9,793 research outputs found

    GRB000301C with peculiar afterglow emission

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    The CCD magnitudes in Johnson V and Cousins R and I photometric passbands are determined for GRB 000301C afterglow starting ~ 1.5 day after the gamma-ray burst. In fact we provide the earliest optical observations for this burst. Light curves of the afterglow emissions in U, B, V, R, I, J and K' passbands are obtained by combining the present measurements with the published data. Flux decay shows a very uncommon variation relative to other well observed GRBs. Overall, there is a steepening of the optical and near-infrared flux decay caused by a geometric and sideways expanding jet. This is superimposed by a short term variability especially during early time (Delta t < 8 days). The cause of variability is not well understood, though it has occurred simultaneously with similar amplitude in all the filters. We derive the early and late time flux decay constants using jet model. The late time flux decay is the steepest amongst the GRB OTs observed so far with alpha ~ 3. Steepening in the flux decay seems to have started simultaneously around Delta t ~ 7.6 day in all passbands. The value of spectral index in the optical-near IR region is ~ -1.0. Redshift determination with z=2.0335 indicates cosmological origin of the GRB having a luminosity distance of 16.6 Gpc. Thus it becomes the second farthest amongst the GRBs with known distances. An indirect estimate of the fluence > 20 keV indicates, if isotropic,> =10^53 ergs of release of energy. The enormous amount of released energy will be reduced, if the radiation is beamed which is the case for this event. Using a jet break time of 7.6 days, we infer a jet opening angle of ~ 0.15 radian. This means the energy released is reduced by a factor of ~ 90 relative to the isotropic value.Comment: LaTeX file, 11 pages including 4 figures, uses psfig.sty, Bull. Astron. Society of India(accepted, Sept, 2000 issue

    Bibliography of the Echinoderms of the Indian Ocean

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    Echinoderms from the point of view of their taxonomy and evolution form one of the most interesting groups of marine animals. Except for the R.I.M.S. “Investigator” collections reported on by various authors there has been no sustained work on this group in this country till detailed investigations were initiated recently by Mr. D.B. James of this Institute. In the course of extensive work carried out, he had taken considerable pains to collect a vast number of references to form a comprehensive bibliography which has been augmented with some of the references collected by Mr. R.S. Lal Mohan for Bulletin Nos. 4 and 11 issued by this Institute. There are in all 691 references listed in the present Bulletin covering all the classes of echinoderms and it is hoped that the availability of a consolidated bibliography like this would act as an incentive to interested workers to take up this group for study. The authors have done their best to make the list as comprehensive as possible. However, it would very much be appreciated if omissions and errors if any, are kindly brought to our notice

    A common spatial mode for intra-seasonal and inter-annual variation and predictability of the Indian summer monsoon

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    How and to what extent the intra-seasonal oscillations (ISOs) of the Indian summer monsoon influence the seasonal mean and its inter-annual variability is investigated using long records of daily circulation data (1956-1997) and outgoing long wave radiation (OLR) data (1974-1997). The underlying spatial structure of a typical ISO cycle that is invariant from event to event and year to year is brought out. It is shown that the intra-seasonal and interannual variations are governed by a common mode of spatial variability. A higher frequency of occurrence of 'active' ('break') conditions within a monsoon season, therefore, could result in a 'strong' ('weak') summer monsoon. Two-dimensional probability density function estimates of the ISOs show that 'strong' ('weak') monsoon years are indeed associated with higher probability of occurrence of 'active' ('break') conditions. For the first time, these results show that the frequency of chaotic ISO regimes determine the seasonal mean monsoon, thereby setting a limit on monsoon predictability

    The Marine Mammals Of India

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    The marine mammals are one of the important biotic constituents of marine environment. The marine mammals of India are comprised of whales, dolphins and dugongs. The marine mammals of Indian seas are attracting special attention due to the declaration of Indian Ocean as a sanctuary for the whales. Though whales and dolphins do not form a regular fishery along the coasts of India, there is no place for complacency as dolphins and dugongs are caught in the gill nets along the coasts

    Concepts on the fluctuations in the Indian Oil Sardine fishery - A Review

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    Oil sardine resources of the Indian Ocean, especially along the West Coast of India contribute considerably to our total marine fish produ.ctioll . If properly exploited and suitably processed, this can even be utilised to earn foreign exchange, besides being a 'Kudumbam Pularthy ' for our poverty•stricken fishermen folk


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    Nowadays banks are offering various services through different schemes. The segment wise schemes are sorted by commercial banks. Activity of bank in every sector is the heart beat of the development of human as well as the nation. So, the banks are disbursing equal priority to all the sectors. Even though different industries spread across the nation, agriculture is the leading sector of the nation. The banks are targeting the agricultural activities, based on that several schemes are introducing to the benefits of the agriculture activity. The schemes of banks for agriculture priority are such as agriculture loan, agriculture mortgage, crop loan, crop subsidy, and agriculture vehicle subsidy etc. In this paper discuss in detail about the commercial bank’s lending performance to agriculture sector