25 research outputs found

    Exploratory study on airbag suitability for low engine capacity motorcycles

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    Motorcyclist constituted more than 50% of road deaths in Malaysia. Statistics showed that most fatal motorcyclist crashes involved passenger cars: with sideswipe or side impact reported to be the most frequent crash configurations. Many related studies have been performed to completely understand such motorcycle crashes which resulted in many safety inventions. These include installation of airbag onto motorcycle to study its effectiveness in potentially reducing motorcyclist’s injury. However, previous related studies known mainly dealt airbag’s effectiveness for large cc motorcycles. Hence, an exploratory study was conducted to study airbag’s suitability in mitigating rider’s injury during collision for motorcycle with low engine capacity (cc). Two different full-scale crash tests of motorcycle (with and without mounted airbag) side-impacting passenger car were conducted in accordance to ISO 13232. The test results in terms of high-speed video recordings (crash kinematics), motorcycle damage profiles and dummy injuries were analysed and discussed. It could be suggested from the results obtained that an airbag system for low cc motorcycle is feasible and further study is needed for better airbag concept and design which could reduce motorcyclist injury during collision

    Analysis of Automated Emergency Braking System to Investigate Forward Collision Condition Using Scenario-Based Virtual Assessment

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    In the recent trend of automotive technologies, active safety systems for vehicles have become one ofthe key elements to reduce road traffic conditions. Automated vehicles are known as one of the active safetysystems to minimize road traffic congestion and unwanted road hazardous situations. Generally, automatedvehicles are designed using advanced driving assistance system (ADAS) technology to enhance the safetycapability of the vehicles. Moreover, automated vehicles are designed to adopt multiple scenarios with differenttypes of traffic situations. Generally, the performance of automated vehicles is evaluated to adapt with various roadconditions and different type of traffic conditions, autonomously. Nonetheless, most of the safety testing wasconducted in a controlled environment and with less traffic conditions. Moreover, this technology is tested indeveloped countries and mostly evaluated for highway driving scenarios, with less pedestrians and motorist’s roadusers. On the other hand, in developing countries such as Malaysia, most of the automotive researchers haveinitiated research related to automated vehicle based on controlled environment only. One of the primary focusesfor the current automotive researchers is to reduce road accidents due to frontal collision. Thus, automatedemergency braking systems have been heavily investigated by most developers to minimize road accidents. Mostof the researchers analyze the system in terms of theoretical based simulation and tested using actual vehicle forphysical testing. However, this type of testing is not sufficient to optimize the performance of automatedemergency braking systems for developing countries. Therefore, this study focuses on scenario-based virtualassessment to evaluate the capability of autonomous vehicles using automated emergency braking system withoutcausing road casualties with the distance range is 4.5m to 0.5m depending on vehicle speed. &nbsp

    The intention to purchase safer car in Singapore: an application of theory of planned behaviour

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    Vehicles with safety and crash-avoidance features are believed to reduce crashes and are saving lives. This study aims to identify the factors that influence safer car purchasing. It is proposed in this paper that consumers’ purchase intention can be explained by three factors which are attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control by using the Theory of Planned Behavior. A sample of 81 respondents in Singapore were selected to participate in this study. Analyses of data include Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient and Multiple Linear Regression. Findings showed that there is a significant relationship between attitude and perceived behavioral control towards the safer car purchase intention

    Road user’s perceptions towards motorcycle safety with regards to conspicuity in Malaysia Road Traffic

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    Motorcycles are the top contributor in road crashes in Malaysia with more than 60% of fatal road crashes involved motorcyclists. Conspicuity issue has been one of the major factors of motorcycle crashes especially when travelling at night in rural road areas. Nevertheless, conspicuity issues also contribute to motorcycle crashes in urban road areas where road and vehicle lightings affect the alertness of other road users towards motorcycle presence in the traffic. This study aims to assess road users’ perception of motorcycle safety levels in terms of its conspicuity, at different riding or driving situations at night in the rural and urban areas. A set of questionnaires was developed with experts’ validation, pilot-tested for its reliability and distributed to road users who commute between Klang Valley and Melaka areas. Preliminary analysis from 78 collected data shows that respondents were able to observe better and be more alert of motorcycle presence in road situations when driving in the urban areas compared to the rural areas. Over 80% believe that wearing bright-coloured attires and helmet can enhance motorcycle’s conspicuity and alertness towards other road users. In addition, more than 80% of the respondents agreed that using reflective tapes on the side body of a motorcycle can improve motorcycle visibility, especially at road junctions. These findings could be used as a future initiative by responsible parties in order to reduce motorcycle conspicuity related crashes in Malaysia

