23 research outputs found

    An alternative bioassay using Anabas testudineus (Climbing perch) cholinesterase for metal ions detection

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    Climbing Perch or its scientific name, Anabas testudineus is one of the freshwater fish belonging to the family of Anabantidae. It is widely distributed in ponds, swamps and estuaries in Asia. In this study, cholinesterase (ChE) was partially purified from the liver of A. testudineus through ion exchange chromatography. This purification method provided a recovery yield of 5.36% with a purification fold of 6.6. The optimum conditions for ChE assay were identified to be 2.5 mM of butyrylthiocholine iodide (BTC) with pH 8.0 in Tris-HCl buffer at 40°C. Substrate specificity profile also indicated that ChE favours BTC as substrate because it records the highest catalytic efficiency (V/K). Protein analysis through Native-PAGE showed that ion exchange chromatography is an effective method to partially purify ChE. Metal ion inhibition tests were conducted and mercury (Hg) was found to show the highest inhibition effect (87.30%) whereas lead (Pb) shows the lowest inhibition effect (28.01%). All these findings showed that partially purified ChE from the liver of A. testudineus is suitable to be used as a bioindicator to detect the presence of metal ions

    Analytical hierarchy process for design selection of micro hot-marking tool

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    Veracious concept selection process is crucial in design engineering where, a concept with concise description will fulfill customers’ requirements. Failure in concept selection can lead to inaccurate design which will result in unnecessary process repetition of the initial stage. One of the best tools that can be used in determining the best design concept is Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Micro Hot-Marking Tool (HMT) is a super-finished tool with micro tip which is to be used for alphabetical marking process using CNC milling machine. In this research, AHP was successfully employed in selecting design concept for HMT. Four significant and robust concepts were analyzed, namely C1, C2, C3 & C4. Concept 2 (C2) has been chosen as the best concept with the highest score of 27% among all the evaluated concepts which will be taken into next design stage

    Histopathological and cholinesterase changes in the gills of Clarias gariepinus as a result of cadmium exposure

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    Aim : The cholinesterase (ChE) based inhibition and histopathological studies from fish were investigated and represented in this study to develop as one of the great potential biomarkers for heavy metals monitoring. Methodology : In this study, the histopathological study of gills were observed a under microscope. The capability of ChE extracted from the gills of Clarias gariepinus was assessed for declining Cd. ChE was purified through affinity chromatography and continued with the optimisation and inhibition study (IC50) of cholinesterase. Results : Histopathological study of gills was carried out and several changes such as aneurysm, necrosis and lamella fusion were noted. Purification fold obtained from purified enzyme was 1.15 with 30% a yield specific activity 20.726. The optimum temperature for purified AChE was 35°C along with acetylthiocholine iodide (ATC) as a preferable substrate that had the highest Vmax value of 0.5452 U mg'1 and the lowest Km value of 0.0311 mM. The optimum pH was observed to be 10 of Tris-HCl as a medium. Meanwhile, the IC50 of cadmium was 6.808 mg ľ with R2 value of 0.9532. Interpretation : The result of the study can be used as a tool for further developing a biomarker for the detection of heavy metals in aquatic ecosystems. In addition, the baseline data provided can also be used for designing a kit, which would give rapid and accurate result

    3D model by using oblique images from unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)

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    In recent years, 3D modelling had been a major outcome for obtaining a high-level detail structure of facade and building. The role of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) as platform had been widely used as its accessibility to the location and geometry aspects such as terrain, mount and higher building. This paper aims to obtain highly-level-detail 3D model of building acquire from oblique images of UAV. Several parameters should be considered such as flight planning, minimum time to cover whole building, inclination of camera and ground control points to achieve complete information of the building. Oblique images acquire by a very close circular flight to the building. Some nadir images will be used for further tie and strengthen block. The images obtained were processed using Agisoft Photoscan Professional. Several steps were taken for image processing such as calibration, extraction, point cloud generation and orientation. The UAV data was validated with check points observed from GPS to obtain Root Mean Square (RMSE) values. RMSE value for planimetric accuracy is ±0.026m, ±0.034m and ±0.018m for X, Y and Z respectively. The average RMSE values obtained is ±0.037m. In conclusion, the value achieved centimetre accuracy and show that the use of UAV and processing software as an effective tool for surveying, reduce cost, acquisition of data more rapid and need for high level detail

    Evaluating mobile laser scanning for landslide monitoring

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    Landslide is one of the natural disasters that give a huge impact to human life and social-economic development. Landslide needs to be monitored periodically in order to avoid loss of human life and damages of properties. Various methods have been used for monitoring landslide. This aim of the research is to evaluate the potential of mobile laser scanning technique for monitoring of landslide area. The objectives of the research are to acquire three-dimensional surface data of landslide area in different epochs and to analyze the movement of the landslide area using three-dimensional surface deviation and ground surveying techniques. The methodology begins with the GPS survey for the establishment of ground control points for the project area. The total station survey was then carried out to measure the three-dimensional coordinates of twenty well distributed targets located at the project area. The data collection phase was then continuing with the mobile laser scanning survey. The processing of the two epochs data acquired from both techniques was then carried out simultaneously and the methodology concluded with the output comparison analysis for the movement detection of the land slip. The finding shows that the mobile laser scanning provides fast and accurate data acquisition technique of the landslide surface. The surface deviation analysis of the two epochs laser scanning data was capable to detect the movement occurred in the project area. The results were successfully evaluated using the changes of the three-dimensional coordinates of the targets from the two epoch’s ground surveying data

