193 research outputs found

    Perbezaan sikap dan kecenderungan tingkah laku pencarum Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) terhadap penamaan wasi

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    The purpose of this article is to identify the differences in attitude and the tendency of the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) contributors in nominating wasi (executor) based on factors such as monthly income, level of education and marital status. This is an exploratory study that utilizes questionnaire as the research instrument. A total of 566 Muslim EPF contributors in Selangor have been selected as the research samples (purposive). Data are processed and analyzed using IBM statistical software, SPSS version 20. The attitudes towards the nomination of executor have been identified to include three elements namely; the attitude in the appreciation of goodwill, the attitude towards the sense of responsibility and attitude in the technical sense. However, the tendency in action or behaviour is represented by one element only. The findings show that there is a difference between attitudes and tendency in the nomination of executor among Muslim contributors with regard to marital status. The findings also show that there is a significant difference in attitude among the contributors with regard to monthly income while for the tendency of action there is a significant difference with regard to the level of education. Contributors who are already married have a more positive attitude towards the nomination of executor and they indicate a higher tendency to nominate executor compared to contributors who are still single. This could be influenced by the contributors’ experience and sources of information that they are exposed to, in addition to other factors such as having children and experiencing an unstable level of health

    Role of Pleiohomeotic in Targeted Gene Silencing by Polycomb Group Proteins

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    Epigenetic regulation refers to effects on eukaryotic gene expression that are inherited through cell divisions. Research over the last decade has established a critical role for covalent chromatin modifications in the perpetuation of gene expression patterns. However, how specialized DNA sequence elements can bring a linked gene under epigenetic control has remained unclear. Drosophila Polycomb response elements (PREs) are cis-acting epigenetic DNA elements that maintain segment-specific silencing of linked enhancers in a PcG gene-dependent manner and function as chromosomal tethers for Polycomb group proteins (PcG) proteins. The mechanism by which they are targeted to PREs remains largely unclear. One of the major classes of PcG repressor complexes (PRCs) is PRC1. PRC1-type complexes harbor the core subunits Posterior sex combs (PSC), Polyhomeotic (PH), Polycomb (PC) and dRING1, and several other proteins. Because PREs function in transgenes, there is possibly a DNA sequence code that can impose PcG control. However, the nature of this PRE code is still elusive. Recent studies have shed more light in this area. Sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins have been implicated in recruiting PcG complexes to PREs. One of the key players is the Drosophila homologue of the mammalian transcription factor Yin Yang 1 (YY1), which is the DNA-binding protein Pleiohomeotic (PHO). PHO binding elements are essential in PcG silencing in vivo and PHO mutants result in PcG phenotypes in flies. In this thesis, we report on the role of PHO in targeted gene silencing by PcG proteins

    Learning Style and its Impact in Higher Education and Human Capital Needs

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    AbstractCreative and critical thinking is one of the soft skill attributes expected of prospective graduates or learners. For one to participate effectively in their working and social environment, studies have indicated that learners’ need to be exposed to a variety of learning styles, strategies as well as creative and critical thinking skills. Such exposure maximizes ones’ potential to be creative, critical and constructive thinkers deemed necessary for nation building and future human capital needs. As such, these precious future human capital should not be left untapped to their own devices to discover their own learning styles as they step foot in the university. Learning strategies need to be tailored to meet individual learning styles to capitalize on the learner's potential. In this context, the study attempts to uncover possible changes in the learner's learning styles as a result of exposure to various types of learning styles in a Thinking Skills Course conducted during the first semester of the first year of the learners’ program in the university. By identifying their learning strategies, an awareness of the best learning styles and strategies can be improvised to best fit each individual. Such awareness will inadvertently create ripples in the teaching learning style of teachers. Rather than applying a one fits all model of teaching, teaching styles can also be adapted at the initial stage of the learners’ studies. The lack of such insight results in a tremendous loss to identifying and aligning the learner's potential to meet future human capital needs

    Perbezaan Sikap dan Kecenderungan Tingkah Laku Pencarum Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) terhadap Penamaan Wasi

