5 research outputs found

    Review on Nilibhringadi Taila: An Effective Keshya Medication

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    One third of the population, including both men and women, experience hair problems, making it one of the most prevalent issues in the world. Both men and women in India are very sensitive about their hair. Numerous reasons, including hormone imbalances, stress, rising work pressure, poor dietary practises, and excessive use of chemical cosmetics, have contributed to a rise in cases of hair diseases and hair problems. Losing one's hair can be embarrassing and detrimental to one's confidence and self-esteem. Ayurveda provides some successful external hair management therapies. The pharmaceutics and therapeutics of Ayurvedic dose forms are quite specialised. Sneha Kalpana is a collection of medicated Taila and Ghrita that treat a wide variety of diseases in people of all ages. Sneha kalpas produced by Ayurvedic pharmaceutics are broadly utilised for both cosmetic and therapeutic purposes. It is the only Kalpana used in all four ways that these formulations can be administered: Pana, Abhyanga, Nasya, and Basti. In Ayurveda, hairs are referred to as Kesha, and medications that are effective for hairs are referred to as Keshya medications. In this article we have made an effort to describe the formulation Nilibhringadi Taila which is described in Sahasrayogam and Chikitsa Manjari. Nilibhringadi Taila is an Ayurvedic and herbal oil, which is useful to improve the quality of hair, to treat split hairs, premature greying and baldness. All ingredients in formulation are best hair growth promoters. It is widely used and prescribed formulation in India. Here not much more work has been done on this formulation. So we are trying to review this formulation for further knowledge and scope


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    Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana is the branch in Ayurveda which deals with herbal and herbo-mineral drugs. The specialized branch which deals with identification, collection, processing, compounding and dispensing of Ayurvedic drugs is called as Bhaishajya Kalpana. Ayurvedic Dosage forms are exclusive in their pharmaceutics and therapeutics. Sneha Kalpana can be defined as pharmaceutics of medicated Taila and Ghee. These drugs treat a very wide range of diseases among patients of all age groups. In the context of Sneha Kalpana, Taila and Ghrita are supposed to undergo the process called Murchchhana Samskar through which better therapeutic value can be incorporated into the raw material which enhances its absorption into the biological systems. The Taila acts not only as a base or vehicle but also as a class 1 preservative. Pinda Taila was prepared using the ingredients Manjishtha, Sariva, Rala, Madhuchchhishta and Tila Taila. An attempt was made to validate the pharmaceutical preparation of Pinda Taila. It was prepared according to the norms of Ayurvedic classical texts. In the present study, detailed pharmaceutical processes and physicochemical evaluation of Pinda Taila were carried out. The physicochemical parameters included Specific gravity which was found to be 0.9627, Refractive index 1.488, Iodine value 5.88, Acid value 0.15, Saponification value 233.31, and Peroxide value 7.55. HPTLC evaluation showed variable numbers of spots when visualized in all three wavelengths. However, the chemical constituent could not be identified in the absence of a standard marker compound

    A Critical Appraisal of Manikya: A Ratna

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    Rasashastra has used almost all the available metals and minerals in the creation for medicinal purpose. Gems or Ratnas are also one among them. As the priority of Rasashastra was to attain a body (Deha vada), Siddhahcaryas of Rasashastra had used the gems for the purpose of inducing the longevity of life in a human body. Manikya or ruby, the rarest of gemstones and grouped under Ratna Varga. Its use leads to generate the mental and spiritual powers and special divine thoughts rise in mind. Manikya or ruby balances Surya (sun). Surya represents the king of the solar system in Jyotish. It also represents authority, power, self, father, body and health. It is composed of aluminium oxide, chromium and titanium. Manikya is having innovate action on various hormonal, enzymatic, immunological pathways, as it comprises mainstream trace elemental moieties. It is a versatile drug having Medhya, Vrushya property and specially recommended in Dwajabhanga, Kshaya and it has best Rasayana and Vajeekarana property. In the present review an attempt has been made to compile historic review, mythological origin of Manikya, Synonyms according to different Acharyas, Manikya Guna Karma and Dharana punya, types and their Lakshana, Grahyagrahyatva etc. present review expected to furnish the knowledge on Manikya ratna so that it can be widely used in therapeutic practices