    Investigation Of Tyre Pressure Drop Phenomenon Using Specially Designed Real-Time Data Mining And Storage System

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    Tyre pressure plays an important role in ensuring safe operation and performance of a motor vehicle. Improper monitoring of tyre pressure always results in reduction of gas mileage, tyre life, vehicle safety and performance. Studies reflects that, properly inflated tyres can increase tyre life span up to 20% which is equivalent to nine months of its life span, save fuel from 4% to 10%, increase braking efficiency up to 20%, lightens steering system and ease self-steer. Monitoring proper tyre pressure using manual gauges are less effective as they tend to provide slight gap at the valve for air leakage during pressure checking. Therefore, a device called tyre pressure monitoring system (TPMS) is used in the current research to efficiently monitor air pressure and temperature in the tyre of a motor vehicle which then generates a signal indicative of the pressure and temperature in each of the tyre thus increasing the monitoring system of a vehicle and its safety. This paper presents a “cost-effective” real-time data plotting application based on LabVIEW graphical user interface using a TPMS device. Notably, the entire system is tailored to the situation whereby with the existence of this interface; tyre researches and scientist would able to effectively monitor and simultaneously plot the tyre pressure and temperature data even at dynamic condition

    An alternative bioassay using Anabas testudineus (climbing perch) colinesterase for metal ions detection

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    Climbing Perch or its scientific name, Anabas testudineus is one of the freshwater fish belonging to the family of Anabantidae. It is widely distributed in ponds, swamps and estuaries in Asia. In this study, cholinesterase (ChE) was partially purified from the liver of A. testudineus through ion exchange chromatography. This purification method provided a recovery yield of 5.36% with a purification fold of 6.6. The optimum conditions for ChE assay were identified to be 2.5 mM of butyrylthiocholine iodide (BTC) with pH 8.0 in Tris-HCl buffer at 40°C. Substrate specificity profile also indicated that ChE favours BTC as substrate because it records the highest catalytic efficiency (Vmax/Km). Protein analysis through Native-PAGE showed that ion exchange chromatography is an effective method to partially purify ChE. Metal ion inhibition tests were conducted and mercury (Hg) was found to show the highest inhibition effect (87.30%) whereas lead (Pb) shows the lowest inhibition effect (28.01%). All these findings showed that partially purified ChE from the liver of A. testudineus is suitable to be used as a bioindicator to detect the presence of metal ions

    Investigating Effects of Rim and Web Thicknesses on Root Stress of Thin-rimmed Spur Gear with Symmetric Web Arrangement

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    Caution on the allowable root stress values need to put in consideration for thin-rimmed gears due to the thickness of rim and web. This paper used the basic AGMA equation to predict gear tooth root stresses later to be compared with FE analysis. The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects on root stress of thin-rimmed spur gear with different rim and web thicknesses. Eight sets of thin-rimmed spur gear with different rim and web thickness have been simulated in Abaqus software as FE model for further analysis. Von Misses stress values were extracted at Hofer's critical section on tensile side of second tooth in contact. From the AGMA equation shows that tooth root stress constantly increases from 468.4 MPa for solid rim to 1222.5 MPa at 4mm rim thickness when 500 Nm of load applied. While FEM result shows Von Misses stress value to become uneven at the line of Hofer's critical section when different rim and web thickness involves

    Does a circular convex blind spot mirror increase the driver’s field of view?

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    Many road traffic accidents occur in Malaysia every year. Road fatalities has been one of the main causes of death in Malaysia. More than half of these fatalities were among motorcyclists. An accident between a passenger car and a motorcycle might be caused by the blind spot of the car driver, in which the driver was unable to notice an incoming motorcycle from behind or the side. Blind spot monitoring system has been developed using recent technology. However, this active blind spot monitoring system is expensive and only available in luxury cars. Another type of blind spot monitoring is known as passive blind spot monitoring by means of a convex mirror. Many convex blind mirrors are being sold nationwide that come in various shapes. Nonetheless, the effectiveness of this convex mirror has never been quantified. This study aims to experimentally quantify the effectiveness of this mirror by using a spotlight, projecting a direct light to the side mirror. A circular convex mirror was placed at four different locations, one at a time. It is hypothesised that the reflection of the light on a flat, white wall indicates the driver’s field of view. The area of the reflection was calculated using image processing, and the values of all five cases were compared. It was found that the circular convex mirror increases the field of view by up to 211 %. The position of the convex mirror plays an important role to ensure a maximum field of view is achieved. This paper has demonstrated that the usage of a circular convex mirror does increase the driver’s field of view