70 research outputs found

    Untargeted Profiling of Bile Acids and Lysophospholipids Identifies the Lipid Signature Associated with Glycemic Outcome in an Obese Non-Diabetic Clinical Cohort.

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    The development of high throughput assays for assessing lipid metabolism in metabolic disorders, especially in diabetes research, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), provides a reliable tool for identifying and characterizing potential biomarkers in human plasma for early diagnosis or prognosis of the disease and/or responses to a specific treatment. Predicting the outcome of weight loss or weight management programs is a challenging yet important aspect of such a program's success. The characterization of potential biomarkers of metabolic disorders, such as lysophospholipids and bile acids, in large human clinical cohorts could provide a useful tool for successful predictions. In this study, we validated an LC-MS method combining the targeted and untargeted detection of these lipid species. Its potential for biomarker discovery was demonstrated in a well-characterized overweight/obese cohort subjected to a low-caloric diet intervention, followed by a weight maintenance phase. Relevant markers predicting successful responses to the low-caloric diet intervention for both weight loss and glycemic control improvements were identified. The response to a controlled weight loss intervention could be best predicted using the baseline concentration of three lysophospholipids (PC(22:4/0:0), PE(17:1/0:0), and PC(22:5/0:0)). Insulin resistance on the other hand could be best predicted using clinical parameters and levels of circulating lysophospholipids and bile acids. Our approach provides a robust tool not only for research purposes, but also for clinical practice, as well as designing new clinical interventions or assessing responses to specific treatment. Considering this, it presents a step toward personalized medicine

    Spatial lipidomics reveals zone-specific hepatic lipid alteration and remodeling in Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis.

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    Alteration in lipid metabolism plays a pivotal role in developing metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis (MASH). However, our understanding of alteration in lipid metabolism across liver zonation in MASH remains limited. Within this study, we investigated MASH-associated zone-specific lipid metabolism in a diet and chemical-induced MASH mouse model. Spatial lipidomics using mass spectrometry imaging in a MASH mouse model revealed 130 lipids from various classes altered across liver zonation and exhibited zone-specific lipid signatures in MASH. Triacylglycerols, diacylglycerols, sphingolipids and ceramides showed distinct zone-specific changes and re-distribution from pericentral to periportal localisation in MASH. Saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids (FA) were the primary FA composition of increased lipids in MASH, while polyunsaturated FAs were the major FA composition of decreased lipids. We observed elevated fibrosis in the periportal region, which could be the result of observed metabolic alteration across zonation. Our study provides valuable insights into zone-specific hepatic lipid metabolism and demonstrates the significance of spatial lipidomics in understanding liver lipid metabolism. Identifying unique lipid distribution patterns may offer valuable insights into the pathophysiology of MASH and facilitate the discovery of diagnostic markers associated with liver zonation

    Pantomime Terror Diasporic Music in a Time of War

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    I find it increasingly problematic to write analytically about ‘diaspora and music’ at a time of war. It seems inconsequential; the culture industry is not much more than a distraction; a fairytale diversion to make us forget a more sinister amnesia behind the stories we tell. This article nonetheless takes up debates about cultural expression in the field of diasporic musics in Britain. It examines instances of creative engagement with, and destabilization of, music genres by Fundamental and Asian Dub Foundation, and it takes a broadly culture critique perspective on diasporic creativity as a guide to thinking about the politics of hip-hop in a time of war. Examples from music industry and media reportage of the work of these two bands pose both political provocation and a challenge to the seemingly unruffled facade of British civil society, particularly insofar as musical work might still be relevant to struggles around race and war. Here, at a time of what conservative critics call a ‘clash of civilizations’, I examine how music and authenticity become the core parameters for a limited and largely one-sided argument that seems to side-step political context in favour of sensationalized—entrenched—identities and a mythic, perhaps unworkable, ideal of cultural harmony that praises the most asinine versions of multiculturalism while demonizing those most able to bring it about. Here the idea that musical cultures are variously authentic, possessive or coherent must be questioned when issues of death and destruction are central, but ignored

    Differential Metabolism of Medium-Chain Fatty Acids in Differentiated Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Astrocytes.

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    Medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) ketogenic diets increase ketone bodies, which are believed to act as alternative energy substrates in the injured brain. Octanoic (C8:0) and decanoic (C10:0) acids, which produce ketone bodies through β-oxidation, are used as part of MCT ketogenic diets. Although the ketogenic role of MCT is well-established, it remains unclear how the network metabolism underlying β-oxidation of these medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA) differ. We aim to elucidate basal β-oxidation of these commonly used MCFA at the cellular level. Human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived (iPSC) astrocytes were incubated with [U-13C]-C8:0 or [U-13C]-C10:0, and the fractional enrichments (FE) of the derivatives were used for metabolic flux analysis. Data indicate higher extracellular concentrations and faster secretion rates of β-hydroxybutyrate (βHB) and acetoacetate (AcAc) with C8:0 than C10:0, and an important contribution from unlabeled substrates. Flux analysis indicates opposite direction of metabolic flux between the MCFA intermediates C6:0 and C8:0, with an important contribution of unlabeled sources to the elongation in the C10:0 condition, suggesting different β-oxidation pathways. Finally, larger intracellular glutathione concentrations and secretions of 3-OH-C10:0 and C6:0 were measured in C10:0-treated astrocytes. These findings reveal MCFA-specific ketogenic properties. Our results provide insights into designing different MCT-based ketogenic diets to target specific health benefits

