48 research outputs found


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    This thesis describes the development of chemically amplified resists for electron beam lithography. The techniques and concepts oflithography are discussed and the motivations for the development of chemically amplified resists are examined. The experimental techniques used in this work are then described. Two groups of resists, derivatives of fullerene and derivatives of triphenylene, were tested for chemical amplification and the results obtained from the research are presented. A systematic study of the response of several methanofullerenes and polysubstituted triphenylene derivatives before and after chemical amplification is presented. Films of the compounds were prepared by dissolving the resists in solvents such as chloroform and adding to the solution various concentrations of certain photoacid generators and crosslinkers, and spin coating the mixture on hydrogen terminated silicon wafers. The films were irradiated using 20 keY electrons. Post exposure bakes between 90 to 120 'C for 30 to 180 s were applied to the resists before development with non-polar solvents such as monochlorobenzene. Most of the chemically amplified resists showed sensitivity enhancement compared to their pure counterparts. Fullerene derivative, 3' H-cyclopropa [I, 9, 5, 6] fullerene-C60-Ih - 3', 3'- carboxylic [ 2-2-(2-hydroxyethoxy) ethoxyl ethyl] ester (a mixture of adducts) demonstrated the highest sensitivity enhancement with the incorporation of an epoxy novolac crosslinker and bis[4-di(phenylsulfonio) phenyl]sulfide bis(hexafluorophoshate) as photoacid generator with a sensitivity of -8 ~Clem' and a resolution of -24 nm. The polysubstituted triphenylene derivative, 2,6,10-trihydroxy-3,7,11- tri(pentyloxy) triphenylene, showed a sensitivity of -5 ~Clem' when the crosslinker hexamethoxymethylmelamine and the photoacid generator triphenylsulfonium triflate were added to the compound. However, fine patterning in the resist was not very successful due to acid diffusion. An alternative triphenylene derivative similar to 2,6, 1 0-trihydroxy-3,7, 11- tri(pentyloxy) triphenylene, with epoxides incorporated into the structure showed better results with the photoinitiator bis[ 4-di(pheny lsulfonio) phenyl]sulfide bis(hexa fluorophoshate). The chemically amplified C51epoxide demonstrated a sensitivity of ~9 f..!C/cm2 and a resolution of 40 nm. The etch durabilities of these chemically amplified resists for dry plasma etching with SF6 are reasonably high, comparable to a conventional high durability novolac resist

    Gamification : a look into the games elements that drive towards a meaningfull teaching and learning

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    The term gamification was first brought up a game designer Nick Pelling back in 2004, (Rughini?, 2013) whom tried to use game-like enhanced interface to make electronic transactions such as using the Automated Teller Machine (A.T.M); making it more attractive and engaging thus creating a game like fun to the transaction. From this came the definition of gamification; which is the "use of game design elements in non-game contexts" (Deterding et al., 2011)

    The overview of problem solving skill through online social networking platform

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    Problem-solving skill is one of the 21st century skills needed by students to be competitive in the future working world. However, international assessment results have shown Malaysian students are still weak in problem solving and many graduates face problems securing a job due to a lack of problem-solving skill which is highly sought after by industries. Although problem-solving skills can be learned, enhanced, studied and mastered, these skills are still not sufficiently exposed and trained to students at the moment. Realizing the huge potential of social networking sites (SNS) that may serve as a promising learning platform, this paper discusses the potential of using Facebook as an informal alternative learning tool to enhance problem-solving skills among school students. The popularity and familiarity of Facebook may attract students to participate actively in discussions and encourage peer collaborations in online social problem solving environment; hence, helping to improve students’ problem-solving skill

    Gamification: potentials and challenges in teaching and learning in science

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    Educational technology plays an important part in the growth of education in the 21st century. Yet the absence of infusion between technology and education in schools, has led to the de-motivation among many students and teachers with the current education system. Therefore with the evolution in technology, especially with the arrival of android devices, interaction with games has been on the rise; making it a daily routine and addictive part of people?s lives. By using the game design elements in non-game contexts, gamification is created. These elements are points, badges and leader board. In the corporate world, gamification has been used as a motivational pull in achieving goals. These qualities relate to the instigators of motivation; purpose, autonomy and mastery. So we can deduce that the capabilities of game in causing a change in human lives go beyond its intended purpose of fun. As students are familiar with the usage of technology, infusing gamification to improve teaching and learning in schools may reap favourable results. Yet there has been lacking research in the effectiveness of gamification in learning and teaching. This creates an opening for a research to be carried out in this field. The aim of this paper is to explore the potentials as well as challenges of using gamification to enhance the teaching and learning in Malaysia schools

