32 research outputs found

    Determination of the frequency of infestation of (Penaeus indicus and Litopenaeus vannamei) within internal protozoan Gregarine in Bandar Abbas, southern Iran

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    One of the dominant species of bandar abbas is (Penaeus indicus) which its propagation is in addition to problems of propagation attention to environmental, nutritional, health, diseases, parasitics infestation and etc. are important.In this titled : Determination of the frequency of Infestation of (Penaeus indicus and Litopenaeus vannamei) within internal protozoan Gregarine , Penaeus indicus samples randomly by traditional fishing with bottom trawl fishing located in the CIRIk (2013) was prepared and samples Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp farms of North Tyab prepared (2013) and sent to the laboratory and the Wet mount preparation method of the digestive tract was investigated.Frequency of examined shrimps according the times of the catch as following: From 100 specimens of the Litopenaeus vannamei examined in the year 2013, none were infected with the protozoan in trophozoite or Gametocystic state. From 100 specimens of the Penaeus indicus shrimp only 31 specimens were infected with Gregarine. 13 individual were female and 18 of them were male. 31 of these shrimps were infected with parasitic Gregarine as trophozoite or Gametocystic state or both of them, thus their prevalence of infection were 31 percent (trophozoite state: 54.83% and Gametocystic state: 64.51%). Frequency of infestation Trophozoite was 10.29 and Gametocyst was 72.45. It appears that the frequency of infestation with Gregarine increase according to the length of the shrimp. In the length group of 114-133 mm it was 50 percent and in the length group of 164-185 mm it was 77 percent

    Occurrence of Bopyridae parasite (Epipenaeon elegans) in green tiger shrimp in the Persian Gulf (Bushehr Waters)

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    This study was carried out to determine the infection or Penaeus semisulcatus Epipenaeon elegans in Bushehr waters in 1994. The samples were collected during the fishing season from August to September. The sampling area were stratified to 3 strata of Northern, Middle and Southern and the percentage of infection was registered for each stratum separately. Among 249 collected shrimps from the northern region (Daylam) and 107 samples from southern region (Charak-Rostami), no parasite was found. On the other hand, in the middle region (Bushehr), 541 specimen Were collected in which 5 samples showed the infection to Epipenaeon (with frequency of 0.92 percent)

    Parasitic infection in Hemiculter lucisculus, Liza auratus and Gasterosteus aculeatus of the Zardi River (Mazandaran)

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    A total of 76 specimens of three fish species including: Hemiculter lucisculus (41), Liza auratus (16) and Gasterosteus aculeutus (19) were caught using handnet from 3 station in Zardi River in the south-eastern costal of Caspian Sea at autumn and winter 2009 and spring 2010. The fishes were transported alive to the laboratory of Shahid Rajaee Site. They were killed by cutting their spinal cord and their length and weight were measured. The eye, skin, gill, digestive system, muscle and other organism's of the specimens were examined for parasite infestation. Thirteen parasites species were identified. Ichthyobodo necator was collected from skin of Hemiculter lucisculus and Liza auratus. Ichthyophthirius multifiliis was collected from skin or branchia of Liza auratus and Gasterosteus aculeutus, Chilodonella sp. was collected from skin of Gasterosteus aculeutus, Trichodina sp. from skin and branchia of Hemiculter lucisculus, Liza auratus and Gasterosteus aculeutus, Tetrahymena sp. was collected from skin of Gasterosteus aculeutus , Myxobolus sp. from branchia of Hemiculter lucisculus, Dactylogyrus sp. from branchia of Hemiculter lucisculus and Gasterosteus aculeutus, Gyrodactylus sp. from skin or branchia of Gasterosteus aculeutus, Discocotyle sp. and Diplozoon sp. from branchia of Hemiculter lucisculus, Diplostomum spathaceum from eyes of Hemiculter lucisculus, Saccocoelium obseum from intestine of Liza auratus and Corynosoma stromosum from abdominal cavity of Gasterosteus aculeutus. In present study Hemiculter lucisculus was as a new host for Ichthyobodo necator, Myxobolus sp., Discocotyle sp. and Diplozoon sp. also except Saccocoelium obseum from Liza auratus and Corynosoma stromosum from Gasterosteus aculeatus, the other parasites were reported for the first time in Iran

    Surgery in Iranian sturgeons

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    In order to increase the production of caviar, a research project was conducted to study the methods and techniques of anesthesia and surgery in Iranian sturgeons. A mixture of ACA (Acetone+ Chloroform+ Alcohol) and MS 222 (tricaine methane sulfonate) drugs was used for anesthesia. A 15-20 cm long incision in midline or lateral side of abdominal wall has been made on all anesthetic fishes. A small part of ovary was removed from females. Afterwards all the fishes were sutured by using a reverse cutting surgical needle and absorbable and non- absorbable suturing material (catgut and silk respectively with size 7 and 8) and interrupted procedure (Crossed mattress).Two operated sturgeons were kept alive up to 42 and 50 days in the pond

