32 research outputs found

    Study of the elastic properties of (PbO)x(P2O5)1 − x lead phosphate glass using an ultrasonic technique

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    Fabrication of a series of binary (PbO)x(P2O5)1−x lead phosphate glasses with various mole fractions (x = 0.1 to 0.6) was carried out using a conventional melt-quenching method. The glass density was measured by using Archimedes principle. The ultrasonic wave velocities (Vl and Vt) of the glasses were determined at room temperature by using a nondestructive test: the digital signal processing technique of the Ultrasonic Data Acquisition System (Matec 8020, Matec Instruments, USA). The experimental data for the wave velocities and densities were then used to determine the elastic properties in each series of lead phosphate glass systems: the longitudinal, shear, bulk and Young's moduli; Poisson's ratio; and the Debye temperature. Based on the results obtained, the longitudinal, shear, bulk and Young's moduli of the glasses increased with the addition of PbO content. The Poisson's ratio obtained remains almost constant, while the Debye temperature shows a continuous decrease with the addition of PbO content

    An Investigation of Microwave Tomography Technique to Detect Brain Tumour Through Cross-Section Imaging at Frequency 0.5 GHz to 1.5 GHz

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    The growing significance of cancerous tissue including brain tumour requires a fast and efficient technology detection. The most current technologies being applied for brain imaging system are Computed Tomography (CT) scan and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Whilst these two detection applications are very well established, both systems are expensive, time and space consuming, and raise safety issues to patients due to the radiation and strong magnetic effects. This research aims to assess the feasibility and potential performance of microwave tomography (MWT) for brain imaging with a particular focus on brain tumour detection. The study was conducted using Finite Element Model software, COMSOL Multiphysics to develop a 2D modelling of an antenna array and measure the scattered electric field by solving forward problem. MATLAB software will be used as an inverse problem solver to reconstruct 2D images of the tumour by using Linear Back Projection (LBP) algorithm

    Does Financial Development and Corruption reduce the level of Income Inequality? Evidence from Malaysia

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    Income inequality is an enduring issue and an important one to address, especially in the new era of digital transformation, as it is a crucial element in promoting persistent income inequality. The theory is that while financial development promotes economic growth, the mixed explanations of previous studies show that this does not always help low-income people in emerging economies. Moreover, the effects of globalization may reinforce motives and increase opportunities for international corrupt practices. It is, therefore, crucial to explore how corruption can be motivated by ineffective rules governing cross-border crimes and how technology can open up new avenues for corrupt behavior, for example by making it easier to find victims, accomplices and money. Profound socio-economic changes can also provide incentives and opportunities for corruption. This study examines how corruption and financial development affect the wealth gap in a developing country like Malaysia over the period 1995 to 2021. The empirical results show that financial development has a positive impact on income inequality. Moreover, the result also shows that corruption control is an insignificant determinant of per capita income in Malaysia. Even though the growth of the financial sector has led to a variety of outcomes, it has only helped to reduce income inequality. Income inequality is negatively and significantly affected by the interaction between financial development and anti-corruption. It is therefore important to promote financial development, prevent corruption and increase government transparency as these factors can promote sustainable economic development and resilience

    Influence of ZnO on the ultrasonic velocity and elastic moduli of soda lime silicate glasses

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    The effects of ZnO on longitudinal and transverse ultrasonic wave velocities of soda lime silicate (SLS) glasses have been measured using the pulse-echo method at 5 MHz frequency at room temperature. The elastic properties: Longitudinal modulus, shear modulus, Young's modulus, bulk modulus, Poisson's ratio, and Debye temperature are found to be rather sensitive to the glass composition. Experiments showed that these parameters depend upon the ZnO-modifier content

    Measuring thermal parameter by thermal diffusion length measurement using OF-TWRC technique

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    The newly developed Optical Fiber TWRC technique or shortly as OF-TWRC was used to determined the thermal diffusivity of liquids from the thermal diffusion length obtained from the curve of pyroelectric amplitude exponential decay with respect to cavity length and compared with the linear fitting of pyroelectric phase signal. The average thermal diffusivity of water obtained by this calculated method gives the value for water as 1.472 x 10 -3 cm2/s. The thermal parameters for water and for other liquids agree with reported values in the literature

    Pembangunan kewangan, ICT dan jurang pendapatan : bukti empirikal data panel dinamik

