47 research outputs found


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    The article considers the problem of identity formation in the information society. Its purpose is to analyze the transformation of the cultural identity of anindividual as a result of the emergence of media space. It has been analyzed the influence of the newest information technologies, which led to the significantchanges in the understanding of human identity. It has been pointed out that information and technological innovations modified the mechanisms of personalself-determination. It has been concluded that this situation testifies the existence of the cultural identity’ crisis as well as the appearance of its new forms as a result of the routine way’s of life destruction.The article considers the problem of identity formation in the information society. Its purpose is to analyze the transformation of the cultural identity of anindividual as a result of the emergence of media space. It has been analyzed the influence of the newest information technologies, which led to the significantchanges in the understanding of human identity. It has been pointed out that information and technological innovations modified the mechanisms of personalself-determination. It has been concluded that this situation testifies the existence of the cultural identity’ crisis as well as the appearance of its new forms as a result of the routine way’s of life destruction

    On the possibility of using polycrystalline material in the development of structure-based generic assays

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    The correlation coefficients calculated between raw powder diffraction profiles can be used to identify ligand-bound/unbound states of lysozyme

    Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Phaeosphaeride A Derivatives as Antitumor Agents

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    New derivatives of phaeosphaeride A (PPA) were synthesized and characterized. Anti-tumor activity studies were carried out on the HCT-116, PC3, MCF-7, A549, К562, NCI-Н929, Jurkat, THP-1, RPMI8228 tumor cell lines, and on the HEF cell line. All of the compounds synthesized were found to have better efficacy than PPA towards the tumor cell lines mentioned. Compound 6 was potent against six cancer cell lines, HCT-116, PC-3, K562, NCI-H929, Jurkat, and RPMI8226, showing a 47, 13.5, 16, 4, 1.5, and 7-fold increase in anticancer activity comparative to those of etoposide, respectively. Compound 1 possessed selectivity toward the NCI-H929 cell line (IC50 = 1.35 ± 0.69 μM), while product 7 was selective against three cancer cell lines, HCT-116, MCF-7, and NCI-H929, each having IC50 values of 1.65 μM, 1.80 μM and 2.00 μM, respectively

    Эффективность и безопасность ренальной денервации при резистентной артериальной гипертензии: результаты двухлетнего наблюдения

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    Hypertension remains a major cause of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality globally. Difficulties faced by clinicians to obtain adequate blood pressure control in patients with resistant hypertension have led to the development of alternative device-based treatment methods, one of which is renal artery denervation.In the current paper, the results of the study carried out in the Hypertension Department of the Institute of Cardiology regarding the evaluation of the effectiveness and safety of renal artery denervation in patients with resistant HTN two years post-procedural are presented.Rezumat.Datele prezentate fac parte componentă a reviului de literatură/rezultatele obținute în cadrul proiectului „Program de Stat 2020-2023” cu cifrul 20.80009.8007.04.Hipertensiunea arterială rămâne a fi un factor major de morbiditate și mortalitate cardiovasculară la nivel global. Dificultățile cu care se confruntă clinicienii pentru a obține controlul adecvat al valorilor tensionale la pacienții cu HTA rezistentă au impus la dezvoltarea unor metode alternative de tratament bazat pe dispozitive, unul dintre aceștia fiind desimpatizarea arterelor renale.În lucrare actuală sunt prezentate rezultatele studiului realizat în Departamentul Hipertensiuni arteriale a Institutului de Cardiologie privind evaluarea eficacității și siguranței desimpatizării arterelor renale la pacienții cu HTA rezistentă la doi ani postprocedural.Артериальная гипертензия остается основной причиной сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний и смертности во всем мире. Трудности, с которыми сталкиваются клиницисты в достижении адекватного контроля АД у больных с резистентной АГ, привели к разработке альтернативных аппаратных методов лечения, одним из которых является денервация почечных артерий.В настоящей статье представлены результаты исследования, проведенного в отделении Артериальной гипертензии Института Кардиологии по оценке эффективности и безопасности денервации почечных артерий у пациентов с резистентной АГ через два года после процедуры

    Ремоделирование сердца при резистентной HTA - влияние фармакологического по сравнению с инвазивным лечением

