1,693 research outputs found

    Photoshop (CS6) Intelligent Tutoring System

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    In this paper, we designed and developed an intelligent tutoring system for teaching Photoshop. We designed the lessons, examples, and questions in a way to teach and evaluate student understanding of the material. Through the feedback provided by this tool, you can assess the student's understanding of the material, where there is a minimum overshoot questions stages, and if the student does not pass the level of questions he is asked to return the lesson and read it again. Eventually this administration is a special teacher for the students and can continue with him until he fully understands the lesson without weariness or boredom, regardless of the level of student

    ITS for Photoshop - CS6

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    In this paper, we designed and developed an intelligent tutoring system for teaching Photoshop. We designed the lessons, examples, and questions in a way to teach and evaluate student understanding of the material. Through the feedback provided by this tool, you can assess the student's understanding of the material, where there is a minimum overshoot questions stages, and if the student does not pass the level of questions he is asked to return the lesson and read it again. Eventually this administration is a special teacher for the students and can continue with him until he fully understands the lesson without weariness or boredom, regardless of the level of student

    Effects of cytotoxicity, cellular uptake, and genotoxicity of various sizes and concentrations of chitosan nanoparticles on human dental pulp cells

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    This study evaluated the potential toxicity, genotoxicity, and cellular uptake of various sizes and concentrations of chitosan (CS) nanoparticles cultured with normal human dental pulp cells. Normal human dental pulp cells (hDPCs) were derived from human dental pulp tissues and cultured with (50–67) nm and (318–350) nm CS-nanoparticles in concentrations of 0.1 mg/mL, 0.5 mg/mL, 1 mg/mL, 2 mg/mL, and 4 mg/mL as study groups and 0 mg/mL as a control group for time intervals of 16 hours, 24 hours, 3 days, 7 days and 14 days. Attachment efficiency and proliferation rate were assessed by measuring the optical density of crystal violet-stained cells. Cell viability was determined by the activity of mitochondrial dehydrogenase enzymes. Genotoxicity was assessed using the cytokinesis-block micronucleus method and by measuring the fluorescent intensity of phosphorylated H2AX nuclear foci. Cellular uptake was determined by tagging chitosan nanoparticles with FITC stain and then measuring the fluorescence intensity of FITC-tagged chitosan nanoparticles using a spectrophotometer. Statistical analysis was performed using chi-square, one-way ANOVA, and post-hoc Tukey tests. All concentrations of the (50–67) nm group significantly reduced attachment efficiency in comparison with control (P< 0.01) and with (318–350) nm group (p<0.01). Proliferation rate and cell viability were significantly reduced in cells exposed to various concentrations of (50-67) nm chitosan when compared to (318-350) nm group (P<0.05) and control group (P<0.05). For both size groups, higher concentrations significantly showed lower proliferation rate and cell viability when compared to lower concentration (P< 0.01). CS-nanoparticles were able to internalize hDPCs and significantly induced micronuclei, nuclear buds, and pH2AX at concentrations of 0.5 mg/mL and 2 mg/mL as compared to 0.1 mg/mL (P<0.01) and control groups (P< 0.01). At both the 0.5 mg/mL and 2 mg/mL concentrations, (50–67) nm chitosan significantly induced higher proportions of micronuclei (P= 0.001), nuclear buds (P= 0.009), and pH2AX nuclear foci (P= 0.00004) compared to (318–350) nm chitosan. In conclusion, CS-nanoparticles at sizes (50–67) nm and (318–350) nm at a concentration of (0.5–4) mg/mL internalized hDPCs and exhibited cytotoxic and genotoxic effects in dose-dependent and size-associated manners

    Evaluation of Tribological aspects of Al-Si 12 alloy and their Metal Matrix hybrid Composites produced by Liquid-metal Forging Method

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    Particulate Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites (Al-MMC) have emerged as advanced engineering materials in view of their improved properties. Ceramic reinforced Al-MMC were more suitable because of being economical and exhibiting isotropic properties. Al-MMCs manufacturing methods are expensive, demand skilled and complex operations and vortex liquid metallurgy results into higher porosity. The liquid-metal forging/squeezed casting of stirred molten slurry can eliminate porosity as molten metal is pressurized during solidification forming near net shapes. During many instances, influence of process parameter (PP)s on mechanical part properties is being studied. In the present study, composites were produced using Al-Si12 alloy as base material, aluminium oxide and silicon carbide particles as reinforcements by varying the PPs. Tribological tests were conducted under dry sliding condition at room temperature showed hard reinforcements in Al alloy reduced the wear rate (WR) and increased the coefficient of friction (f) for all PPs. For PPs, increasing the squeeze pressure and decreasing the pouring and die preheating temperature resulted in a reduction of WR and f with an increase in normal load and sliding velocity. Initially f falls and then raised with an increase in normal load, but only raised with growing sliding velocity compared to Aluminium base material.

