35 research outputs found

    Keusahawanan Menurut Perspektif Al-Quran

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    Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengkaji Keusahawanan Menurut Perspektif Al-Quran. Aspek-aspek yang dikaji meliputi konsep, etika dan bidang keusahawanan. Kajian ini adalah berbentuk kajian perpustakaan. Hasil daripada kajian, penyelidik mendapati bahawa keusahawanan merupakan salah satu bidang yang dapat menjana ekonomi umat Islam. Di samping itu, dapat memberikan garis panduan yang betul kepada umat Islam dalam menjalankan aktiviti keusahawan. Bidang ini juga memberikan pendedahan tentang bidang-bidang yang terdapat dalam keusahawanan Islam seperti pertanian, penternakan, perlombongan, perikanan dan perusahaan. Di akhir kajian, penyelidik mengemukakan cadangan kepada pihak tertentu untuk menjadikan kajian ini lebih berguna untuk menarik minat masyarakat mengetahui tentang keusahawanan Islam

    Pemupukan akhlak muslim menurut pandangan Ibnu Miskawayh

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    Pembentukan akhlak masyarakat berasaskan ajaran agama akan menjamin kualiti insan yang lebih beretika dan berakhlak tinggi. Pembentukan akhlak amat penting kerana ia mempunyai kaitan rapat dengan iman. Sungguhpun fitrah semulajadi manusia adalah baik, ada ketikanya manusia mempunyai keinginan yang melencong dari kebaikan. Akhirnya dalam mengejar kemajuan kebendaan, manusia mengorbankan keluhuran akhlak dan rohani. Mereka menganggap hukum, nilai dan norma keagamaan sebagai penghalang kemajuan. Melihat kepada realiti semasa, satu pendekatan yang efektif dan signifikan amat diperlukan. Usaha memupuk akhlak yang baik di tengah budaya materialisme dan hedonisme, bukanlah satu tugas yang mudah. Sikap masyarakat Islam sendiri yang kurang prihatin terhadap nilai-nilai kemanusiaan, persaudaraan, keadilan dan kasih sayang menyebabkan berlaku gejala kelembapan umat dalam menangani masalah sosial. Kertas kerja ini akan membincangkan pendekatan tokoh akhlak Islam terkemuka iaitu Ibnu Miskawayh dalam menghadapi keruntuhan akhlak masyarakat pada zamannya iaitu zaman terputusnya wahyu dan bimbingan terus dari Allah dan Rasul-Nya sebagai panduan masyarakat hari ini

    Tasawur of Malay medicine In Malay traditional medicine book

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    This study is an attempt to present a holistic Malay medicine practice covering the whole aspects of human life in terms of psychological, emotional, mental and physical. A clear relevance between Malay medicine and the Islamic medicine is also to be presented in this study. The method of treatment and practice of Malay medicine which are wanted to be highlighted in this study is an element have has been already presence in the Malay medical system ever since a long time ago and has continued to be practiced today. The treatment methods described in this study are such as life therapy, massage therapy, bath therapies, herbal therapies and also newborn care and postnatal care practices. However, Malay medicine emphasizes the prevention of disease through the practice of self-care in life therapy rather than the aspect of disease treatment. Hence, through research that has been increasingly done by researchers and academicians today is expected to further developing in Malay medicine knowledge so that it can be applied towards cure various diseases of society today

    Homoseksual: antara hukum dan kemajuan sains

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    Homosexuality is a phenomenon that has ling existed in human history. It is became the targer of the study to find the contri buting factors to the tennets of the Islamic perspec tive. The desire of homosexuals to change the physical conditions of a male to femare or vice versa is a good convention for sexual purposes or desore to become a mother or father status. The pace and progress of science and technology has helped homesexua ls meet their needs, even if the outcome of these treatments may bring much harm to themselves or those around them. High costs of sex change surgeries ca used many homosezual stuck to the nature of adultery and leave a negative impact on health. The purpos e of this paper is to understand the factor that cause homosexuality: Between law and science. The method used is a qualitative approach and a library. The findidngs of the study showd that the f actors that cause the occurrence of homosexuality no only dep end on environmental factors such as parents, peers, social and biological factors, but diet and drugs. There is a lack of research on the different schools of taught concerning the change of gender studies, hence it is has become prevalent in the Muslim c ommunity. If this is not handled as soon as possible, it not only gives an image that is not healthy within our communities but aslo under mine the development of Islamic civilization

    Hazard level of vehicle smoke by fuzzy multiple attribute decision making with simple additive weighting method

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    Clean air is a necessity for human. Human needs clean and healthy air without being contaminated by vehicle smoke that can endanger human health. vehicle smoke contains harmful substances for human including carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and lead metal (Pb). This can make air quality worse and can cause human be suffered of diseases including ARI (Acute Respiratory Infection), shortness of breath, sore eyes, coughing, brain damage and mental disability in children. Decision Support System (DSS) is a system to support Managerial decision makers in semi-structured decision situations and in this research author made a study of the DSS model to determine the level of danger of vehicle smoke, this study uses the Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making method (FMADM) where this method is a way to find optimal alternative from a number of alternatives with certain criteria, from very low things that was from 0-0.25, medium from 0.3-0.50, to the most dangerous thing that was from 0.8-1. Hopefully with the existence of this research later it can be useful for the community, especially for public health

