132 research outputs found

    Optimization of POME anaerobic pond

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    This study is to determine the effectiveness of physico-chemical and biological treatment on upstream of anaerobic pond in Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME). The various effluent treatments are currently used with different efficiency. The purpose of this research is to reduce the total solid of POME by using acidification pond and flocculation treatment on upstream of anaerobic pond. The cationic polymer was used as a flocculant. In order to access the optimum total solid removal, different dosages of polymer were tested by jar testing. Matlab Software was used for regression and statistical analysis. A specific program was used to predict the reduction of total solid in flocculation process. The model prediction is in close agreement with the experimental results for polymer system

    Evaluating the effects of operational parameters and conditions on struvite crystallization and precipitation with the focus on temperature

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    This article discusses wastewater treatment through struvite precipitation method. The most important operational conditions are introduced and discussed shortly with the stress on the effects of temperature on struvite precipitation. It continues with some description about the struvite itself. Phosphorous which is known as one of the highly depleted elements on earth is also discussed in this introductory article. The phenomenon of struvite precipitation used to mostly be known as a nuisance and an operational problem in wastewater treatment in the form of precipitates which was later named as struvite precipitates. The need for more studies in wastewater treatment through struvite precipitation is still felt in different aspects like, quality and quantity optimization as well as its application and the operational affecting parameters

    The study of aluminum loss and consequent phase transformation in heat-treated acid-leached kaolin.

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    This study investigates the effect of Al leaching during Fe removal from kaolin to mullite. Heat-treated kaolin was obtained by heating natural kaolin at 400, 500, 600, 700, 800 and 900 °C. The heat-treated kaolin was then leached at 100 °C with 4 M, 3 M, 2 M, 1 M, 0.2 M solution of H2SO4 and 0.2 M solution of oxalic acid. The dried samples were sintered to 1300 °C for 4 h at a heating rate of 10 °C min−1. X-ray diffractometry and differential thermal analysis were used to study the phase transformation of kaolin to mullite. It was found that 700 °C is the optimum preheat-treatment temperature to leach out Fe and also Al for both types of the acids used. The majority of the 4 M sulfuric acid-treated kaolins formed the cristobalite phase when sintered. On the other hand, 1 M, 0.2 M sulfuric acid and 0.2 M oxalic acid leached heat-treated kaolin formed mullite and quartz phase after sintering

    Continuous Production of Carbon Nanotubes - A Review.

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    Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) up to now are the most researched materials of the 21st century with an international intention of growing industrial quantities due to their superior properties for use in many applications. Thus far large quantities of carbon nanotube scan be grown in a continuous manner by both arc as well as chemical vapour deposition methods. In this paper, an innovative approach of feeding gases, a carbon precursor (solid or gases) and a catalyst into the reaction zone is reviewed. This is followed by a study of the reaction process concerning how the method is initiated, the effect of growth environment and catalyst on CNTs as well as the discharging mechanism for the final carbon products. A study of the arc method consists of a novel way of growing CNTs in a liquid solution from an arc discharge generated by carbon rods, by growing CNTs in a plasma zone using carbon gases or solid carbon and a more direct method of using carbon tape as the anode for the synthesized source are also reported. In the case of the chemical vapour deposition (CVD) method, some use a horizontal reactor and some use a vertical reactor with all having different installed devices for use in continuous feeding and discharging of resources and products respectively. Additionally, problems regarding the CNT yield and some issues that have not been taken into consideration by others, are discussed. At the end of the review, an additional mechanism to integrate catalyst preparation and carbon nanotube purification into the current research synthesizing process for future study is proposed for a highly productive continuous CNT synthesis process

    Film thickness effects on calibrations of a narrowband thermochromic liquid crystal

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    Thermochromic liquid crystals (TLCs) have been widely employed by researchers in heat transfer and fluid flow communities as a reliable and non-intrusive temperature measurement tool due to their unique optical properties such as birefringence, optical activity, circular dichroism and selective reflection of colours in the visible spectrum as function of temperature. The use of narrowband TLCs are attractive for temperature and heat transfer measurements due to their higher precision in temperature measurements and due to the fact that narrowband TLCs are less affected by variations in illumination-viewing angles and illumination disturbances. Narrowband TLCs have been used with full intensity-matching methods to provide robust image processing for measurements of thermal parameters in transient heat transfer tests. Calibration of narrowband TLCs is necessary in order to obtain the intensity-temperature relationship of the TLCs. Film thickness is one of the factors which affects calibrations of TLCs. In this research, film thicknesses of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 μm were investigated on green intensity-based calibrations of R35C1W TLC during heating and cooling. Results showed an increase in magnitude of peak green intensity with increasing film thickness, with a percentage increase of nearly 18% when film thickness increased from 10 to 50 μm. Results also showed an inconsistent shift in temperature at which peak green intensity occurs, with a maximum shift of 0.40 °C, suggesting that film thickness effects may be insignificant for narrowband TLCs compared with wideband TLCs. A theoretical method for estimating the volume of TLC coating required to achieve a desired film thickness has also been described in this paper, based on the surface area and dry solids content of the TLC. The method is easily implemented and applicable for sprayable TLC coatings

