126 research outputs found

    Sistem perbankan Islam di Malaysia : satu kajian persepsi dan penerimaan masyarakat Pulau Pinang

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    Umumnya penyelidikan ini bertujuan mengkaji kedudukan dan perkembangan Sistein Perbankan Islam (SPI) di Malaysia. Fokus penyelidikan ini ialah penerimaan dan persepsi masyaraka terhadap perkembangan SPI yang telah bertapak sejak 1983. Penyelidikan ini telah memilih Pulau Pinang sebagai lokasi.penyelidikan Generally, this research aimed at studying the position and development of the Islamic Banking System (IBS) in Malaysia. Focus of the research is to survey public acceptance and perception on IBS, which had started since 1983. The research chose Penang as its prime location

    Simulation-aided production of aircraft's composite parts

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    Simulation has been successfully applied in many different areas such as manufacturing, service system, healthcare, transportation, supply chain, and etc. The opportunities to cut costs and to improve service levels in these sectors are tremendous by applying this technology. One of the largest application areas for simulation modelling is that of manufacturing systems, which has been applied for more than 40 years. This study is conducted at the local manufacturing plant that manufactures composite products for the aerospace industry. In this study, simulation technique is applied to model the existing system to simulate the design and operational policies of the plant production process, which can be used to improve the performance of the different activities at the plant. The model focused on activities at Secondary Manufacturing Area (SMA) of aircrafts composites parts

    Assessing feasibility studies on smart microgrid systems a global review and methodological comparison for implementing microgrids in Malaysia

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    This paper serves as a comprehensive review of past feasibility studies conducted worldwide on smart microgrid systems. The primary focus of microgrids lies in the generation of electricity using micro sources, such as micro-hydro, photovoltaic, or biomass gasifiers. These generated power is then distributed through low voltage networks, catering to a relatively small number of consumers. Malaysia, owing to its geographical location, possesses abundant renewable resources, making it highly suitable for the implementation of microgrids. The adoption of microgrids in Malaysia holds significant potential, offering numerous benefits to the nation and its residents. Prior to initiating a feasibility study within Malaysia, it is crucial to conduct a preliminary study to gain insights into the methodologies employed in previous studies. This review paper concentrates on comparing the methodologies utilized in various studies, including the feasibility study of microgrid installation in an educational institution with grid uncertainty, the feasibility study for 100% renewable energy microgrids in Switzerland, the feasibility study of a microgrid village employing renewable energy sources, the feasibility study for a solar PV microgrid in Malawi, and the feasibility study of microgrid applications in Langkawi and Socotra Islands. By thoroughly examining these studies, this review paper aims to identify the most optimal methodology for conducting feasibility studies on microgrids

    Memelihara keselamatan negara Malaysia: peristiwa Lahad Datu, Sabah

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    Pilihan raya adalah salah satu kriteria bagi negara demokrasi. Malaysia adalah sebuah negara demokrasi semenjak mencapai kemerdekaan pada tahun 1957. Seperti kebanyakan negara baharu yang sedang membangun, perjalanan Malaysia menuju demokrasi penuh dengan cabaran memelihara keselamatan negara. Pasca pilhanraya ketiga, 1969, menyaksikan peristiwa berdarah 13 Mei, sementara pra pilihanraya ke-13 pula telah mengejutkan negara apabila sekumpulan angkatan bersenjata menceroboh Lahad Datu, Sabah, pada 9 Februari 2013. Lebih kurang sembilan orang dari pihak berkuasa dan enam rakyat awam yang terkorban dalam kejadian berdarah tersebut. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk menganalisa bagaimanakah peristiwa Lahad Datu memberi impak terhadap keselamatan negara Malaysia. Kajian ini menghujahkan lokasi geostrategik dan geofizikal Sabah, ketidakcukupan anggota keselamatan dan juga ancaman dari Jamalul Kiram III Sultan Sulu berketurunan Suluk yang tidak diiktiraf, adalah antara faktor peristiwa Lahad Datu. Ekoran dari kejadian tersebut, Kawasan Keselamatan Khas Pantai Timur Sabah (ESSCOM) telah diwjudkan untuk memelihara keselamatan sempadan Malaysia Timur. Begitu juga isu domestik seperti pendatang asing, ancaman maritim dan tuntutan bertindih, masih menjadi isu. Peristiwa dan isu ini menunjukkan kajian ke atas Sabah semakin penting dan memerlukan perhatian kerana kepelbagaian isu domestik yang belum selesai