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    The purpose of this article is to identify the differences in attitude and the tendency of the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) contributors in nominating wasi (executor) based on factors such as monthly income, level of education and marital status. This is an exploratory study that utilizes questionnaire as the research instrument. A total of 566 Muslim EPF contributors in Selangor have been selected as the research samples (purposive). Data are processed and analyzed using IBM statistical software, SPSS version 20. The attitudes towards the nomination of executor have been identified to include three elements namely; the attitude in the appreciation of goodwill, the attitude towards the sense of responsibility and attitude in the technical sense. However, the tendency in action or behaviour is represented by one element only. The findings show that there is a difference between attitudes and tendency in the nomination of executor among Muslim contributors with regard to marital status. The findings also show that there is a significant difference in attitude among the contributors with regard to monthly income while for the tendency of action there is a significant difference with regard to the level of education. Contributors who are already married have a more positive attitude towards the nomination of executor and they indicate a higher tendency to nominate executor compared to contributors who are still single. This could be influenced by the contributors’ experience and sources of information that they are exposed to, in addition to other factors such as having children and experiencing an unstable level of health

    Temperature effects on diffusion coefficient for 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol in subcritical water extraction

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    6-gingerol and 6-shogaol are the main constituents as anti-inflammatory or bioactive compounds from zingiber officinale Roscoe. These bioactive compounds have been proven for inflammatory disease, antioxidatives and anticancer. The effect of temperature on diffusion coefficient for 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol were studied in subcritical water extraction. The diffusion coefficient was determined by Fick's second law. By neglecting external mass transfer and solid particle in spherical form, a linear portion of Ln (1-(Ct/Co)) versus time was plotted in determining the diffusion coefficient. 6-gingerol obtained the higher yield at 130°C with diffusion coefficient of 8.582x10-11 m 2/s whilst for 6-shogaol, the higher yield and diffusion coefficient at 170°C and 19.417 × 10-11 m2/s

    Preparation of Rice Bran Protein Solutions Using a Water-Based Extraction Process

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    Rice bran (RB), which is a waste product of the rice industry, has great potential for use as a source of new protein supplements. In this study, the extraction of soluble proteins from rice bran was conducted using a water-based extraction method with the aid of sonication extraction and a hybrid sonication/thermal treatment approach, known as the soni-auto hybrid method. Both extraction methods were explored and compared to determine the most efficient extraction process using the one-factor-at-one-time (OFAT) method. The parameters studied and their experimental ranges for both extraction methods were as follows: sonication time = 5-45 min, sonication temperature = 30-80 °C, and feed-to-solvent ratio = 1:5-1:80 (g:mL). The most efficient extraction method was then used for optimization by means of response surface methodology (RSM) based on the central composite design (CCD) model. It was found that the soni-auto hybrid method exhibited a superior extraction performance compared with sonication alone, wherein the protein concentration was increased by up to 18% while maintaining a comparable quality. The use of this hybrid treatment approach also reduced the sonication time from 35 to 30 min and the sonication temperature from 50 to 45 °C. The optimal soni-auto hybrid conditions were determined by RSM to be a temperature of 50 °C, a feed-to-solvent ratio of 1:20, and an extraction time of 30 min; these conditions produced a protein concentration of 17.174 mg/mL. Finally, evaluation of the surface morphology and functional groups on the protein confirmed that the hybrid soni-auto approach provided a higher protein concentration without significantly affecting the protein structure or quality

    Humanizing the Localizing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Education and Research at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)

