522 research outputs found

    Os fenómenos precedentes de contemporâneos meios de comunicação da Rússia e Espanha como as estruturas cognitivas de uma personalidade linguística

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    The present study is important since precedent phenomena, transmitting both traditional and newly created cultural values, are more widely represented in the mass media language. The paper suggests a cognitive approach aimed at identifying the role of knowledge (linguistic, non-linguistic, individual) in forming the precedent unit meaning, being the primary object of research in cognitive science. Examples of universal precedent names (Napoleon, Cinderella, Don Quixote, Adam) suggest that they store culturally valued (thematized) and implicit knowledge shared by communicants. Studying the binary structures (designator/designatum) of a concept defines the development dynamics of the precedent name’s meaning, relevant changes in structure of the core components of meaning, desemantization of the precedent name. Different Russian and Spanish interpretations show that prevailing content varies, and the language meaning of an invariant of universal precedent names reflects not the reality as such but the cognitive structures of a linguistic identity of a particular society.La relevancia de este trabajo consiste en el hecho de que los fenómenos determinantes, que transmiten valores de cultura tanto convencionales como nuevas, gozan de una representación muy amplia en el lenguaje de medios de difusión que son el instrumento de comunicación clave en la sociedad moderna. Aquí se propone el enfoque cognitivo intentado a identificar el papel de conocimientos (lingüísticos, no  lingüísticos, individuales) en la formación del sentido de unidades determinantes. Este sentido es el objeto principal de investigación en ciencias cognitivas. Se indica por los ejemplos de nombres determinantes universales (Napoleón, Cenicienta, Don Quijote, Adán) que ellos almacenan conocimientos culturales de valor (tematizados) que son compartidos por los comunicadores y funcionan generalmente de modo implícito. El estudio de las estructuras binarias (designador/designado) de un concepto define: -dinámica del desarrollo del sentido de un nombre determinante; -cambios relevantes estructurales en las componentes clave del sentido; -desemantización del nombre determinante. Las diferencias entre las interpretaciones Rusa y Español denotan las differencias en su contenido principal y muestran que el sentido lingüístico de un invariante de nombre determinante universal refleja no la realidad tal como se encuentra pero las estructuras cognitivas de la identidad lingüística de una sociedead particular.O estudo é importante porque os fenómenos precedentes, que transmitem tanto os valores culturais tradicionais como os recém-criados, estão mais representados na linguagem mediática. Uma abordagem cognitiva, proposta no artigo, destina-se a identificar o papel do conhecimento (linguístico, não-linguístico, individual) em formação do significado duma unidade precedente, que é um objeto principal de estudos em Ciência Cognitiva. O exemplo de nomes precedentes universais (Napoleão, Cinderela, Dom Quixote, Adão) demonstra que especificam o conhecimento (tematizado) culturalmente significativo e implícito, partilhado por comunicadores. Estudos das estruturas binárias (designador/designatum) dum conceito determinam a dinâmica de desenvolvimento do significado de nome precedente, as mudanças reais na estrutura dos componentes centrais de significado, dessemantização de nome precedente. Interpretações diferentes em russo e espanhol mostram que o conteúdo significativo varia e o significado linguístico do invariante de nomes precedentes universais reflete não a realidade como tal, mas as estruturas cognitivas da personalidade linguística duma sociedade específica

    Alfven Wave-Driven Supernova Explosion

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    We investigate the role of Alfven waves in the core-collapse supernova (SN) explosion. We assume that Alfven waves are generated by convections inside a proto-neutron star (PNS) and emitted from its surface. Then these waves propagate outwards, dissipate via nonlinear processes, and heat up matter around a stalled prompt shock. To quantitatively assess the importance of this process for the revival of the stalled shock, we perform 1D time-dependent hydrodynamical simulations, taking into account the heating via the dissipation of Alfven waves that propagate radially outwards along open flux tubes. We show that the shock revival occurs if the surface field strength is larger than ~2e15 G and if the amplitude of velocity fluctuation at the PNS surface is larger than 20% of the local sound speed. Interestingly, the Alfven wave mechanism is self-regulating in the sense that the explosion energy is not very sensitive to the surface field strength and initial amplitude of Alfven waves as long as they are larger than the threshold values given above.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures embedded, submitted to Ap

