91 research outputs found

    Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pendidik Menggunakan Model Diskusi Partisipatif melalui Pembinaan Pendampingan Supervisi Akademik di SD Binaan Kecamatan Kayan Hulu Sintang

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    Penelitian ini berawal dari permasalahan tentang rendahnya hasil belajar peserta didik di beberapa sekolah di lingkup SD Kecamatan Kayan Hulu. Kurangnya pembinaan dan pembimbingan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran merupakan andil terhadap rendahnya kualitas pembelajaran, dan berdampak pada rendahnya hasil belajar peserta didik. Penelitian ini dilakukan sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan motivasi guru dalam meningkatkan kompetensi melalui pembinaan dan pendampingan agar guru semakin profesional dan dapat melaksanakakan pembelajaran dengan memperbanyak aktivitas siswa sesuai dengan standar proses. Akibatnya, proses belajar mengajar menjadi lancar, sehingga meningkatkan prestasi belajar peserta didik. Penelitian dilakukan selama dua siklus dan masing masing siklus terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motivasi peserta/guru binaan selaku pendidik lebih meningkat; pendidik bersikap positif terlihat dari adanya beberapa orang yang mencoba untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran; pembinaan dari pengawas sangat dibutuhkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran, Pendampingan dari Pengawas sangat bermanfaat bagi pendidik untuk meningkatkan kompetensi pendidik, dengan adanya perbaikan proses pembelajaran membantu peserta didik dalam meningkatkan aktivitas belajar dan dengan adanya perbaikan proses pembelajaran membantu peserta didik dalam mencapai KKM

    An Intelligent Tutoring System for Health Problems Related To Addiction of Video Game Playing

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    Lately in the past couple of years, there are an increasing in the normal rate of playing computer games or video games compared to the E-learning content that are introduced for the safety of our children, and the impact of the video game addictiveness that ranges from (Musculoskeletal issues, Vision problems and Obesity). Furthermore, this paper introduce an intelligent tutoring system for both parent and their children for enhancement the experience of gaming and tell us about the health problems and how we can solve them, with an easy user interface that way can our children be happy and excited about the information and their health

    ITS for health problems related to addiction of video game playing

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    Lately in the past couple of years, there are an increasing in the normal rate of playing computer games or video games compared to the E-learning content that are introduced for the safety of our children, and the impact of the video game addictiveness that ranges from (Musculoskeletal issues, Vision problems and Obesity). Furthermore, this paper introduce an intelligent tutoring system for both parent and their children for enhancement the experience of gaming and tell us about the health problems and how we can solve them, with an easy user interface that way can our children be happy and excited about the information and their health

    Detecting Health Problems Related to Addiction of Video Game Playing Using an Expert System

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    Today’s everyone normal life can include a normal rate of playing computer games or video games; but what about an excessive or compulsive use of video games that impact on our life? Our kids, who usually spend a lot of time in playing video games will likely have a trouble in paying attention to their school lessons. In this paper, we introduce an expert system to help users in getting the correct diagnosis of the health problem of video game addictions that range from (Musculoskeletal issues, Vision problems and Obesity). Moreover, this expert system provides information about the problem and tell us how we can solve it. SL5 Object expert system language was used to design and implement the expert system

    Intelligent Plagiarism Detection for Electronic Documents

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    Plagiarism detection is the process of finding similarities on electronic based documents. Recently, this process is highly required because of the large number of available documents on the internet and the ability to copy and paste the text of relevant documents with simply Control+C and Control+V commands. The proposed solution is to investigate and develop an easy, fast, and multi-language support plagiarism detector with the easy of one click to detect the document plagiarism. This process will be done with the support of intelligent system that can learn, change and adapt to the input document and make a cross-fast search for the content on the local repository and the online repository and link the content of the file with the matching content everywhere found. Furthermore, the supported document type that we will use is word, text and in some cases, the pdf files –where is the text can be extracting from them- and this made possible by using the DLL file from Word application that Microsoft provided on OS. The using of DLL will let us to not constrain on how to get the text from files; and will help us to apply the file on our Delphi project and walk throw our methodology and read the file word by word to grantee the best working scenarios for the calculation. In the result, this process will help in the uprising the documents quality and enhance the writer experience related to his work and will save the copyrights for the official writer of the documents by providing a new alternative tool for plagiarism detection problem for easy and fast use to the concerned Institutions for free

