2 research outputs found

    Gene bank preparation from the endemic shrimps and crustaceans of Persian Gulf and Oman Sea

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    Genetic knowledge and Gene bank preparation can help to protect biodiversity and detect , species identify , fishing offenses , genetic classification and also identification the faliure cross hybridizations of marine animals. In this study, sampling was performed from Jask, guatr and Hormuz areas, which is the most important habitats for the species studied using bottom trawl. Total DNA extraction was performed using phenol- chloroform method. After relevant studies on this gene primers were designed and in use. After editing the sequences, nucleotide BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) was performed using NCBI blast main page. The sequences obtained from each sample were aligned and corrected from any ambiguities and assembled using Bio edit program. Trees were generated using maximum parsimony (MP), a character-based algorithm and neighbor joining (NJ) a distance-based algorithm for phenetic analysis. The distance matrix option of MEGA4 was used to calculate genetic distance according to the Kimura 2-parameter model of sequence evolution. Based on the results obtained, the optical density of 260 to 280 nm in the samples was recorded between 1/8 - 2, indicating good quality DNA samples. Optimized PCR reaction to 16SrRNA and COI gene amplification using the gradient between 48 - 60° C showed that the most suitable criteria for binding primers, 48 and 54 Celsius degrees respectively. The project objectives including the identification of the genetic structure of the species, and draw the phylogenetic trees using two genes 16SrRNA and COI, making identification and registration of specified computer storage and regulate the structure and management of mentioned species by focus on genetic resources 5 species of shrimp (P. semisulcatus، P. indicus، P. merguiensis ، P. monodon، M. affinis) in the Persia Gulf and Oman Sea through the creation of an integrated network of aquatic genetic resources in the region to try to identify genetic resources and aquatic gene bank. Molecular investigation of mitochondria DNA (mtDNA) using partial sequences of 16S rRNA gene showed relatively low genetic differences between the P. semisulcatus morphotypes. These sequences were able to distinguish between the two morphotypes, and separated them into two distinct clades. Also genetic divergence detected by COI gene analysis was consistently higher. High genetic divergence for COI was observed between the two morphotypes of P.semeisulcatus which emphesise that the gene bank preparation should be perform for this morphotype of this species. This type of analysis could be considered as an important tool to be used in broodstock selection in breeding programs. In this case, different management in broodstocking programs should be performed for two morphotypes of P. semisulcatus which were detected in Persian Gulf. The results of this study show that two Morphotype of P.semisulcatus can be considered as two separate species from genetic aspects. In this regard, it can be assumed that the genetic composition of the studied species is very close together and we've no seen a huge difference in the species except in the green tiger species

    Establishment of gene bank of inland water fish species

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    Genetic knowledge helps to protect biodiversity and optimal harvest resources by several ways. This knowledge can help to reduce the risk of extinction to those populations that have high genetic diversity or diminished by detected them. Also, studies of population genetics can present guidelines for improving the structure of the population and understanding the biology of species. One of the most important applications of DNA database is detecting species, fishing offense, diagnose of anemia and genetic classification of animals. DNA bank has helped to identify the species that are hunted and were discovered only parts of their meat and texture. Optimal Storage of aquatic genetic resources and the conservation of biological diversity, as the national capital by using biotechnology methods are the most important goals of gene bank and database reserves of the country creation. Collecting biological specimens of aquatic species, preparation and long-term maintenance of them, genetic registration of endangered and threatened species and the use of biotechnology techniques for the protection, conservation and management of aquatic genetic resources is one of the other functions of the gene bank. Gene bank of inland waters of Iran (Gorgan) is planned and implemented to identify, collect, maintain and protect species at the level of genes, cells, tissues and live fish research and commercial exploitation. Despite the predicted projected funding for this project, unfortunately funding sources have been considered, does not allocated. Therefore some parts of the aims of this project has been organized by Golestan province credits to build molecular laboratory and aquaculture pond in Alang farm and exploitation of potential Gharasou station and Sijoval center restocking and the conditions for the bulk of the project goals is provided. Some parts like tissue culture laboratory and bioinformatics as well as parts and equipment related to the freezing of sperm and embryo development are the items that should be considered in the development of the this bank