18 research outputs found
Razionalismo, politica e teoria della conoscenza. Un contributo alla filosofia arabo-islamica del presente
Riassunto - Questo testo, pubblicato con il titolo Razionalismo, politica e teoria della conoscenza. Un contributo alla contemporanea filosofia arabo-islamica, presenta uno stralcio significativo dell'intervista rilasciata nel 1981 dal filosofo marocchino Mohamed Abed Al-Jabri alla rivista al-thaquafa- al-djadida [La nuova cultura]. Il testo è stato poi rivisto dallo stesso Al-Jabri e pubblicato con il titolo li'anna al-aqlaniya darura [Perchè il razionalismo è necessario] nel 1991 in un volume dedicato al rapporto tra tradizione e modernità nella cultura arabo-islamica, At-turat wa-I-hadatha [Tradizione e Modernità ]. Questa intervista affronta alcuni nodi centrali rispetto al dibattito contemporaneo circa il rinnovamento sociale, politico e culturale del mondo arabo. Al-Jabri tematizza il bisogno di filosofia – di discussione e di argomentazione razionale – all’interno del mondo arabo islamico e sostiene la necessità di avviare una critica costruttiva della cultura propria di questo mondo, capace di portare a un suo rinnovamento. Al-Jabri afferma come il mondo arabo abbia grande bisogno di razionalismo, il quale dovrebbe contribuire, fra l’altro, ad autonomizzare la politica e la scienza dal giogo del dogmatismo, della religione e della tradizione.Parole chiave: Razionalismo; Religione; Cultura arabo-islamica; Politica.Rationalism, Politics, and Theory of Knowledge. A Contribution to Contemporary Arab-Islamic PhilosophyAbstract - The present text is a significant excerpt from the interview released in 1981 by the Moroccan philosopher Mohamed Abed Al-Jabri in the journal al-thaquafa- al-djadida [The New Culture]. The text was later revisited by Al-Jabri himself and published in 1991 with the title li'anna al-aqlaniya darura [Why rationalism is necessary] in a book on the relationship between tradition and modernity in the Arab-Islamic culture, At-turat wa-I-hadatha [Tradition and Modernity]. The interview deals with some of the central points in the contemporary debate on the social, political and cultural renewal of the Arabic world. Al-Jabri thinks that a critical perspective on Arab-Islamic culture must be developed. He maintains that in the Arab-Islamic world there is an enormous need for philosophy – discussion and rational argumentation – and for rationalism. Rationalism would contribute, among other things, to freeing politics and science from the chains of dogmatism, religion and tradition.Keywords: Arab-Islamic Culture; Rationalism; Dogmatism; Religion; Politics
Arab Thought and Revolution as Event: Towards New Affective Registers of Critique
Historical events create the conditions under which thought processes develop in ways that make them symbolic of a whole generational shift, where a new cultural temporality comes to the fore both as un-concealment and as strategy. Significant shifts in the production of knowledge often suggest an epistemic and temporal break with the past where the relationship between event and theory is moved not merely by the new forms of knowledge it creates, but also by the new cultural temporality that these forms of knowledge bring to the fore as a strategy. In this article, I rehearse questions of an epistemological nature that grapple with the relationship between the people’s movements in the Arab region, as ethical events, and how these may have played a role in shifting the focus of Arab philosophical debate concerning questions of time, history and the body. Here, I rehearse the following questions: What kind of a thought/event conjecture are we dealing with in the case of the Arab/North African region? What is the connection between the movements as events, and the emerging Arab intellectual subject?  And finally, what have the movements taught us about the relationships between thought, theory and the everyday
Razionalismo, politica e teoria della conoscenza. Un contributo alla filosofia arabo-islamica del presente
Rationalism, Politics, and Theory of Knowledge. A Contribution to Contemporary Arab-Islamic Philosophy - The present text is a significant excerpt from the interview released in 1981 by the Moroccan philosopher Mohamed Abed Al-Jabri in the journal al-thaquafa- al-djadida [The New Culture]. The text was later revisited by Al-Jabri himself and published in 1991 with the title li'anna al-aqlaniya darura [Why rationalism is necessary] in a book on the relationship between tradition and modernity in the Arab-Islamic culture, At-turat wa-I-hadatha [Tradition and Modernity]. The interview deals with some of the central points in the contemporary debate on the social, political and cultural renewal of the Arabic world. Al-Jabri thinks that a critical perspective on Arab-Islamic culture must be developed. He maintains that in the Arab-Islamic world there is an enormous need for philosophy – discussion and rational argumentation – and for rationalism. Rationalism would contribute, among other things, to freeing politics and science from the chains of dogmatism, religion and tradition
Dialektika peradaban : modernisme politik dan budaya di akhir abad ke-20
Buku ini mencoba mengungkap bagaimana hubungan dialektis antara Islam dan Barat,yang selama ini sering dilihat dari kacamata pandangperseteruan-oposisional.xxi, 337 hlm, 20,5 x 14,2 c
Dialektika peradaban : modernisme politik dan budaya di akhir abad ke-20
Buku ini mencoba mengungkap bagaimana hubungan dialektis antara Islam dan Barat,yang selama ini sering dilihat dari kacamata pandangperseteruan-oposisional.xxi,337 hlm.: 21 c
Dialektika peradaban : modernisme politik dan budaya di akhir abad ke-20
Buku ini mencoba mengungkap bagaimana hubungan dialektis antara Islam dan Barat,yang selama ini sering dilihat dari kacamata pandangperseteruan-oposisional.xxi,337 hlm.: 21 c
Pendampingan Program Kemitraan Pada Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan PT Aneka Tambang TBK Di Wilayah Jakarta Selatan, Tahun 2008
Buku ini mencoba mengungkap bagaimana hubungan dialektis antara Islam dan Barat,yang selama ini sering dilihat dari kacamata pandangperseteruan-oposisional.xxi, 337 hlm, 20,5 x 14,2 c
Dialektika Peradaban : Modernisme Politik dan Budaya di Akhir Abad ke-20
xxi, 362 hal., bibl.; 21c
Peran perpustakaan Sekolah dalam implementasi pembelajaran berbasis kurikulum tingkat satuan pendidikan (KTSP) di SMA Islam terpadu Nurul Fikri dan SMA Plus PGRI Cibinong
xi, 130.; ilus.; 30 cm
Penerapan fungsi - fungsi manajemen pada perpustakaan badan kepegawaian negara Jakarta
vii, 89 hlm.; ilus.; 30 cm