    Analytical and thermodynamic studies on some halogenated benzenoid compounds

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    The bromination of 2-fluorophenol, 3-fluorophenol, 4-fluorophenol, 2-fluoroaniline, 3-fluoroaniline and 4-fluoroaniline was carried out inaqueous medium using an acidified mixture of potassium bromate andpotassium bromide as a source of bromine. The chlorination of thesecompounds was carried out using sulphuryl chloride as a chlorinatingagent in chloroform or diethyl ether. Anhydrous aluminium chloridewas used as a catalyst in the chlorination of the fluoroanilines.All the reaction products obtained were analyzed by fluorine-19 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (F n.m.r. spectroscopy), gas liquid chromatography (GLC) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).The identification and the structure of these products were established by comparison with the authentic compounds. For the thermodynamic studies:-(a) The enthalpies of solution (at saturation) of 2,4,6-tribromophenol (Br3C6H2OH), 4-bromoani1ine (BrC6H4NH2), 2,6-dibromoaniline (Br2C6H3NH2) and 2,4,6-tribromoaniline (Br3C6H2NH2) in toluene and n-propanol were determined from solubility measurements. ASO1H (Br3C6H2OH) in Toluene = 33.90 kJ mol -1Aso/ (Br3C6H2OH) in n-Propanol = 24.01 kJ mol-1AS0/ (BrC6H4NH2) in Toluene = 65.94 kJ mol -1Aso1H&deg; (BrC6H4NH2) in n-Propanol = 61.95 kJ mol -1A SO1 H0 (Br2C6H3NH2) in Toluene = 46.65 kJ mol -1 sol ' 2 6 3 2'2AgQ-jH"0 (Br2C6H3NH2) in n-Propanol = 44.93 kj mol -1Aso1H&deg; (Br3C6H2NH2) in Toluene = 28.09 kj mol -1Aso1H&deg; (Br3C6H2NH2) in n-Propanol = 20.22 kJ mol -1Entropies of solution, enthalpies of transfer, free energiesof transfer and the entropies of transfer between the two solvents were also calculated.(b) Enthalpies of reaction of the bromination of 2-chloroaniline, 4-bromo-2-chloroaniline and 4-chloroaniline in aqueous medium (perchloric acid/sodium bromide) with aqueous bromine (sodium bromide/sodium bromate) were found using reaction calorimetry.arH0 (2-chloroaniline. + bromine. aq) = -207.84 - 0.63 kj mol-1r aqArH&deg; (4-bromo-2-chloroaniline,c + bromine,aq ) = -91.29 - 0.96 kJ mol -1 ArH&deg; (4-chloroaniline,c + bromine, aq) = -189.61 - 0.90 kJ mol-1.(c) A titration calorimetric technique was used to determine the enthalpies of bromination of 2-nitroaniline and 4-nitroanle in aqueous medium (perchloric acid/sodium bromide) with aqueous bromine (sodium bromide/sodium bromate).<p

    The effect of biventricular pacing on cardiac function after open heart surgery

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    Background: Temporary postoperative pacing could enhance recovery of the cardiac function. The right ventricular pacing (RV) is commonly used, but it can cause dyssynchronous contraction of both ventricles. Biventricular pacing (BV) could improve the systolic function by synchronizing the ventricular contraction. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of biventricular pacing in improving the hemodynamics in the early postoperative period compared to other pacing modes. Methods: This is a clinical crossover trial including 50 patients who underwent open cardiac surgery in the period from September 2017 to September 2018. Mean age was 46.78± 12.09 years, and 50% were males. Temporary pacing leads were attached to the anterior wall of the right ventricle 1-2 cm paraseptally and the lateral wall of left ventricle 1-2 cm paraseptally. Each patient was paced for 3 minutes in the first 1-4 postoperative hours with 20 minutes washout period between different pacing modes. Study endpoints included cardiac output, ejection fraction (EF) and wall motion abnormality. Results: Biventricular and right ventricular pacing increased postoperative cardiac output (6.31± 1.28 and 5.2±0.72 L/min; respectively), but BV pacing was superior to RV pacing (P-value &lt;0.001). The effect of BV pacing was more evident in patients with EF &lt; 50% (7.27± 0.895 vs. 5.26 ± 0.634 L/min; p&lt; 0.001). The postoperative EF improved during BV pacing (53.16± 4.71%) compared to RV pacing (49.4± 4.07%; P-value &lt;0.001). Both BV and RV pacing were associated with less paradoxical septal wall motion abnormality (P-value &lt;0.001). Conclusions: Temporary postoperative biventricular pacing improves hemodynamics compared to right ventricular and no pacing. Routine BV pacing is recommended especially in patients with low ejection fraction


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    Abstrak: Penelitian tentang Peningkatan Aktivitas Peserta Didik dalam Pembelajaran Pkn dengan Menggunakan Model Kompetisi pada Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri 4 Nanga Oran Sintang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peningkatan aktivitas peserta didik dalam pembelajaran PKn dengan meggunakan model kompetisi pada kelas V SD Negeri 04 Nanga Oran Sintang. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Bentuk penelitian yang digunakan adalah survei yaitu survei kelembagaan. Rata-rata aktivitas peserta didik sebelum diterapkannya Model Kompetisi adalah 16,3%. Hasil penelitian hingga siklus 3 rata-rata aktivitas murid meningkat mencapai 84,0%. Maka dapat disimpulkan terjadi peningkatan aktivitas peserta didik dalam Pembelajaran Pkn dengan Menggunakan Model Kompetisi pada Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri 4 Nanga Oran Sintang. Kata Kunci: Peningkatan Aktivitas, Model Kompetisi Abstract: The Research on Improvement of Students in Learning Activities PKN Using the Competition Model Class V 4 Nanga Elementary School Oran Sintang aims to describe the increase in the activity of learners in learning civics is by using a model of competition in the Elementary School fifth grade Sintang 04 Nanga Oran. The method used is descriptive method. Form of study is a survey that institutional survey. Average student activities before implementation model is 16.3% Competition. 3 cycles of research results to the average student activity increased to 84.0%. So we can conclude an increase in the activity of PKN learners in Learning by Using the Competition Model Class V 4 Nanga Elementary School Oran Sintang. Keywords: Increased Activity, Model Competition