215 research outputs found

    Journey’s Way: Resources & Programs for Seniors

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    Digitized Engineering Notebook

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    The GSURobotics.org is a Digitized Engineering web based application which will allow the students to upload projects details thru the website. Each team needs to create their account and can be able to create or edit their project details such as texts, images or even the team videos. It’s an annual robotics competition where in each team will be reviewed by a team of pioneers and awards will be facilitated to the team that shows creativity and innovation. The competition is completely online. Goals • Challenge students to apply skills in creative ways. • Encourage participation by the public and private firms. • Integrate technology and creativity skills. It’s a new application which can provide the following: • Competitions are open to all school clubs. • Each team can submit as many projects as they want. • There is no time limit for the projects. • Projects will be ranked for their creativity, structure, and their functions. • As per the project deadline the application will be released on April 17 2017. Methods or Algorithms: GSURobotics.com is a rock-solid web application and easy to navigate, dynamic web application with multiple features. We have planned to implement this project by using ASP.net technology for the front end and to store the data in the backend we will be using SQL server. The front page will guide for the team registration. Once the registration is done then the student can upload their project with the project documents, videos and images

    Use of Social Networking Sites in Academics: A Review

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    In the current era with the advent horizon of technology and its usage, encouraged the use of social networking sites among the society. In the last decade, it made an imperative impact and rapid change on the working on almost all organizations and professions be it businesses, industries, or academia. In the academic organizations, the use of social networking sites by students and youths for academic and non-academic communication is increasing rapidly in India and Oman. Social networking sites is itself provide massive communication channels and service that can support and yield in getting solutions to many administrative issues for academic institutions. However, Universities and institutions have not formally accepted in India. This paper reviews surveys and experiments by academic researchers in various parts of the world. To evident, the usefulness and significance of SNS in academic world several studied and experiments have been elaborated in this paper. During this study top fifteen universities in the world have been taken into consideration. The comparative study has been carried out among them with reference to use of social networking sites and their relative factors. We found that almost all universities are very much aware and have significant place in their system.  The result brings the fact that use of social networking sites in academic institutions will bring the significant change in the operations and task handling, hence proposed

    Allelopathic Effects on Seedlings Growth of Trigonella foenum graecum and Coriandrum sativum

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    In present investigation, Allelopathic (negative interaction) effect was studied on Trigonella foenum graecum L. and Coriandrum sativum L. seedlings. Seeds of these crops were grown in combinations on its own extracts with different dilution. The seedling growth were studied in terms of radicle length, dry weight, total nitrogen and carbohydrate contents at 3rd, 5th and 7th day interval immediatly after radicle emergence. Trigonella seedlings showed growth inhibition in all dilutions of its own seed extracts up to 7th day. Likewise, Coriandrum seedlings also showed growth inhibition at all three days interval in all dilution when grown in Trigonella extract. Furthermore, Trigonella and Coriandrum seedlings exhibited growth inhibition when grown in their own seed extract. Trigonella was however, showed less growth inhibition as compared to Coriandrum when grown in coriender seed extracts. The total nitrogen and carbohydrate contents were low in both Trigonella and Coriandrum seedlings grown at the seed extracts of each comparatively to control

    Differences in risk-adjusted outcome of road traffic injuries in urban tertiary care centers of Pakistan

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    Objective: To assess the differences in road injury survival in three tertiary care hospitals in an urban setting.Methods: The study was conducted in and comprised all road traffic injury victims presenting to the three state-run tertiary care centres in Karachi from September 2006 to October 2009. Patients\u27 age, gender, mode, and delay in arrival, severity of injury were noted. Data was stratified by hospital of presentation. A logistic regression model was developed and probability of survival was assessed after adjusting for various risk factors, including patient characteristics and injury severity.Results: There were 93,657victims in the study, but complete information was missing in 6,458(6.89%) study subjects, including survival information. Overall, 83,837(89.5%) were males; 64,269(74%) were aged between 16 and 45 years; 84,016(95%) had injury severity score of ?15; and overall survival was 84,141(96.5%).Conclusions: Significant differences existed in risk-adjusted survival of road injury victims presenting to public hospitals of Karachi. These differences pointed to variations in the process of care, and highlighted opportunities for improvement

    Zinc cysteine active sites of metalloproteins: A density functional theory and x-ray absorption fine structure study

