33 research outputs found

    [Knowledge and Understanding of Students of The Sarawak Islamic Skills Institute (IKMAS) on The Basis of Hadith] Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman Pelajar Institut Kemahiran Islam Malaysia Sarawak (IKMAS) mengenai Asas Ilmu Hadis

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    Hadith is the second source of legislation after the Qur'an as a guide and reference in Islam. The study of hadith is one of the subjects offered in Islamic studies courses in most institutions of higher learning. This study focuses on the mastery of IKMAS students on the basics of hadith knowledge. The objective of this study is to measure the basic knowledge and understanding of hadith knowledge of students. This study focuses on the students of Diploma Dakwah Islamiyyah which consists of 56 students of semester two (2) and 69 students of semester four (4). A total of 125 students were selected as respondents. Researchers chose to use a quantitative approach with survey and questionnaire design. Data were analyzed descriptively to find the frequency and percentage values. The results of the study found that the students of the Diploma in Islamic Da'wah have a good mastery, understanding and knowledge regarding the basics of hadith. Hadis merupakan sumber perundangan kedua selepas al-Quran sebagai petunjuk dan rujukan dalam agama Islam. Pengajian ulum hadis adalah antara salah satu subjek yang ditawarkan dalam kursus pengajian Islam di kebanyakan institusi pengajian tinggi. Kajian ini memfokuskan kepada penguasaan pelajar IKMAS mengenai asas ilmu hadis. Objektif kajian ini ialah untuk mengukur pengetahuan dan pemahaman asas ilmu hadis para pelajar. Kajian ini memberi tumpuan kepada pelajar-pelajar Diploma Dakwah Islamiyyah yang terdiri daripada 56 orang pelajar semester dua (2) dan 69 orang pelajar semester empat (4). Seramai 125 orang pelajar terpilih menjadi responden. Penyelidik memilih menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan reka bentuk tinjauan dan soal selidik. Data dianalisi secara deskriptif iaitu mencari nilai kekerapan dan peratusan. Hasil kajian mendapati para pelajar Diploma Dakwah Islamiyyah mempunyai penguasaan, pemahaman dan pengetahuan yang baik berkenaan dengan asas ilmu hadis

    DNA methylation of disrupted in schizophrenia 1 (disc1) gene in schizophrenia using methylight taqman assay

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    Introduction: Significant evidences from functional studies have shown that DISC1 gene has a role in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia, although the basis of the genetic defect has yet to be established. There has been a shift of emphasis from DISC1 gene variations to other genetic defect such as copy number and epigenetic, both of which have not been well investigated. Thus, the aim of this study is to examine the DNA methylation status of DISC1 gene in patients with schizophrenia. Methods: In this study, 239 subjects were included, 117 schizophrenia patients and 122 healthy controls. Genomic DNA was derived from peripheral blood and bisulfite converted. The DNA methylation level was quantitatively measured by Methylight Taqman analysis. Sociodemographic and the clinical parameters were noted. The severity of the clinical symptoms was assessed using Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). Results: The mean age and gender distribution of the study groups were similar. There were no significant differences in the methylation level of DISC1 between the patients and control groups When patients were compared by age, duration of illness, age at diagnosis, body mass index, smoking status, PANSS score, and types of antipsychotic treatment, the DNA methylation level of DISC1, did not show any significant difference (p>0.05). Conclusions: This study found no significant difference in methylation level of DISC1 gene between schizophrenia patients and healthy control. Therefore it is suggested that aberrant DNA methylation of DISC1 most probably does not contribute to the pathogenesis of schizophrenia

    Association between social media use and depression among students in International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) Kuantan Pahang

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    Depression is a vital issue as it is expected to be among the major health problems affecting Malaysia in the upcom-ing years. With the rise of technology used nowadays, social media has become one of the leading factors towards depression among youths in several western countries. To further validate this hypothesis, the aim of this study is to investigate the association between social media use and depression among International Islamic University Malay-sia Kuantan students. This cross-sectional study involved 227 students of IIUM Kuantan from three Kulliyyahs; Kulli-yyah of Allied Health Sciences (KAHS), Science (KOS) and Dentistry (KOD). Convenience sampling was applied, and self-administered questionnaires were distributed from January 2019 until March 2019. Data were analysed using Statistical Package Software for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25. This study indicated that the level of social media-related depression among students in selected Kulliyyah in IIUM Kuantan was low (n=61, 26.9%). Body im-age dissatisfaction, online harassment, sleep disturbance and high self-esteem were significantly associated with low depression level. Socio-demographic factors which are the types of kulliyyah and working part-time were found to be significantly associated with depression, with the p-value of 0.002 and 0.012 respectively. Social media use and depression were significantly associated, where it involved body image, online harassment, sleep and self-esteem

