64 research outputs found

    Cable television system in Malaysia

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    The convenience of 24-hour cable TV news, offering the latest br eaking headlines at anytime of the day or night, represents an enormous struct ural for cable over network television. Cable has become the television news medium of choice in Malaysia. The network most cited as the No.1 for news remains CNN, preferred over the broad cast networks and even its cable rivals. Cable television system means any facility consisti ng of a set of closed transmission paths and associated signal generation, reception, and contro l equipment that is designed to provide cable service which includes video programming and which is provided to multiple subscribers within a community [2]. Some cable systems even can let us make telephone calls and receive new programming technologies while a growing number of people with high sp eed Internet access. Cable television system consider as one of the cable service. The abbr eviation CATV is often used to mean "Cable TV" [2]. It originally stood for Community Antenna Television, from cable television's origins in 1948: in areas where over-the-air reception was limited by mountainous terrain, large "community antennas" were constructed, and cable was run from them to individual homes [2]. It is most commonplace in North Ameri ca, Europe, Australia and East Asia, though it is present in many other countries, mainly in S outh America and the Middle East [2]. Cable TV has had little success in Africa, as it is not although so-called "wireless cable" or microwave- based systems are used, "direct-to-home" satellit e television is far more popular, especially in South Africa

    Compensation of carrier lifetime in double-pass semiconductor optical amplifiers

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    Bi-directional light propagation is expected to enable enhanced functionality of all-optical signal processing operations compared to unidirectional approaches. In this work, we report on compensation of slow gain recovery in semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) in a double-pass condition. The unsaturated gain of the employed SOA is increased by 12.6 dB, and the corresponding normalized conjugate output of four-wave mixing is enhanced by 16.3 dB. The theory attributes this efficiency improvement to the unsaturated gain enlargement which, in turn, compensates for the inherently long carrier lifetimes of SOAs by 50%. The saturation output power remains virtually unchanged

    Enhanced gain saturation model of non-linear semiconductor optical amplifiers

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    This study proposes an enhanced gain saturation model of non-linear semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) by incorporating material-dependent gain compression factor. The rate equations are utilised with the extra gain compression term for Indium-Gallium-Arsenide material-based SOA to account for the steep relaxation oscillations behaviour of non-linear SOAs. The proposed gain saturation model is verified with experimental results that showed very good agreements with a mean square error of 0.094

    Design and analysis of different optical attocells deployment models for indoor visible light communication system

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    Visible light communication (VLC) is a promising candidate that is expected to revolutionize indoor environment communications performance and fulfill fifth generation and beyond (5GB) technologies requirements. It offers high and free bandwidth, electromagnetic interference immunity, low-cost front end and low power consumption. Also, VLC has dual functions that could be utilized in both illumination and communication concurrently. The number of optical attocells (OAs) and their deployment in the room represent the main issue that should be taken into consideration in designing an optimal VLC system. In this paper, we have introduced a new model of five OAs in the typical room. In addition to an investigation of various optical attocells (OAs) deployment models, in which a multi-variable evaluation was performed in terms of received power, illumination, SNR and RMS delay spread in order to determine the optimal OAs model. Also, various modulation schemes performances were investigated which included NRZ-OOK, BPSK, and QPSK in order to improve the BER performance. Results indicated that BPSK modulation had superior BER performance when compared with all OAs models. Further, a comprehensive results analysis and comparison of all proposed models was conducted over various parameters, in which our new proposed OAs model achieved an optimal performance in comparison with the other models

    Application of communication technology in Malaysian public service

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    The Government of Malaysia is committed towards modernizing its administrative machinery and enhancing its service delivery mechanisms. The process of ensuring an efficient and effective public sector is being driven by the enabling capabilities of information and communications technology (ICT). The resultant widespread adoption of ICT systems by the public sector has meant that more and more Government agencies are moving towards the paperless work environment where ICT systems have become indispensable for the provision of Government services to citizens. The expansion of ICT systems within the public sector has in turn led to a significant increase in the number of public sector information repositories and other ICT-based installations and assets. The security of these ICT installations and assets are exposed to the vulnerability of open and networked electronic systems. As such agencies now face the additional responsibility of securing ICT-based Government information and systems as well as ensuring that they are available to authorized users. Communications Technology has proven its role in accelerating sustainable development and bridging the evergrowing divide in our present day society. There is however, a critical need to channel the vast potential of ICT in the right direction for the betterment of society and effective human development Asian economies are growing at a phenomenal rate. However, the rate of growth varies vastly among the different countries in Asia, thus creating a digital divide among nations. It is, therefore, imperative that Asian countries work together to harness the potential of ICT for development and ensure the divide is not a permanent chasm that marginalizes and excludes the less developed nations from the interconnected digital economy Some of our nations have acquired a high degree of competence in the applications of ICT and are leading in the field of software and hardware development. Thus, initiatives in sharing their experiences and best practices will facilitate other countries to learn from their knowledge and leapfrog in the race of human development. However, it must be noted that developing countries have specific issues and needs that have to be carefully examined. In view of this, the identification, selection and customization of the choice of technology have to be undertaken seriously and with a great degree of planning. Communication technologies are usually defined as technologies that facilitate communication and the processing and transmission of information by electronic means. This broad definition encompasses the full range of ICTs from radio and television to telephones (fixed and mobile), computers and the Internet. The revolutionary potential of ICTs lies in their capacity to instantaneously connect vast networks of individuals and organizations across great geographic distances at very little cost. As such, ICTs have been key enablers of development, facilitating flows of information, capital, ideas, people and products. An explicit focus on using ICTs in pursuit of development goals allows countries to achieve a wide diffusion of benefits from ICTs and contributes to both broad-based economic growth and specific development goals. Moreover, a holistic approach that sees ICTs as key development enablers recognizes that the potential of ICTs is linked to a complex mixture of international, national and local conditions. A number of interrelated factors should be addressed to maximize the benefits of ICTs for development. These include deploying ICT infrastructure, building human capacity, establishing a transparent and inclusive policy process, creating incentives for enterprise, and developing appropriate content. For all these to be realized, there is a need to understand the critical relationships between various strategic interventions in the context of local conditions and to secure the participation and commitment of all key stakeholders—local communities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), governments and the private sector

