18 research outputs found

    Intraoperative administration of methadone reduced postoperative pain and opioid consumption following cadaveric renal transplantation: a randomized controlled trial

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    Objective: In this randomized clinical trial study, the impact of prophylactic administration of methadone during surgery on postoperative pain and analgesic requirement following cadaveric renal transplantation was assessed. Methods: Ninety patients were randomized to receive either methadone 0.15 mg/kg or 0.15mg/kg morphine after tracheal intubation. Both groups were treated with acetaminophen 1 gr before extubation. Protocol of anesthesia was the same in both groups and the anesthetist was blinded to the study groups. The primary outcome was defined as total opioid consumption during recovery and first day after surgery. Secondary outcomes were pain scores and level of patients’ sedation during the recovery period and first postoperative day as well as opioid-related complications. Results: Data of eighty-five eligible patients were analyzed. The mean pain and sedation scores were lower in the methadone group compared to the morphine group during recovery and the first 24 hours after surgery. The time of first rescue analgesic requirement was later in the methadone group (10.4 vs 6.3 hours). Also, postoperative morphine consumption was significantly less in the methadone group compared to patients receiving morphine (3.5 vs. 6.9 mg; P < 0.001). Conclusion: Intraoperative administration of methadone decreased postoperative pain scores, reduced opioid consumption after surgery and improved level of sedation during the first 24 hours after surgery

    Marginal Adaptation of New Bioceramic Materials and Mineral Trioxide Aggregate: A Scanning Electron Microscopy Study

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    Introduction: This study aimed to compare the marginal adaptation of new bioceramic materials, EndoSequence Root Repair Material (ERRM putty and ERRM paste), to that of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) as root-end filling materials. Materials and Methods: Thirty-six extracted human single-rooted teeth were prepared and obturated with gutta-percha and AH-26 sealer. The roots were resected 3 mm from the apex. Root-end cavities were then prepared with an ultrasonic retrotip. The specimens were divided into three groups (n=12) and filled with MTA, ERRM putty or ERRM paste. Epoxy resin replicas from the resected root-end surfaces and longitudinally sectioned roots were fabricated. The gaps at the material/dentin interface were measured using scanning electron microscope (SEM). Transversal, longitudinal, and overall gap sizes were measured for each specimen. The data were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: In transversal sections, no significant difference was found between MTA, ERRM putty and ERRM paste (P=0.31). However, in longitudinal sections, larger gaps were evident between ERRM paste and dentinal walls compared to MTA and ERRM putty (P=0.002 and P=0.033, respectively). Considering the overall gap size values, the difference between three tested materials was not statistically significant (P=0.17). Conclusion: Within the limits of this study, the marginal adaptation of ERRM paste and putty was comparable to that of MTA. However, ERRM putty might be more suitable for filling the root-end cavities because of its superior adaptation compared to ERRM paste in longitudinal sections

    Individual modelling of leaf area in cress and radish using leaf dimensions and weight

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    Purpose: The objective of this study was to establish equations to estimate leaf area (LA) using length (L), width (W), fresh weight (FW) and dry weight (DW), length × width (L×W), width/length (W/L) of cress leaves as a leafy vegetable and radish  leaves as a root vegetable. Research method: An experiment was carried out under greenhouse conditions to study the relationship between leaf dimension and weight with LA of these two vegetable plants. Observed LA was obtained by an automatic measuring device and leaf dimensions were measured by a ruler. Regression analyses of LA versus L, W, FW, DW, L×W and W/L led several models that could be used for estimating the area of individual cress and radish leaves. Findings: A linear model employing FW as an independent variable [LA=0.295 (Fresh W.)+ 1.430] resulted the most accurate estimate (R2 = 0.912, RMSE = 1.52) of cress LA. For radish, a linear model using W as an independent variable [LA=22.50 (W) + 7.46] showed the most accuracy (R2 = 0.874, RMSE = 11.26) for estimating LA. Validation of the regression models showed that the correlation between measured and simulated values using these equations was quite acceptable for radish and cress (R2 = 0.922, 0.876), respectively. Research limitations: Evaluation of more leafy vegetables possibly had better results. Originality/Value: The results showed that cress and radish LA could be monitored quickly, accurately, and non-destructively by using the leaf FW and leaf W models, respectively

    Effects of thiamine spraying on biochemical and morphological traits of basil plants under greenhouse conditions

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    The effects of thiamin (Thi) applied as foliar spray on some morphological and physiological traits were investigated in basil (Ocimum basilicum L.). Four levels of Thi including 0 (distilled water), 250, 500 and 750 µM were tested in a randomized complete design with three replications at research greenhouse of University of Guilan, Iran. Thi exerted a significant effect on the most studied indices. The highest amounts of leaf, stem and root dry weights and number of lateral branches were obtained in plant which were treated by 500 µM Thi. Thousand grain weight increased by increase in Thi levels, as, its value in 700 µM Thi, was 26% more than control. Thi spraying especially in concentration of 750 µM improved the leaf nutrients content (N, P and Ca). Chlorophyll b content in leaves affected positively by Thi, and its highest value obtained in 750 µM treatment (0.75 mg g-1 FW). The highest and the lowest phenolic compounds were gained in 0 and 750 µM levels of Thi (47.2 vs. 40.3 mg 100g-1 FW). Similar trend was observed about total antioxidants, where their content in 750 µM was 13% more than control treatment. Generally, it seems that Thi can be considered as an appropriate growth regulator in basil medicinal plant cultivation