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    Asocierea hipertrofiei VS este un factor de risc independent pentru mortalitate și morbiditate cardio-vasculară, fiind un biomarcher al leziunilor multiple de organe-țintă. Remodelarea miocardului VS este manifestarea cea mai frecventă a afectării de organ-țintă, iar denervarea arterelor renale reprezintă o metodă inovativă în tratamentul hipertensiunii arteriale rezistente care prezintă interes nu numai ca o metodă de reducere suplimentară a tensiunii arteriale la pacienții rezistenți la terapia standard cu antihipertensive, dar atestă impact şi asupra indicilor remodelării miocardului VS. Articolul este o sinteza a studiului desfăşurat in Departamentul Hipertensiuni arteriale ale IMSP Institutului de Cardiologie, scopul căreia a fost elucidarea modificărilor structural-geometrice a cordului în contextul manifestărilor clinice. Acest studiu a demonstrat că sub influența ambelor scheme de tratament farmacologic s-a atestat o dinamică statistic semnificativă începând cu 6 luni, neatingând însă valorile normale de referință în comparație cu tratamentul minim invaziv prin DASAR, care a indus o superioritate absolută în revers-remodelarea miocardului VS.Ремоделирование сердца при резистентной HTA - влияние фармакологического по сравнению с инвазивным лечение

    Natural Phaeosphaeride A Derivatives Overcome Drug Resistance of Tumor Cells and Modulate Signaling Pathways

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    n the present study, natural phaeosphaeride A (PPA) derivatives are synthesized. Anti-tumor studies are carried out on the PC3, K562, HCT-116, THP-1, MCF-7, A549, NCI-H929, Jurkat, and RPMI8226 tumor cell lines, and on the human embryonic kidney (HEK293) cell line. All the compounds synthesized turned out to have better efficacy than PPA towards the tumor cell lines listed. Among them, three compounds exhibited an ability to overcome the drug resistance of tumor cells associated with the overexpression of the P-glycoprotein by modulating the work of this transporter. Luminex xMAP technology was used to assess the effect of five synthesized compounds on the activation of intracellular kinase cascades in A431 cells. MILLIPLEX MAP Multi-Pathway Magnetic Bead 9-Plex was used, which allowed for the simultaneous detection of the following nine phosphorylated protein markers of the main intracellular signaling pathways: a universal transcription factor that controls the expression of immune-response genes, apoptosis and cell cycle NFκB (pS536); cAMP-dependent transcription factor (CREB (pS133); mitogen-activated kinase p38 (pT180/pY182); stress-activated protein kinase JNK (pT183/pY185); ribosomal SK; transcription factors STAT3 (pS727) and STAT5A/B (pY694/699); protein kinase B (Akt) (pS473); and kinase regulated by extracellular signals ERK1/2 (pT185/pY187). The effect of various concentrations of PPA derivatives on the cell culture was studied using xCelligence RTCA equipment. The compounds were found to modulate JNK, ERK1/2, and p38 signaling pathways. The set of activated kinase cascades suggests that oxidative stress is the main probable mechanism of the toxic action of PPA derivatives

    Новые интервенционные методы лечения резистентной гипертонии.

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    New interventional therapies in treatment of resistant hypertensionÎn pofida progreselor majore în managementul farmacologic al HTA, există o categorie de pacienți cu HTA rezistentă cu o prevalență de 10%, care constituie o entitate provocatoare în abordarea noilor metode de tratament intervențional care ar oferi noi oportunități în tratamentul HTA. De acea trebuie luate în considerare noile terapii intervenționale disponibile – stimularea electrică a baroreceptorilor carotidieni care este o procedură neinvazivă, realizată prin: stimulator implantabil în carotidă bilateral, plasat permanent în spațiul perivascular în jurul sinusurilor arterelor carotide. Scopul cărora este o îmbunătățire a controlului pe termen lung al valorilor TA pentru reducerea morbidității și mortalității cardiovasculare.Новые интервенционные методы лечения резистентной гипертонии

    Structure of acostatin, a dimeric disintegrin from Southern copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix), at 1.7 Å resolution

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    Disintegrins are a family of small (4–14 kDa) proteins that bind to another class of proteins, integrins. Therefore, as integrin inhibitors, they can be exploited as anticancer and antiplatelet agents. Acostatin, an αβ heterodimeric disintegrin, has been isolated from the venom of Southern copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix). The three-dimensional structure of acostatin has been determined by macromolecular crystallography using the molecular-replacement method. The asymmetric unit of the acostatin crystals consists of two heterodimers. The structure has been refined to an R_(work) and R_(free) of 18.6% and 21.5%, respectively, using all data in the 20–1.7 Å resolution range. The structure of all subunits is similar and is well ordered into N-terminal and C-terminal clusters with four intramolecular disulfide bonds. The overall fold consists of short β-sheets, each of which is formed by a pair of antiparallel β-strands connected by β-turns and flexible loops of different lengths. Conformational flexibility is found in the RGD loops and in the C-terminal segment. The interaction of two N-terminal clusters via two intermolecular disulfide bridges anchors the αβ chains of the acostatin dimers. The C-terminal clusters of the heterodimer project in opposite directions and form a larger angle between them in comparison with other dimeric disintegrins. Extensive interactions are observed between two heterodimers, revealing an αββα acostatin tetramer. Further experiments are required to identify whether the αββα acostatin complex plays a functional role in vivo