    Infrared wireless communication system

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    The term wireless is normally used to refer to any type of electrical or electronic operation which is accomplished without the use of a "hard wired" connection. Wireless communication is the transfer of information over a distance without the use of electrical conductors or wires [1]. Wireless infrared communications refers to the use of free- space propagation of light waves in the near infrared band as a transmission medium for communication [2]. The communication can be between one portable communication device and another or between a portable device and a tethered device, called an access point or base station

    High definition television system

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    HDTV is all about giving you a bigger and better picture, better audio, and generally making your TV-watching experience more like a movie watching experienced. In fact, HDTV is so realistic that it’s often described as “looking through a window”. It offers wider pictures with greater detail and the clarity of motion pictures. The Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC) defined this new TV format to be a significant improvement over the legacy National Television Standards Committee (NTSC) conventional format that has been in existence for over 50 years [1]. Key improvements are in the areas of TV transmission method, aspect ratio, resolution, color, and audio. Importantly to remind that not all the digital television (DTV) is HDTV. There are some criteria to define HDTV. High-definition television (HDTV) is an arbitrary term that applies to any television production, transmission, or reception technology with a scanning rate that exceeds the 525 lines of the present U.S. NTSC standard. [3] HDTV is variable-resolution examples of advanced television technology. By shifting from an analog to a digital transmission scheme, electronic engineers have merged the previously incompatible worlds of television and computers. Advanced television sets will have the capability to be linked into the same digital networks as personal computers for accession of global services such as the Internet.[3] Digital television system means that the picture and sound information are converted from the analog at the transmitting end, into digital representation. That digital information is sent as a stream of bits to the receiver. Because it’s digital, the picture displayed by the receiving device will be a faithful reproduction of the picture that was sent by the transmitting device. The displayed HDTV will not show any of those imperfections that we sometimes see in an analog TV broadcast: ghosts, snow, spark lies. The HDTV picture will either be perfect, or it will not be received at all. [2

    4G and 5G communication technology in Malaysia

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    The rapid growth of wireless networks and services, accelerated by the third-generation mobile communication system, is ushering in the era of the fourth-generation mobile communication system and even further to fifth-generation. Wireless Communication systems are evolving to meet the ultimate goal, to allow ‘anywhere, anytime, anything, by anyone’ communication customized to a particular subscriber’s preferences, location, and social behavior at a very high data rates transfer [1]. To reach this goal, much effort is still underway. Technologies employed by 4G may include SDR (Software-defined radio) receivers, OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing), OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access), MIMO (multiple input/multiple output) technologies, UMTS and TD-SCDMA. All of these delivery methods are typified by high rates of data transmission and packetswitched transmission protocols. 3G technologies, by contrast, are a mix of packet and circuit-switched networks [2]

    Digital electrooptic modulators synthesized from directional couplers

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    This paper presents an electrooptic digital modulator synthesized from cascaded directional coupler. For the digital modulator, a nearly perfect cross state and bar state can be obtained in a broad range of modulation voltages that is from O.031t to O.281t Volts

    Modelling techniques for rectangular dielectric waveguides - ribs waveguides

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    Rectangular dielectric waveguides have been known as a basic device structure in integrated optics. Result of waveguide analysis is very useful in the study of mode propagation characteristics in a waveguide. In this paper optical propagation in dielectric waveguides have been analyzed using the semi analytical effective index method and a numerical method based on finite difference approach. Full waveguide cross-section and open boundary condition have been considered. This models the exponential decay field at a sufficient distance. Both the propagation characteristic and the field of the guided modes can be calculated very efficiently on a personal computer with modest computational time. This method is applied to the well established test structured for a ribs waveguides. Comparison has been made and some limitations to accuracy have been identified