    Relationship of selective complement markers with schizophrenia

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    Immune system dysregulation may be involved in schizophrenia, but biomarker studies have thus far reported inconsistent findings. The relationship of plasma levels of complement markers C3 and C4, with schizophrenia, sociodemographic and clinico-psychological factors were here studied in 183 patients and 212 controls. C3 and C4 levels were significantly higher in the patients and in subjects with elevated C-reactive protein (CRP), and positively correlated with body mass index (BMI) (p <0.05). Schizophrenia, BMI, and CRP were significant predictors for C3 and C4 levels in multivariate analyses (p <0.001). In conclusion, complements C3 and C4 are potential peripheral biomarkers in schizophrenia

    Pengasingan dan pengesanan asid deoksiribonukleik (DNA) spesies haiwan menggunakan multipleks tindak balas rantaian polimerase (PCR) daripada minyak sapi

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    Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengesan asid deoksiribonukleik (DNA) spesies haiwan dalam campuran minyak sapi menggunakan teknik tindak balas rantaian polimerase (PCR) multipleks. Kebolehdapatan DNA daripada produk berminyak membolehkan analisis PCR dijalankan dan sekaligus boleh menentukan kehadiran spesies haiwan produk tersebut dengan menggunakan primer haiwan yang khusus-spesies. Gen sasaran adalah DNA mitokondria (mtDNA) Sitokrom oksidase II (COII) untuk menentukan lembu, manakala mtDNA tRNA-ATP8 dan DNA nuklear (nDNA) Elemen Nuklear Berselang pendek (SINE) untuk menentukan babi. Terdapat satu kawalan (S1) dan tiga sampel campuran minyak sapi dengan gelatin babi ditambah pada kepekatan berbeza iaitu 1%, 3% dan 5% (w/v) (S2, S3 dan S4). Analisis PCR simpleks menggunakan primer spesies-spesifik yang disebutkan, berjaya mengamplifikasi DNA lembu dengan amplikon bersaiz 165 bp (COII) dan DNA babi dengan amplikon 212 bp (tRNA-ATP8) dan 161 bp (SINE). Manakala, teknik PCR multipleks yang telah dioptimumkan menggunakan primer mtDNA (tRNA-ATP8) dan nDNA (SINE) untuk menentukan kehadiran haiwan babi, juga menghasilkan amplikon bersaiz yang sama. Oleh itu, kajian menunjukkan bahawa kaedah PCR multipleks adalah kaedah yang mudah, ringkas dan pantas untuk menentukan kehadiran DNA babi di dalam sampel campuran produk minyak sapi selain daripada kaedah PCR simpleks

    Association between DNA methylation of the CUB and sushi multiple domains 1 gene and schizophrenia

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    Introduction: The CUB and Sushi multiple domains 1 protein (CSMD1) inhibits the complement cascade in neural tissues. Complement activation in the brain has been proposed as one of the pathogeneses for schizophrenia by causing excessive synapse pruning. A variant of the CSMD1 gene is also associated with schizophrenia at genome-wide level and is linked with cognitive impairment. However, there is lack of study on DNA methylation of CSMD1 in schizophrenia. Therefore, this study investigated the levels of CSMD1 DNA methylation in schizophrenia and the relationship with symptom severity. Methods: In this case-control study, DNA methylation levels of CSMD1 were compared between 183 schizophrenia patients (SZ) and 212 healthy controls (HC). The DNA methylation levels were quantified using MethyLight quantitative PCR assay on bisulfite-modified genomic DNA, purified from peripheral blood. The methylation levels were measured as percentage of methylated reference (PMR). Symptom severity was assessed in SZ using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). Results: There were lower CSMD1 PMR values in SZ compared to HC (p = 0.001). Additionally, there were negative correlation between CSMD1 PMR values and positive PANSS scores (rs = -0.206, p = 0.005). Age and ethnicity were also associated with CSMD1 PMR values. Conclusion: These results suggest that hypomethylation of CSMD1 could be one of the molecular bases for schizophrenia. Nevertheless, these results must be verified, and the mechanism of association must be determined in future studies

    Association between LRRTM1 gene DNA methylation and schizophrenia psychopathology

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    Introduction: Leucine-rich-repeat transmembrane neuronal protein 1 (LRRTM1) is a synaptic adhesion molecule involved in synapse organization. DNA hypomethylation of the LRRTM1 gene promoter was shown to be associated with familial schizophrenia. However, the association with schizophrenia in general and its symptom severity is still unknown. This study aimed to investigate the DNA methylation level of LRRTM1 gene in schizophrenia patients and its relationship with psychopathology. Methods: In this study, 183 schizophrenia patients and 212 healthy controls were included. The DNA methylation level was measured using MethyLight quantitative PCR assay on bisulfite converted genomic DNA from peripheral blood. The methylation levels were measured as percentage of methylated reference (PMR). Psychopathology was assessed using five-factor Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) and Personal and Social Performance Scale (PSP). Results: There was no significant difference in the DNA methylation level of LRRTM1 between the patients and healthy control group. However, there were significant negative correlation between LRRTM1 DNA methylation level and total PANSS (rho = -0.156), negative symptoms (rho = -0.147) and disorganization symptoms (rho = -0.171) scores respectively (all p <0.05). In addition, there was significant positive correlation between LRRTM1 DNA methylation level with PSP scores (rho = 0.19, p = 0.01) Conclusion: The observed inverse relationship between LRRTM1 DNA methylation and schizophrenia symptom severity supports potential role of LRRTM1 dysregulation in the psychopathology of schizophrenia, in line with theory of synapse integrity

