134 research outputs found

    Unani management of vesical calculus: a case report

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    Vesical calculus (Hisat-e-Masanah) accounts approximately 5% of all urinary tract stones. It has bimodal peaks age of incidence at 3 years in children in developing countries, and 60 years in adulthood. Despite advance technology of lithotripsy, the management of vesical calculus in children remains a challenge due to difficulty in passing of stone fragments and adverse effect of surgery. Hence alternative and safe treatment like Unani system of medicine can be adopted to avoid surgical procedure. The present paper deals with a case study in which a 10 years old male child patient suffered from a single vesical calculus was treated with Unani pharmacopeial medicine; Qurs Kaknaj (2 tablets), Qurs Kushta Hajrul Yahood (1 tablet) and Sharbat Buzoori Motadil (10 ml syrup) twice a day as oral administration, with the aim to evaluate the efficacy of drugs and to avoid surgery. Patient has shown excellent and significant result as 8×5 mm size of a stone flushed out at 3rd day of treatment without any operation

    Interrupted Curing 1 Recuring 1 and the Duration of �curing of Plain and Pozzolanic Concretes

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    Civil Engineerin

    Corrosion of reinforcing steel in sulphur concrete

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    Is open radical cystectomy facing extinction?

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    Otvorena radikalna cistektomija sa svim pridruženim oblicima derivacije urina je zlatni standard u liječenju invazivnog raka mokraćnog mjehura. Radikalna cistektomija je opsežna operacija sa značajnim poslijeoperacijskim morbiditetom i smrtnošću. Tijekom proteklog desetljeća, laparoskopija i robotika značajno prodiru u svakodnevnu kiruršku praksu. Općenito prihvaćene prednosti minimalno invazivne kirurgije uključuju smanjeni operativni gubitak krvi i tjelesnih tekućina, slabiju poslijeoperacijsku bol, kraći bolnički boravak, brži povratak radnim aktivnostima, estetski ugodne rezultate i zadovoljavajuću kontrolu maligne bolesti. Poteškoće u širem prihvaćanju minimalno invazivnih operacija jesu strma krivulja učenja, ograničen broj centara za edukaciju, a u slućaju robotski potpomognute kirurgije veliki početni trošak i trošak potrošnih materijala. Za sada u našoj svakodnevnici ima mjesta za otvorenu, laparaskopsku i robotski potpomognutu radikalnu cistektomiju, sve dok se ne učini temeljita procjena i usporedba novih minimalno invazivnih kirurških opcija. Prikazat ćemo pregled naših iskustava u minimalno invazivnoj radikalnoj cistektomiji.Open radical cystectomy with variety of urinary diversions has remained the gold standard for the treatment of muscle invasive bladder cancer. This is a major surgical procedure with significant post-operative morbidity and mortality. Over the last decade laparoscopy and robotics have made significant inroads into our surgical practice. The well known attractions of minimally invasive surgery include reduced blood and tissue fluid loss during surgery, less post-operative pain, shorter hospital stay, quicker return to work, cosmetically pleasing results and equivalent cancer control. The difficulty in widespread adoption of these minimally invasive options are steep learning curves, limited facilities for training, in the case of robotics formidable initial capital costs and cost of disposables. At present it may be fair to say that there is still a place for open, laparoscopic and robotic radical cystectomy until we have made rigorous evaluation of the new minimally invasive surgical options. A review of our experience of minimally invasive radical cystectomy will be presented

    Monitoring of Groundwater Quality in Arsenic and Salinity Prone Areas of Jashore, Bangladesh

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    The groundwater contamination by arsenic is a large-scale pollution in drinking water history. Safe water supply is a big challenge due to critical hydrogeological situation and water quality problems in this area. The analytical results show that a range of pH, TDS, chloride, total alkalinity, total hardness, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron and arsenic were found between 7.50-7.23, 504.00-201.00 mg/L, 90.30-31.43 mg/L, 410.81-174.31mg/L, 616.47-202.97 mg/L, 52.59-13.28 mg/L, 17.13-2.87 mg/L, 108.57-44.53 mg/L, 83.87-22.29 mg/L, 1.78-0.01 mg/L, 11.78-1.45 mg/L, 0.42-0.02 mg/L, respectively. This study will help making a future plan for groundwater quality monitoring and its hydrogeological application for safe water source identificatio

