98 research outputs found

    Computational Complexity Comparison Of Multi-Sensor Single Target Data Fusion Methods By Matlab

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    Target tracking using observations from multiple sensors can achieve better estimation performance than a single sensor. The most famous estimation tool in target tracking is Kalman filter. There are several mathematical approaches to combine the observations of multiple sensors by use of Kalman filter. An important issue in applying a proper approach is computational complexity. In this paper, four data fusion algorithms based on Kalman filter are considered including three centralized and one decentralized methods. Using MATLAB, computational loads of these methods are compared while number of sensors increases. The results show that inverse covariance method has the best computational performance if the number of sensors is above 20. For a smaller number of sensors, other methods, especially group sensors, are more appropriate.

    Intermittent Diazepam versus Continuous Phenobarbital to Prevent Recurrence of Febrile Seizures: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    How to Cite This Article: Salehiomran MR, Hoseini SM, Ghabeli Juibary A. Intermittent Diazepam Versus Continuous Phenobarbital to Prevent Recurrence of Febrile Seizures: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Iran J Child Neurol. Winter 2016;10(1):21-24.AbstractObjectiveFebrile seizure is the most common neurologic problem in children between 3 months to 5 years old. Two to five percent of children aged less than five yr old will experience it at least one time. This type of seizure is age dependent and its recurrence rate is about 33% overalls and 50% in children less than one yr old.The prophylactic treatment is still controversial, so we conducted a randomized controlled clinical trial to find out the effectiveness of continuous phenobarbital versus intermittent diazepam for febrile seizure.Materials & MethodsThis clinical trial was conducted in the Department of Pediatric Neurology, Babol University of Medical Sciences, Babol, Iran between March 2008 and October 2010. All children from 6 month to 5 yr old referred to Amirkola Children’s Hospital, Babol, Iran were enrolled in the study. Children with febrile seizure that had indication for prophylaxis but did not receive any prophylaxis previously were enrolled in the study. For prophylactic anti convulsion therapy, patients were divided randomly in two groups. One group received continuous phenobarbital and another treated with intermittent diazepam whenever the children experienced an episode of febrile illness for up to one year after their last convulsion.ResultsOf all 145 studied cases, the recurrent rate in children under prophylaxis with diazepam was 11/71 and in phenobarbital group was 17/74. There was no significant difference in the recurrence rate in both groups.ConclusionThere was no significant difference in the effectiveness of phenobarbital and diazepam in prevention of recurrent in febrile seizure and we think that in respect of lower complication rate in diazepam administration, it cloud be better choice than phenobarbital

    Time-Sensitive Adaptive Model for Adult Image Classification

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    Images play an important role in modern internet communications, but not all of the images shared by the users are appropriate, and it is necessary to check and reject the inappropriate ones. Deep neural networks do this task perfectly, but it may not be necessary to use maximum power for all images. Many easier-to-identify images may be classified at a lower cost than running the full model. Also, the pressure on the system varies from time to time, so an algorithm that can produce the best possible results for different budgets is very useful. For this purpose, a deep convolutional neural network with the ability to generate several outputs from its various layers has been designed. Each output can be considered as a classifier with its own cost and accuracy. A selector is then used to select and combine the results of these outputs to produce the best possible result in the specified time budget. The selector uses a reinforcement learning model, which, despite the time-consuming learning phase, is fast at execution time. Our experiments on challenging social media images dataset show that the proposed model can reduce the processing time by 32 % by sacrificing only 1.4 % of accuracy compared to the VGG-f network. Also, using different metrics such as F1-score and AUC (the Area Under the Curve in the accuracy vs. time budget chart), the superiority of the proposed model at different time budgets over the base model is shown

    Measuring customer-based brand equity in the Iranian Lubricants market Case Study: Sepahan oil Company

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    Purpose – This study seeks to examine the practicality and applications of a customer based brand equity model in the Iranian Lubricants market. Design/methodology/approach – Based on Aaker’s well-known conceptual framework of brand equity, extend by Yoo & Donthu, this study employed structural equation modeling to investigate the causal relationships among the three dimensions of brand equity and overall brand equity in the Lubricants industry. The present study used a sample of 300 actual consumers from sepahan oil company consumer in Tehran. Findings – The findings conclude that brand loyalty and Perceived Quality are influential dimensions of brand equity. Weak support was found for the brand associations / awareness dimension. Research limitations/implications – Future research needs to be done if the results are to be expanded into other regional Iranians markets in light of the significant gaps between different regions. Further research also could strengthen this analysis by adding performance measurement into the model. Practical implications – The paper shows that sepahan brand managers and marketing planners should consider the relative importance of brand equity in their overall brand equity evaluation, and should concentrate their efforts primarily on building brand loyalty. Originality/value – This study contributes to the scant literature testing the applicability of consumer-based brand equity in the Lubricants industry. this study provides important insights about the understanding of Lubricants consumers’ perceptions of overall brand equity and its dimensions. Keywords: Brand equity, Lubricants, brand loyalty, brand associations / awareness, Perceived Quality