    Numerical Simulations of Equatorially-Asymmetric Magnetized Supernovae: Formation of Magnetars and Their Kicks

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    A series of numerical simulations on magnetorotational core-collapse supernovae are carried out. Dipole-like configurations which are offset northward are assumed for the initially strong magnetic fields together with rapid differential rotations. Aims of our study are to investigate effects of the offset magnetic field on magnetar kicks and on supernova dynamics. Note that we study a regime where the proto-neutron star formed after collapse has a large magnetic field strength approaching that of a ``magnetar'', a highly magnetized slowly rotating neutron star. As a result, equatorially-asymmetric explosions occur with a formation of the bipolar jets. Resultant magnetar's kick velocities are 3001000\sim 300-1000 km s1^{-1}. We find that the acceleration is mainly due to the magnetic pressure while the somewhat weaker magnetic tension works toward the opposite direction, which is due to stronger magnetic field in the northern hemisphere. Noted that observations of magnetar's proper motions are very scarce, our results supply a prediction for future observations. Namely, magnetars possibly have large kick velocities, several hundred km s1^{-1}, as ordinary neutron stars do, and in an extreme case they could have those up to 1000 km s1^{-1}.Comment: 36 pages, 9 figures, accepted by the Astrophysical Journa

    Fenômenos precedentes de meios de comunicação contemporâneos da rússia e espanha como estruturas cognitivas de uma personalidade linguística

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    The present study is important since precedent phenomena, transmitting both traditional and newly created cultural values, are more widely represented in the mass media language. The paper suggests a cognitive approach aimed at identifying the role of knowledge (linguistic, non-linguistic, individual) in forming the precedent unit meaning, being the primary object of research in cognitive science. Examples of universal precedent names (Napoleon, Cinderella, Don Quixote, Adam) suggest that they store culturally valued (thematized) and implicit knowledge shared by communicants. Studying the binary structures (designator/designatum) of a concept defines the development dynamics of the precedent name’s meaning, relevant changes in structure of the core components of meaning, desemantization of the precedent name. Different Russian and Spanish interpretations show that prevailing content varies, and the language meaning of an invariant of universal precedent names reflects not the reality as such but the cognitive structures of a linguistic identity of a particular society.El presente estudio es importante porque los fenómenos precedentes, que transmiten valores culturales tanto tradicionales como de nueva creación, están más representados en el lenguaje de los medios de comunicación. El artículo sugiere un enfoque cognitivo destinado a identificar el papel del conocimiento (lingüístico, no lingüístico, individual) en la formación del significado de la unidad precedente, siendo el objeto principal de investigación en la ciencia cognitiva. Los ejemplos de nombres precedentes universales (Napoleón, Cenicienta, Don Quijote, Adán) sugieren que almacenan un conocimiento culturalmente valorado (tematizado) e implícito compartido por los comunicantes. El estudio de las estructuras binarias (designador/designatum) de un concepto define la dinámica de desarrollo del significado del nombre precedente, los cambios relevantes en la estructura de los componentes centrales del significado, la desemantización del nombre precedente. Las diferentes interpretaciones rusas y españolas muestran que el contenido predominante varía, y el significado lingüístico de una invariante de los nombres precedentes universales no refleja la realidad como tal, sino las estructuras cognitivas de una identidad lingüística de una sociedad concreta.O estudo é importante porque os fenómenos precedentes, que transmitem tanto os valores culturais tradicionais como os recém-criados, estão mais representados na linguagem mediática. Uma abordagem cognitiva, proposta no artigo, destina-se a identificar o papel do conhecimento (linguístico, não-linguístico, individual) em formação do significado duma unidade precedente, que é um objeto principal de estudos em Ciência Cognitiva. O exemplo de nomes precedentes universais (Napoleão, Cinderela, Dom Quixote, Adão) demonstra que especificam o conhecimento (tematizado) culturalmente significativo e implícito, partilhado por comunicadores. Estudos das estruturas binárias (designador/designatum) dum conceito determinam a dinâmica de desenvolvimento do significado de nome precedente, as mudanças reais na estrutura dos componentes centrais de significado, dessemantização de nome precedente. Interpretações diferentes em russo e espanhol mostram que o conteúdo significativo varia e o significado linguístico do invariante de nomes precedentes universais reflete não a realidade como tal, mas as estruturas cognitivas da personalidade linguística duma sociedade específica

