690 research outputs found

    Physical properties of cutlet-clay ceramic

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    A series of ceramic based on (x) cullet-(l00-x) clay has successfully been made by slip casting followed by sintering at 800°C. The sample density has been determined using the Archimedes method while their hardness by the Vickers Hardness Test. Meanwhile, the thermal shrinkage has been measured at 900°C. It is found that the density is in the range of 2.03–2.27gem-3, increases as the amount of cullet is increased. Meanwhile their hardness up to 0.38 GPa can easily be obtained. The thermal shrinkage is found to be 2.9–11.9%, increases with the increasing of cullet content up to 60 wt%

    Effect of irradiance on growth, physiological processes and yield of melon (Cucumis mela) plants grown in hydroponics

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    The effect of different irradiance levels on melon (Cucumis mela) cv. Birdie, Charity Ball and Jade Dew grown in hydroponics was investigated. Plants were exposed to mean daily irradiance levels of 11.4,8.2, 6.1 and 3.0 MJ m-2 day-1 achieved by using different levels of shade. The dry matteryield appeared to be directly proportional to the irradiance level received by plants. Stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rate were highest when the plants were grown under the highest irradiance level. Plants grown under 11.4 MJ m-2aI had the highest fruit fresh weight and total soluble solids. All cultivars failed to fruit when grown under irradiance of 3.0 MJ m-2aI

    Growth, water relations and physiological processes of starfruit (Averrhoa carambola L) plants under root growth restriction

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    Starfruit (Averrhoa carambola L., Clone B17) plants were grown in two levels of root zone volume (3.36 m3 or 0.68 m3) and two levels of water availability (well watered or 30% of field capacity). Root restriction inhibited the growth of starfruit plants as indicated by the reduction in leaf and root growth, and to a greater extent under water stress conditions. Under well-watered conditions, root growth restriction resulted in a slight reduction in leaf water potential. Regardless of watering regimes, root growth restriction causes an increase in leaf diffusive resistance, which consequently contributes to the reduction in leaf photosynthetic rate. The beneficial effect of root growth restriction in plants grown under well watered conditions is to hasten flower initiation

    Keberkesanan Baja Kalsium dan Pengairan Terhadap Kandungan Kalsium dalam Tisu Tanaman Mangga (Mangifera Indica, L) Pada Tanah Berkapur

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    Satu penyelidikan ladang telah dijalankan untuk menilai keberkesanan baja kalsium dan pengairan terhadap kandungan kalsium dalam tisu tanaman mangga (Mangifera indica, L) dan kejadian buah reput dalam mangga (BRDM) pada tanah berkapur di mana dijalankan juga penilaian dan pengkelasan tanah (mengikut Sistem Jabatan Pertanian Malaysia dan Pengkelasan Keupayaan Kesuburan). Dua kadar pengairan [tanpa pengairan (T) dan pengairan (A)] x tiga sumber baja Ca [tanpa baja Ca (CO), baja Ca(N03h (CN) dan baja Biomin Ca (CF)] berfaktorial disusun menggunakan Rekabentuk Rawak Blok Lengkap dengan empat replikasi. Pemeriksaan dan penilaian tanah berkapur [Bukit Bintang Sederhana (BBS), Bukit Bintang Dalam (BBD) dan Bukit Bintang Cetek (BBC)] menunjukkan bahawa tanah ini berlom dengan kandungan lempung di antara 18-35% dan kelodak > 30%. Kadar infiltrasi yang rendah (0. 14-1.30 em jam-I). Tanah ini juga berpH tinggi (7.23-8.44) dan kandungan karbon at > 50 g kg-I. Manakala kedalaman tanah ke lapisan padat berbeza-beza di mana BBS adalah 50-100 em, BBD adalah > 100 em dan BBC <50 em. Kelas kesesuaian tanah BBS adalah 3t(ed), BBD adalah 3t(d) dan BBC adalah 5eR(td). Kelas keupayaan kesuburan tanah BBS dan BBD adalah Ldb dan BBC adalah L'L"db. Tanah BBS dan BBD sesuai untuk kebanyakan tanaman manakala BBC terhad kepada tanaman yang berakar eetek sahaja

    Development of padded bandana for takraw players

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    This study focuses on the analysis of a headband which is called the bandana. Takraw player often used a bandana on the head just for covering their hair and to sweep sweat. Unfortunately, the bandana is much more unprotected compared to headband because it does not have a material that can absorb an impact from the ball thus can cause a severe injury after several times of heading. It is shown that the understanding of the head impact with this bandana wearing by players in a game is imminent to the biomechanics knowledge. The objective of this study is to identify the most suitable material of bandana and fabricate a bandana based on the result of the experiment that has been conducted. This study involved with 2 types of experiment, which the first experiment conducted on the force plate in order to find the most suitable material for bandana among the 3 types of test material. For the second experiment conducted on the skull prototype in order to compare the parameters between best material results from the previous experiment and a condition without using any test material. The expected result produces from the experiment is the value of material should be relatively closed to or higher or lower than the benchmark value according to each parameter. A material that satisfies each parameter of the experiment was proven as the best material for padded bandana for Takraw players

    Characterization of Free Surface Hydraulics Flow Over Sharp-Crested Weir in a One-Dimensional HEC-RAS Model

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    The current study aimed to determine the flow changes when the uses of weir hydraulic structure in an open channel hydraulic system. An experiment was conducted by using an open channel structure at the Hydrology System Station, Micro-pollutant Research Centre (MPRC), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). Two (2) different types of sharp-crested weir structures which are semi-circular and triangular weir are analyzed. The experiment is conducted at same initial flow rate which is 0.270m3/s for both types of weirs. All the data required in analysis of flow characteristic such that yo, y1, y2, y3, H and Q for upstream and downstream of weirs structure was recorded. The main objective was to evaluate the flow water surface profile and energy grade line downstream of weir using Hydraulic Model (HEC-RAS). Analysis of data was conducted for physically measured and using HEC-RAS model. The results revealed that the flow at downstream had lower Fr of 0.150 compared to upstream when uses of weirs. The relationship between downstream velocity and upstream flow shows the higher the upstream flow rate, the lower the downstream velocity. HEC-RAS result shows that the upstream energy grade elevation had higher percentage difference of 24.4% from physical analysis for semi-circle weir. HEC-RAS was an effective instrument for analyzing of flow behavior in open channel and capable in evaluating the flow characteristics changes when the uses of hydraulic structure in open channel

    Effects of low irradiance on growth, water uptake and yield of tomatoes grown by the nutrient film technique

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    A study was carried out on the effects of irradiance on growth and development of tomatoes grown using the Nutrient Film Technique(NFr). Plants were exposed to mean daily irradiance levels of 14. 7, 8.5, 3.3 and 0.87 MJ m-2day-l achieved by using different levels of shade. High irradiance (14.7 and 8.5 MJ m-2day-1) increased leaf area and dry weight, root and stem dry weight compared to the plants grown under lower irradiance. Plants under shade were up to 5 DC cooler than those under high irradiance. Plant water uptake and leaf nutrient concentrations in the leaves were generally lower in shaded plants than those in full sun. The highest fruit production was obtained with an irradiance of 14. 7 MJ m-2 day-l. Plants grown under 3.3 and 0.87 MJ m-2 day-J failed to fruit