3,114 research outputs found

    Correlating annual mean relative humidity over Sudan and South Sudan to Latitudes, longitudes and altitudes

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    Application of Dried Blood Spots on Filter Paper for Detection of HIV Antibodies: Effect of Temperature and Duration of Storage

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    Background: Acquired immunodeficiecy syndrome (AIDS) is now adays a worldwide health problem affecting both the developed and developing countries. It has greater burden on the developing countries because of the increased cost of testing including specimen collection, transport, storage and laboratory examination. Moreover the present technique of collecting blood for diagnosis is associated with increased risk of infection, loss and contamination of specimen. This study aimed at evaluating the use of blood spot dried on filter paper (under different storage conditions) for detection of HIV antibodies in patient\'s serum as an alternative cheap and relatively safe method. Materials and methods: venous blood was collected from 100 known HIV infected patients and 50 healthy volunteers. Filter papesr (Whattman number 1) were soaked with the specimens, air-dried and then divided into 3 groups. Each group is containing a sample from each subject under study. The three groups were subjected to different storage conditions (room temperature, incubator at 37 o C and refrigerator at 4oC). PBS elutes from each group were tested for HIV antibodies using ELISA at regular intervals (48 hrs., 7,15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90 and 105 days). Results: All the dried blood on filter paper remained positive for HIV antibodies for one month. Thereafter some of the specimens started to progressively show negative results. Specimens stored in the refrigerator were more stable for HIV antibodies than those kept at room temperature and the incubator. Discussion: In this study, the results of testing elutes of dried blood spots on filter paper for HIV antibodies were found to be 100% positive in concordance with those of testing serum samples. HIV antibodies were stable in all specimens for one month under the different storage conditions. Conclusion: dried blood spot on filter paper can remain positive for HIV antibodies for at least one month under different storage conditions. It can therefore be recommended as a cheap, simple and reliable technique for collection of blood for HIV testing under field surviellance as it does not require complex setting and instruments and moreover it eases transportation of specimen. Keywords: immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), storage, heparinized, ELISA.Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences Vol. 3 (2) 2008: pp. 147-15

    Preliminary investigation of the crossing of bambara nut (Vigna subterranea [L.] Verdc.)

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    Effective crosses among selected parents are crucial for genetic analyses and for the breeding of crop plants. Bambara nut is an indigenous African legume with considerable genetic diversity useful for genetic enhancement of yield and quality traits through breeding. However, the crop has previously received limited research attention. This may be attributed to its extremely small flower size, its flower orientation, the delicate nature of the flower and it’s mating system. The aim of this study was to establish a preliminary crossing protocol for Bambara nut for breeding and genetic studies. Controlled emasculation and pollination were performed using eight selected parents, using a diallel mating scheme under glasshouse conditions. Some successful crosses were achieved and F1 seeds were recovered from the crosses of 211-40-1 x N211-2, N212-8 x 211-40-1 and M09-3 x 211-82-1.Keywords: Bambara nut, emasculation, crossing, pollination, F1 hybridsAhmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeri


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    Objective: New metal ion complexes of some transition metal ions [Cu(II), Cr(III), Cd(II), Zn(II), and VO(II)] of prepared ligand 2-(((4-(1-((4-bromophenyl) imino)ethyl) phenyl) imino) methyl) phenol were synthesized.Methods: The method is based on Schiff bases reaction of 4-aminoacetophenone with salicylaldehyde and P-bromoaniline.Results: The structures of the new metal ion complexes were characterized by elemental microanalysis (C.H.N), Fourier transform infrared, ultra violet-visible spectra, thermal gravimetric analysis-differential thermal gravimetric, flame atomic absorption, molar conductivity, magnetic susceptibility measurement, and mass spectra. According to the obtained data, the probable coordination geometries of these complexes were suggested as octahedral excepted C5 was pyramidal. All complexes were found to be non-electrolyte.Conclusion: The anticancer activity was screened against human cancer cell such brain cancer cells (AMJM), cervical cancer cells (HeLa), ovarian cancer cells (SKOV-3), and breast cancer cells (MCF-7). The results indicate that the metal ion complexes show increase cytotoxicity in proliferation to cell lines as compared to the free ligand. Antioxidant activities were shown the ligand, and their complexes have high reactivity.Ă‚

    The spectra of selected functional gastrointestinal disorders in Sudanese university students according to the Rome III criteria

