171 research outputs found

    Kelainan dasar Qatar punca dimusuhi

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    Masyarakat antarabangsa amnya dan umat Islam khususnya terkejut dengan tindakan Arab Saudi, Emiriah Arab Bersatu (UAE), Bahrain dan Mesir termasuk Yaman dan Maldives untuk memutuskan hubungan diplomatik dengan Qatar. Malah, mereka juga meminta wakil kedutaan masingmasing pulang dan semua rakyat Qatar di negara mereka juga pulang ke negara asal dalam tempoh dua minggu

    Media freedom and legislation in Malaysia

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    This paper is about Malaysian regulation with regard to the issue of media freedom.Malaysia has many laws that restrict the function of the media, either printing media, broadcasting media or the Internet.The sources of the restriction can be found in Federal Constitution and many laws such as the Internal Security Act, Sedition Act, Printing Presses and Publications Act, and others.This restriction is actually limiting the degree of democracy practised in this country. With the cases listed, this paper is in the intention to expose the limitation of media freedom in Malaysia

    The emergence of new politics in Malaysia from consociational to deliberative democracy

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    Since independence in 1957, Malaysia has practiced consociational democracy that permits elite deliberation only. However, in the 2008 general election, Malaysian voters almost caused the Barisan Nasional government to be toppled by the opposition.They demanded more participation in policy making, as consociationalism has led to many malpractices in the government such as corruption and cronyism. The demands rose by the opposition, civil society, and new media have forced the government to implement an element of deliberative democracy. Although such deliberative democracy is probably a mask for the real agenda of continued authoritarian deliberation, strong pressures from the people are apt to ensure that deliberative democracy will be effectively practiced in the future

    The Straits of Malacca: Regional powers vis-a-vis littoral states in strategic and security issues and interests

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    This paper presents an overview of the strategic and security issues surrounding the Straits of Malacca. It begins by introducing the strategic nature of the Straits of Malacca and piracy threat in the busy sea lane. Subsequently this paper discusses the issues and interests of the emerging powers in the Straits of Malacca historically. This covers the Asia’s emerging powers such as India, Japan and China. Then, the position of the three littoral states of Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore towards the issue of piracy in the Straits of Malacca is touched upon before analyzing the littoral states’ position on external powers’ involvement in the Straits of Malacca. This is paper also briefly discusses the individual littoral states’ interests in the vital sea lane

    Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) students’ perception on national security policy: The case of Internal Security Act (ISA) of Malaysia

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    This study aims to examine the perception of the Internal Security Act (ISA) of Malaysia, focusing on the perceptions of students of Universiti Utara Malaysia. This study tries to determine the student’s perceptions first on the students’ comprehension of Malaysia’s national security policy in which constituted in the Malaysian Constitution and consequently understand its effect on the student’s reaction or attitude. The study is conducted using a questionnaire survey, consisting of statements in which the students were required to rate their response on a 5-point Likert scale. The questionnaire also consists of four main sections in which the demography of students, the evaluation of students perception on current national security threats in Malaysia, sets of statements in which testing the students’ basic comprehension of the ISA of Malaysia and fi nally their reactions towards the ISA itself. The finding indicates that the students are prone to social issues in which they determine it could be the major threat to Malaysia. Yet, there is no connection between comprehensions of the ISA and the reactions on the enforcement of the policy. Nevertheless, findings reveal their reactions differ between programmes of study and more inclined towards supporting the ISA and they also agree that government should take into consideration critics by the non-governmental organizations as well as societal grievances

    The fitful path: Presidential authoritarianism, electoral politics and democratization process in Nigeria since 1999

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    As the first decade of the 21st century comes to a close majority of states in Africa have come under multiparty democracy. While this represents a tremendous achievement, yet the march towards deepening the democratization process on the continent is experiencing reversals. Particularly troubling is the emergent of one party dominant rule and streaks of democratic authoritarianism being exhibits in some of Africa‟s new democracies a crisis that is better illustrated by the Nigeria experience since 1999. While Nigeria‟s transition elections of 1999 was significant in that it brought to an end 15 years of military dictatorship yet the pattern of dominance by the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP that emanates from the general elections give an ominous signs. Under the banner of the PDP, President Obasanjo all through his eight years tenure vigorously pursues a dubious one party dominant rule. The ruling party under former President Obasanjo maximally deployed the instrument of patronage, selective use of anti-corruption probes and most importantly the undermining of democratic competition through the classic rigging of the 2003 and 2007 general elections. Nowhere is the stimulating landslide victory of the ruling PDP more glaring than in the Niger Delta, Nigeria's oil bearing region where the PDP has maintain a stifling grip on the political space since 1999. Thus this study seeks to analysis the trend of democratic competition and the management of the democratization process. In particular it x-rays oppositional politics and the perversion of the electoral process by the ruling party. It also discusses how the militarization of electoral competition and perversion of electoral process has contributes to the escalation of violence in Nigeria's oil producing Niger Delta

    Hak kebebasan mengeluarkan pendapat dari perspektif undang-undang Malaysia

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    Sejak kebelakangan ini negara sering digemparkan dengan isu hak kebebasan untuk berhimpun secara aman. Beberapa pihak menuduh pemerintah di Malaysia telah menyekat hak kebebasan rakyat. Manakala pihak Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia (suhakam) pula menyatakan bahawa hak kebebasan untuk berhimpun adalah dibenarkan oleh Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Kenapa isu ini diperdebatkan dari segi amalan sekiranya ia telah dijamin amalannya oleh Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Hak kebebasan berhimpun secara aman sebenarnya adalah sebahagian daripada hakiki kebebasan mengeluarkan pendapat yang dijamin oleh Perlembagaan Persekutuan melalui Bahagian II Perkara 10. lanya juga diberikan jaminan dalam undang-undang antarabangsa berasaskan Artikel 19 Deklarasi Sejagat Hak Asasi Manusia. Oleh itu, artikel ini akan mengupas kedudukan hak kebebasan mengeluarkan pendapat dari perspektif perundangan di Malaysia. Perspektif falsafah, sejarah, akta-akta, dan contoh-contoh kes serta implikasi kes akan ditinjau supaya kefahaman mengenai kewujudan dan amalan hak kebebasan mengeluarkan pendapat diketahui secara menyeluruh

    `Pas semakin tak relevan’

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    SHAH ALAM - Kedudukan Pas dalam politik tanah air dilihat sudah tidak relevan lagi kerana agenda parti itu telah dilaksanakan oleh Umno

    Perjuangan Bangsamoro menuju keamanan: Perjanjian bakal termeterai langkah awal tamat sengketa berpanjangan

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    Persetujuan Kerajaan Filipina dan Barisan Pembebasan Islam Moro(MILF) mencapai kata sepakat melalui 'Rangka Kerja Perjanjian mengenai Bangsamoro' yang akan ditandatangani 15 Oktober ini di Manila, Filipina disambut baik oleh semua pihak, khususnya Bangsamoro sendiri. Ini bakal mengakhiri konflik sejak abad ke16 lagi. Perjuangan Bangsamoro adalah dalam usaha mempertahankan kelangsungan budaya, identiti dan agama Islam. Walaupun kita masih kurang jelas isi kandungan perjanjian itu, ia sudah pasti akan menamatkan pertumpahan darah dan mewujudkan wilayah Bangsamoro di kawasan berautonomi di Mindanao