    IoT-Based Remote Health Monitoring System Employing Smart Sensors for Asthma Patients during COVID-19 Pandemic

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    COVID19 and asthma are respiratory diseases that can be life threatening in uncontrolled circumstances and require continuous monitoring. A poverty stricken South Asian country like Bangladesh has been bearing the brunt of the COVID19 pandemic since its beginning. The majority of the country's population resides in rural areas, where proper healthcare is difficult to access. This emphasizes the necessity of telemedicine, implementing the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT), which is still under development in Bangladesh. This paper demonstrates how the current challenges in the healthcare system are resolvable through the design of a remote health and environment monitoring system, specifically for asthma patients who are at an increased risk of COVID19. Since on-time treatment is essential, this system will allow doctors and medical staff to receive patient information in real time and deliver their services immediately to the patient regardless of their location. The proposed system consists of various sensors collecting heart rate, body temperature, ambient temperature, humidity, and air quality data and processing them through the Arduino Microcontroller. It is integrated with a mobile application. All this data is sent to the mobile application via a Bluetooth module and updated every few seconds so that the medical staff can instantly track patients' conditions and emergencies. The developed prototype is portable and easily usable by anyone. The system has been applied to five people of different ages and medical histories over a particular period. Upon analyzing all their data, it became clear which participants were particularly vulnerable to health deterioration and needed constant observation. Through this research, awareness about asthmatic symptoms will improve and help prevent their severity through effective treatment anytime, anywhere.Comment: Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (2022

    Molecular epidemiology of clinical and carrier strains of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in the hospital settings of north India

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    BACKGROUND: The study was conducted between 2000 and 2003 on 750 human subjects, yielding 850 strains of staphylococci from clinical specimens (575), nasal cultures of hospitalized patients (100) and eye & nasal sources of hospital workers (50 & 125 respectively) in order to determine their epidemiology, acquisition and dissemination of resistance genes. METHODS: Organisms from clinical samples were isolated, cultured and identified as per the standard routine procedures. Susceptibility was measured by the agar diffusion method, as recommended by the Nat ional Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS). The modified method of Birnboin and Takahashi was used for isolation of plasmids from staphylococci. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) typing of clinical and carrier Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains isolated during our study was performed as described previously. RESULTS: It was shown that 35.1% of Staphylococcus aureus and 22.5% of coagulase-negative staphylococcal isolates were resistant to methicillin. Highest percentage of MRSA (35.5%) was found in pus specimens (n = 151). The multiple drug resistance of all MRSA (n = 180) and Methicillin resistant Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus aureus (MRCNS) (n = 76) isolates was detected. In case of both methicillin-resistant as well as methicillin-sensitive Saphylococcal isolates zero resistance was found to vancomycin where as highest resistance was found to penicillin G followed by ampicillin. It was shown that the major reservoir of methicillin resistant staphylococci in hospitals are colonized/infected inpatients and colonized hospital workers, with carriers at risk for developing endogenous infection or transmitting infection to health care workers and patients. The results were confirmed by molecular typing using PFGE by SmaI-digestion. It was shown that the resistant markers G and T got transferred from clinical S. aureus (JS-105) to carrier S. aureus (JN-49) and the ciprofloxacin (Cf) and erythromycin (E) resistance seemed to be chromosomal mediated. In one of the experiments, plasmid pJMR1O from Staphylococcus aureus coding for ampicillin (A), gentamicin (G) and amikacin (Ak) resistance was transformed into Escherichia coli. The minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) for A and G were lower in E. coli than in S. aureus. However, the MIC for Ak was higher in E. coli transformants than in S. aureus. CONCLUSION: There is a progressive increase in MRSA prevalence and multi-drug resistance in staphylococci. Vancomycin is still the drug of choice for MRSA infections. The major reservoir of methicillin resistant staphylococci in hospitals is colonized/infected inpatients and colonized hospital workers. Resistance transfer from staphylococci to E. coli as well as from clinical to carrier staphylococci due to antibiotic stress seemed to be an alarming threat to antimicrobial chemotherapy

