13 research outputs found


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    Exhibition engagementis a burgeoning yet still under-examined concept.Due to this fact, many small and medium enterprises in arts gallery are struggling especially during this ongoing pandemic of coronavirus disease (COVID-19).This study attempts to measure the outcome of exhibitionengagement in the case ofdigital visual arts. The research, involved110respondents, employed hierarchical regression as the main method of data analysis. Exhibitionengagement were measured through cognitive, affective, behavioral and social whereas the outcomes were measured through loyaltytowardsthe exhibition. The results of this study revealed that only affective and behavioral engagement effect loyalty while cognitiveand social engagement found to be not significant. This finding provides art galleries owner an insight into entrepreneurial strategy focusing on customer relationship. The relationship is through managing engagement by forming a strategy that focusing on increasing customerengagement

    Audiences Engagement with Digital Arts Exhibition

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    The Importance Of Non-Musical Elements And Level Of Satisfaction In A Live Musical Show

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    This study examines the importance of non-musical elements in a live musical performance focusing primarily on musical environment, musician, physical setting and audience interaction. It also analyses audience levels of satisfaction on each one of the variables involve. The construct was developed based on present literature and was put to the test on Malaysian grounds. A set of 200 self-administered questionnaires were randomly distributed to audiences at several musical performance venues. The data was analysed quantitatively using descriptive statistics. Due to the experiential nature of performing arts, it is to the best interest of production crew as well as the artists involved to know what is it that audiences look for in a live musical performance and serve them. The evidence from this study suggested that audience response to musical as well as non-musical elements. In order to ensure delightful experience, arts event managers are advice to give if not equal, considerable attention to the factors involved

    Prinsip Pemasaran Seni

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    Keperluan untuk menulis buku ini bermula dari rasa bimbang seorang pensyarah setelah menilai kebolehan pelajar memahami, menganalisa dan mengaplikasikan konsep serta teori-teori pemasaran seni. Kesukaran ini menyebabkan mereka hilang motivasi untuk mendalami ilmu tersebut. Senario ini telah memberi kesan negatif kepada industri kreatif dan akan berterusan sekiranya tiada sebarang usaha yang diambil. Sepanjang hampir dua tahun penghasilan buku ini, terdapat pelbagai dugaan dan cabaran yang perlu diharungi oleh para penulis. Ibarat gading mana yang tidak retak, bumi mana yang tidak ditimpa hujan, begitu juga buku kecil ini yang tidak lari daripada kecacatan. Cabaran terbesar ialah kesukaran untuk mendapatkan bahan penulisan berkaitan pemasaran yang khusus kepada seni di Malaysia. Perkara ini menjadi indikasi bahawa bidang pemasaran seni di negara kita masih mentah. Oleh hal yang demikian, usaha beberapa orang ahli akademik dalam penghasilan buku ini diharap dapat memudahkan kefahaman serta memupuk minat dalam kalangan pelajar, ahli akademik dan professional terhadap pemasaran seni

    Motivation factors attributed to engaging in online studies amongst public university students

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    This research study investigated the engagement and motivation levels amongst young adults of different genders from a public university, with regards to engaging in online studies. The data was obtained through the use of a questionnaire, where a total of 190 public university students in Sabah participated. This study revealed three major outcomes attributed to the motivation levels to engage in online studies. Firstly, there were no significant differences in online learning factors between both male and female students. Secondly, there was a significant relationship between the motivation and engagement factors attributed to online learning amongst the young adults in the public university. Thirdly, it was found that motivation helps predict the engagement outcomes in online learning amongst these young adults. This research contributed to the understanding of online studies, and how it helps students be well prepared in future digital learning environments

    Enhancing Arts Teaching and Learning Through Mooc

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    This project is a collaborative effort by a group of Faculty of Applied and Creative Arts lecturers whom were involved in a MOOC project titled Application of ICT in Applied and Creative Arts. The objectives of this present project are twofold. First, it strives to identify problems rendered by using MOOC in the process of teaching and learning arts courses. Secondly, to enhance the use of MOOC by proposing solutions to the problems. Throughout the implementation of our MOOC project, it was found that while we were able to assess students’ understanding of the theoretical part of the project through quizzes, essays and polls, it was rather difficult to observe their overall process of completion such as drawing techniques, lighting set-ups for video production, reading notes and playing musical instruments, character design and other crucial elements that needs to be assessed

    A prospective study of relationship of vascular pedicle width with Cardiothoracic Ratio, Hemodynamic Data and Pulmonary Edema in Vertilated Intensive Care Unit patients

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    In order to explore problems facing by local Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in adopting Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, this paper seeks to investigate what are the barriers to ERP system adoption by SMEs? The research was conducted in a Malaysian medium-sized company that planned to adopt ERP systems. Prior researches have identified that high cost; lack of knowledge; highly centralized structure; and issue of misfit to be barriers to ERP adoption by SMEs. From the case study, apart from the previous mentioned factors, the company has to do without a project champion and influenced by the perceived risk associated ERP systems implementation. Limitation of the research is that it was based on a single-case study, imposes care in generalizing the results of the study. This research, however, allows the identification and understanding of barriers to ERP adoption in local setting

    Association between quality of sleep and academic performance: evidence from undergraduate students from Sabah, Malaysia

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    Sleeping patterns have been one of the most essential aspects of one’s lives, which also contribute to memorization and learning. However, undergraduate students seem to underestimate the importance of sleep by skipping a night of sleep to spend time on other works. As a result, their academic performance is affected due to poor sleep quality. Thus, this study was conducted to examine the relationship between quality of sleep and academic performance among undergraduate students in Sabah. This study comprised a convenience sample of 407 undergraduate students aged 18-26 as participants. The data were obtained through a questionnaire survey, where participants were required to provide demographic information, cumulative grade point average (CGPA) and select Sleep Quality Scale (SQS). The findings show a positive correlation, r=0.342, p<0.05 shows there is a positive relationship between the quality of sleep and academic performance among undergraduate students in Sabah. Thus, students need to focus on their sleep quality in order to improve their quality of life overall as adequate sleep leads to the physical health and well-being of a studen