7 research outputs found

    Sukuk dan wakaf bagi majukan Kampong Bharu

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    Sejak berkurun lamanya, filantrofi telah memainkan peranan penting dalam menyumbang kepada meningkatkan kebajikan seluruh manusia di muka bumi ini. Dalam konteks ini, wakaf merupakan penyelamat yang mampu menyediakan pelbagai kemudahan untuk rakyat yang memerlukan. Wakaf dapat menjadi sebagai benteng yang kukuh menyelamatkan umat daripada hakisan sosial dan juga ekonomi. Apabila dana wakaf dikumpul dan digunakan dengan sebaik-baiknya, berbagai bentuk pembangunan ekonomi boleh dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendanaan melalui wakaf

    Tangani pengurusan bangunan strata secara profesional demi keharmonian

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    Cara hidup mempengaruhi gaya pengurusan bangunan tinggi di negara kita. Oleh yang demikian, isu pengurusan bangunan strata mesti ditangani secara profesional. Itulah antara resolusi yang telah dibuat pada Seminar Sehari Pengurusan Hakmilik Strata yang telah dikendalikan Pertubuhan Profesional Tanah Malaysia (PERTAMA) baru-baru ini di Kuala Lumpur. Sehubungan itu, pengurus bangunan strata haruslah memahami sikap pihak-pihak berkepentingan untuk menangani masalah yang timbul dalam pengurusan bangunan tinggi. Dalam perkataan lain, selain undang-undang bertulis, sikap pihak-pihak berkepentingan dan modal insan juga perlu diberi penekanan yang sepatutnya

    Kreativiti dan inovasi urus harta wakaf

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    Rata-rata rakyat mendepani banyak isu berkaitan hartanah. Isu harga rumah mampu milik belum selesai. Timbul pula isu hartanah tidak laku di pasaran dengan penurunan harga rumah mewah untuk pembeli warga asing. Begitu juga dengan isu kemunduran Tanah Rezab Melayu yang tidak kunjung padam. Ditambah pula isu pembangunan semula tanah di Kampong Bahru yang hangat sekarang. Cadangan tempoh 999 tahun bagi pemilikan tanah juga perlukan perhatian. Manakala akta-akta berkaitan tanah yang sudah lapuk perlu diharmonikan. Sama dengan isu tanah wakaf yang mundur. Sesungguhnya semua isu ini perlu ditangani dengan cara yang profesional dan bijaksana

    Bentuk data raya hartanah negara

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    Baru-baru ini YB Dato’ Seri Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, Timbalan Perdana Menteri Malaysia memberi penekanan betapa pentingnya pegawai-pegawai yang menjaga harta wakaf untuk mengambil daya usaha yang lebih kreatif dan inovatif dalam mengembangkan potensi harta wakaf di seluruh negara. Semasa Konferens Wakaf Global (GWC2019) yang diadakan di Kuala Lumpur pada 11 hingga 13 November lalu, beliau menyatakan hanya kira-kira 12 peratus daripada tanah-tanah wakaf seluas 30,000 hektar di seluruh negara yang telah dimajukan. Selebihnya mundur dan belum dimajukan. Kenapakah keadaan ini berlaku

    Does the government doing enough in providing affordable housing in Malaysia?

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    In neoclassical, market failure is a situation in which the allocation of goods and services by a free market is not Pareto efficient, often leading to a net loss of economic value. This mismatching between supply of and demand for land creates sky rocketing housing prices in the market. Since the Government is concerned in housing the nation, numerous housing programs to provide adequate affordable housing to meet the needs of the low income or the middle income households. Unfortunately, the country still lacks the supply of affordable homes to meet the demand. Supply of houses in the market is in abundance but they do not fall under the affordable category. Therefore, the existing Government policies and implementation of affordable housing need to be realigned accordingly

    Permasalahan pembangunan semula premis sebelum perang kawasan kajian : Bandar Kluang

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    Redevelopment is an important as an effort to change physical structure for the urban area to overcome problem of social, physical, economy and environment decay for achieve highest and best use to the land efficiently and effectively. Even though, owner had problem to implement redevelopment for example the complicated process for redevelopment and property market that not consistent and very slow caused the owners not interested to develop their building. Subsequently most of the prewar building still in bad condition, become obsolescent and not occupied because owner silently than take any burdens with finance problem, problem to approval for development an others. The objectives of this research are (1) to identify the reasons implementation of redevelopment and (2) to study the factors deficiency implementation of redevelopment of prewar building. To attain these objectives, data are collected by interviewing and distributing questionnaires to Majlis Perbandaran Kluang (MPK) in Valuation Department, Building Control Department, Urban and Country Planning Department (JPBD), Valuation and Service Property Department (JPPH), owners and tenants of the prewar building about redevelopment. Data collected are analyzed by the frequency analysis and percentage analysis. In this research, hopefully can encourage implementation of redevelopment and maintain the prewar building with the cooperation between local authority and owners of the buildings from any decay problems and to improve the identity of Kluang Town


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    The coastal area hosts significant economic activity with some of the highest property values, which the government and private investors aim to maintain and secure their interests. Yet, this area presented a growing risk to coastal properties' value because the land and structural attributes are vulnerable to erosion. Few empirical studies have included erosion rate besides the land attribute and reclamation in analysing its impact on the value of coastal land, especially in Malaysia. Hence, this study aims to derive a coastal erosion formula for valuing the coastal land values in Malaysia. Taman Alai Perdana (Crystal Bay), Melaka, was selected as a case study area for investigating formula derivation. Based on the formula derivation, the findings have determined that significant property values were affected by erosion in the study area. Using property One (1) in Crystal Bay Alai, Melaka, as an example, with a land area of 632m2 , it was valued at RM163286.26 or RM236.81/m2 before formula application. Then, by applying the formula for the same property, considering the identified area erosion rate of -1.41m required a reclamation width of 2.5m to rectify the erosion. Therefore, a value of RM163,286.26 with a difference of RM13,625.00 was determined. Hence, the study has determined reclamation and erosion rate should be included in the coastal land valuation