12 research outputs found

    Diet of Rutilus frisii kutum x Ctenopharyngodon idella hybrid

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    This research project was carried out in Gulian Fisheries Research Center in 1998. For this purpose, two ponds were selected: Pond No. 1 with 450m2 area and pond No.2 with 250m2 area and then 3500 pieces/hectar of hybrids with 5-7g weight were added to the ponds. In order to determine their main food, they were fed by pelletes and grass according to their mean weight. Meanwhile, by adding mineral and organic fertilizers to the water, a suitable media including phytoplanktons, zooplanktons and benthoses were prepared for feeding of fishes. The stomach contents observations of 160 specimen of hybrids showed that this hybrid is a herbivorous fish and macrophytes were their main diet; and phytoplanktons could be considered as the secondary random food

    Phytoplankton species in Anzali Lagoon and Caspian Sea coastal waters

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    Plankton samples were collected in 28 stations in Anzali Lagoon and nearby coastal areas during 1997-1999. Overall, 9 phyla, 134 genera and 278 phytoplankton species were identified. Of the identified species, 56 genera and 107 species belonged to phylum Chlorophyta, 39 genera and 87 species belonged to Bacillariophyta, 2 genera and 2 species were from Xanthophyta, 4 genera and 4 species belonged to Chrysophyta, 6 genera and 34 species were from Euglenophyta, 7 genera and 9 species belonged to Pyrrophyta, I genus and 2 species were from Cyanophyta, 18 genera and 32 species were from Cyanophyta and I genus and species was of Rhodophyta. We showed Cyanophyta and Bacillariophyta to be the most abundant phyla and western and southern parts of the lagoon the richest in terms of phytoplankton diversity and density. Cyanophyta planktons were the most abundant in summer in western part of the lagoon and were comprised of Microcystis aeruginosa, Oscillatoria limosa and Anabaenopsis raciborskii. Diatoms were observed throughout the year everywhere in the lagoon with their diversity being highest in late autumn, winter and spring. The dominant species of Bacillariophyta were Cyclotella meneghiniana, Synedra ulna and Nitzschia acicularis in the lagoon while Rhizosolenia calcar was dominant in estuarine and coastal areas during summer. Of Chlorophyta, species belonging to Scenedesmus were abundant in spring and of Euglenophyta, Euglena acus and Trachelomonas armata were most abundant in southern part of the lagoon in spring and summer. Gymnodinium coronatum from Pyrrophyta was abundant in summer in western part of the lagoon while Exuviaella cordata was dominant in estuary and coastal areas during autumn

    Biosynthesis of Quantum Dots and Their Therapeutic Applications in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer and SARS-CoV-2

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    Quantum dots (QDs) are semiconductor materials that range from 2 nm to 10 nm. These nanomaterials (NMs) are smaller and have more unique properties compared to conventional nanoparticles (NPs). One of the unique properties of QDs is their special optoelectronic properties, making it possible to apply these NMs in bioimaging. Different size and shape QDs, which are used in various fields such as bioimaging, biosensing, cancer therapy, and drug delivery, have so far been produced by chemical methods. However, chemical synthesis provides expensive routes and causes serious environmental and health issues. Therefore, various biological systems such as bacteria, fungi, yeasts, algae, and plants are considered as potent eco-friendly green nanofactories for the biosynthesis of QDs, which are both economic and environmentally safe. The review aims to provide a descriptive overview of the various microbial agents for the synthesis of QDs and their biomedical applications for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer and SARS-CoV-2

    Three-dimensional compatible finite element stress analysis of spinning two-directional FGM annular plates and disks with load and elastic foundation non-uniformities

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    Three-dimensional bending and stress analyses of the rotating two-directional functionally graded annular/circular plates or disks have not been accomplished so far. This task is performed in the present paper, employing a finite element formulation with a C¹-continuity. Therefore, both transversely graded and radiallygraded plates may be analyzed as special cases of the present research. Distribution of the transverse loads as well as coefficients of the elastic foundation may be non-uniform. Mixed stress-based and displacement-based edge conditions are considered to cover many practical applications. Compatible Hermitian elements are employed to develop a consistent formulation and avoid jumps in the stress components at the elements interfaces. In contrast to the very limited works presented for the rotating functionally graded circular plates so far, the transverse flexibility and the transverse stress components are also considered in the present research. Finally, influences of the material properties distribution, angular speed, geometric parameters, and the elastic foundation on distributions of the stress and displacement components are investigated for a variety of edge and boundary conditions and some design criteria are extracted

    the effects of ecological factors on leaf and petiole anatomy of wild grapevine (vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris) in northern Iran

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    Wild grapevine, Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris is considered as a rare species in Europe and Iran and possesses restricted distribution due to threatening factors. Natural populations of wild grapevine in the north of Iran were evaluated in three wild areas of coastal and plains areas of Miankaleh, submontane areas of Amol and the forest patches of Kojour and a cultivated sample of crop grapevine, V. v. subsp. vinifera in Babolsar. A total of 41 anatomical traits and important ecological factors such as soil and climatic variables were investigated and included in further analyses. Anatomical characteristics of leaf blade and petiole had the most important impact on the separation of wild and the cultivated taxon. All the soil and climatic factors, particularly altitude and annual rainfall were significant between studied stations. Mean temperature of the warmest month along with soil clay and calcareous percentage had the highest effect and relationship with the anatomical traits. Based on the current result, anatomical characters can be used for separation between wild and cultivated populations. They are also effective in separation of different populations of wild grapevine. Quantitative anatomical changes in the studied populations are reflection of the different soil and climatic conditions of their habitat

    Strength and stiffness of cold-formed steel portal frame joints using quasi-static finite element analysis

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    This paper describes a quasi-static finite element analysis, which uses the explicit integration method, of the apex joint of a cold-formed steel portal frame. Such cold-formed steel joints are semi-rigid as a result of bolt-hole elongation. Furthermore, the channel-sections that are being connected have a reduced moment capacity as a result of a bimoment. In the finite element model described, the bolt-holes and bolt shanks are all physically modelled, with contact defined between them. The force-displacement curves obtained from the quasi-static analysis are shown to be similar to those of the experimental test results, both in terms of stiffness as well as failure load. It is demonstrated that quasi-static finite element analysis can be used to predict the behavior of cold-formed steel portal frame joints and overcome convergence issues experienced in static finite element analysis