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    Preliminary actions taken by the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) towards the value-added from the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework that may relevant in the current indicators, elements, values and impacts, and the also constructive analysis by different sectors at High Educational Institutions (HEIs). Typically, the instrumentation on performances of each element (or indicator) in research and education portfolios are majorly defined as Key Performance Index (KPI) and/or Key Achievement/Amal Index (KAIs). All of instrumentations suitable at the vertical strategic plan to disseminate the workload across stakeholders in the HEIs. A strategic plan by each university will represent the core values and relevancy of niche area in academic and research sectors. However, UTM already is identifying the most critical element, far beyond the KPI/KAI successful story which focusses under the Pelan Global Universiti (PGU I-III) to outstanding values of inclusiveness, synergy and visibility with the important Desired State 2020. The UTM core values will serve Integrity, Synergy, Excellent and Sustainability (ISES) in all operation/services throughout trustworthy engagement with stakeholders. Meantime, the action plan for enVision 2025 institualized the pragmatic roadmaps align with the SDGs at the global benchmark, in order to horizontally manage the great grassroots improvement and further develop unique vision to UTM; named as UTMDNA. This paper describes the proactive strategic plan by UTM management to advocate the next roadmap altogether with high impact sustainable education and research works. Most of the concurrent achievement, action-plan and long-term Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0) is emphasized in the life-balance strategy framework. The second wave (2020 - 2030) of SDGs in UTM is among the most recent thoughts towards the sustainability requirements specially to serve the UN SDG and enVision 2025 (UTM). Therefore, Malaysian higher education institutions should take proactive steps in culturing SDG initiatives – guided but not bounded by the specific measures set-out in the UN Conferenc

    Renewable energy harness to uplift the prosperity of Royal Belum Forest

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    Renewable energy resources exist over wide geographical areas and its technologies are also suited to rural and remote areas where energy is often crucial in human development. As of this preliminary study, a source of renewable energy is in focus to bring benefits to the stake holders of Royal Belum Forest; hydropower. In order to sustain the prosperity of Royal Belum Forest, micro-generation method will be introduced. Micro-generation is defined as a small-scale generation of electric power by individuals or small communities to meet their own needs, as alternatives or supplements to traditional centralized grid-connected power. As one of micro-generation methods, micro-hydro power has been chosen as its importance for its environmental conscious approach that aspire zero or low-carbon footprints. Micro-hydro power can make a large amount of energy out of a small water flow with minimal impact on the environment. Based on obtained preliminary data, an on-grid configuration micro-hydro power electric systems would be able to generate a reliable of electricity supply. Kampung Sungai Tiang has been chosen as it has the suitable rivers to facilitate this study. The presence of a high ground (514 meters above sea level) within Kampung Sungai Tiang vicinity creates a necessity for an observation tower. In addition to wildlife observation and forest fire prevention, this tower can be further exploited by the government or private companies for scientific and commercial activities. The construction and utilization of this tower would encourage the implementation of best practices in order to minimize impact on the environment

    Kelangsungan syariat Islam menerusi perundangan Malaysia

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    Syariat Islam dan perundangan tak dapat dipisahkan. Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk melihat justifikasi sistem perundangan yang berteraskan syariat Islam yang bersifat samawi yang membawa konsep mendidik dan bukan sekadar menyakiti. Persoalan yang melibatkan peruntukan perundangan sivil yang berasaskan Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan enakmen negeri sebagai elemen perundangan mahkamah syariah di Malaysia bukanlah bertujuan untuk membawa aras perbincangan yang bersifat guaman dan kehakiman, tetapi sebagai metod instrumen yang menyokong laras perbincangan yang lebih bersifat sosio kemasyarakatan. Keperluan ke arah pemantapan perundangan Islam menerusi proses diplomasi dilihat semakin mendesak dan selari dengan perkembangan kehidupan dan kemaslahatan umat Islam di Malaysi

    The Role of Maqasid Shariah Framework in The Management of People with Disabilities (PWD): A Systematic Literature Review

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    Maqasid Shariah framework is synonymous with the practice of Islamic management to protect the rights and welfare of every human being. This practice is applied to all levels of society regardless of physical condition, to ordinary people or people with disabilities (PWD). Each is entitled to fundamental rights regarding the development of religion, life, intellect, lineage, and wealth. Therefore, this paper will discuss the Maqasid Shariah framework's role in managing PWDs using systematic literature review analysis (SLR). This study uses the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) method by systematically searching articles in the MyCite, MyJurnal and Google Scholar databases from 2012 to 2022. The study found that the Maqasid Shariah framework's role in managing PWD is significant in practice. It fulfills the five main bases (al-daruriyyat al-khams) of PWD inclusively and holistically in self-development: religion, life/health, intellect/education, lineage/dignity and wealth/economics. This study can provide a reference and guidelines to all communities to apply the framework of Maqasid Shariah in the affairs of the management of PWD