43 research outputs found

    The Attitudes of Secondary School Teachers Regarding Inclusion of Students with Autism in Saudi Arabia

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    The purpose of this study was to examine secondary school teachers’ attitudes regarding the inclusion of students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. In Saudi Arabia, students with ASD can attend regular education classrooms, especially in elementary and middle schools. In addition, the Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia is interested in the inclusion of students with ASD in secondary schools. Since the attitudes of secondary school teachers toward inclusion of students with ASD have not been examined, it was important to look at the attitudes of these teachers towards the inclusion of students with ASD so that it is implemented successfully. Over 2000 secondary school teachers completed an online survey. Data were collected using a convenience sample and analyzed using SPSS. The results of the study indicated that secondary school teachers in Riyadh had positive attitudes toward inclusion of students with ASD. Furthermore, most teachers participating in this study indicated that the placement of students with ASD should be determined based on the severity of ASD symptoms. In addition, secondary school teachers’ attitudes differed based on the following variables: years of teaching experience, gender, level of education, and type of school. This study suggested that secondary school teachers should be provided with effective training and professional development so that they can include students with ASD. The use of the convenience sample and the online survey could limit the generalizability of the results. Future research should examine teachers pre-service and their knowledge about ASD

    Géométrie de l'aquifère du Haouz oriental et Tassaout amont, Maroc occidental: approche géophysique et hydrogéologique

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    The aim of the present study is to improve the knowledge of the geometry and hydrogeology of the eastern Haouz aquifer and part of the Upper Tassaout aquifer, using the analysis and interpretation of boreholes, gravimetric analysis, seismic reflection and piezometric data. The examination of the gravity data shows that the Bouguer anomaly map is affected by a regional gradient increasing from the southeast to northwest. This gradient was determined and subtracted from the original data, to provide a residual gravity map which shows clearly highlighted anomalies. These anomalies generally reflect outcrop areas of the basement and the variation in thickness of the sedimentary cover across the study area. The seismic reflection profile confirms the gravity results, and shows that the region is formed by a horst which corresponds to the exposed bedrock of Jebilets in the north of Haouz basin, and a subsidence area where coverage is widespread in the south of the plain of Haouz. In this area, the large thickness of the cover allows the accumulation of water and provides the recharge of the groundwater reservoir. The rise of the basement in the north of the Haouz basin imposes a dividing line of two groundwater flow direction

    Crustal structure of the NW Moroccan margin from deep seismic data (SISMAR Cruise)

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    During the SISMAR cruise (spring 2001), new deep seismic data were acquired on the Atlantic Moroccan margin. The purpose of the present work is to analyse and to interpret a part of the data consisting of four wide-angle seismic profiles (4, 5, 8 and 10) recorded offshore El Jadida. Lines 4 and 5, perpendicular to the margin, show a crustal thickness of 35 km under the western Moroccan Meseta which thins progressively seaward where it reaches a minimum thickness of 10 km. The calculated velocity models show that this crust consists of two crustal layers overlain by a sedimentary cover corresponding to the post-Paleozoic sediments, characterised by a low velocity. The detailed shallow structure is obtained primarily from multichannel seismic data. Half grabens are imaged and display deeper basins located at the foot of the continental slope where the sedimentary cover reaches a maximum thickness of 6 km. The sedimentary strata are disrupted by salt migration along faults and forming diapirs. The first crustal unit corresponds to the upper crust, with p-wave velocities ranging from 6 km/s at the top to 6.5 km/s at the base. The lower crust represented by the second unit is characterized by velocities increasing from 6.7 to 7.5 km/s at the base of the lower crust

    Le front de chevauchement au Jebel Bou El Hanèche-Kalâat Khasba (Tunisie centro-septentrionale). Mise en évidence à partir des donnés géologiques et géophysiques

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    In Central-northern Tunisia, the septentrional border of Kalâat Khasba trough was considered as a normal fault which has functioned since the Cretaceous to Quaternary periods. A stratigraphic and geophysical recent study of the Kalâat Khasba trough and the Jebel Bou El Hanèche fold area, allows us to propose a new tectonic model. The Northern border was reactivated as reverse fault during the Eocene and was considered as a thrust front. A compressive Eocene event resulted in formation of Bou El Hanèche fold (fault propagation fold) and in determination of a decollement level situated in the Triassic series. This deformation was controlled by the reactivation of normal faults inherited from a distensive aptien phase. The compressive deformation was amplified by the propagation of this fold and, when a ramp reached the competent carbonates series of late Campanian-lower Maâstrichtien times, the fold was stacked, involving a breakthrough steep limb and creating a second thrust on the North. The order of evolution of these events shows an out of sequence thrust.[fr] En Tunisie Centro-Septentrionale, la bordure septentrionale du fossé de Kalâat Khasba a été considéré comme une bordure d’effondrement à jeu normal, ayant fonctionnée du Crétacé inférieur jusqu’au Quaternaire. Une étude de terrain et l’interprétation de profils de sismique réflexion permettent de proposer un nouveau modèle tectonique pour ce fossé et du massif adjacent de Bou El Hanèche. La bordure septentrionale du bassin de Kalâat Khasba a été réactivée à l’Eocène en faille inverse. Cette bordure a une valeur de front de chevauchement sur lequel se met en place le pli de propagation de Bou El Hanèche par rapport à l’avant pays de la chaîne alpine. La compression Eocène entraîne la mise en place du pli de Bou El Hanèche à la faveur d’un niveau de décollement situé dans les séries triasiques. Cette déformation est contrôlée par un réseau de failles normales héritées de la phase distensive présumée aptienne. La dynamique compressive continue depuis l’Eocène engendrant la propagation de ce pli. Lorsque la rampe atteint les calcaires de la formation Abiod, le pli se bloque. Ce blocage entraîne la rupture du dressant et la création, vers le Nord du pli, d’un deuxième chevauchement, ce qui implique une évolution du système de chevauchement dans une séquence inverse ou «out of sequence»