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    Background: The prevalence of functional gastrointestinal disorders  (FGIDs) including functional dyspepsia (FD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and functional constipation (FC) was not studied in Sudan.Objectives: The aim of this study is to estimate prevalence of these disorders in Sudanese university students using Rome III criteria.Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted among medical students in Omdurman Islamic University during the period from January to June 2012. The selected volunteers responded to a self-reported questionnaire based on Rome III criteria.Results: A total of 348 subjects were studied. Male: Female ratio was 0.6: 1. Prevalence of FD, IBS and FC were 21.6%, 12.9% and 10.3% respectively. IBS was more prevalent in females (16.4%) compared to males (7%). The most prevalent symptoms were postprandial fullness (74.1%), straining during .25% of defecation (43.9%) and lumpy or hard stools in .25% of defecations (37%).Conclusion: Functional gastrointestinal disorders are common in university students. Further studies are needed to characterize the epidemiology of FGIDs in Sudan.Key words: Functional gastrointestinal disorders, dyspepsia, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, Sudan

    Pattern of Endoscopic Findings of Upper Gastrointestinal Tract in Omdurman Teaching Hospital, Sudan

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    Background: The pattern of endoscopic findings of upper gastrointestinal tract (UGT) including gastro esophageal reflux (GERD), peptic ulcer diseases (PU), and upper gastrointestinal malignancies was not studied recently in Sudan.Objectives: The aim of this study is to know the pattern of endoscopic findings of upper gastrointestinal tract.Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional descriptive study which was conducted during the period from March to September 2013, at endoscopy unit in Omdurman Teaching Hospital. All patients referred for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy were included in the study.Results: A total of 390 subjects was enrolled in the study.56.4% were females; the male to female ratio was 1.3:1, their ages ranged from 11 to 80 years old with a mean age of 50.2 years. The most common endoscopic findings in the study group was Gastritis 54.9% followed by esophagitis 42%, peptic ulcer diseases 21%, esophageal varices 13.8% and upper gastrointestinal tumors (esophageal and gastric) 13.2 %. Normal findings were found in 3% of all patients in the study group.Conclusion: Upper gastrointestinal disorders are more common in Sudan compared to other countries. Esophageal varices and upper gastrointestinal malignancies are increasing compared to previous studies. Further studies are required to characterize abnormalities of upper gastrointestinal tract.Key words: Upper gastro-intestinal endoscopy, Gastritis, Esophagitis, Peptic ulcer, Sudan

    Patient satisfaction with quality of primary health care in Benghazi, Libya

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    Introduction: The Libyan National Health System (LNHS) is debated for the paradox of its performance versus impact. It has poor performance, but the national health statistics are good and competitive. There are concerted efforts to manage health care services and to regain the lost trust. A primary health care (PHC) system that focuses on preventive and promotive care is the core focus of LNHS efforts. Objectives: To assess patient satisfaction with quality of PHC assessed in terms of (a) customer profile, (b) patient satisfaction, and (c) health care-seeking behavior. Methodology: A sample of nine health centers and seven polyclinics from various locations in Benghazi, Libya were selected for gathering information by structured face-to-face interviews. A total of 310 beneficiaries were interviewed by using an Arabic translation of the Charleston Psychiatric Outpatient Satisfaction Scale. Results: The beneficiaries appear to be quite satisfied with the quality of services. Geographical zone, marital status of beneficiary, and type of facility are satisfaction-related factors. There are preferences for facilities located within the City Centre over those located elsewhere. There is also an interaction effect of the geographical zone and the type of facility in creating differences in satisfaction. Conclusions: A customer-friendly facility concept that emphasizes reception, physician interaction, and cordiality shall add value. Polyclinics require more attention as does the Al Slawy area. A few utility services might also be considered.Keywords: exit interviews; Health For All by All; geographic zone; administrative and environmental factors; health-seeking behavior; interaction effect; type and location of facility; place of residenc

    Trisomy 9 syndrome in a neonate with unusual features

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    Aim of the Work: To report a newborn infant with multiple congenital anomalies and apparent complete trisomy 9 in the blood. Review will be included.Methods: Clinical examination, TORCH screening, echocardiography, skeletal survey, ultrasound head and abdomen were done. In addition chromosomal analysis of a peripheral blood sample using GTG, CBG banding and FISH techniques were employed.Results: Multiple congenital anomalies including craniofacial features, centralnervous, cardiovascular, skeletal, gastric and urogenital systems becauseof chromosomal abnormality which indicated: 47, XY, inv (9) (p12;q13) + inv(9) (p12;q13) mat. Conclusion: Our case could be a new case of apparently complete trisomy 9syndrome with unusual findings.Key Words: Trisomy 9, congenital anomalies, karyotype, FIS

    Traditional Underground Grain Storage in Clay Soils in Sudan Improved by Recent Innovations

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    In the central clay plain of the Sudan, traditional subsistence farmers and small farmers that also produce for local markets want to keep the region near food self-sufficiency. They combine annual production of sorghum with underground pit storage of part of the harvest. With increasing climate variability this food security is coming more and more under pressure. Farmers recently experimented with pit innovations that would allow storage for more than one season. These innovations were quantified and further improvements were suggested. It was found that in the most abundantly occurring cracking clay soils, wide shallow pits, using thick chaff linings, with wider above ground soil caps, are most suitable for longer term storage
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