    Analysis of Automated Emergency Braking System to Investigate Forward Collision Condition Using Scenario-Based Virtual Assessment

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    In the recent trend of automotive technologies, active safety systems for vehicles have become one ofthe key elements to reduce road traffic conditions. Automated vehicles are known as one of the active safetysystems to minimize road traffic congestion and unwanted road hazardous situations. Generally, automatedvehicles are designed using advanced driving assistance system (ADAS) technology to enhance the safetycapability of the vehicles. Moreover, automated vehicles are designed to adopt multiple scenarios with differenttypes of traffic situations. Generally, the performance of automated vehicles is evaluated to adapt with various roadconditions and different type of traffic conditions, autonomously. Nonetheless, most of the safety testing wasconducted in a controlled environment and with less traffic conditions. Moreover, this technology is tested indeveloped countries and mostly evaluated for highway driving scenarios, with less pedestrians and motorist’s roadusers. On the other hand, in developing countries such as Malaysia, most of the automotive researchers haveinitiated research related to automated vehicle based on controlled environment only. One of the primary focusesfor the current automotive researchers is to reduce road accidents due to frontal collision. Thus, automatedemergency braking systems have been heavily investigated by most developers to minimize road accidents. Mostof the researchers analyze the system in terms of theoretical based simulation and tested using actual vehicle forphysical testing. However, this type of testing is not sufficient to optimize the performance of automatedemergency braking systems for developing countries. Therefore, this study focuses on scenario-based virtualassessment to evaluate the capability of autonomous vehicles using automated emergency braking system withoutcausing road casualties with the distance range is 4.5m to 0.5m depending on vehicle speed. &nbsp

    Investigation of road crash rate at FT050, Jalan Batu Pahat – Kluang: pre and post road median divider

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    The number of fatal crashes along the Federal Road FT050 (Jalan Batu Pahat – Kluang – Ayer Hitam) involving students of Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) are still accelerating. Road quality upgrading such as lanes expansion, upgrading road surface and construction of road divider are carried out to improve road and traffic safety, since 2010. Unfortunately, the total number of crashes did not reduce but even showed a tendency to increase. Therefore, the objectives of this study are to analyses the crash trends, determine the rank of hazardous road section and identifying the impact of the road divider in an attempt to reduce road fatalities. This study is focused on the road along FT050, which start from the Kolej Vokasional Batu Pahat to the Kolej Jururawat Parit Raja (KM7 - KM21 or 14 km lengths) where the road divider was constructed. Crash data have been collected from Polis Diraja Malaysia such as crashes data before the road divider are constructed (2010 – 2012) and after the construction (2013 – 2014) and road geometry design data are collected from Jabatan Kerja Raya for road design assessments. The determination of Accident Point Weightage (APW) was performed by applying the APW method and Microsoft Excel, which was used for hazardous road ranking. The Accident Prediction Model developed based on multiple linear regression are used to relate the crashes rates and the road design parameters. The results show sufficient proof to support the road safety relate to the relationship between the vehicles crash numbers and road design and the number of crashes namely accident point weighting is described as the dependent variable. The following results found the existing number of major access points, at the following signalized and unsignalized intersections, number of traffic volumes/Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) and road geometry are the main potential contributors of increment crash rates on multiple lane rural roadways

    The comparison of intention to purchase safer car between Malaysia and Indonesia: an application of theory of planned behaviour