    Identification of zoothamnium in the shrimp culture farms (Bushehr Province -Helleh Region)

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    The present investigation was carried out in the Helleh shrimp culture farms (north-west of the Persian Gulf) to identify the infection of Green tiger shrimps (Penaeus semisulcatus) to protozoan of zoothamnium. During the culture period. 100 samples were collected from the ponds and then transferred to the laboratory for further observations. The results showed that all shrimps in different growth stages were infected to this parasite and with lengthening the culture period, the number of infectious shrimps were increased. Furthermore, it was recognized that exoskeleton part was more affected by parasite than the other body organs. Also, the gills were in the second degree of prevalence. It should be noted that zoothamnium spp. couldn't be assumed as a dangerous or important factor in infecting the shrimp ponds

    Community composition and diversity of zooplankton in the northwest Persian Gulf

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    Survey on zooplankton composition was studied during June 2015 to March 2016, by selecting six stations along the coastal waters of Bushehr (the Northwest Persian Gulf). Twenty four zooplankton taxa were identified, and the different zooplankton groups represented twenty-one families. Copepoda was recorded with the most abundance (53.30 %) followed by Malacostraca (32.87 %), which in turn was followed by Sagittoidea (7.44 %) and Appendicularia (6.39%). A major peak of 189.34 N/m3 was observed in February-2016 with 53.25% contribution from Copepoda. Among Copepoda, Labidocera sp. was the major contributor to this peak. Appendicularia was the comparatively less represented group, being chiefly represented by Oikopleura dioica. Labidocera sp., Oithona plumifera which were common in most of the stations. This common distribution were observed for Malacostraca, namely Lucifer hanseni (mysis I), Upogebia sp. (zoea I), Parthenope sp., Ilyoplax frater( zoea VI), for Sagittoidea, namely Sagitta enflata, Sagitta neglecta and for Appendicularia, namely Oikopleura dioica. The mean Shannon's diversity index (H') and evenness were 1.36±0.43 and, 0.68±1.17, respectively. The highest Margalef's index was recorded in station-6 (2.72±1.32) and the lowest in station-2 (1.98±0.89). According to non-significant differences between temporal and spatial zooplankton density and Shannon’s index, from an ecological point of view, it seems the study area is unique and the zooplankton composition is homogenous

    Parasitic infection among larvae and fingerlings of the Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) in Vniro tanks and earthen ponds

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    This study was conducted in two phases on sturgeon larvae and fingerlings produced from artificial breeding of five pairs of the Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) broodstocks in Shahid Beheshti Hatchery in spring and summer 2006. Initially, 600 larvae were collected on 3 post days hatching (pdh) and 5 days after the onset of exogenous feeding. The second phase was conducted with 450 specimens collected from five earthen ponds, which included 150 larvae collected one week after stocking, 150 fingerlings collected 20 days after stocking and 150 fingerlings collected at the time of their release into rivers. No parasite was observed in the sturgeon larvae on day 3 pdh and 5 days after the onset of exogenous feeding. However Trichodina reticulata were observed in the larvae in the first week (prevalence = 10 - 20%) and also in the fingerlings (prevalence = 10 - 46.67%) 20 days after they were transferred to the earthen ponds. At the time of their release into the river, in addition to T. reticulata (prevalence = 13.33 – 100%) a digenean trematode, Diplostomum spathaceum, (prevalence = 6.67 - 30%) was also observed in the sturgeon fingerlings. It is evident from the present study that Trichodina and Diplostomum infection occurs after fingerlings are released into the earthen ponds and gradually increases with the progress in the rearing period. Increase in prevalence of Trichodina infection through the rearing period can be explained by the increase in water temperature and increase in dissolved organic matter in the ponds which provide the desirable conditions for the propagation of this unicellular ciliate. Significant differences were observed in the mean intensity of T. reticulata infection in sturgeon fingerlings during different stages of rearing into earthen ponds (P<0.05)

    Survey on parasitic infections in the endemic fishes from north of the west- Azarbaigan (Aras, Zangbar and Ghotor Rivers)