    Anjakan Paradigma dalam Kajian Keselamatan Insan di Asia Tenggara

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    Isu keselamatan, sama ada yang berbentuk tradisional ataupun bukan tradisional masih terus diperdebatkan hingga kini.Persoalannya, bagaimanakah pendekatan kajian keselamatan mempengaruhi landskap politik terutamanya di Asia Tenggara? Asia Tenggara amat relevan untuk di selidik kerana kepelbagaian isu yang masih belum reda seperti terorisme dan kemiskinan.Isu ini boleh mempengaruhi kestabilan rantau ditambah dengan kepelbagaian sistem politik dan ekonomi negara yang kompleks. Kajian ini menghujahkan bahawa walaupun negara di rantau ini terkebelakang dalam mengaplikasi konsep keselamatan insan, namun kes empirik menunjukkan ada yang telah berjaya mengarusperdanakannya seperti Thailand dan Filipina. Walau bagaimanapun, dalam konteks rantau Asia Tenggara, apa yang lebih menyedihkan adalah kerana kedua-dua pelaku negara dan pelaku bukan negara menjadi ancaman terhadap kelangsungan insan.Objektif utama kajian ini adalah untuk menilai semula konsep keselamatan insan serta mengenal pasti perkembangan baru dan wacana di rantau Asia Tenggara.Kajian ini menggunakan analisis kandungan untuk menganalisis data-data primer dari sumber rasmi dan juga data sekunder dari sumber bercetak dan dalam talian. Hasil kajian menunjukkan walaupun ancaman terhadap negara merentas sempadan adalah semakin signifikan, implikasi terhadap kemanusiaan pula sering diabaikan kerana kesukaran berkompromi dalam isu kedaulatan negara. Jika era Perang Dingin berakhir dengan tiada pemenang antara dua kuasa besar, implikasinya telah mengorbankan banyak nyawa dalam siri peperangan proksi. Sebaliknya, dalam era selepas Perang Dingin, ancaman-ancaman yang timbul adalah lebih langsung menjejaskan manusia sejagat. Oleh itu, adalah wajar konsep keselamatan insan diperluas dan disuntik dengan elemen undangundang dan kebertanggungjawaban dalam konteks masyarakat sivil untuk membolehkan keselamatan turut diterjemahkan kepada peningkatan kualiti hidup yang lebih baik, dan bukan semata-mata hanya untuk keujudan sebuah rejim dan negara

    Description of larval instars of chrysomya rufifacies (Macquart) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), a species of forensic importance in Malaysia.

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    The anatomical structures of the first, second and third instars of Chrysomya rufifacies (Macquart) were examined by light microscopy. Observations were documented on the three main characteristics; the cephalopharyngeal skeleton, anterior spiracle and posterior spiracle. The first instar larva bore cornuae of fairly pigmented delineation with slim hypostomal sclerite and distinct dental sclerite. First instar did not have obscured anterior spiracle but posterior spiracles were obscured with thin lining of opened peritreme. Intersegmental spines were evident. The second instar larva displayed a prominent anterodorsal process approaching closer to hypostomal sclerite while upper margin of the dorsal cornua was slightly pigmented. Each anterior spiracle consisted of nine to ten papillae, arranged in a single row. Peritreme of the posterior spiracle thick, opening at the end of peritreme was not wide and confined to two spiracular slits. The third instar larva showed a prominent arch of the ventral cornua with broad and bold appearance. It approached the dorsal cornua and became narrow at the incision median. The anterior spiracle consisted of a single row of nine to ten papillae while intersegmental spine could be identified with one to three dark pigmented tips. A dark pigmented and wide periterime was observed confining three short and thick spiracular slits while button was poorly pigmented. The most distinctive feature of this second and third instar larva was the slender, thorn-like tubercle with numerous spined tips on the middle line segment of the body. These findings provide identification features of C. rufifacies larvae instars