    Material fragmentation as dissipative process of micro rotation sequence formation: Hybrid model of excitable cellular automata

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    The authors have developed a multi-level model of energy propagation along interfaces between the various structural elements of a solid with taking into account mutual energy transformations of various kinds. They have also designed a computer simulation tool based on the excitable cellular automaton (ECA) method. An algorithm for calculating the local moments of forces has been developed for the case of material rotation and torsion. The relationship for the accumulated elastic energy is supplemented with a dissipation term. Numerical experiments have been carried out on high-energy impact on polycrystalline copper specimens with different grain sizes. The paper shows that during the nanostructuring of material surface layer, the dissipation of elastic energy gives rise to the rotation of structural elements. This makes it possible to prevent the occurrence of stress concentrators with peak values typical of coarse-grained specimens and reducing their mechanical properties

    Influence of stress concentrator shape and testing temperature on impact fracture regularities of pipeline steel

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    The structure and impact toughness of the pipeline 17Mn1Si steel have been studied. The main attention was paid to the analysis of various conditions of stress concentration under dynamic loadings. The process of strain localization with increasing stress state stiffness at the tip of the concentrator with decreasing testing temperature was investigated. Impact loading diagrams for specimens with various stress concentrator shapes were registered and analyzed

    Influence of stress concentrator shape and testing temperature on impact fracture regularities of pipeline steel

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    The structure and impact toughness of the pipeline 17Mn1Si steel have been studied. The main attention was paid to the analysis of various conditions of stress concentration under dynamic loadings. The process of strain localization with increasing stress state stiffness at the tip of the concentrator with decreasing testing temperature was investigated. Impact loading diagrams for specimens with various stress concentrator shapes were registered and analyzed

    Influence of porosity on the deformation behaviour of systems with nanostructured thermal barier coatings

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    Based on the principal concepts of physical mesomechanics that take into account reversible structural-phase transformations in the rotational-wave flows at the interfaces, a new modification of the multilevel discrete-continuous method of excitable cellular automata (ECA) has been developed. The new modification explicitly takes into account the porosity and the nanocrystalline structure. Also, algorithms for calculating the local moments of forces and the angular velocities of microrotations arising in a structurally heterogeneous medium have been implemented. The model has been complemented by the dissipation conditions expressed for mechanical energy flows. On the basis of the method of excitable cellular automata, some numerical experiments on thermal loading of three-layered compositions with the intermediate layers of different structures have been carried out. It is shown that nanostructuring of the intermediate sublayer and the introduction of nanoporosity gives rise to a positive effect on the relaxation ability of thermal barrier coatings

    V. V. Lapin, A. I. Miller (Eds.). (2021). Simvolicheskie aspekty politiki pamiati v sovremennoi Rossii i vostochnoi Evrope [Symbolic aspects of the politics of memory in modern Russia and Eastern Europe]. EUSP Press

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    Received 25 August 2022. Published online 10 October 2022.This review is an abridged and revised version of Rusakova O. F., Gribovod E. G., & Moiseenko Y. Yu. (2022). Diskurs politiki pamiati: Issledovaniia simvolicheskikh aspektov [Discourse on the politics of memory: Studies of symbolic aspects]. Discourse-P, 19(2), pp. 154–171. https://doi.org/10.17506/18179568_2022_19_2_154Review of the book by V. V. Lapin, A. I. Miller (Eds.). (2021). Symbolic aspects of the politics of memory in modern Russia and Eastern Europe]. EUSP Press.This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research under Grant No. 21-011-43023 “The official discourse of Russian politics of memory concerning the Soviet past: interpretation strategies, actors and commemorative practices.