    Modeling of Antenna for Deep Target Hydrocarbon Exploration

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    Nowadays control source electromagnetic method is used for offshore hydrocarbon exploration. Hydrocarbon detection in sea bed logging (SBL) is a very challenging task for deep target hydrocarbon reservoir. Response of electromagnetic (EM) field from marine environment is very low and it is very difficult to predict deep target reservoir below 2km from the sea floor. This work premise deals with modeling of new antenna for deep water deep target hydrocarbon exploration. Conventional and new EM antennas at 0.125Hz frequency are used in modeling for the detection of deep target hydrocarbon  reservoir.  The  proposed  area  of  the  seabed model   (40km ´ 40km)   was   simulated   by using CST (computer simulation technology) EM studio based on Finite Integration Method (FIM). Electromagnetic field components were compared at 500m target depth and it was concluded that Ex and Hz components shows better resistivity contrast. Comparison of conventional and new antenna for different target  depths  was  done in  our  proposed  model.  From  the results, it was observed that conventional antenna at 0.125Hz shows 70% ,86% resistivity contrast at target depth of 1000m where   as   new   antenna   showed   329%, 355%   resistivity contrast at the same target depth for Ex and Hz field respectively.  It  was  also  investigated  that  at  frequency of0.125Hz, new antenna gave 46% better delineation of hydrocarbon at 4000m target depth. This is due to focusing of electromagnetic waves by using new antenna. New antenna design gave 125% more extra depth than straight antenna for deep target hydrocarbon detection. Numerical modeling for straight  and  new antenna  was also done to know general equation for electromagnetic field behavior with target depth. From this numerical model it was speculated that this new antenna can detect up to 4.5 km target depth. This new EM antenna may open new frontiers for oil and gas industry for the detection of deep target hydrocarbon reservoir (HC

    Penerapan kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi melalui model stesen rotasi pelbagai Mod

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    Pembangunan tahap pemikiran pelajar melalui penerapan elemen Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi (KBAT) amat dititikberatkan bagi memperkasakan pembelajaran Sains, Teknologi, Kejuruteraan dan Matematik (STEM). Usaha ini selaras dengan seruan kerajaan dalam mentransformasikan Sistem Pendidikan Negara seperti dalam pengisian perancangan Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (PPPM) 2013-2025. Dengan yang demikian, pelajar perlulah diasuh kemahiran insaniah mereka dengan diberi peluang untuk menyampaikan idea dan mencuba secara praktikal dalam menyelesaikan sesuatu permasalahan bukan setakat menghafal fakta atau teori saintifik semata-mata. Kajian ini adalah bertujuan untuk membincangkan berkenaan dengan penerapan KBAT dalam mata pelajaran Matematik Sekolah Menengah melalui model pedagogi Stesen Rotasi Pelbagai Mod. Pembelajaran melalui medium sosial secara dalam talian dan penerapan unsur kolaboratif di dalam pedagogi ini mempunyai potensi dalam membaiki kemahiran insaniah pelajar. Kajian konsep ini diharapkan memberikan sumbangan kepada dunia pendidikan berkaitan kaedah atau pendekatan yang sesuai digunakan untuk meningkatkan KBAT di kalangan pelajar

    Penguasaan pelajar dalam kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi dengan pembelajaran kaedah sokratik

