189 research outputs found

    Human capital as a base for regional development : a case study

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    Purpose: The main aim of this article is to consider the main trends observed in the labor market in the regional agricultural sector. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study uses the statistical method, the method of analogy and comparison, as well as the positive and normative approach. Findings: The study indicated that in the agricultural sector there are several problems associated with the formation of human resources. This is evidenced by the presence of negative trends that have been observed over the past 20 years. The main problems are the low educational level of workers, aging professional staff, and a reduction in the number of employees in all positions. Practical implications: The socio-economic problems considered in the article indicate the urgent need to develop a mechanism of state support for agricultural workers. Originality/Value: The authors define the concept of human capital and reveal the essence of the factors influencing its formation, revealing them from the perspective of the socio-economic development of the region.peer-reviewe

    On chiral corrections to nucleon GPD

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    Within the pion-nucleon chiral perturbation theory we derive the leading chiral correction to the nucleon GPD at ξ=0\xi=0. We discuss the difficulties of consideration of nonlocal light-cone operators within the theory with a heavy particle and the methods to solve the difficulties. The consideration of the chiral corrections directly for nonlocal operators allows to resolve the ambiguity of the inverse Mellin transformation. In particular, we show that the mixing between axial and vector GPDs are of order mπ2/MN2m_\pi^2/M_N^2, which is two orders of magnitude less that it follows from the Mellin moments calculation.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure; minor corrections in the tex


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    Aim. To evaluate the effecacy of enalapril (Enam, Dr.Reddy’s, India) and atenolol (Tenormin, AstraZeneca, UK) and their influence on processes of cardiovascular system remodeling in comparative research in patients with arterial hypertension. Material and methods. 38 patients with arterial hypertension stage II were examined. 21 patients were treated with enalapril (10-40 mg\d) and 17 – with atenolol (50-100 mg\d). Duration of therapy was 24 weeks.  A daily monitoring of blood pressure and echocardiography were made before and after the treatment. Spontaneous erythrocyte aggregation and deformability, spontaneous platelet aggregation and adhesive property of neutrophils were also estimated. A number of leucocytes carrying activation markers and expressing adhesive molecules was calculated. The plasma concentration of adhesive molecules (ICAM-1) and von Willebrand protein as well as serum concentration of N-terminal peptide of procollagen type III was also estimated. Results. Enalapril versus atenolol improved blood rheology, reduced functional leucocytes activity, plasma concentration of von Willebrand protein and intercellular adhesive molecules. The reduction in collagen III synthesis activity in enalapril therapy was proved. A significant regress of left ventricle hypertrophy due to enalapril treatment was related with favorable non-hemodynamic effects. Conclusion. The research revealed that the blockage of tissue rennin-angiotensin system is very important in prevention of cardiovascular complications especially in high risk patients


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    Summary. The interest of scientists and health professionals in alimentary obesity as a serious health threat is growing every year. Today, overweight occurs in more than 30 % of the population, so obesity is seen as a global epidemic that has affected various segments of the population. The aim of the study – to analyze scientific data on the prevention of alimentary obesity and the role of the nurse in this process. Materials and Methods. Recommendations for weight management of the American Heart Association, the American College of Cardiology, the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, the Society of Obesity, the Endocrine Society, the European Society of Endocrinology were analyzed and our own algorithm was proposed. Results. A systematic review of the literature on the role of nurses in the prevention of chronic diseases in the United Kingdom, the United States, Finland, the Netherlands and New Zealand shows the effectiveness of measures aimed at adjusting the lifestyle of such patients. The nurses measured weight, controlled blood pressure and cholesterol, and promoted healthy eating habits and exercise. In the UK, the Netherlands and the Nordic countries, nurses provide advice on healthy living to control weight. In the United States, the activities of nurses to optimize body weight are still not clearly defined, so they work on their own initiative. It is noted that nurses are more accessible to communicate with patients than doctors. In Ukraine, research is being conducted on the role of nurses in optimizing the body weight of obese people, but in practice the proposed algorithms are not implemented. Conclusions. Although nurses have limited time and resources, regular support for overweight and obese patients improves weight loss outcomes. Prevention of alimentary obesity should include the usual measures: clear motivation, lifestyle changes (diet and physical activity) and maintenance of weight loss. At the same time, the nurse must provide the necessary care for the patient at each of these stages.Резюме. З кожним роком зростає інтерес науковців та медичних працівників до аліментарного ожиріння як серйозної загрози здоров’ю. Сьогодні надмірна маса тіла зустрічається у понад 30 % населення, тому ожиріння розглядається як глобальна епідемія, що охопила різні верстви населення. Мета дослідження – проаналізувати наукові дані щодо профілактики аліментарного ожиріння та ролі медсестри у цьому процесі. Матеріали і методи. Було проаналізовано рекомендації щодо керування масою тіла Американської асоціації серця, Американського коледжу кардіологів, Американської асоціації клінічних ендокринологів, Товариства ожиріння, Ендокринного товариства, Європейського товариства ендокринології та запропоновано власний алгоритм. Результати. Проведений систематичний огляд літератури щодо ролі медичних сестер у профілактиці хронічних захворювань у Великобританії, США, Фінляндії, Нідерландах та Новій Зеландії свідчить про ефективність заходів, спрямованих на корекцію способу життя таких пацієнтів. При цьому медсестри проводили вимірювання маси, контроль за артеріальним тиском та холестерином, заохочення здорових харчових звичок та занять фізичними навантаженнями. У Великобританії, Нідерландах та скандинавських країнах медсестри проводять консультації щодо здорового способу життя з метою контролю маси тіла. У США діяльність медичних сестер у напрямку оптимізації маси тіла до цього часу не визначена чітко, тому вони працюють за власною ініціативою. При цьому зазначається, що медсестри є більш доступнішими для спілкування з пацієнтами, аніж лікарі. В Україні проводяться дослідження щодо ролі медичних сестер в оптимізації маси тіла осіб з ожирінням, проте практично запропоновані алгоритми не впроваджуються. Висновки. Хоча медичні сестри мають обмежений час та ресурси, проте регулярна підтримка пацієнтів із надмірною масою тіла та ожирінням покращує результати щодо зменшення маси. Профілактика аліментарного ожиріння має включати звичайні заходи: чітку мотивацію, зміну способу життя (харчування й фізична активність) та підтримку зменшеної маси. При цьому медична сестра повинна надавати необхідну для пацієнта допомогу на кожному з цих етапів

