12 research outputs found

    A Review of Predictive Analytic Applications of Bayesian Network

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    Malware can be defined as malicious software that infiltrates a network and computer host in a variety of ways, from software flaws to social engineering. Due to the polymorphic and stealth nature of malware attacks, a signature-based analysis that is done statically is no longer sufficient to solve such a problem. Therefore, a behavioral or anomalous analysis will provide a more dynamic approach for the solution. However recent studies have shown that current behavioral methods at the network-level have several issues such as the inability to predict zero-day attacks, high-level assumptions, non-inferential analysis and performance issues. Other than performance issues, this study has identified common scientific characteristics which are reduced parameter, θ and lack of priori information p(θ) that causes the problems. Previous methods were proposed to address the problem however were still unable to resolve the stated scientific hitches. Due to the shortcomings, the Bayesian Network in terms of its probabilistic modelling would be the best method to deal with the stated scientific glitches which also have been proven in the area of Clinical Expert Systems, Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition. This study will critically review the predictive analytic applications of Bayesian Network model in different research domain such as Clinical Expert Systems, Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition and discover any potential approach available in the domain of Computer Networks. Based on the review, this paper has identified several Bayesian Network properties which have been used to overcome the abovementioned problems. Those properties will be applied in future studies to model the Behavioral Malware Predictive Analytics

    Critical Review on Factors That Influence Continuous Engagement Towards CCBT

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    Substance abuse is an epidemic that spreads among adults, adolescents and even children in Malaysia. Substance abuse is categorized as a mental disorder, whereby, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is an approach that provides face to face physiological therapy for patients could resolve this issue. Computerized Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CCBT) is a progression of information technology that is provided for patients encounter substance abuse. CCBT is a computerized therapy conducted at patient’s own pace. Ensuring patient’s continuous engagement towards CCBT becomes an issue. Patients that experience early gains, loss of interest and improvement symptom would sign up for alternative services that eventually causes disengagement and dropout from CCBT program. Interface design for CCBT is known as one of the important elements that effects patient’s engagement along CCBT program. Therefore, in this study, influential factors regarding CCBT’s interface design was investigated, whereby, five prominent models was reviewed. Content analysis methodology was employed to discover influential factors regarding CCBT’s interface design. Four influential factors was discovered namely engagement, dropout, culture and interface. These factors are known to ensure patient’s continuous engagement towards CCBT program. CCBT’s interface design plays a vital role in delivering the therapy program. Indirectly, CCBT’s interface design plays an important role to ensure patient’s continuous engagement till the completion of CCBT program. Therefore, these factors would guide researcher, service provider, developers and clinicians in designing engaging interface for CCBT

    Open source programmers' information seeking during software maintenance

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    Problem statement: Several authors have proposed information seeking as an appropriate case study for studying software maintenance and evolution that have provided empirical classifications of information seeking in commercial software evolution settings. Approach: However, there is minimal research in the literature describing the information seeking behavior of Open Source programmers, even though Open Source contexts would seem to exacerbate the information seeking problems to a certain extend; where team members are typically delocalized from each other and they are often forced into asynchronous communication. Results: This study reports on an empirical study that classifies Open-Source programmers' information needs generated through open-coding of questions that appear on developers' mailing lists. Based on the generated Information Seeking Schema (ISS), details of the information sought by programmers on 6 different mailing lists over several years are analyzed and discussed. Conclusion/Recommendations: The result shows several interesting findings that describe the programmers' information needs across the mailing lists. Firstly, there are a similar pattern of information artifact and attribute across all projects. Secondly, majority of the programmers' information seeking concentrated on the systems' implementations. Thirdly, the OS programmers have also shown to be team-oriented and they tended to rely on documentation more than what have previously reported. These results suggest the applicability of the ISS in evaluating OS programmers information seeking