    Design of student score application for assessing the most outstanding student at vocational high school

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    Learning achievement is a representation of student success level in learning. In accordance with the rules that have been determined by Muhammadiyah Vocational High School (SMK) to know the student achievement, it is needed criteria to determine who will be selected to be the most outstanding student. The purpose of this study was to design the Student score Information System as a support in decision-making and daily operational purposes, and to compare the effectiveness and efficiency of data processing and presentation of information between existing systems and information systems to be proposed. In improving the development process that the author will develop Student Information System as a supporter in decision making using Visual Basic 6.0 programming language. Research conducted in this case was descriptive qualitative research by conducting survey on the object of research that is in Vocational High School (SMK) Muhammadiyah Pringsewu District by using data collecting technique there were observation, interview, and literature study. The conclusion of writing this research is expected that the new system can provide convenience to the parties involved in performing data processing quickly and accurately, and can store data safely to assist in the process of service to students and society generally

    Application program learning based on android for students experiences

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    With the advancement of the era that increasingly rapidly affect the pattern of all-dependent life with advanced technology that allows us to do many things in everyday life in accordance with our needs such as using gadgets as a medium of learning. By using Android based gadgets we can use it to learn to play guitar that is supported by the Android application program that presents learning about playing guitar. Using gadgets as a medium of learning is an interesting and very easy. Android application program about learning to play the guitar is facilitate us in learning. Gadget as a medium of learning is an utilization technological developments that are worth positive and useful for us. Android guitar application presents about the correct guitar playing procedure and there chord and chord sound, not only see the chord form but we can listen to chords. Application made using prototyping method so that will continue to be fixed when there are deficiencies. This application will continue to grow in accordance with the needs of the user. This application is made to facilitate the learning process. Application users will continue to be developed to fit the needs of users and become the right facilities and useful for its users

    Persepsi masyarakat parlimen Pekan terhadap gagasan 1Malaysia

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    Malaysia merupakan negara yang terdiri daripada masyarakat yang berbilang etnik, kaum dan agama. Perbezaan ini memerlukan kepada satu gagasan yang mampu mengeratkan hubungan sedia ada. Justeru, pihak kerajaan melancarkan gagasan 1Malaysia dengan matlamat meningkatkan tahap hubungan sedia ada. Oleh itu, kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengetahui sejauh manakah penerimaan rakyat terhadap gagasan 1Malaysia yang dilancarkan oleh kerajaan, mengetahui halangan dan cabaran dalam merealisasikan gagasan 1Malaysia, mengenal pasti medium yang efektif dalam proses penyampaian gagasan 1Malaysia ke akar umbi dan menghasilkan model yang komprehensif untuk memajukan gagasan 1Malaysia. Bagi mencapai objektif kajian tersebut, kumpulan penyelidik telah menjalankan kajian kuantitatif dan kualitatif iaitu menggunakan instrumen soal selidik dan temu bual. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan perisian SPSS dan N’Vivo 8.0. Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan penerimaan rakyat terhadap gagasan 1Malaysia berada pada tahap yang tinggi. Kajian ini memberi manfaat kepada banyak pihak terutama pihak kerajaan dalam usaha memajukan gagasan 1Malaysia dan meningkatkan keharmonian hubungan antara kaum di negara ini

    Kisah anbiya’dalam al-Quran: Kajian perspektif pembangunan modal insan berasaskan keusahawanan / Mohd Nasir Ripin

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    This study is a document analysis on the stories of the prophets in the Holy Quran. The first objective of the study is to identify stories of the prophets on human capital development related to entrepreneurship. Secondly, it tries to clarify the concept of human capital development based on the stories. Third, it aims to explain approaches in developing human capital. Fourth, it tries to differentiate the characteristics of developed human capital (muslihin) as compared to an undeveloped one (mufsidin). And the final objective is to present principles of human capital development in light of entrepreneurship based on the stories of the prophets in the Quran. To achieve these objectives, the study uses the method of Determination of Subjects in three main themes namely; the story of prophets, human capital development and entrepreneurship. The main body of the data collected is based on library reviews which are further supported by interviews. Analysis of the data was conducted through Inductive, Deductive as well as Comparative methods. Among the prophets featured as sample cases are Noah, Hud, Abraham, Lot, Yusof, Moses, David, Solomon, and Muhammad SAW. The study uncovered the two approaches in developing human capital namely; the process and the situational approaches. Results showed that the prophets use a variety of techniques in the process methods such as the environment, motivation, and practical skills. On the other hand, in the situational approach, muslihin methods such as tauheed, knowledgeable, justice and professional were being employed. These criteria vary significantly with the situation of mufsidin who refused the call of prophets because of shirk, unjust and ghaflah. Hence, the study proposes three principles as the fundamentals of human capital development related to entrepreneurship i.e.; concept and framework, process and technique, as well as products and entrepreneurial goals