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    Due to the rise of car culture, cars have become faster and smarter. Every vehicle has different features to ensure the safety of the car, with most of the cars were equipped with advanced safety features. There is a rapid urbanization and motorization in Malaysia and Indonesia. Hence, this paper presents the comparison of the behavioural intention to purchase safer cars between Malaysia and Indonesia based on Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). A questionnaire survey was conducted to identify consumers’ behaviour. The questionnaires were distributed in Malaysia and Indonesia with 500 each. An application of TPB is used for this study. The results indicate that Malaysians shows more positive attitude and greater perceived behavioural control compared to Indonesians, hence Malaysians have stronger intention to purchase safer vehicles. Otherwise, social pressure has a greater impact on Indonesians to convince them in safer car purchasing because they are high in numbers for the overall percentage compared to Malaysians

    The comparison of intention to purchase safer car between Indonesia and Thailand: an application of theory of planned behaviour

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    Road accident injuries are expected to become the fifth leading cause of death by 2030. With the worrying road accident rate in Indonesia and Thailand, this paper presents the comparison of the intention to purchase a safer car between consumers in Indonesia and Thailand using Theory of Planned Behaviour. TPB postulate that an individual’s behavioural intention is influenced by determinants such as their attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control. Primary data were collected and 500 respondents from each country were involved in this study. The data were analysed using Descriptive Statistics in IBM SPSS Statistics 23 to generate the mean value of each determinant of TPB. The findings indicate that Thailand have a better attitude and subjective norms, and stronger perceived behavioural control compared to Indonesia. This resulted in a stronger safer car purchase intention in Thailand

    Investigation of the Vehicle Driving Trajectory During Turning at Intersectional Roads Using Deep Learning Model

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    Two-thirds of vehicle accidents in Malaysia occurred at the straight type of roads, followed by intersection-type roads. Despite the deployment of traffic lights on the road, accidents still occur which are caused by illegal maneuvers, speeding or misjudgment of other’s actions. Hence, motivated by the lack of previous research regarding causes of accidents on intersectional roads, this study aims to observe the pattern of the vehicles’ speed and turning angle during the right turn after the traffic stop at the intersection road. To obtain these parameters, video samples of vehicles at two types of intersections were obtained and analyzed via YOLOV7 and DeepSORT. The two road intersections researched are four-legged intersection and three-legged intersection. 153 and 35 vehicle samples were collected from these types of road intersections, respectively. It was observed that 78 and 75 vehicles exit towards the nearest and furthest lanes at four-leg controlled crossings on divided roads. While, at a single-lane to a dual carriageway road intersection, 26 and 9 vehicles exit towards the nearest and furthest lanes, respectively. From the research, 16.52 - 17.53 km/h and 67.57°-73.33° are the most optimal turning speeds and angles respectively for vehicles at four-leg controlled crossings. Whereas 14.48 - 15.51 km/h and 144.77° - 154.403° are the most optimal turning speeds and angles respectively for vehicles at a single-lane to a dual carriageway road intersection

    Potential application of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) analysis method on Malaysian road crash data

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    By allowing the movement of commodities and people, road transportation benefits both nations and people. This provides improved access to work opportunities, educational attainment, recreation, and healthcare, all of which have a direct and indirect influence on people. The influence on road transportation, on the other hand, has a detrimental impact on people's health. When addressing road traffic accidents, it is common known that it has merely become a global pandemic, with over a million people dying on the road each year. Malaysia, as a growing country, has identified road safety as a major issue that must be addressed. Reliable road safety statistics are critical for comprehending, assessing, and monitoring the nature and scope of the road safety problem and its solutions, for setting ambitious but realistic safety targets, for designing and implementing effective road safety policies, and for monitoring their success. Several approaches are presently utilized by road safety researchers to produce road safety indicators. In Malaysia, nearly all decisions made by the country's higher authorities to enhance road safety are based on data supplied by relevant stakeholders. As a result, having the proper application of analysis as well as the trustworthiness of the data itself is critical. This article will give a review of the possible use of the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Analysis technique on traffic road collision data and what it may provide to assist monitor or forecast road safety issues, specifically in Malaysia. A new era in the field of road accident investigation is being ushered in by the development and application of analytical methodologies, which are creating previously unimaginable situations. Due to the convergence of recent advancements in accident research models and the availability of potentially new sources of traffic data, this paradigm shift has been made possible. The study of road crashes has benefited significantly from the development of more advanced data processing methodologies and frameworks, thus the researchers will able to extract significant conclusions from the study of traffic data thanks to the application of these approaches