    Cationic and anionic dye adsorption by agricultural solid wastes: a comprehensive review

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    Recently many researchers have proved the capability of agricultural solid wastes as adsorbents to remove many types of pollutants including dyes. This review represents the use of agricultural solid wastes to remove two classes of dye, cationic and anionic dyes and makes a simple comparison among cationic and anionic dye adsorption by the same adsorbent, thus possibly opening the door for a better understanding of the dye-classified adsorption process. Both these classes of dyes are toxic and cause severe problems to aquatic environment. Some agricultural solid wastes can remove both dye classes, although they need activation. The dye adsorption capacities of agricultural waste adsorbents vary, depending on the pH of solution, initial dye concentration, adsorbent dosage and process temperature. The pH of solution is directly related to the dye-classified adsorption, where it affects the surface charge of the adsorbent and the degree of ionization of the adsorbate

    Active drag reduction in hydrocarbon media using rotating disk apparatus

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    A high precision rotating disk apparatus (RDA) is designed and employed to investigate the turbulent drag reduction characterization induced by polymeric additives. For the past few decades, polymers have been used widely as drag reducer agents in a pipeline and RDA successfully due to its viscoelastic properties that can suppress the turbulent at high ranges of Reynolds number. In this study, drag reduction efficacy of diesel fuel in a rotating disk apparatus is investigated using high molecular weight polyisobutylene polymer as drag reducing agent. Dependence of drag reduction on different parameters such as: polymer concentration and rotational disk speed (RPM) are also investigated. In addition, the mechanical stability of this polymer with time was studied by measuring torque values for 300 sec at a fixed rotational speed (2000 rpm). It was observed that the drag reduction of diesel fuel increases withthe rotational disk speed and polymer concentration till a critical concentration at which the maximum drag reduction achieved. The maximum DR obtained was about 19.197% at Re = 902062 and PIB concentration of 150 ppm

    Rotating Disk Apparatus: Types, Developments and Future Applications

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    Power consumption reduction investigations attracted the attention of enormous numbers of researchers in the past few decades due to its high academic and economic impacts. The pumping power losses during the transportation of crude oils are considered as one of the main power consuming applications due to the turbulent mode of transportation. Investigating the possible solutions for this problem is expensive and time consuming due to the large apparatuses needed to simulate the flow in real pipelines. Rotating disk apparatus (RDA) is an instrument mainly comprising a rotating disk and an electrical motor to rotate the disk, which was implemented as an efficient and economical path to simulate what can be done in pipelines through generating a controlled degree of turbulence. This technique was also used in many other scientific applications due to its dynamic mode of operation. For example, a rotating disk electrode was used in electrodeposition processes and to characterize deposition film thickness and uniformity. The rotating disk reactor was employed to investigate the reaction rate between fluids and solid surfaces. The present work evaluates the RDA from different prospective and applications in order to introduce it as an efficient research tools for future dynamic investigations

    Design Consideration For Design A Flat And Ring Plastics Part Using Solidworks Software

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    Various considerations on design of plastic injection moulded parts were applied in initial stage to prevent any defects of end products. Therefore, the objective of this project is to design the plastic injection moulded part by taking consideration on several factors such as draft angle, corner radius and location of gate. In this project, flat plastic part, ring plastic part, core inserts for flat and ring plastic part were designed using SolidWorks software. The plastic part was drawn in sketching mode then the 3D modeling of solid part was generated using various commands. Considerations of plastic part such as draft angle and corner radius with location of gate was considered in the design stage. Finally, it was successfully designed the two plastic parts with their respectively insert by using SolidWorks software. The flat plastic part and ring plastic part were designed for the purpose for future researches for study the weld lines, meld lines, air trapped and geometrical size of the product. Thus, by designing the flat plastic part and ring plastic part having core insert on each part, the completed mould design of two plate mould can be considered. This is because, plastic injection parts are needed to be designed properly in order to neglect any defect when the mould was made