect from first principles

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    We report on first principles calculations of the anisotropy of the intrinsic spin Hall conductivity (SHC) in nonmagnetic hcp metals and in antiferromagnetic Cr. For most of the metals of this study we find large anisotropies. We derive the general relation between the SHC vector and the direction of spin polarization and discuss its consequences for hcp metals. Especially, it is predicted that for systems where the SHC changes sign due to the anisotropy the spin Hall effect may be tuned such that the spin polarization is parallel either to the electric field or to the spin current.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Topological Crystalline Insulator and Quantum Anomalous Hall States in IV-VI based Monolayers and their Quantum Wells

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    Different from the two-dimensional (2D) topological insulator, the 2D topological crystalline insulator (TCI) phase disappears when the mirror symmetry is broken, e.g., upon placing on a substrate. Here, based on a new family of 2D TCIs - SnTe and PbTe monolayers - we theoretically predict the realization of the quantum anomalous Hall effect with Chern number C = 2 even when the mirror symmetry is broken. Remarkably, we also demonstrate that the considered materials retain their large-gap topological properties in quantum well structures obtained by sandwiching the monolayers between NaCl layers. Our results demonstrate that the TCIs can serve as a seed for observing robust topologically non-trivial phases.Comment: 5 pages, submitted on 27th Feb 201

    Unusual Kondo physics in a Co impurity atom embedded in noble-metal chains

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    We analyze the conduction bands of the one dimensional noble-metal chains that contain a Co magnetic impurity by means of ab initio calculations. We compare the results obtained for Cu and Ag pure chains, as well as O doped Cu, Ag and Au chains with those previously found for Au pure chains. We find similar results in the case of Cu and Au hosts, whereas for Ag chains a different behavior is obtained. Differences and similarities among the different systems are analyzed by comparing the electronic structure of the three noble-metal hosts. The d-orbitals of Cu chains at the Fermi level have the same symmetry as in the case of Au chains. These orbitals hybridize with the corresponding ones of the Co impurity, giving rise to the possibility of exhibiting a two-channel Kondo physics.Comment: Accepted in IEEE Trans. Magn. - April 201

    Distinct magnetotransport and orbital fingerprints of chiral bobbers

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    While chiral magnetic skyrmions have been attracting significant attention in the past years, recently, a new type of a chiral particle emerging in thin films −- a chiral bobber −- has been theoretically predicted and experimentally observed. Here, based on theoretical arguments, we provide a clear pathway to utilizing chiral bobbers for the purposes of future spintronics by uncovering that these novel chiral states possess inherent transport fingerprints that allow for their unambiguous electrical detection in systems comprising several types of chiral states. We reveal that unique transport and orbital characteristics of bobbers root in the non-trivial magnetization distribution in the vicinity of the Bloch points, and demonstrate that tuning the details of the Bloch point topology can be used to drastically alter the emergent response properties of chiral bobbers to external fields, which bears great potential for engineering chiral dynamics and cognitive computing.Comment: Supplementary available upon reques

    Surface orbitronics: new twists from orbital Rashba physics

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    When the inversion symmetry is broken at a surface, spin-orbit interaction gives rise to spin-dependent energy shifts - a phenomenon which is known as the spin Rashba effect. Recently, it has been recognized that an orbital counterpart of the spin Rashba effect - the orbital Rashba effect - can be realized at surfaces even without spin- orbit coupling. Here, we propose a mechanism for the orbital Rashba effect based on sp orbital hybridization, which ultimately leads to the electric polarization of surface states. As a proof of principle, we show from first principles that this effect leads to chiral orbital textures in k\mathbf{k}-space of the BiAg2_2 monolayer. In predicting the magnitude of the orbital moment arising from the orbital Rashba effect, we demonstrate the crucial role that the Berry phase theory plays for the magnitude and variation of the orbital textures. As a result, we predict a pronounced manifestation of various orbital effects at surfaces, and proclaim the orbital Rashba effect to be a key platform for surface orbitronics

    Crystal Hall and crystal magneto-optical effect in thin films of SrRuO3_3

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    Motivated by the recently observed topological Hall effect in ultra-thin films of SrRuO3_3 (SRO) grown on SrTiO3_3 (STO) [001] substrate, we investigate the magnetic ground state and anomalous Hall response of the SRO ultra-thin films by virtue of spin density functional theory (DFT). Our findings reveal that in the monolayer limit of an SRO film, a large energy splitting of Ru-t2gt_{2g} states stabilizes an anti-ferromagnetic (AFM) insulating magnetic ground state. For the AFM ground state, our Berry curvature calculations predict a large anomalous Hall response upon doping. From the systematic symmetry analysis, we uncover that the large anomalous Hall effect arises due to a combination of broken time-reversal and crystal symmetries caused by the arrangement of non-magnetic atoms (Sr and O) in the SRO monolayer. We identify the emergent Hall effect as a clear manifestation of the so-called crystal Hall effect in terminology of \v{S}mejkal et al. arXiv:1901.00445 (2019), and demonstrate that it persists at finite frequencies which is the manifestation of the crystal magneto-optical effect. Moreover, we find a colossal dependence of the AHE on the degree of crystal symmetry breaking also in ferromagnetic SRO films, which all together points to an alternative explanation of the emergence of the topological Hall effect observed in this type of systems.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure
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