90 research outputs found

    Aplikasi GIS dan Simulasi Banjir Sungai Siak Pekanbaru Menggunakan XP-SWMM

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    Pekanbaru, the capital of Riau province, consists of 12 localities and covering an area of 632.26 square kilometer. The current land utilization in this city may create sufcare hydrology problems, such as flooding and shortage of water. The objective of this work is to analyse the land utilization pattern in Pekanbaru in 2004 in conjunction with flooding problem. The ArcView GIS 3.2 software package was implemented to analyse the land utilization data provided by a satelite, and the XP-SWMM hydrodynamic software package was used to simulate the flooding of Siak river in Pekanbaru. The result showed that land utilization was dominated for farming (49.26%), followed by vegetation, forestry, and settlement (17.09%, 13.06% and 11.97%, respectively). The simulation revealed that the flood occured in 28 December 2004 had submerged three regions, i.e. Sri Meranti, Meranti Pandak, and Pesisir, covering an area of approximately 880 hectare. In addition to this, bigger floods had been predicted to occure in the near future if the utilization of land is not pecisely managed

    Climate change and vulnerability of paddy cultivation in north-west Selangor, Malaysia: a survey of farmers’ assessment / Md. Mahmudul Alam... [et al.]

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    Climate and agriculture highly interrelated. Agriculture is highly dependent on the climatic factors. The climatic factors as well as other factors that are determined by climate cause vulnerability of agriculture and agricultural production.. Using a survey method this study aims to determine the impacts of climatic change on agricultural vulnerability in the Integrated Agricultural Development Area (IADA), West Selangor, Malaysia. Results suggest that over the last 5 years vulnerability of the factors like, injurious insects, high temperature, soil fertility loss, and cost of input materials increased greatly due to climatic changes; and the vulnerability of the factors like shortage of rainfall, excessive rainfall, and labor scarcity increased moderately during this period. It is projected that due to climate change agricultural production sustainability will become vulnerable in Malaysia by 2020

    The success factors of public consultation in the establishment of a biosphere reserve - evidence from Tasik Chini

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    Biosphere Reserves are the UNESCO's programmes to achieve sustainable development. One important prerequisite in the nomination of a new Biosphere Reserve site is the implementation of a public consultation with all stakeholders including the local community. This article analyses the stakeholder perception during a public consultation exercise conducted for the nomination of Tasik Chini as a Biosphere Reserve. The methodology involved a focus group discussion and a perception survey of 53 adults and 18 youths who participated in a public awareness programme held in 2008. The results of the analysis identified four main success factors of the public consultation programme: (1) an in situ public awareness programme cleverly and interestingly designed to adequately inform the stakeholders on the essence, elements and objectives of a Biosphere Reserve (BR); (2) the care taken by the organisers of the awareness and public consultation programme to get every segment of the stakeholders invited, represented and consulted; (3) the content of the awareness campaign which focussed directly on the benefits of the BR - the 'what's in it' – for the various stakeholders involved; and (4) the sequencing of the public consultation activities – where dissemination of knowledge and awareness creation preceded opinion gathering - had managed to convert an initial 70% ignorance to an eventual 100% acceptance of the BR project. In conclusion, it is essential to note that without sustained involvement of the local stakeholders the future of a BR will more likely than not be in peril

    Influence of secondary forest canopy towards interception rate in hydrological cycle of Tasik Chini, Pahang, Malaysia

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    Part of a rainfall is captured by the crowns of the trees and other surfaces as interception, which is then evaporated back into the atmosphere. Water moves down through the forest canopy via two mechanisms; stemflow and throughfall processes. Stemflow refers to the total quantity of rain water which reach the ground through tree stems and branches. Throughfall in the other hand, is the tendency of the rainfalls to penetrate the forest canopy directly through the spaces between the leaves or by dripping from the leaves, twigs, and branches. Both components were measured in an interception plot size 100 ¥100 m2 in a secondary tropical forest at Tasik Chini. Thirty tree samples were used and each tree was well-identified based on their species, family, diameter breast height (DBH), canopy size and its density. In this study, the data were collected based on two rainfall events, namely in November 2007(44.51% in throughfall form and 55.49% in stem flow form) and rainfall distribution on December 2007 (39.65% in throughfall form and 60.35% in stem flow form). This interception study provided essential information on how the function of the forest can affect the crucial hydrological cycle occurring within this forest ecosystem and the wetland water balance

    Trends in sediment yield of the Kemaman River Estuary, Terengganu- Disember 2002-February 2004

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    The Kemaman River drains the southern half of Kemaman Chendor coastal system and is the primary source of sediment to Kemaman estuary. In this paper, it is demonstrated that anthropogenic activity within a watershed, such as agriculture and urbanization were affect the sediment yield from the watershed. Over 26 month, the delivery of suspended sediment from the Kemaman River to The Kemaman Estuary has increase by about 25 percent. Using flow and suspended sediment discharge data provided by the Drainage and Irrigation Department (DID) revealed possible increasing trend on suspended sediment discharge and concentration. Temporal analysis indicates that the trend of sediment yield was increase during the monsoon season resulting over sediment supply closed to river mouth. This scenario has implication for nearshore fisherman's navigation due to seabed deposition. In a broader context, this study underscores the need to address the anthropogenic impacts and flood monsoon on sediment yield in the Kemaman-Chendor estuary system