    Phospholipid class-specific brain enrichment in response to lysophosphatidylcholine docosahexaenoic acid infusion

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    This project was supported by grants from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) [482597] and from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) [497215] to Dr. R.P. Bazinet and by a NSERC studentship to Dr. C.T. Chen.Peer reviewedPostprin

    A new role for lipocalin prostaglandin d synthase in the regulation of brown adipose tissue substrate utilization.

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    In this study, we define a new role for lipocalin prostaglandin D synthase (L-PGDS) in the control of metabolic fuel utilization by brown adipose tissue (BAT). We demonstrate that L-PGDS expression in BAT is positively correlated with BAT activity, upregulated by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ coactivator 1α or 1β and repressed by receptor-interacting protein 140. Under cold-acclimated conditions, mice lacking L-PGDS had elevated reliance on carbohydrate to provide fuel for thermogenesis and had increased expression of genes regulating glycolysis and de novo lipogenesis in BAT. These transcriptional differences were associated with increased lipid content in BAT and a BAT lipid composition enriched with de novo synthesized lipids. Consistent with the concept that lack of L-PGDS increases glucose utilization, mice lacking L-PGDS had improved glucose tolerance after high-fat feeding. The improved glucose tolerance appeared to be independent of changes in insulin sensitivity, as insulin levels during the glucose tolerance test and insulin, leptin, and adiponectin levels were unchanged. Moreover, L-PGDS knockout mice exhibited increased expression of genes involved in thermogenesis and increased norepinephrine-stimulated glucose uptake to BAT, suggesting that sympathetically mediated changes in glucose uptake may have improved glucose tolerance. Taken together, these results suggest that L-PGDS plays an important role in the regulation of glucose utilization in vivo

    The sunburn response in human skin is characterized by sequential eicosanoid profiles that may mediate its early and late phases.

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    yesSunburn is a commonly occurring acute inflammatory process, with dermal vasodilatation and leukocyte infiltration as central features. Ultraviolet (UV) B-induced hydrolysis of membrane phospholipids releases polyunsaturated fatty acids and their subsequent metabolism by cyclooxygenases (COX) and lipoxygenases (LOX) may produce potent eicosanoid mediators modulating different stages of the inflammation. Our objective was to identify candidate eicosanoids formed during the sunburn reaction in relation to its clinical and histological course. We exposed skin of healthy humans (n=32) to UVB and for 72h examined (i) expression of pro- and anti-inflammatory eicosanoids using LC/ESI-MS/MS and (ii) immunohistochemical expression of COX-2, 12-LOX, 15-LOX and leucocyte markers, while (iii) quantifying clinical erythema. We show that vasodilatory prostaglandins (PG)E2, PGF2¿ and PGE3 accompany the erythema in the first 24-48h, associated with increased COX-2 expression at 24h. Novel, potent leukocyte chemoattractants 11-, 12- and 8-monohydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acid (-HETE) are elevated from 4-72h, in association with peak dermal neutrophil influx at 24h, and increased dermal CD3+ lymphocytes and 12- and 15-LOX expression from 24-72h. Anti-inflammatory metabolite 15-HETE shows later expression, peaking at 72h. Sunburn is characterized by overlapping phases of increases in COX products followed by LOX products that may regulate subsequent events and ultimately its resolution.The Wellcome Trus

    Two weeks of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) supplementation increases synthesis-secretion kinetics of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids compared to 8 weeks of DHA supplementation

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    The final publication is available at Elsevier via https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jnutbio.2018.07.002 © 2018. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3) must be consumed in the diet or synthesized from n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) precursors. However, the effect of dietary DHA on the metabolic pathway is not fully understood. Presently, 21-day-old Long Evans rats were weaned onto one of four dietary protocols: 1) 8 weeks of 2% ALA (ALA), 2) 6 weeks ALA followed by 2 weeks of 2% ALA + 2% DHA (DHA), 3) 4 weeks ALA followed by 4 weeks DHA and 4) 8 weeks of DHA. After the feeding period, 2H5-ALA and 13C20-eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3) were co-infused and blood was collected over 3 h for determination of whole-body synthesis-secretion kinetics. The synthesis-secretion coefficient (ml/min, means ± SEM) for EPA (0.238±0.104 vs. 0.021±0.001) and DPAn-3 (0.194±0.060 vs. 0.020±0.008) synthesis from plasma unesterified ALA, and DPAn-3 from plasma unesterified EPA (2.04±0.89 vs. 0.163±0.025) were higher (P<.05) after 2 weeks compared to 8 weeks of DHA feeding. The daily synthesis-secretion rate (nmol/d) of DHA from EPA was highest after 4 weeks of DHA feeding (843±409) compared to no DHA (70±22). Liver gene expression of ELOVL2 and FADS2 were lower (P<.05) after 4 vs. 8 weeks of DHA. Higher synthesis-secretion kinetics after 2 and 4 weeks of DHA feeding suggests an increased throughput of the PUFA metabolic pathway. Furthermore, these findings may lead to novel dietary strategies to maximize DHA levels while minimizing dietary requirements.Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada || 48259