    The role of DRD4 DNA methylation in schizophrenia

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    Introduction: DRD4 is a dopamine receptor subtype that has been linked to schizophrenia genetically. Previous studies have shown that the density of DRD4 in schizophrenics' brains was higher than the other dopamine receptors. However, the genetic research of DRD4 in the physiology of the dopaminergic system with increased risk of schizophrenia is still not well established. Due to the complexity of the gene variations associated with schizophrenia and the influence of environmental factors, the study aimed to analyse the DRD4 DNA methylation in the peripheral blood of schizophrenia. Materials and Methods: This study was a casecontrol study. A total of 138 schizophrenia patients were recruited from the Psychiatry Clinic, Hospital Kuantan Ampuan Afzan, Kuantan Pahang and 132 matched healthy controls were included from Kuantan district. The genomic DNA from the peripheral blood was extracted and bisulfite converted. The MethyLight Taqman® test was used to determine the degree of DRD4 DNA methylation quantitatively. The data was analysed using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) after being adjusted for age and gender. Results: When compared to the control group, schizophrenia had significantly lower DRD4 DNA methylation (p=0.001). Males (p=0.026) and females (p=0.004) patients both had hypomethylation. Conclusion: This research strongly suggests that DNA methylation of the DRD4 gene may have a role in the genetic foundation of schizophrenia

    DNA methylation of membrane-bound catechol-O-methyltransferase in Malaysian schizophrenia patients

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    AIM: This study examined catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) DNA methylation in the peripheral blood of schizophrenia patients and also in healthy controls to investigate its potential use as a peripheral biomarker of schizophrenia and its relations with the clinical variables of schizophrenia patients. METHODS: We examined the DNA methylation levels of COMT using genomic DNA from the peripheral blood of schizophrenia patients (n = 138) and healthy control participants (n = 132); all were Malaysian Malays. The extracted DNA was bisulfite converted, and the percentage methylation ratio value was calculated based on the results following a MethyLight protocol analysis. RESULTS: The percentage methylation ratio of COMT was lower in schizophrenia than it was in the healthy controls (P < 0.001) and was different between the body mass index (P = 0.003) and antipsychotic (P = 0.004) groups. The COMT DNA methylation rate was lower in patients receiving atypical antipsychotics (P = 0.004) and risperidone (P = 0.049) as compared to typical antipsychotics. The Excitement and Depressed subdomains of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale were inversely related (P < 0.001) and therefore predictors (Excitement: b = -11.396, t = -4.760, P < 0.001; Depressed: b = -7.789, t = -3.487, P = 0.001) of COMT DNA methylation. CONCLUSION: Our results suggested that the methylation level was affected by the severity of the clinical symptoms of schizophrenia and might also be influenced by pharmacological treatment. The epigenetic alteration of COMT in the peripheral blood could be a potential peripheral biomarker of schizophrenia

    A netnography examination of tripadvisor reviews: A case study of the St Regis Hotel Kuala Lumpur

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    There has been a growing reliance on consumer generated content as a source of knowledge for hospitality product decision-making. People post their views, ratings, and reviews of products and services on such platforms, and companies and research organizations are interested in analyzing and extracting all of the comments. It is critical for hotels to take advantage of online customer review information in order to better understand their customers and enhance hotel efficiency. However, analyzing guest reviews is challenging as it contains abundance of data. Using The St Regis Kuala Lumpur as a case study, the objective of the paper is to profile the hotel online reviews using a Netnography approach, identify the hotel attributes that guest comment based on the hotel online reviews and examine the guest satisfaction attitude based on the hotel online reviews. A total of 388 reviews from TripAdvisor were collected. The findings revealed that most of the hotel guests who left comments were international tourists, and couples. Many of whom left excellent ratings for the hotel. The findings show there are nine attributes that are frequently mentioned namely, amenities, location, price, service, cleanliness, food and beverages, hotel and room environment. The results also show that guests left both positive and negative reviews in few common categories such as hotel cleanliness, hotel environment and amenities. Among all the attributes mentioned, satisfied guests tended to leave positive comments for things like hotel cleanliness, hotel and room environment, while dissatisfied guests emphasised the amenities or the lack thereof. The findings of this study make several theoretical and managerial inferences with regards to identifying hotel attributes that contribute to guest satisfaction and improves the understanding of what satisfies and dissatisfies guests from the comments left by the guests on TripAdvisor. The paper concludes with limitations and suggests future research