209 research outputs found

    Alternative Technologies for Controlling CO2 Emissions and Energy Costs Minimization in Manufacturing Processes

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    Provided that energy consumption goes together with CO2 emissions and high production costs, multinational companies seek perpetually to implement the best practices in an effort to satisfy customers not in terms of fair prices, quality and quantity delivered but also in terms of delivering products that respect environmental regulations. It seems that it is no longer optional for companies to opt for environmental practices, while having two major reasons to remain cost efficient and customer seductive: their production processes will no more tolerate waste in energy and their customers are consciously more than ever seeking eco-friendly products. In this paper, we conduct a cost analysis based on a comparison traditional with eco-friendly technologies in manufacturing detergent products based on different sources of energy

    Resource competitive interactions as mechanism of date palm Bayoud disease suppression

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    In Morocco, soils that are naturally suppressive to date palm Bayoud disease have long been discovered. Although suppressiveness was attributed to biological activities of indigenous microbes, our knowledge on the specific mechanisms underpinning this property remains limited. In this study, we investigated nutrient competition between Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. albedinis, the causal agent of Bayoud disease, and saprophytic Fusarium as a factor of disease suppressiveness/conduciveness in suppressive and conducive soils. Growth of pathogenic and saprophytic Fusarium isolates from one suppressive and one conducive soils on 95 carbon sources was assessed. Fusarium isolates exhibited distinct nutrient use profiles and varied significantly with soil in carbon utilization. Isolates from the suppressive soil had significantly the greatest resource use efficiency, followed by the pathogenic isolates that grew significantly faster than the isolates from the conducive soil. Data on nutrient niche overlap showed that the pathogen is outcompeted by saprophytic Fusarium populations in the suppressive soil and outcompetes those in the conducive soil. Taken together, our results provide insight into the role of competition for carbon resources among pathogenic and saprophytic Fusarium communities as a driving factor in soil suppressiveness/conduciveness. This finding may also open novel research paths and offer opportunities for the development of biocontrol techniques against Bayoud disease in Moroccan date palm groves. Keywords: Date palm, Bayoud disease, nutrient competition, disease suppressio

    Les nématodes phytoparasites associés à la culture de la vigne au Maroc

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    A survey was conducted to identify the main plant-parasitic nematodes associated with grapevines in various regions of Morocco. The genus Xiphinema has been found in the following regions ; Ain Taoujdate, Meknes, Ben Slimane and Ouled Ben Hamadi. Two species of the genus Xiphinema (X. pachtaichum and X. index) were identified on grapevines. GrapeVine FanLeaf Virus (GFLV) was detected by the Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay Test (ELISA) in samples collected from Ain Taoujdate, Meknes and Ouled Ben Hamadi. The genus Meloidogyne was found in all vineyard localities surveyed. Other plant-parasitic nematodes have been identified including Pratylenchus spp. Paratylenchus spp., Tylenchus spp., Criconemoide and Helicotylenchus spp. Keywords: Nematode, virus, grapevines, MoroccoDes prospections ont été menées dans les différentes régions vignobles du Maroc en vue d’identifier les principaux nématodes phytoparasites associés à la vigne. Le nématode du genre Xiphinema a été détecté dans la région de Ain Taoujdate, Meknes, Ben Slimane et Ouled Ben Hamadi. Deux espèces du genre Xiphinema (X. pachtaichum et X. index) ont été identifiées sur la culture de la vigne. Le virus de l’enroulement des feuilles de la vigne (GFLV) a été détecté par le test ELISA à partir des échantillons provenant de Ain Taoujdate, Meknès et Ouled Ben Hamadi. Aussi, les nématodes du genre Meloidogyne ont été rencontrés dans toutes les localités vignobles prospectées. Par ailleurs, d’autres nématodes ont été identifiés, notamment : Pratylenchus spp. Paratylenchus spp., Tylenchus spp., Criconemoide spp. et Helicotylenchus spp. Mots clés: Nématodes phytoparasites, virus, vignes, Maro

    Phytoparasitic nematodes associated with the cultivation of vines in Morocco

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    A survey was conducted to identify the main plant-parasitic nematodes associated with grapevines in various regions of Morocco. The genus Xiphinema has been found in the following regions ; Ain Taoujdate, Meknes, Ben Slimane and Ouled Ben Hamadi. Two species of the genus Xiphinema (X. pachtaichum and X. index) were identified on grapevines. GrapeVine FanLeaf Virus (GFLV) was detected by the Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay Test (ELISA) in samples collected from Ain Taoujdate, Meknes and Ouled Ben Hamadi. The genus Meloidogyne was found in all vineyard localities surveyed. Other plant-parasitic nematodes have been identified including Pratylenchus spp. Paratylenchus spp., Tylenchus spp., Criconemoide and Helicotylenchus spp