    Vascular Dysfunction Induced in Offspring by Maternal Dietary Fat Involves Altered Arterial Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Biosynthesis

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    Nutrition during development affects risk of future cardiovascular disease. Relatively little is known about whether the amount and type of fat in the maternal diet affect vascular function in the offspring. To investigate this, pregnant and lactating rats were fed either 7%(w/w) or 21%(w/w) fat enriched in either18:2n-6, trans fatty acids, saturated fatty acids, or fish oil. Their offspring were fed 4%(w/w) soybean oil from weaning until day 77. Type and amount of maternal dietary fat altered acetylcholine (ACh)-mediated vaso-relaxation in offspring aortae and mesenteric arteries, contingent on sex. Amount, but not type, of maternal dietary fat altered phenylephrine (Pe)-induced vasoconstriction in these arteries. Maternal 21% fat diet decreased 20:4n-6 concentration in offspring aortae. We investigated the role of Δ6 and Δ5 desaturases, showing that their inhibition in aortae and mesenteric arteries reduced vasoconstriction, but not vaso-relaxation, and the synthesis of specific pro-constriction eicosanoids. Removal of the aortic endothelium did not alter the effect of inhibition of Δ6 and Δ5 desaturases on Pe-mediated vasoconstriction. Thus arterial smooth muscle 20:4n-6 biosynthesis de novo appears to be important for Pe-mediated vasoconstriction. Next we studied genes encoding these desaturases, finding that maternal 21% fat reduced Fads2 mRNA expression and increased Fads1 in offspring aortae, indicating dysregulation of 20:4n-6 biosynthesis. Methylation at CpG −394 bp 5′ to the Fads2 transcription start site predicted its expression. This locus was hypermethylated in offspring of dams fed 21% fat. Pe treatment of aortae for 10 minutes increased Fads2, but not Fads1, mRNA expression (76%; P<0.05). This suggests that Fads2 may be an immediate early gene in the response of aortae to Pe. Thus both amount and type of maternal dietary fat induce altered regulation of vascular tone in offspring though differential effects on vaso-relaxation, and persistent changes in vasoconstriction via epigenetic processes controlling arterial polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis

    Performance of non-invasive tests and histology for the prediction of clinical outcomes in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: an individual participant data meta-analysis

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    BackgroundHistologically assessed liver fibrosis stage has prognostic significance in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and is accepted as a surrogate endpoint in clinical trials for non-cirrhotic NAFLD. Our aim was to compare the prognostic performance of non-invasive tests with liver histology in patients with NAFLD.MethodsThis was an individual participant data meta-analysis of the prognostic performance of histologically assessed fibrosis stage (F0–4), liver stiffness measured by vibration-controlled transient elastography (LSM-VCTE), fibrosis-4 index (FIB-4), and NAFLD fibrosis score (NFS) in patients with NAFLD. The literature was searched for a previously published systematic review on the diagnostic accuracy of imaging and simple non-invasive tests and updated to Jan 12, 2022 for this study. Studies were identified through PubMed/MEDLINE, EMBASE, and CENTRAL, and authors were contacted for individual participant data, including outcome data, with a minimum of 12 months of follow-up. The primary outcome was a composite endpoint of all-cause mortality, hepatocellular carcinoma, liver transplantation, or cirrhosis complications (ie, ascites, variceal bleeding, hepatic encephalopathy, or progression to a MELD score ≥15). We calculated aggregated survival curves for trichotomised groups and compared them using stratified log-rank tests (histology: F0–2 vs F3 vs F4; LSM: 2·67; NFS: 0·676), calculated areas under the time-dependent receiver operating characteristic curves (tAUC), and performed Cox proportional-hazards regression to adjust for confounding. This study was registered with PROSPERO, CRD42022312226.FindingsOf 65 eligible studies, we included data on 2518 patients with biopsy-proven NAFLD from 25 studies (1126 [44·7%] were female, median age was 54 years [IQR 44–63), and 1161 [46·1%] had type 2 diabetes). After a median follow-up of 57 months [IQR 33–91], the composite endpoint was observed in 145 (5·8%) patients. Stratified log-rank tests showed significant differences between the trichotomised patient groups (p<0·0001 for all comparisons). The tAUC at 5 years were 0·72 (95% CI 0·62–0·81) for histology, 0·76 (0·70–0·83) for LSM-VCTE, 0·74 (0·64–0·82) for FIB-4, and 0·70 (0·63–0·80) for NFS. All index tests were significant predictors of the primary outcome after adjustment for confounders in the Cox regression.InterpretationSimple non-invasive tests performed as well as histologically assessed fibrosis in predicting clinical outcomes in patients with NAFLD and could be considered as alternatives to liver biopsy in some cases