5 research outputs found

    Satellite Inertia Parameters Estimation Based on Extended Kalman Filter

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    The moment of inertia parameters play a critical role in assuring the spacecraft mission throughout its lifetime. However, determination of the moment of inertia is a key challenge in operating satellites. During satellite mission, those parameters can change in orbit for many reasons such as sloshing, fuel consumption, etc. Therefore, the inertia matrix should be estimated in orbit to enhance the attitude estimation and control accuracy. This paper investigates the use of gyroscope to estimate the attitude rate and inertia matrix for low earth orbit satellite via extended Kalman filter. Simulation results show the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed algorithm in estimating these parameters without knowing the nominal inertia. The robustness of the proposed algorithm has been validated using the Monte-Carlo method. The obtained results demonstrate that the accuracy of the estimated inertia and angular velocity parameters is satisfactory for satellite with coarse accuracy mission requirements. The proposed method can be used for different types of satellites

    Abstracts of the First International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering 2023

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    This book presents extended abstracts of the selected contributions to the First International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICAECE'2023), held on 15-16 May 2023 by the Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Echahid Cheikh Larbi Tebessi, Tebessa-Algeria. ICAECE'2023 was delivered in-person and virtually and was open for researchers, engineers, academics, and industrial professionals from around the world interested in new trends and advances in current topics of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Conference Title: First International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering 2023Conference Acronym: ICAECE'2023Conference Date: 15-16 May 2023Conference Venue: University of Echahid Cheikh Larbi Tebessi, Tebessa-AlgeriaConference Organizer: Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Echahid Cheikh Larbi Tebessi, Tebessa-Algeri