    Public sector managers and entrepreneurship in Islamic Republic of Iran

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    Purpose - In Iran the role of entrepreneurs in developing communities is considered to be a special issue by planners and policy-makers; thus the aim of this paper is to explore and examine some of the main structural, behavioural and environmental barriers faced by entrepreneurs in Iranian public industrial corporations. Design/methodology/approach - A survey (questionnaires and interviews), observation and available documentation formed the main methods (triangulation) for the generation of relevant data. Thirteen public organisations responsible for social affairs in the country's budget document were involved. Using an unlimited sampling formula and a categorised random sampling method 220 organisations were accessed, from which 169 questionnaires were received and analysed. Findings - There is a direct relationship between managerial characteristics and organisational entrepreneurship. Also, there is a significant correlation between employees' characteristics and organisational entrepreneurship in public social cultural organisations. However, a host of constraints such as low income and a lack of research have caused a decrease in organisational entrepreneurship. Research limitations/implications - The survey is concerned with managers in public organisations. Future studies should include private-sector organisations, which ought to provide a basis for comparative analysis. Practical implications - There is a need for sustained structural and managerial reform. To achieve this, realistic human resource development policies should be formulated which lead to changes of attitude and behaviour in managers. Originality/value - This is a first attempt to study managers and their entrepreneurial tendencies in public sector organisations. It has policy implications for future development of the sector. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited

    Corporate Culture Prevailing on University Central Libraries and its Impact on the Extent of Knowledge Management Implementation

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    The sample in this research was drawn from all central libraries within comprehensive universities that have been operating at least for twenty years. Questionnaires were sent out to 23 libraries. Findings indicated that team, hierarchical and business patterns of corporate culture are dominant in central libraries. The library staff said that the preferred corporate culture is the team and entrepreneurial pattern. No correlation was observed between the extent of knowledge management implementation and various corporate culture patterns. There was, however, a positive correlation between entrepreneurial/team corporate cultural patterns with the extent of knowledge management implementation. No correlation was observed between individuals’ characteristics (such as education, posting and experience) and the accepted cultural pattern

    Detection of QTLs controlling field blast resistance in rice (Oryza sative L.)

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    Abstract In order to detect quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling blast resistance, mapping population of 192 F 2:3 families derived from the cross of two Iranian rice varieties Tarom Mahalli (TAM) an blast-susceptible cultivar and the blast resistance cultivar, Khazar (KHZ) were developed. A SSR linkage map covering 1231.50cM of rice was constructed using 74 polymorphic SSR markers. In total, seven independent QTLs were detected through composite interval mapping to be associated with resistance against field blast on chromosomes 1, 3, 4, 5 and 11. Theses QTLs explained relatively high phenotypic variance of blast resistance and could be considered to use in marker assisted selection (MAS) programs for improving aromatic and susceptible varietyies

    Foliar Application of Thiamin Stimulates the Growth, Yield and Biochemical Compounds Production of Coriander and Fenugreek

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    This study was aimed to investigate the effect of thiamine (Th) foliar application on some morpho-physiological aspects in coriander and fenugreek. Three levels of Th (250, 500 and 750 ppm) plus control treatment (distilled water) were studied under controlled greenhouse conditions. All the levels of Th, in particular the concentration of 500 ppm, increased the vegetative growth of coriander. 1000-grain weight, contents of nitrogen and phosphorus, carotenoid and chlorophyll b contents were the highest at a concentration of 750 ppm. Fenugreek vegetative growth also responded positively to the application of Th especially at a concentration of 750 but also 500 ppm increased the content of leaf nitrogen, chlorophyll b, carotenoids, phenolics and antioxidant activity. Overall, the performance of coriander and fenugreek was improved by the application of Th foliar at all levels

    Survey of qualitative and quantitative growth of Iran scientific production in the sport sciences field: A study in ISI

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    Background and aim: Today, the measuring and monitoring of science in different fields and issues are considered in different centers and universities. This study aimed at determining the qualitative and quantitative growth of scientific production in the field of sport sciences. Material and methods: This research was a Scientometric study which analyzed the indexed scientific papers in Iran from 1994 to 17 March 2013 in the field of Sport Sciences by using qualitative and quantitative indices of (ISI) database. Data capture source, ISI base and 302 samples of recorded degrees in Iran were investigated in above years. The data were analyzed by Excel software.  Findings: Results showed that the Iranian researchers published 302 degrees in this base from 1994 to 17 March 2013, which were referable in 1515 cases up to now and the h index in this scientific field was estimated 20. Scientific papers in the field of sport sciences have had the growth process since 2007. The highest scientific production has been in Tehran University of Medical Sciences with indexed degrees, Islamic Azad University of Tehran University with 42 degrees and 28 degrees, respectively.  Conclusions: Given the number of professors, researchers and students We can say that scientific publications in the field of sports science In terms of quantitative (302 document) is not optimal But according to the h index is said to be optimal in terms of quality