2 research outputs found
Modeling the impact of weather and climatic conditions and nutrition variants on the yield of spring barley varieties (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Crop yield is a result of the interaction between plant genetic traits, soil properties,
agrotechnology and climatic regimes. Low yield tend to be formed in regions where it is limited
to the extent of water availability, heat stress and the short duration of the grain filling period.
High temperature and drought stress are projected to reduce crop yields and threaten food
security. The article presents the results of studies on the effectiveness of treatment of spring
barley crops with modern growth-regulating drugs on the background of mineral fertilizers,
carried out in different weather and climatic conditions in 2013–2017 yrs on the Southern
chernozem in the conditions of Steppe of Ukraine. It was studied the influence of weather and
climatic conditions, varietal characteristics of spring barley and nutrition variants on the
formation of grain yield. It was determined that the cultivation of spring barley, the introduction
of pre-sowing cultivation of mineral fertilizer at a dose of N30P30 (background) and the use of
crop foliar fertilizing at the beginning of the phase of stooling and earing by the complex
organo-mineral fertilizer Escort bio created favorable conditions for the growth and development
of plants of the studied varieties, which in turn had a positive effect on grain yield. Thus,
according to this variant of nutrition, on average, during the years of research, it was formed the
yield of 3.25–3.61 t ha-1 grains depending on the studied variety.
Results of researches showed that weather conditions during the years of research significantly
influenced on the productivity of spring barley varieties. In 2016 the amount of precipitation was
the highest (174.0 mm), the temperature during vegetation of spring barley was +14.9 °C. In 2013
the amount of precipitation was the lowest (67.4 mm), the temperature was +18.5 °C. The lowest
crop yield was formed in 2013, and the highest yield was formed in 2016. Studies showed that
the influence of weather factors in various interfacial periods of growth and development of
spring barley was significant enough for the manifestation of signs of yield and its elements and
is more dependent on rainfall
SUMMARY. There was investigated a serum level of endothelial monocyte activating peptide II in type 1 and 2 diabetes and possible relation with carbohydrate metabolism. It was found an increased serum level of EMAP-II in type 1 and 2 diabetes. There was signifcant correlation between EMAP-II and HbAc1, blood glucose. The revealed change of EMAP-II serum level refects an endothelial dysfunction in type 1 and 2 diabetes, alteration of carbohydrate metabolism could infuence of this pathway. KEY WORDS: endothelial monocyte activating peptide II, diabetes, endothelial dysfunction.РЕЗЮМЕ. Досліджували вміст ендотеліального моноцитактивуючого пептиду ІІ (ЕМАР-ІІ) у сироватці крові при цукровому діабеті 1-го та 2-го типів, встановлювали можливий зв’язок з показниками вуглеводного обміну. Виявлено підвищення вмісту ЕМАР-ІІ у сироватці крові при цукровому діабеті 1-го та 2-го типів. Рівень пептиду прямо корелював з вмістом глікозильованого гемоглобіну, глюкози крові. Підвищення вмісту ЕМАР-ІІ може бути одним з проявів ендотеліальної дисфункції при цукровому діабеті 1-го та 2-го типів, а порушення вуглеводного обміну може впливати на розвиток виявлених зрушень. КЛЮЧОВІ СЛОВА: ендотеліальний моноцитактивуючий пептид ІІ, цукровий діабет, ендотеліальна дисфункці