    Galectin-1 Is Part of Human Trophoblast Invasion Machinery - A Functional Study In Vitro

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    Interactions of glycoconjugates with endogenous galectins, have been long proposed to participate in several reproductive processes including implantation. In human placenta gal-1, gal-3, gal-8, and gal-13 proteins are known to be present. Each of them has been proposed to play multiple functions, but so far no clear picture has emerged. We hypothesized that gal-1 participates in trophoblast invasion, and conducted Matrigel invasion assay using isolated cytotrophoblast from first trimester placenta and HTR-8/SVneo cell line to test it.<0.001) by Ox-gal-1 at 1 µg/ml. Both sets of results confirmed involvement of gal-1 in trophoblast invasion. Galectin profile of isolated cytotrophoblast and HTR-8/SVneo cells was established using RT-PCR and real-time PCR and found to consist of gal-1, gal-3 and gal-8 for both cell types. Only gal-1 was located at the trophoblast cell membrane, as determined by FACS analysis, which is consistent with the results of the functional tests.These findings qualify gal-1 as a member of human trophoblast cell invasion machinery

    Модификация водных полимерных композиций для электроосаждения металлопорфиринами

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    It is known that coatings produced by electrodeposition, cured at high temperatures (180ºC and above).The aim of this study is reducing the energy intensity of production of polymer coatings, improving physical, mechanical properties of the polymer coatings and expansion of colors of paints for the electrodeposition. As the object of study was chosen lacquer KCh-0125, the main component of which is maleated polybutadiene. A micelle of film-forming neutralized tertiary amine is a colloidal particle size of 40 to 70 nm. One of the most effective and lowcost ways to the above problems is the introduction of the water-based oligomeric compositions hydrophobic modifiers. As modifiers were selected naturally occurring metalloporphyrins - cobalt (II) complex of pheophytin a (СоPh) and copper (II) complex of methylpheophorbide a (CuMPP). The method of introduction of the СоPh and the CuMPP of the water-based compositions for electrodeposition was developed. Colloid-chemical properties of the resulting compositions were studied. It was presented the most probable structure of the scheme colloidal particles modified by metalloporphyrins. It was conducted viscometric, spectral studies; the method of dynamic light scattering was used to determine the zeta potential and the size of colloidal particles. It was demonstrated high catalytic activity of metal complexes of porphyrins examined in structuring processes electrodeposited coatings when cured. Introduction of metalloporphyrins in the coating helps to reduce the curing temperature to 160°C. This makes it possible to reduce or duration, or a temperature curing coatings. The introduction of CuMPP make possible to obtain transparent coatings emerald green. Modified electrodeposited coatings also have good water and salt resistance.Электроосаждение - экологически чистый метод получения лакокрасочных покрытий из водоразбавляемых лакокрасочных материалов. Водоразбавляемые олигомерные пленкообразователи на основе лака КЧ-0125 для анодного электроосаждения являются полиэлектролитами. Их водные растворы в диапазоне рабочих значений концентрации и величины рН имеют коллоидную природу. Покрытия, полученные электроосаждением, отверждаются при температурах 180ºС и выше. Модификация указанных материалов нерастворимыми в воде металлопорфиринами природного происхождения (кобальтовый (II) комплекс феофитина а и медный (II) комплекс метилфеофорбида а) позволяет проводить структурирование полученных покрытий при пониженных температурах или при меньшей продолжительности. Исследования концентрационных зависимостей изменения величин ζ-потенциала, рН раствора и приведенной вязкости ηуд/с модифицированных композиций показали, что они имеют вид, типичный для коллоидных систем. Предложена наиболее вероятная схема строения мицеллы модифицированного пленкообразователя