    Determination of Tylenchulus semipenetrans biotype in five citrus growing areas in Morocco

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    Un essai a été mené sous tunnel plastique à l’INRA de Kénitra (El Menzeh) en vue de caractériser les différents biotypes du nématode des agrumes (Tylenchulus semipenetrans) existants dans les vergers marocains. Les plantes hôtes différentielles utilisées dans ce test sont le citronnier épineux (Poncirus trifoliata), le bigaradier (Citrus aurantium), la vigne (Vitis vinifera) et l’olivier (Olea europaea). Les différentes plantes hôtes ont été inoculées par une suspension de 10.000 d’œufs et juvéniles de deuxième stade de T. semipenetrans des régions du Gharb, Loukkos, Haouz, Moulouya et Souss-Massa. Les différentes populations de T. semipenetrans ont montré une forte capacité à se multiplier sur le bigaradier et aussi sur la vigne, contrairement à l’olivier et le P. trifoliata. Le taux de reproduction (TR) des différentes populations de T. semipenetrans sur le porte-greffe P. trifoliata et l’olivier est inférieur à 1, contrairement au bigaradier et la vigne où ce taux de reproduction est supérieur à 1. Ces résultats indiquent que les cinq populations de T. semipenetrans des régions du Gharb, Loukkos, Haouz, Moulouya et Souss- Massa appartenant au biotype Méditerranéen. Mots-clés: Nématode des agrumes, régions, Plantes hôtes, Biotype Méditerranéen.The biotype of citrus nematode (Tylenchulus semipenetrans) from Morocco was determined using differential plant hosts, namely trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata), bitter orange (Citrus aurantium), grape (Vitis vinifera) and olive (Olea europaea). The study was conducted under greenhouse conditions with 5 replicates. Nematodes from regions of Gharb, Souss-Masssa, Haouz, Loukkos and Moulouya were extracted from roots and inoculated to hosts with 10.000 eggs and juveniles per plant. Reproductive factors were less than one for Poncirus trifoliate and olive for all populations. Result of differential-host experiment showed that all five T. semipenetrans populations belong to the Mediterranean biotype. Keywords: Citrus nematode, regions, Differential host test, Mediterranean biotype

    Effet de l’irrigation sur la reprise des jeunes plants d’arganier après transplantation au terrain

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    Le présent travail de recherche s’inscrit dans le cadre du programme de recherche d’appui au ‘’Projet Arganier’’. Il est coordonné par l’association Agrotechnologies du Souss-Massa-Draa (Agrotech) en partenariat avec un consortium de chercheurs sur l’arganier. Ce travail a pour objectif de déterminer les doses et fréquences d’irrigation favorables pour une meilleure reprise des plants d’arganier après transplantation sur trois sites appartenant à des zones agro-climatiques différentes; Taksbite sur un plateau à climat océanique, Anzad sur un piémont de montagne à climat continental et Tinzert à géographie et climat montagneuse. Les résultats de ce travail ont montré que la dose de 16 L/plant et la fréquence d’un mois sont recommandées sur le site de Taksbite. Cependant, sur le site d’Anzad, ces résultats ont démontré que la dose de 36 L/plant et les deux fréquences; 1 et 2 mois sont conseillés. De même, la dose de 35 L/plant et la fréquence de 2 mois se sont montrées plus efficientes sur le site de Tinzert. Enfin, cette expérimentation a mis en évidence l’existence d’une grande hétérogénéité au sein de cette population, due principalement à sa grande diversité génétique et son adaptation aux conditions agro-climatiques de chaque site de plantation. Mots clés : Arganier, irrigation, régénérationThis work is part of the research program supporting the ‘’ Argan Project ‘’. It is coordinated by the Agrotechnologies Association of Souss-Massa-Draa (Agrotech) in partnership with a consortium of researchers on the argan tree. The purpose of this work is to determine the favorable doses and frequencies of irrigation for a better recovery of argan plants after transplantation in three sites belonging to different agro-climatic zones; Taksbite on an ocean climate plateau, Anzad on a mountain foothill with continental climate and Tinzert with a mountain geography and climate. The results of this work showed that the dose of 16 L/plant and the frequency of one month are recommended for the Taksbite site. However, on the Anzad site, results demonstrated that the dose of 36 L/plant and both frequencies, 1 and 2 months, are recommended. Similarly, the dose of 35 L/plant and the frequency of 2 months were more efficient at the Tinzert site. Finally, this experiment revealed the existence of a great heterogeneity within argan population mainly due to its great genetic diversity and its adaptation to the agro-climatic conditions of each plantation site.  Keywords:  Argan tree, irrigation, regeneratio

