1,124 research outputs found

    On the Disambiguation of Weighted Automata

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    We present a disambiguation algorithm for weighted automata. The algorithm admits two main stages: a pre-disambiguation stage followed by a transition removal stage. We give a detailed description of the algorithm and the proof of its correctness. The algorithm is not applicable to all weighted automata but we prove sufficient conditions for its applicability in the case of the tropical semiring by introducing the *weak twins property*. In particular, the algorithm can be used with all acyclic weighted automata, relevant to applications. While disambiguation can sometimes be achieved using determinization, our disambiguation algorithm in some cases can return a result that is exponentially smaller than any equivalent deterministic automaton. We also present some empirical evidence of the space benefits of disambiguation over determinization in speech recognition and machine translation applications

    Exceptional String: Instanton Expansions and Seiberg-Witten Curve

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    We investigate instanton expansions of partition functions of several toric E-string models using local mirror symmetry and elliptic modular forms. We also develop a method to obtain the Seiberg--Witten curve of E-string with arbitrary Wilson lines with the help of elliptic functions.Comment: 71 pages, three Wilson line

    Calculations of Pressure Pulsations in Pipelines In Case of Non-Sinusoidal Input Flows

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    Off-diagonal impedance in amorphous wires and application to linear magnetic sensors

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    The magnetic-field behaviour of the off-diagonal impedance in Co-based amorphous wires is investigated under the condition of sinusoidal (50 MHz) and pulsed (5 ns rising time) current excitations. For comparison, the field characteristics of the diagonal impedance are measured as well. In general, when an alternating current is applied to a magnetic wire the voltage signal is generated not only across the wire but also in the coil mounted on it. These voltages are related with the diagonal and off-diagonal impedances, respectively. It is demonstrated that these impedances have a different behaviour as a function of axial magnetic field: the former is symmetrical and the latter is antisymmetrical with a near linear portion within a certain field interval. In the case of the off-diagonal response, the dc bias current eliminating circular domains is necessary. The pulsed excitation that combines both high and low frequency harmonics produces the off-diagonal voltage response without additional bias current or field. This suits ideal for a practical sensor circuit design. The principles of operation of a linear magnetic sensor based on C-MOS transistor circuit are discussed.Comment: Accepted to IEEE Trans. Magn. (2004

    On the Existence of the Adversarial Bayes Classifier (Extended Version)

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    Adversarial robustness is a critical property in a variety of modern machine learning applications. While it has been the subject of several recent theoretical studies, many important questions related to adversarial robustness are still open. In this work, we study a fundamental question regarding Bayes optimality for adversarial robustness. We provide general sufficient conditions under which the existence of a Bayes optimal classifier can be guaranteed for adversarial robustness. Our results can provide a useful tool for a subsequent study of surrogate losses in adversarial robustness and their consistency properties. This manuscript is the extended version of the paper "On the Existence of the Adversarial Bayes Classifier" published in NeurIPS. The results of the original paper did not apply to some non-strictly convex norms. Here we extend our results to all possible norms. Additionally, we clarify a missing step in one of our proofs.Comment: 54 pages, 8 figures. Extended version of the paper "On the Existence of the Adversarial Bayes Classifier" published in NeurIP

    Liveness-Based Garbage Collection for Lazy Languages

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    We consider the problem of reducing the memory required to run lazy first-order functional programs. Our approach is to analyze programs for liveness of heap-allocated data. The result of the analysis is used to preserve only live data---a subset of reachable data---during garbage collection. The result is an increase in the garbage reclaimed and a reduction in the peak memory requirement of programs. While this technique has already been shown to yield benefits for eager first-order languages, the lack of a statically determinable execution order and the presence of closures pose new challenges for lazy languages. These require changes both in the liveness analysis itself and in the design of the garbage collector. To show the effectiveness of our method, we implemented a copying collector that uses the results of the liveness analysis to preserve live objects, both evaluated (i.e., in WHNF) and closures. Our experiments confirm that for programs running with a liveness-based garbage collector, there is a significant decrease in peak memory requirements. In addition, a sizable reduction in the number of collections ensures that in spite of using a more complex garbage collector, the execution times of programs running with liveness and reachability-based collectors remain comparable

    Discounting in LTL

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    In recent years, there is growing need and interest in formalizing and reasoning about the quality of software and hardware systems. As opposed to traditional verification, where one handles the question of whether a system satisfies, or not, a given specification, reasoning about quality addresses the question of \emph{how well} the system satisfies the specification. One direction in this effort is to refine the "eventually" operators of temporal logic to {\em discounting operators}: the satisfaction value of a specification is a value in [0,1][0,1], where the longer it takes to fulfill eventuality requirements, the smaller the satisfaction value is. In this paper we introduce an augmentation by discounting of Linear Temporal Logic (LTL), and study it, as well as its combination with propositional quality operators. We show that one can augment LTL with an arbitrary set of discounting functions, while preserving the decidability of the model-checking problem. Further augmenting the logic with unary propositional quality operators preserves decidability, whereas adding an average-operator makes some problems undecidable. We also discuss the complexity of the problem, as well as various extensions

    Seiberg-Witten prepotential for E-string theory and random partitions

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    We find a Nekrasov-type expression for the Seiberg-Witten prepotential for the six-dimensional non-critical E_8 string theory toroidally compactified down to four dimensions. The prepotential represents the BPS partition function of the E_8 strings wound around one of the circles of the toroidal compactification with general winding numbers and momenta. We show that our expression exhibits expected modular properties. In particular, we prove that it obeys the modular anomaly equation known to be satisfied by the prepotential.Comment: 14 page

    Learning with Biased Complementary Labels

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    In this paper, we study the classification problem in which we have access to easily obtainable surrogate for true labels, namely complementary labels, which specify classes that observations do \textbf{not} belong to. Let YY and Yˉ\bar{Y} be the true and complementary labels, respectively. We first model the annotation of complementary labels via transition probabilities P(Yˉ=iY=j),ij{1,,c}P(\bar{Y}=i|Y=j), i\neq j\in\{1,\cdots,c\}, where cc is the number of classes. Previous methods implicitly assume that P(Yˉ=iY=j),ijP(\bar{Y}=i|Y=j), \forall i\neq j, are identical, which is not true in practice because humans are biased toward their own experience. For example, as shown in Figure 1, if an annotator is more familiar with monkeys than prairie dogs when providing complementary labels for meerkats, she is more likely to employ "monkey" as a complementary label. We therefore reason that the transition probabilities will be different. In this paper, we propose a framework that contributes three main innovations to learning with \textbf{biased} complementary labels: (1) It estimates transition probabilities with no bias. (2) It provides a general method to modify traditional loss functions and extends standard deep neural network classifiers to learn with biased complementary labels. (3) It theoretically ensures that the classifier learned with complementary labels converges to the optimal one learned with true labels. Comprehensive experiments on several benchmark datasets validate the superiority of our method to current state-of-the-art methods.Comment: ECCV 2018 Ora