    Evaluation of Tribological aspects of Al-Si 12 alloy and their Metal Matrix hybrid Composites produced by Liquid-metal Forging Method

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    Particulate Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites (Al-MMC) have emerged as advanced engineering materials in view of their improved properties. Ceramic reinforced Al-MMC were more suitable because of being economical and exhibiting isotropic properties. Al-MMCs manufacturing methods are expensive, demand skilled and complex operations and vortex liquid metallurgy results into higher porosity. The liquid-metal forging/squeezed casting of stirred molten slurry can eliminate porosity as molten metal is pressurized during solidification forming near net shapes. During many instances, influence of process parameter (PP)s on mechanical part properties is being studied. In the present study, composites were produced using Al-Si12 alloy as base material, aluminium oxide and silicon carbide particles as reinforcements by varying the PPs. Tribological tests were conducted under dry sliding condition at room temperature showed hard reinforcements in Al alloy reduced the wear rate (WR) and increased the coefficient of friction (f) for all PPs. For PPs, increasing the squeeze pressure and decreasing the pouring and die preheating temperature resulted in a reduction of WR and f with an increase in normal load and sliding velocity. Initially f falls and then raised with an increase in normal load, but only raised with growing sliding velocity compared to Aluminium base material.

    Les fistules oesotrachéales congénitales isolées à propos de 2 cas

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    Les auteurs rapportent 2 cas de fistules oesotrachéales isolées sans atrésie de l'oesophage, colligés au  service de chirurgie pédiatrique au CHU Hassan II de Fès au Maroc entre 2008 et 2013. Il s'agit d'une anomalie rare représentée par un fin canal ascendant entre l'oesophage et la face postérieure de la trachée, à la hauteur du défilé cervico-thoracique. Elle se manifeste cliniquement par une symptomatologie respiratoire parfois digestive. Le diagnostic a été confirmé par le transit oesophagien dans les 2 cas et a permis aussi de  déterminer le siège de la fistule. Le traitement était chirurgical, il a permis de supprimer la communication anormale entre l'oesophage et la trachée par un abord cervical avec interposition musculaire dans les 2 cas. Les suites post-opératoires et l'évolution à long terme étaient simples. Le but de ce travail est d'exposer les différents moyens diagnostique et thérapeutique.Key words: Fistule oeso-trachéale isolée, Transit oesophagien, cervicotomi

    أثر حوكمة تكنولوجيا المعلومات على الأداء المالي (دراسة ميدانية على المصارف التجارية الخاصة العاملة في الساحل السوري)

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    هدفت الدِّراسة إلى بيان أثر حوكمة تكنولوجيا المعلومات بأبعادها الأربعة (التخطيط والتنظيم, الامتلاك والتنفيذ, التوصيل والدعم, والمتابعة والتقييم) في تحسين الأداء المالي للمصارف التجارية الخاصة العاملة في الساحل السوري. اتَّبع الباحث المنهج الوصفي التحليلي في دراسته, ومجموعة طرائق منها الاعتماد على البيانات الثَّانوية, والأوليَّة من خلال استبانة تمَّ تصميمها من خلال إطلاع الباحث على الأدبيَّات المنشورة, وتمَّ توزيعها على (245) مبحوث, استرد منها (234), وكانت (228) استبانة صالحة للتَّحليل, وتكوَّن مجتمع البحث من كادر العاملين في دوائر فروع المصارف التجارية السورية, ومن ثم تمَّ الاعتماد على برنامج الـــ SPSS كأداة لتحليل البيانات المتوَّفرة. توصلت الدراسة إلى مجموعة من النتائج كان منها: تحرص إدارة المصارف التجارية على التطوير والمحافظة على الإجراءات، وتحرص إدارة المصارف التجارية على الحصول والمحافظة على البنية التحتية لتكنولوجيا المعلومات، وتحرص المصارف التجارية على تأهيل الموظفين وتدريبهم وإدارة أدائهم، وتحرص إدارة المصارف التجارية على امتلاك كادر كاف لقسم تكنولوجيا المعلومات.      