    Activation of NF-kB Pathway by Virus Infection Requires Rb Expression

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    The retinoblastoma protein Rb is a tumor suppressor involved in cell cycle control, differentiation, and inhibition of oncogenic transformation. Besides these roles, additional functions in the control of immune response have been suggested. In the present study we investigated the consequences of loss of Rb in viral infection. Here we show that virus replication is increased by the absence of Rb, and that Rb is required for the activation of the NF-kB pathway in response to virus infection. These results reveal a novel role for tumor suppressor Rb in viral infection surveillance and further extend the concept of a link between tumor suppressors and antiviral activity

    A Profit-Maximizing Approach for Transmission Expansion Planning Using a Revenue-Cap Incentive Mechanism

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    This paper proposes an incentive mechanism for transmission expansion planning. The mechanism is a bilevel program. The upper level is a profit-maximizing transmission company (Transco) which expands its transmission system while endogenously predicts and influences the generation investment. The lower level is the optimal generation dispatch and investment. The Transco funds its transmission investment costs by collecting merchandising surplus and charging a fixed fee to consumers. The Transco is subject to a revenue cap set by the regulator. This mechanism is formulated as a mixed-integer, quadratically-constrained program (MIQCP) and applied to modified Garver and IEEE 24-node systems. The results of proposed approach have been compared with the welfare-maximum benchmark and cases of Transco with cost-plus regulation and no regulation. In all tested cases, the proposed approach results in welfare-maximum outcomes while the other regulatory approaches fail to produce welfare-maximum outcomes. The profit-maximizing approach has also been successful in cases where transmission investment is driven by demand growth and reactive Transco


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    Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is a serious and potentially life-threatening side effect of heparinotherapy. It is an antibody-mediated process that causes platelet activation, increases the procoagulant characteristics of the blood and, as a result, endangering limbs and life-threatening thrombosis. Venous thrombosis is more common than arterial thrombosis, especially deep vein thrombosis of the lower limbs and pulmonary artery thrombosis. Mortality from complications of heparinotherapy occurs with a frequency of 20–30 % of cases. Diagnosis of HIT is difficult. Such basic symptoms as thrombocytopenia and thrombosis are extremely non-specific and may be present in cancer patients and patients with cardiosurgical pathologies without the impact of heparin. Women are twice as likely to have HIT as men. This review describes pathogenesis, clinical features, modern diagnostic methods, risk factors for the emergence of this formidable complication of heparinotherapy, gives an overview of the most frequent use of drugs for the treatment of HIT, and gives modern clinical recommendations for different groups of patients.Гепарининдуцированная тромбоцитопения (ГИТ) является серьезным и потенциально опасным для жизни побочным эффектом проводимой гепаринотерапии. Это опосредованный антителами процесс, приводящий к активации тромбоцитов, повышению прокоагулянтных характеристик крови и, как результат, угрожающему конечностям и опасному для жизни тромбозу. Венозные тромбозы при этом случаются чаще, чем артериальные, особенно распространены тромбозы глубоких вен нижних конечностей и тромбоэмболии легочной артерии. Смертность от осложнений гепаринотерапии происходит с частотой 20–30% случаев. Диагностика ГИТ затруднена. Такие основные симптомы, как тромбоцитопения и тромбообразование, крайне неспецифичны и могут присутствовать у онкологических больных и больных с кардиохирургическими патологиями без воздействия гепарина. У женщин вероятность развития ГИТ в 2 раза выше, чем у мужчин. В данном обзоре описываются патогенез, клинические особенности, современные методы диагностики, факторы риска для возникновения этого грозного осложнения гепаринотерапии, приведен обзор наиболее частых в применении препаратов для лечения ГИТ, даны современные клинические рекомендации для разных групп пациентов

    Notch and Senescence.

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    Cellular senescence, previously thought of as an autonomous tumour suppressor mechanism, is emerging as a phenotype and effector present throughout the life of an organism from embryogenesis to senile decline. Senescent cells have powerful non-autonomous effects upon multiple players within their microenvironment mainly through their secretory phenotype. How senescent cells co-ordinate numerous, sometimes functionally contrasting outputs through their secretome had previously been unclear. The Notch pathway, originally identified for its involvement in Drosophila wing development, has more recently been found to underpin diverse effects in human cancer. Here we discuss recent findings that suggest that Notch is intimately involved in the development of senescence and how it acts to co-ordinate the composition and functional effects of the senescence secretome. We also highlight the complex physical and functional interplay between Notch and p53, critical to both senescence and cancer. Understanding the interplay between Notch, p53 and senescence could allow us develop the therapeutics of the future for cancer and ageing