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    Density functional theory (DFT) and x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy are complementary tools for the biophysical study of active sites in metalloproteins. DFT is used to compute XAFS multiple scattering Debye Waller factors, which are then employed in genetic algorithm-based fitting process to obtain a global fit to the XAFS in the space of fitting parameters. Zn-Cys sites, which serve important functions as transcriptional switches in Zn finger proteins and matrix metalloproteinases, previously have proven intractable by this method; here these limitations are removed. In this work we evaluate optimal DFT nonlocal functionals and basis sets for determining optimal geometries and vibrational densities of states of mixed ligation Zn(His)4−n(Cys)n role= presentation style= display: inline; line-height: normal; word-spacing: normal; overflow-wrap: normal; white-space: nowrap; float: none; direction: ltr; max-width: none; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; min-height: 0px; border: 0px; padding: 0px 2px 0px 0px; margin: 0px; position: relative; \u3eZn(His)4−n(Cys)nZn(His)4−n(Cys)n sites. Theoretical results are compared to experimental XAFS measurements and Raman spectra from the literature and tabulated for use

    Mathematical Modelling of the Relationship between Two Different Temperament Classifications: During the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    In medicine, it is well known that healthy individuals have different physical and mental characteristics. Ancient Indian medicine, Ayurveda and the Persian-Arabic traditional Unani medicine has two distinct approaches for the classification of human subjects according to their temperaments. The individual temperament is an important foundation for personalized medicine, which can help in the prevention and treatment of many diseases including COVID-19. This paper attempts to explore the relationship of the utmost important concepts of these systems called individual temperament named as Prakruti in Ayurveda and Mizaj in Unani practice using mathematical modelling. The results of mathematical modelling can be adopted expediently for the development of algorithms that can be applied in medical informatics. For this, a significant literature review has been carried out. Based on the previous researchers' reviews the essential parameters have been identified for making the relationship and hypothesis were framed. The mathematical modelling was adopted to propose the existence of the relationship between the parameters of such an ancient and rich medicine systems. The hypotheses are validated through the mathematic driven model. Doi: 10.28991/esj-2021-01258 Full Text: PD

    Trust-Based Cloud Machine Learning Model Selection For Industrial IoT and Smart City Services

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    With Machine Learning (ML) services now used in a number of mission-critical human-facing domains, ensuring the integrity and trustworthiness of ML models becomes all-important. In this work, we consider the paradigm where cloud service providers collect big data from resource-constrained devices for building ML-based prediction models that are then sent back to be run locally on the intermittently-connected resource-constrained devices. Our proposed solution comprises an intelligent polynomial-time heuristic that maximizes the level of trust of ML models by selecting and switching between a subset of the ML models from a superset of models in order to maximize the trustworthiness while respecting the given reconfiguration budget/rate and reducing the cloud communication overhead. We evaluate the performance of our proposed heuristic using two case studies. First, we consider Industrial IoT (IIoT) services, and as a proxy for this setting, we use the turbofan engine degradation simulation dataset to predict the remaining useful life of an engine. Our results in this setting show that the trust level of the selected models is 0.49% to 3.17% less compared to the results obtained using Integer Linear Programming (ILP). Second, we consider Smart Cities services, and as a proxy of this setting, we use an experimental transportation dataset to predict the number of cars. Our results show that the selected model's trust level is 0.7% to 2.53% less compared to the results obtained using ILP. We also show that our proposed heuristic achieves an optimal competitive ratio in a polynomial-time approximation scheme for the problem

    Chain-Net: An Internet-inspired Framework for Interoperable Blockchains

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    Blockchain has introduced new opportunities with the potential to enhance systems and services across diverse application domains. Fundamental characteristics of blockchains such as immutability, decentralisation, transparency and traceability have a profound role in this. However, integration with contemporary systems and among disparate blockchain-based applications is a non-trivial challenge primarily due to differences with respect to platforms, consensus mechanism, and governance. Although this challenge has received some attention from the research community, it requires careful analysis to analyse existing work and ascertain gaps to achieve effective and efficient solution to this challenge. This paper presents a thorough systematic review of existing research within blockchain interoperability highlighting significant contributions. Leveraging this analysis, the paper presents an internet-inspired framework (Chain-Net) to facilitate interoperability within blockchain-based systems whereby two systems within independent Blockchain networks can securely exchange data with each other. This is achieved by using gateway module at each network. This module is lightweight node registered by Blockchain network, equipped with discovery service to lookup a target blockchain, and is responsible for forwarding cross-chain transactions to gateway module at the target blockchain. Gateway module plays a vital role in Chain-Net model, as it holds a cross-chain transaction in a pending state until a confirmation is received from the target blockchain, thus maintaining the record integrity between the two chains. The paper presents our efforts to evaluate the proposed blockchain interoperability framework against a success criteria based on our analysis of the blockchain interoperability challenge
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