    Diversité des nématodes phytoparasites associés à la culture du framboisier dans la région de Souss-Massa

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    Several surveys were conducted in Souss-Massa region in order to assess the diversity and incidence of the main nematodes associated with raspberry grown in greenhouses. Soil samples were collected from raspberry greenhouses located in the provinces of Biogra, Khmis Ait Amira and Belfaa. Twelve nematode genera were identified on raspberry. In terms of abundance and frequency, three plant-parasitic nematodes (Meloidogyne spp., Pratylenchus spp., and Helicotylenchus spp.) were dominant in all the surveyed provinces. The following species were identified from randomly selected specimens: Pratylenchus penetrans, P. thornei, Meloidogyne incognita, M. javanica, and Ditylenchus dipsaci. The average density of Meloidogyne and Pratylenchus does not exceed 4 nematodes per 100 cm3 of soil in the three surveyed provinces. Ectoparasitic nematodes, Xiphinema spp., Longidorus spp. and Trichodorus spp. were very poorly represented, with average densities not exceeding 2 nematodes per 100 cm3 of soil. These results provide basic information to develop control strategy against the main plant-parasitic nematodes on raspberry. Keywords: Nematode, Raspberry, Souss-Massa, MoroccoDes prospections ont été réalisées dans la région de Souss-Massa en vue d’évaluer la diversité et l’incidence des principaux nématodes associés à la culture du framboisier. Des échantillons de sol ont été prélevés au niveau des serre de framboise situées dans les provinces de Biogra, Khmis Ait Amira et Belfaa. Douze genres de nématodes phytoparasites ont été identifiés sur framboisier. Les trois genres, Meloidogyne, Pratylenchus et Helicotylenchus sont les plus fréquents dans la totalité des échantillons analysés. Les espèces suivantes ont été identifiées parmi des spécimens choisis au hasard: Meloidogyne javanica, Meloidogyne incognita, Pratylenchus penetrans, Pratylenchus thornei et ditylenchus dipsaci. La densité moyenne des Meloidogyne et Pratylenchus ne dépasse pas les 4 nématodes par 100 cm3 de sol dans les trois provinces. Cette densité reste sous le seuil de nuisibilité. Les nématodes ectoparasites, Xiphinema spp., Longidorus spp. et Trichodorus spp. ont été très faiblement représentés, avec des densités moyennes ne dépassant pas 2 nématodes par 100 cm3 de sol. Ces données fournissent des informations utiles pour orienter les programmes de prévention et de lutte contre ces bio-agresseurs de framboise. Mots clés: Nématode, framboise, Souss-Massa, Maro

    Partially fluorinated proton exchange membranes based on PVDF\u2013SEBS blends compatibilized with methylmethacrylate block copolymers

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    This paper reports on a new route to prepare functional polymer blends for fuel cell\u2019s proton exchange membrane applications. Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and styrene-ethylene/butylene-styrene (SEBS) thermoplastic elastomer were melt blended and extruded into films. Interface modification using poly(methylmethacrylate-butylacrylate-methylmethacrylate) block copolymer (MAM), and two grades of poly(styrene-butadienemethylmethacrylate) block copolymer was used to optimize the blends performance. The films made out of these blends were grafted with sulfonic acid moieties to obtain ionic conductivity leading to semi-fluorinated proton exchange membranes. The effect of varying the nature and concentration of the compatibilizer on the morphology and properties of a 50/50 wt.% PVDF/SEBS blends was investigated. SEM analysis showed that the addition of the block copolymers to the blends affected the morphology significantly and in the best case, that as low as 1 wt.% block copolymer was sufficient to dramatically reduces the segregation scale and improves mechanical properties. The samples were characterized in terms of morphology, microstructure and thermo-mechanical properties and in terms of conductivity, ion exchange capacity (IEC) and water uptake to establish the blends morphology\u2013property relationships. Compatibilized blend membranes showed conductivities up to 3 710\u207b\ub2 S cm\u207b\ub9 at 100% relative humidity, and an IEC = 1.69 meq g\u207b\ub9. Water swelling decreased for compatibilized blend membranes.Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye
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