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    A survey on Parasitic infections on endemic fishes of North of west Azarbaijan province were done during July 2001 Oct 2002. Altogether 267 specimens from 11 different fish species were examined. The fishes were collected from seven stations of Aras, Zangbar and Ghotor Rivers. The fishes were transported alive to the laboratory where they were meaursed and weighted. Then they were killed by cutting the spinal cord.. According to the results of this study 28 different parasites were revealed, 23 of them were detected to the species level and 5 of them to the genus level. The metazoans are as follows: The monogeneans, are Dactylogyrus extensus , D. chramuli, D. lenkorani, D. kendalanicus, Silurodiscoides siluri, Diplozoon megan and Gyrodoctilus sp. Two digeneans :Diplostomum spathaceum , Allocreadium ispoporum. Three Cestods: Ligula intestinalis, Digrama sp. and Caryophylleous laticeps. Two nematods: Rhabdochona hellichi, Eustrongylides excisus and only one acanthocephalus, Neoechinorhynchus rutili . The Protozoans are: Ichtyophthirius multifilis, Trichodina perforata, Chilodonella sp., Amphileptus branchiarum, Apiosoma sp/. Vorticella sp/. Myxobolus musayevi, M. cristatus. And two protozans from freshwater fishes: Stylonchia pustulata. and Arcella vulgaris. According the results of this study five new parasites and six new hosts for Iranian. Freshwater fishes were introduced. Diplozoon megan from: Abramis brama, Carassius carassius, Capoeta capoeta, Cyprinus carpio, Rutilus rutilus and Alburnoides bipunctatus. Trichodina perforata from Lucioperca lucioperca, Capoeta capoeta, Alburnoides bipunctatus, Barbus capito and Silurus glanis. Myxobolus cristatus, Tetrahymena pyriformis and Amphileptus branchiarum from Capoeta capoeta. Finally , Stylonchia pustulata and Arcella vulgaris for the first time were recoreded from freshwaters of Iran

    Active analysis of condition of feed and feeding in Iranian sturgeon fish larvae

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    In the first chapter, all documents in aquaculture feed, feed formulation, nutritional requirement and basic concepts of aquatic feeding had been collected. The second chapter focused on broodstock feeding in order to improve reproduction efficiency. The third chapter performed to importance of live food specially in sturgeon fishes larvae and the forth chapter attended to biology and ecology of this fishes and finally in the fifth chapter, special nutrition and feeding in sturgeon fish larvae had been brought with all the works out in Iran on. There are 63 documents including papers, thesis and reports from different research library and universities among them 34 base on sturgeon larvae nutrition especially on Huso huso and Persian sturgeon species and almost there are not any documents on the other three species. 14 documents comes from the role of protein, energy and lipid replacements basically in the first growth year, 3 of back to the special nutrition requirement of Persian and Huso huso species and 12 were on digestive enzymes physiology, the role of probiotic and prebiotic on growth and survival rate. Almost there is not any organization in Iran to work on this species specifically and it seems every student and researcher paid attend to a narrow way of high way sturgeon fish researches. There is not any data bank on these important fishes and some repeated worked out by researchers in different parts of the country. Beside of this documents there had been gathered some research documents from the other countries for comparing and showing the correct way in this regards. First, we must focus on broodstock sturgeon feeding, then on egg and yolk analysis, larval stages, morphology, measurement of larval mouth and finding the best live food for different stages of sturgeon aviculture and finally on digestive physiology and enzymatic activities. In the stage of shifting from endogenous to exogenous feeding, nutritional requirement, protein digestibility, essential and free amino acids, essential fatty acids specially PUFA and HUFA, vitamins, minerals, pigments, growth and survival stimulants and resistance to physiological environmental stress are very important to search

    Study on ecosystems and habitats of the Iranian coastal zones

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    Intended data set in two seasons, including the provinces of North and South have been prepared on the basis of the material presented in each chapter, required tables are presented to illustrate the subject. Beach area linking water and land ecosystems and the interface of two distinct characteristics of each other. An evolving system of natural coastal environment and involves the most complex and productive on Earth at the same time Ghny¬Tryn Akvsystm¬Hay respectively. The area, regional transport and is extremely vulnerable, and since it is an acceptor Layndh¬Hay land and sea, the accumulation of enduring Layndh¬Ha threatened. Marine pollution and the effects of drought activities consequence of socio-economic development of the coastline and Hvzh¬Hay drainage The result of lots, the major problems in most parts of the world that directly affects coastal Zystgah¬Hay. Layndh¬Hay so different that each human relationship between the beach and the sea entered the ranking. Special protection. This Rio Earth summit in 1992 again "was stressed and in Article 13 of Chapter 17 of Agenda 21 in Rio in environmental protection marine shipping operations explicitly raised the issue of identification of sensitive sea areas and governments were asked to carry out appropriate measures in this regard