    A rule-based approach for discovering effective software team composition

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    Human aspects in software engineering play a key role in composing effective team members.However, to date there is no general consensus on the effective personality types and diversity based on software team roles.Thus, this paper aims to discover the effective personality types and diversity based on two software team roles – team leader and programmer by using a rule-based approach.The rule-based approach by employing the rough set technique was used to discover patterns of the data selected.In this study, four main steps were involved to discover the patterns – reduct generation rules, rules generation, rules filtering, and rules evaluation.The results show that the rules generated achieved acceptable prediction accuracy with more than 70 per cent accuracy.In addition, the ROC value achieved 0.65, which indicates the rule-based model is valid and useful.The results reveal that the extrovert personality type is dominant for both software team roles and a homogeneous or heterogeneous team plays an equal role to determine an effective team.This study provides useful rules for decision makers to understand and get insight into selecting effective team members that lead to producing high quality software

    2D visualization of terms and documents in Malay language

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    In the technology era, information is just at our fingertip. Much information nowadays can be searched in digitize way. The output of the data is still in the listed form, and this linear form (one dimension) makes user hardly to find information related to the data requested. In addition, Malay document is still displayed in textual listed form. 676 documents from Jilid 1 of Hadith Al Tarmizi in Malay language are used to visualize the relationship. Method used to develop vector space model for term-document relationship is TF*IDF and Cosine Similarity technique used for document-document relationship. While, Prefuse toolkit is used as the visualization tool. From the 2D graphic, the relationship between Hadis can be found easily. From the questionnaire conducted, 90% participants agree that more relevant documents can be found using the 2D graphics system

    Neksus antara indeks syariah dan fundamental makroekonomi

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    Kajian ini mengukur indeks Syariah berdasarkan Indeks Financial Times Stock Exchange (FTSE) Bursa Malaysia Emas Syariah dan Indeks FTSE Bursa Malaysia Hijrah Syariah. Manakala pemboleh ubah fundamental makroekonomi pula adalah penawaran wang, kadar faedah, kadar pembiayaan dan pulangan kepada pendeposit, dan indeks konvensional. Neksus dinamik antara indeks Syariah dan pemboleh ubah fundamental makroekonomi diuji berdasarkan kointegrasi antara pemboleh ubah bagi tempoh Julai 1999 hingga Disember 2017. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan terdapat kointegrasi antara FTSE Bursa Malaysia Emas Syariah dengan pemboleh ubah makroekonomi. Namun dapatan sebaliknya bagi FTSE Bursa Malaysia Hijrah Syariah. Pemboleh ubah yang mempengaruhi Indeks FTSE Bursa Malaysia Emas Syariah dalam jangka panjang dan jangka pendek adalah pemboleh ubah makroekonomi yang sama iaitu kadar pembiayaan dan pulangan kepada pendeposit dan indeks konvensional. Implikasi kajian menunjukkan pemboleh ubah Sistem Perbankan Islam yang dikaji, iaitu kadar pembiayaan dan pulangan kepada pendeposit mampu memainkan peranan sebagai penyuntik modal kepada pasaran modal Islam dalam jangka panjang dan jangka pendek. Ini menunjukkan indeks Syariah memerlukan polisi dan dasar yang sama dalam jangka panjang dan dalam jangka pendek bagi menjamin kekukuhannya dalam pasaran

    Towards designing tools for universities’ R&D performance measurement on mobile platform

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    At the moment, there is a great interest in most universities to achieve higher ranking for better international standings and visibility. With shrinking resources such as financial and infrastructures, there is also a huge demand for the university to move forward and perform better in Research and Development (R&D) in each evaluation year. Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is an excellent tool to enculturate research in a Higher Education Institution (HEI). The culture must be built upon HEI’s strength and weaknesses. Hence, the right decision making tool must be develop to priorities different agendas such as QSWUR, THE, etc. Mobile platform provide an efficient way to engage with stakeholders particularly to measure HEI performance on R&D. There are three main activities involves for developing a decision support tool for measuring R&D impact in HEIs i.e. development of decision model using multi criteria decision making, dashboard prototype development including and UI/UX for mobile platform. This paper describe the importance of measuring the impact of R&D, prioritization technique and the process of prototype development. It is anticipates that our work could mitigate the gaps and improve the research ecosystem in HEIs