9 research outputs found

    Phonological development of 3 to 7 years old children (transcription)

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    Children's speech development goes through stages of phonological development. In the development are important phonological processes like plosive reduction, plosive deterioration, cluster reduction, idiosyncretic processes, metathesis, epenthesis, stopping, affrication, frication, gliding, anteriorization, posteriorization, desonorization, sonorization and palatalization. Till now, in Slovenia, there was no such research about occurance of phonological processes and their interaction. In my dissertation I deal with that. My dissertation is based on test, that was made in internation project Cross-Linguistic study of proctracted phonological (speech) development in children. In that project we analised children's speech of three different ages (the youngest from 3,5 to 4,5 years, middle from 4,6 to 5,5 years and the oldest from 5,6 to 6,5 years). We also determined phonological processes at those stages. For the sample we chose children from childhood Litija. I was interested in phonem realization, their development and difference in number and form of all phonological processes at children of different age. I was also determined which consonent clusters are making the biggest problems to children

    P.12 Cluster reduction in Slovenian children from 3 to 7 years old

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    The paper provides preliminary data showing the Slovenian children’s mismatches with the adult forms of speech. A speech elicitation test (101 words) takes into account the characteristics of Slovenian language (21 consonants and 5 major allophones, 8 vowels and a few diphthongs). Most consonants appear in all word positions. There are many twoconsonant clusters, in all word positions, including typologically less-common cluster types

    P.12 Cluster reduction in Slovenian children from 3 to 7 years old

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    The paper provides preliminary data showing the Slovenian children’s mismatches with the adult forms of speech. A speech elicitation test (101 words) takes into account the characteristics of Slovenian language (21 consonants and 5 major allophones, 8 vowels and a few diphthongs). Most consonants appear in all word positions. There are many twoconsonant clusters, in all word positions, including typologically less-common cluster types

    Razvoj sičnikov, šumnikov in zlitnikov pri slovenskih predšolskih otrocih

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    This article describes and analyzes the development of phonological processes in speech production of 54 Slovene children aged 3 1/2 to 6 1/2 years for words containing sibilants, sibilants and affricates as singletons, and in consonant clusters. The test contains 101 words of different length, including 71 words with sibilants and affricates. Systemic processes are the most frequent phonological processes, among them alveolo-palatalization

    Variability of speech as a barrier for automatic speech recognition: epenthesis, prothesis and epithesis in speech of Slovenian preschool children

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    The variability of speech due to dialects, age, gender, anatomical structures of the speech organs, phonological status, phonation and resonance can be a barrier for automatic speech recognition. Especially in children and among speaker with communication, language and speech difficulties speech is variable. In the project Cross-linguistic study of protracted phonological (speech) development in children: Slovenian we have analyzed 54 preschool children and focused our research on epi-, pro- and epen-thesis. The most evident for of process is epenthesis of schwa in consonant clusters and epithesis of a stop or a fricative before fricatives. The data show that vocalic epenthesis frequently occurs in consonant clusters, especially in those clusters which require different manner of articulation, or articulatory organ (or part of it) for example between obstruents and sonorants, between obstruents and between sonorants. Consonantal epenthesis occurs in words with difficult phonemes, especially obstruents, before the velars, before sibilant, before fricatives (adding affricates). An interesting addition is voiceless stop in front of the fricative at the beginning of words