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    Pencapaian pelajar di Malaysia dalam penilaian Trends in International Mathematic and Science Study (TIMSS) 2011 dan Programme International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012, menunjukkan kedudukan pencapaian dibawah purata antarabangsa jika dibandingkan dengan negara-negar asia yang lain. Bagi mengatasi masalah ini, bidang pendidikan memerlukan penambahbaikan untuk membolehkan penguasaan pelajar dalam pembelajaran agar keputusan penilaian TIMSS dan PISA dapat ditingkatkan selepas ini. Terdapat kajian sebelum ini mengatakan bahawa cara yang berkesan untuk meningkatkan penguasaan pemikiran kritis pelajar adalah melalui kaedah pembelajaran sokratik. Kelebihan kaedah pembelajaran sokratik ini adalah berpusatkan pelajar selain dapat meningkatkan kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi pelajar khususnya pemikiran kreatif dan kritis. Terdapat satu elemen yang boleh diintegrasikan bersama pembelajaran sokratik antaranya ialah penggunaan teknologi. Penggunaan teknologi boleh menjadikan pengajaran dan pembelajaran lebih menarik disamping dapat melibatkan pelajar secara optimum. Kepentingan penggunaan teknologi dalam era teknologi maklumat yang pesat ini adalah bagi membolehkan pelajar sentiasa mendapat maklumat yang terkini. Kertas kerja ini akan membincangkan sorotan kajian tentang pembelajaran sokratik dalam teknologi pembelajaran maya

    Flipped classroom dalam konteks Malaysia

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    Sistem pendidikan abad kini, iaitu pembelajaran abad ke-21 menuntut kepada pembelajaran berpusatkan pelajar. Namun demikian kajian-kajian lepas mendapati bahawa kebanyakan guru masih menggunakan pendekatan konvensional. Kaedah konvensional dilihat menyebabkan penglibatan pelajar yang kurang dalam aktiviti pembelajaran. Justeru pelajar akan berhadapan dengan kesukaran membina pengetahuan sendiri kerana ia menjurus kepada pembelajaran kurang aktif. Maka perlu ada satu kaedah pengajaran yang berupaya mengatasi permasalahan tersebut selain menepati pembelajaran terkini seperti kaedah flipped classroom. Kaedah flipped classroom merupakan salah satu pembelajaran berpusatkan pelajar yang menitikberatkan penglibatan pelajar secara aktif. Dalam konteks Malaysia, kajian berkenaan flipped classroom adalah sangat terhad terutamanya di peringkat sekolah memandangkan ia adalah antara kaedah pedagogi yang terkini. Kertas ini akan mengulas mengenai kajian-kajian lepas terhadap keberkesanan pelaksanaan kaedah flipped classroom. Kaedah flipped classroom memberi ruang dan peluang kepada pelajar untuk belajar secara kadar kendiri serta menggalakkan pembelajaran aktif. Kaedah flipped classroom juga menggunakan teknologi sebagai perantara dalam pembelajaran dan pengajaran (PdP). Analisa awal menunjukkan kaedah flipped classroom mempunyai kelebihan serta cabaran dalam pelaksanaannya namun ia berpotensi meningkatkan prestasi pencapaian pelajar

    Enhancing meaningful learning in MRS120 rotational model

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    Studies on Blended Learning flourishingly have become unstoppable now. A lot of Model of Instruction venture on how to integrate technology with T&L especially involving Online Learning. In these studies, we will focus on Station Rotation Model which is one of the pedagogy approaches in delivering the content and inducing the Higher Order Thinking skill (HOTs) among the secondary student in Malaysia. Adoption and the hybridisation of this so call Blended Learning Model with Malaysian style of teaching were hoping critically assimilated the active learning environment in order to double up the generation thinking process among students. Meta-analysis on previous model will explain the component that will introduced to the newly enhanced Malaysian Instructional model which is called MRS120 Rotational Model. Theory on Meaningful Learning by Ausubel will be polished in this Model as discussed later in the paper

    The socratic method online to improve critical and high order thinking among students

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    Since the existance of social sites is more widespread nowadays; adolescents ages 13 to 17 are often engaged in it more than studying. These things happen because they are exposed to the use of technology since birth. This can be avoided since technology can be put to good use in daily or everyday life. Various parties, especially parents and teacher should monitor their children’s addiction to technology can be deflected to thing that can be beneficial. For example, the use of online learning is an ideal medium for students who often use the computer while studying. The use of online technology for learning can help student to share ideas with other students and socialize at the same time (Liao et al., 2014). Apart from that, there are also studies that state the online learning can stimulate the student’s use of critical thinking as they challenged each other to express their views (Kalelioglu dan Gülbahar, 2014). To futher improve the online discussion, the use of socratic method which is a method that can make students always think. This due to the fact that this method uses questioning techniques to encourage students to think for acquiry answers, thus construct their own concept of the answers given and received from their peers in the forum (Yang et al., 2005)