    Relationships between basin area and sediment yield upstream Shiroro reservoir, north-central Nigeria

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    Sediment yield and basin area relationship in a watershed is a very crucial factor in Best Management Practices (BMPs) and reservoir sustainability. Therefore, the study was conducted to examines the suspended sediment concentration (SSC) of the four sub-watersheds of Kaduna watershed north-central Nigeria to aid the dam sustainability and BMP within the watershed. Water samples were collected bimonthly for 8 months (March-October 2018) and subjected to laboratory analysis for SSC and turbidity measurements. With the aid of ArcSwat2012, the watershed was delineated into four sub-watersheds, soil and land-use were classified for a proper understanding of the watershed. The findings demonstrated an inverse relationship between the size of the sub-watersheds and SSC. The smallest Dinya sub-watershed (1%) contributes approximately 25% (3781.5mg/l) of the SSC while the largest Kaduna (80%) contributes approximately 26% (3889mg/l), Sarkinpawa (11%) and Gutalu (8%) contributes approximately 26% (3844mg/l) and 23% (3444mg/l) of SSC respectively. The highest average turbidity was recorded in Sarkinpawa sub-watershed, followed by Dinya, Gutalu, and Kaduna. The SSC and turbidity results followed the rainfall pattern while the regression results for the four subwatersheds shows a good level of linearity between SSC, rainfall and turbidity, Therefore, it is recommended that sediment management practice is to be carried out along sub-watersheds Dinya and Sarkinpawa and Gutalu to reduce the high rate of sediment influx into the reservoir from these smaller sub-watersheds. Also, detail study of the smaller sub-watersheds is highly recommended for a better understanding of the factors responsible for high sediment generation in these sub-watersheds

    Impacts of Climatic Variation on Water Balance and Yield of Watershed (Insights from The Kaduna Watershed, North Central Nigeria)

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    Many authors have identified climate variation impacts in Nigeria. However, the effects on water balance and water yield have not been thoroughly considered. Good knowledge of water balances is vital for sustainable water resource management in northern Nigeria due to high water stress and increased evapotranspiration compared to another part of the country. Hence, the study presents the first detailed climatic variation impacts on watershed water balance and water yield in north-central Nigeria. Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) was applied to predict the hydrological procedures. The Kaduna watershed (32,124 km2) calibrated and validated streamflow results were run independently using three land cover maps of 1975, 2000, and 2013. The model performance evaluation was statically attained using the coefficient of determination (r2), Nash-Sutcliffe (NS), besides the percentage of observed data (p-factor). The model evaluation result of r2 (0.80), NS (0.71), and p-factors of 0.86 indicated the model satisfactory performance evaluation of streamflow predictions. The streamflow estimation revealed Threshold depth of water (GWQMN.gw) as the most sensitive parameter. The findings discovered declined between 1975 and 2013 in precipitation, water yield, surface runoff (SURQ_mm), lateral flow (LAT_Qmm), deep aquifer (Deep_mm) by 4.2%, 37.3%, 56%, 15%, and 100% respectively, while shallow groundwater aquifer (GW_Qmm) experienced 10% decrease between 1975 and 2000 and appreciated by 6% between 2000 and 2013, evapotranspiration (ET_mm) increase by about 22.2% between 1975 and 2013. These results suggest considerable effects of climate variation in the watershed and call for further investigation to mitigate climate change influence.

    Assessment of Natural Groundwater Recharge in Terengganu, Malaysia

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    Estimation of groundwater recharge is essential for efficient groundwater resources management, for domestic uses and irrigation purposes in the study area. The present research entails the assessment of natural groundwater recharge in Terengganu Malaysia. Estimation of recharge by whatever method is usually subjected to a large uncertaintyand errors. However, this research attempt to derive an empirical relationship to determine the groundwater recharge from rainfall based on seasonal groundwater balance studies using the data obtained from 2000-2001 to 2011-2012. This empirical relationship similar to Chaturvedi formula was derived by fitting the estimated values of rainfall recharge, and the corresponding values of rainfall in the monsoon season through the non-linear regression techniques. The result shows that the proportion of variance explained was found to be 89.52 %, the recharge of groundwater commences at P = 15.28 inches and the relative errors was found to range from 3.680 to 46.020%

    Developing a Model Based On GIS and Statistical Analysis for Family Support of Substance Abuser in Terengganu

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    Family support has a strong impact on individuals and there is no exception in substance abuse recovery process. Family support manages to play a positive role in substance abuse problems. The present study deals with the developing model of family support substance abuser with the combination method of Geographic Information System (GIS) and statistical models. The data used for this study was collected from seven districts in Terengganu with a constant number of respondents. 35 respondents for each district were involved in this study. It was then processed using factor analysis (FA) to develop index of family support. By using the developed indices, GIS tool was used to plot the distribution map of family support indices according to each form of family support. The result indicated that the highest index for all form of family support abuser was located in Besut district. High level of family support is essential as an effort for rehabilitation process of substance abusers

    The Correlation Functions and Estimation of Global Solar Radiation Studies Using Sunshine Based Model for Kano, Nigeria

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    The use of empirical models for the comparative study of the correlation functions for the estimation of global solar radiation in Kano, Nigeria has been carried out. The models used are based on relative sunshine duration alongside the measured global solar radiation data, such as: the linear model..... More details can be found in the full paper