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    Teknologi Maklumat dan komunikasi (ICT) merupakan salah satu strategi pembangunan di era globalisasi. Motivasi kajian ini adalah untuk menyediakan bukti empirikal mengenai hubungan pembangunan kewangan, jurang pendapatan dan pembangunan ICT. Walaupun teori menyatakan bahawa pembangunan kewangan dan juga ICT dilihat dapat mengurangkan jurang pendapatan, namun bukti empirikal terdahulu menunjukkan keputusan yang pelbagai. Oleh itu kajian ini bertujuan menganalisis interaksi antara pembangunan kewangan dengan ICT bagi menguji adakah kesan pembangunan kewangan ke atas jurang pendapatan dikuatkan dengan adanya infrastruktur ICT yang baik ataupun sebaliknya. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan panel dinamik kaedah momen teritlak (GMM) untuk 69 buah negara dari tahun 1980-2014. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa kesan interaksi antara pembangunan kewangan dengan ICT ke atas 69 buah negara terpilih adalah positif dan signifikan menunjukkan bahawa kesan pembangunan kewangan terhadap ketidaksamaan pendapatan tidak membantu dalam mengurangkan jurang pendapatan dengan adanya pengaruh ICT. Namun begitu, pembangunan kewangan dan juga kemajuan dalam ICT merupakan faktor penting bagi pembangunan ekonomi. Oleh itu, keperluan terhadap faktor-faktor lain seperti pembangunan sumber manusia yang berkemahiran juga perlu diambil kira bagi memastikan pembangunan kewangan dan kemajuan ICT memberi manfaat dalam mengurangkan ketidakseimbangan agihan pendapatan

    Comprehensive study on structural and optical properties of Tm2O3 doped zinc silicate based glass–ceramics

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    In this research, Tm2O3 doped zinc silicate based glass–ceramics were prepared by using conventional melt-quenching method and has been successfully derived from ZnO-WRHA glasses with control heat treatment process. The formation of zinc silicate phase affected by heat treatment process was investigated using X-ray diffraction. Fourier transform infrared reflection spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis was used to determine the crystallization of Zn2SiO4 in the glass matrix. FTIR analysis showed the appearance of Zn2SiO4 and SiO2 bands that supported the formation of Zn2SiO4 crystal phase in the glass matrix. The optical absorption and energy band gap of the glass and glass–ceramics was investigated using UV–Vis spectroscopy. The absorption edge shows the movement towards longer wavelength with increasing heat treatment temperature. Besides, the energy band gap decreased with the progression of heat treatment. This ability to enhance optical properties in glass–ceramics was expected to have bright future in the opto-electronics devices

    Go Travel (Borneo) / Amieza Alamshah... [et al.]

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    Nowadays, our country has been one of the most success countries in the world. As we know, our country has been stabilizing its economic structure after facing the world economy crisis in 1972. There are many factors that help Malaysia to keep on cope and overcome the economic problem; one of the factors is because Malaysia has become more popular in tourism sector. The tourism sector has been the second largest sector in the whole country. It is because Malaysia has many exciting and beautiful places to be explore. It is also because Malaysia has many types of celebration that can influence more tourists to come to our country. On top of that, it is also because many of the citizens of Malaysia have begun to realize about how much important an environment to their life and the government effort also to taking care and promote the Malaysian environment to the whole world. As for our business plan, we have come to an agreement to form a travel agent company. This is because, we realize that many tourist tend to come to Malaysia especially Sabah. So we decided to take that opportunity to serve the tourist that come to Sabah, and we will help to promote Sabah to be one of the most favorable places to be explored. We will also take the opportunity to gain profit from the service we provide as well as to satisfy our target market to gain their loyalty in terms of long term relationship. As we all agreed, we will use Go Travel (Borneo) to be the name of our company. It represents the effort of all of us to influence people to go travel focus in Borneo area. We will choose to open the company in center of Kata Kinabalu town area since there· are many tourists that come to Sabah will prefer to go to Kota Kinabalu town to seek an information and trip advisor as well as travel agent. Our company is a partnership company which consists of 5 partners. These 5 partners will provide capital for the business equally and they will share the profit, equally. Partnership is chosen because partnership is easy to be set up with few formalities; financial assistance from financial institutions is easier to be secured compared to sole proprietorship and the business risk can be reduced