    A Review: Knowledge Management Framework for Drug Rehabilitation Centre

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    Abstract: Knowledge management activity is a relevant construct for the analysis of the organization and functional behavior in primary care practices. The increased interest in knowledge management framework can be associated to many elements including the advances in information and communication technologies; data and information overload; and, the need for managing and utilizing intellectual organization resources. Various researches investigated and developed knowledge management framework to assist healthcare clinicians in managing the practices and quality care to patients. A drug rehabilitation centre confronts information overloading of drug treatment related information which lead to ineffective and inefficient of drug rehabilitation treatment and progress monitoring. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the drug rehabilitation centre on improving the dissemination of knowledge. It is an investigation research that ventures into emerging and potentially transformative research ideas which focuses on various levels of surveys, observation and interviews. This research will involve several steps including literature review and information gathering identification of initial framework properties. These steps will be performed in an incremental manner. In terms of scope it is limited to focus on the impact of knowledge management practices on measuring the effectiveness and dissemination of knowledge in drug rehabilitation centre


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    Addiction is an activity that includes video games, internet, gambling and substance abuse such as drugs, cigarettes and alcohol. These symptoms had spread among adults, adolescents and children. The phenomenon could be resolved through various approaches in the area physiological therapies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). CBT plays a vital role, whereby it is a face-to-face therapy between patient and counsellor that treats emotional and physical health conditions. The advancement of information technology has spawned new innovations for therapy using computer known as Computerized Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CCBT). The central issue concerning CCBT focuses on the patient's continuous engagement throughout entire therapy. It is known that continuous engagement in using CCBT is dependable on the patient's cultural background. Indirectly, it proves the existence of factors that influence patient's preferences and engagement towards CCBT. Therefore, designing appropriate design interface based on Culture Centred Design (CCD) in order for patient to sustain their engagement level towards CCBT is essential. Furthermore, patients also fail to complete the therapy due to the lack of interest and focus, resulting in disengagement towards CCBT. Various engagement models and theories on developing cultural based interface for CCBT was discussed. Therefore, research aims to review literatures, identify factors that prone to provide continuous engagement CCBT interface which would trigger and guide future research works

    Review of computerized cognitive behavioural therapy based on culture centered design for substance abuse in Malaysia

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    Addiction is an activity that includes video games, internet, gambling and substance abuse such as drugs, cigarettes and alcohol. These symptoms had spread among adults, adolescents and children. The phenomenon could be resolved through various approaches in the area physiological therapies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). CBT plays a vital role, whereby it is a face-to-face therapy between patient and counsellor that treats emotional and physical health conditions. The advancement of information technology has spawned new innovations for therapy using computer known as Computerized Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CCBT). The central issue concerning CCBT focuses on the patient’s continuous engagement throughout entire therapy. It is known that continuous engagement in using CCBT is dependable on the patient’s cultural background. Indirectly, it proves the existence of factors that influence patient’s preferences and engagement towards CCBT. Therefore, designing appropriate design interface based on Culture Centred Design (CCD) in order for patient to sustain their engagement level towards CCBT is essential. Furthermore, patients also fail to complete the therapy due to the lack of interest and focus, resulting in disengagement towards CCBT. Various engagement models and theories on developing cultural based interface for CCBT was discussed. Therefore, research aims to review literatures, identify factors that prone to provide continuous engagement CCBT interface which would trigger and guide future research works

    Text clustering for reducing semantic information in Malay semantic representation

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    The generation of texts are dramatically increased in this era. A text basically consists of structured and unstructured texts. The enormous amount of unstructured texts can be easily perceived by humans, unfortunately cannot be simply processed by computer. It needs efficient techniques to reduce the information into more valuable vectors. In this article, we introduce text clustering method using Malay linguistic information to reduce the unstructured semantic information derived from Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu’s articles. The proposed method uses the linguistic features in Malay language to cater the morphological issues of Malay words. We have incorporated semantic information from semantic lexical resource for Malay, which called Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu (WikiBM). Then, an experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of text clustering to the semantic similarity value using gloss definition of WikiBM’s article. We used Jaccard similarity to calculate the overlaps vectors from the text of WikiBM. Then, the correlation was computed using Pearson’s correlation. The score between original text definition was compared to the new text definition using text clustering method. From the experiment, we can conclude that the correlation value was increased after the semantic information was reduced to more valuable vectors using text clustering method (from 0.39 to 0.43)