    A Meandered Line Patch Antenna at Low Frequency Range for Early Stage Breast Cancer Detection

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    Every year a concerning number of women are affected by breast cancer which is one of the deadliest and common types of cancers. Breast cancer is curable at early stages. For detecting breast cancer, there are several methods such as MRI, Mammography, Tomography, Ultrasound, and biopsy are available in medical technology. Still, none of them are as easy and efficient as a microwave imaging technique, in this method, the antenna plays an important role. Therefore, this paper focuses on developing an antenna at a low-frequency range for microwave imaging techniques to detect cancerous tissue inside the breast. For this, the antenna parameters, i.e., return loss, VSWR, directivity, current density, and specific absorption rate were studied, by setting the antenna over without tumor and with tumor breast as up-side-down, to ensure the compatibility of the antenna for the technique as well as for the patient’s body. A 5mm radius cancerous tumor was created inside the breast with dielectric conductivity of 4 and relative permittivity of 50. Cancerous cells were detected by reading the antenna parameters’ comparison between the healthy breast and the affected breast. The whole study was conducted by using CST MICROWAVE STUDIO SUITE 2020.

    Why pandemic coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) hit different age groups of people in Southeast Asia? a case study in Bangladesh

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    The new catastrophe of a novel coronavirus (COVID-19s) with unstable symptoms has rapidly pulled danger to all age groups worldwide. We investigate possible causes of the different nature and demography of COVID-19. We collected and used secondary data from the IEDCR website and “Worldometer” from 1st April to 24th June for the statistical analyses, including multi-criteria decision-making method (MCDM), topsis, advanced topsis, simple additive weighting (SAW) and weighting product method (WPM) and PCA. The total number of known COVID-19 patients in Bangladesh was 122,709 as of 24th June. Radical growth will be found with 4912 cases in one day on 16th July as per the time-series forecasting. The infection rate among the young (<30) was highest, i.e., 37.8%, while the elderly (>60) had the maximum death rate (≈39%). Both of India and Bangladesh, approximately one-third of total COVID-19 cases belong to the under 30 age group. Preliminary observation finds India and Bangladesh have a high risk for young people and the working class. PCA indicates the highest positive association among the youths and the highest negative association among the older. In this study, older age (>60) individuals are in danger with the fifth rank, and the young and working-age people are at comparatively lower risk with a third to the fourth rank in terms of infection rate as indicated by MCDM. 41-50 age group remains at lower risk with the first rank in all cases. The nature of activities of younger people and the poor immunity system of older people are the reason for the non-homogenous attitude toward the coronavirus among different age groups. In Bangladesh, drug addiction, gambling habits, uncontrolled lifestyle, and social obliquity have led the youth through danger, threatening the older age of family and society

    Volumetric Properties of Binary Mixtures of 2-Ethoxyethanol and 2-Butoxyethanol with 1,4-Dioxane

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    Densities, r, of 2-Ethoxyethanol (EGMEE) + 1,4-Dioxane (DXN) and  2-Butoxyethanol (EGMBE) + 1,4-Dioxane (DXN) systems have been measured in the whole range of composition at an interval of 5 K ranging from 303.15 to 323.15 K. Excess molar volumes, , partial molar volumes, , thermal expansivities,a, and excess thermal expansivities, aE, have been estimated from the experimental values of ρ. All of the derived properties have been fitted to appropriate polynomials. Values of   and aE were fitted to the Redlich-Kister polynomial equation and their variations with composition and temperature have been discussed in terms of molecular interaction in the mixtures. Values of  and aE were all positive and were attributed due to specific interactions