    Submandibular Sialolithiasis in a 9-year-old child: case report

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    Sialolithiasis rarely occurs in children; it is observed more commonly in adults. Various treatment modalities for sialolithiasis have been reported in literature; we report the case of 9 years old child, with no particular pathological history. For 4 years, he had a tumefaction of the left submandibular region, associated with painful blocking episodes of salivation and an increase in the size of the tumefaction (accentuated during meals). clinical examination found a slight painless tumefaction of the left sub-mandibular region, with no pus or blood outflow, no endobuccal expression and no palpable calculi ultrasound examination shows a heterogeneous left submandibular gland, discreetly vascularized by Doppler, with multiple calculi. the patient was operated by cervical approach, a submandibularectomy was performed after detachment of the musculocutaneous flaps, preservation of the artery and the facial vein and the lingual nerve, and dissection of the submandibular canal. Anatomo-pathological study was performed and it showed macroscopically a yellowish enclosed calculus of 3mm of great axis. Microscopically, it shows a salivary glandular tissue with no signs of malignity, in this article, clinical findings, etiologies and different treatment approaches were reviewedComment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Investigation into ageing and the effect of hydrated lime on mastics and mixture ageing

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    Age hardening of bitumen is one of the key factors determining the lifetime of an asphalt pavement. When the bitumen is excessively aged, the asphalt mixture will become brittle and its ability of supporting traffic-induced stresses and strains may significantly reduce, which can easily cause some cracking damage to the bound layer of a pavement. As bitumen is always in contact with mineral fillers in asphalt mixtures, the mechanisms of oxidative ageing of binders are significantly influenced by the physical and chemical interaction between fillers and the bitumen. For a long while, attempts to solve the ageing problem of asphalt binder by various methods, including polymer modification, nano-particle enhancement or functional improvement have been undertaken. Hydrated lime is one of many potential additives used in bitumen to improve the performance of asphalt mixtures. Hydrated lime in hot mix asphalt creates multiple benefits. A considerable amount of information exists in the literature on hydrated lime’s ability to control water sensitivity and its well-accepted ability as an anti-stripping agent to inhibit moisture damage. However, recent studies have shown that lime acts as an active filler and anti-oxidant. These properties create multiple benefits for pavements. Although the majority of research on the use of hydrated lime in asphalt mixtures has been carried out in the USA, the beneficial effects of hydrated lime have also been reported worldwide especially in Europe. In the UK, the use of hydrated lime only started in the early 2000’s and still needs a lot of research into its effect on the traditionally used asphalt materials in the UK pavement industry. This research primarily focuses on an in-depth investigation of bitumen ageing mechanisms and evaluation. Furthermore, this research aims to investigate the advantages of using hydrated lime to mitigate ageing in bitumen mastics and asphalts mixtures as a whole. The full project has been broken down into three parts. The first is a pure bitumen study, the second is a mastic level ageing study and the third is a mixture level ageing investigation. The bitumen ageing study investigated the effect of different ageing methods and parameters on bitumen ageing. In addition, this study focused on the mechanisms and factors affecting bitumen ageing and attempted to develop a better understanding of ageing evaluation methods with different perspectives; basic properties, mechanical and rheological behaviour using a dynamic shear rheometer (DSR) and finally a chemical approach with Fourier transform infrared (FTIR). The second level is the mastics level, which investigated the effect of different fillers on bitumen-filler mastic ageing. Particular attention was paid to study the benefits of using hydrated lime on ageing mitigating in the mastic phase. Furthermore, a detailed study at the mastic level was conducted to investigate the effect of hydrated lime on stiffening and ageing mitigation of bitumen mastics. Different means to evaluate this effect were implemented involving both physical and chemical properties. The evaluation testing was aimed at developing a better understanding of hydrated lime anti-oxidant effects on ageing mitigation. Moreover, special attention was paid to the interactions between hydrated lime and bitumen which affects the ageing of bitumen mastics. The third level was the mixture ageing level. In this study, the effect of hydrated lime replacement of the natural aggregate fillers was investigated. This effect on the asphalt mixtures was investigated by different tests on their mechanical properties such as indirect tensile stiffness modulus (ITSM), indirect tensile strength (ITS) and their fracture properties using the semi-circular bending (SCB) test. Furthermore, the effect of ageing on the recovered bitumen was evaluated. The results and conclusions from the performed studies indicate that hydrated lime slows down bitumen ageing more than granite and limestone fillers. This effect depends mainly on the bitumen type and filler concentration. In addition, the research showed that hydrated lime interacts differently with the different bitumens used in this study. This interaction affects stiffening and ageing properties of mastics and mixtures. Furthermore, results show that different ageing indices used in this project correlated well with each other and also with chemical changes. The detailed results from the FTIR tests on recovered fillers and bitumen from the mastics, showed the ability of hydrated lime to adsorb some of the bitumen components such as carboxylic acid products. This mechanism reduces the formation of ageing products and consequently reduces the age hardening of mastics and asphalt mixtures. Unlike hydrated lime, granite filler does not exhibit this ability to react with bitumen

    When Treating Sick Joints Harms Lungs, Ixekizumab induced Pleural Effusion

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    Immunological therapies have provided a multitude of new and effective treatment strategies for various disease states. While monoclonal antibody therapy benefits many patients, side effects are widely variable. here we present a case of pleural effusion complicating psoriatic arthritis treatment