    Feasible Relation between Glutathione Peroxidase and Febrile Seizure

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    How to Cite This Article: Mahyar A, Ayazi P, Dalirani R, Mohammad Hoseini B, Sarookhani MR, Javadi A, Esmaeily Sh. Feasible Relation between Glutathione Peroxidase and Febrile Seizure. Iran J Child Neurol. Winter 2017; 11(1):65-69.AbstractObjectiveWe aimed to determine the relationship between serum glutathione peroxidase and febrile seizure.Materials & MethodsIn this case-control study, 43 children with simple febrile seizure (case group) were compared with 43 febrile children without seizure (control group) in terms of serum glutathione peroxidase level, measured by ELISA method. This study was conducted in Qazvin Children Hospital, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences in Qazvin, Iran in 2012-2013. The results were analyzed and compared in two groups.ResultsFrom 43 children 24 (53%) were male and 19 (47%) were female in children with simple febrile seizure, and 26 (60%) were male and 17 (40%) were female in febrile children without seizure (control group) (P=0.827). Serum glutathione peroxidase level was 166 U/ml (SD=107) in the case group and 141 U/ml (SD=90.5) in the control group of no significant difference.ConclusionThere was no significant relationship between serum glutathione peroxidase and simple febrile seizure. Thus, it seems that glutathione peroxidase, an essential component of antioxidant system, does not play any role in the pathogenesis of simple febrile seizure.References1. Duffner PK, Baumann RJ, Berman P, Green JL, Schneider S, Hodgson ES, etal. Febrile seizures: clinical practice guideline for the long-term management of the child with simple febrile seizures. Pediatrics 2008 ;121:1281-6.Midline doi: 10.1542/peds.2008-0939.2.Shinnar S. Febrile seizures. In: Swaiman KF, Ashwal S,Ferriero DM. Pediatric neurology: principles and practice. 4th ed. Philadelphia: Mosby, 2006:1079-86.3. Mikati M A. Febrile seizures.In: Kliegman RM, Stanton B F, GemeIII J WS, Schor NF , Behrman RE. Nelson textbook of pediatrics.19th ed. 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    The study of the correlation between medication adherence and quality of life of Rheumatoid Arthritis patients

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    Background and aims: Patient adherences with therapeutic regimens reduce the severity of desease negative complications and its non-adherence as a barrier to achieving the medical. The aim at this study was to determine the correlation between medication adherence and quality of life of Rheumatoid Arthritis patients in Shariati hospital in 2016. Methods: This study was descriptive-correlational that population consisted of all Arthritis patients in Shariati hospital in Tehran. 252 patients were recruited by convenience sampling. Three questionnaires were used to collect data including the demographic characteristics questionnaire, the medication adherence “CQR” and SF-36. The validity and reliability of SF-36 in similar studies and the validity and reliability of CQR by researcher was approved. Data were analyzed by SPSS. Results: The results showed the levels of medication adherence with an average of 65.86±5.85 and the quality of life of patients with an average of 51.96±9.73. Spearman correlation coefficient showed that no significant correlation between medication adherence and quality of life of patients (P=0.663, r=0.02). Medication adherence had a significant correlation between energy/fatigue subscales of quality of life (P=0.035, r=0.13). Conclusion: Due to the fact that medication adherence was not a predictor of quality of life in patients with rheumatoid arthritis Therefore, it cannot be poured programs for these patients to improve their quality of life due to medication adherence

    Investigation of Epidemiological, Anatomical, and Risk Factors of the Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection, in Mazandaran Heart Center

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    AbstractBackground: Aortic aneurysm is one of the most common cardiovascular diseases that can lead to numerous challenges for patients. The mortality rate of ruptured Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm (TAA) is observed to be high. In order to reduce this high rate, appropriate methods to diagnose TAA as well as its useful and aggravating factors are to be developed and/or identified. The objective of this study is the evaluation of the thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection, in Mazandaran Heart Center.Method: This cross-sectional study with a census design was performed on all patients with thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection who have undergone aneurysm surgery, from December 2010 to January 2019. Patients’ information was extracted from their medical records archive. SPSS 16.0 was used for statistical analysis.Result: From 53 patients with a thoracic aortic aneurysm, 77.4% were male. The mean age of patients was 59.70±12.07 years. 21 (39.6%) patients were more than or equal to 60 years old, while the remaining 32 (60.4%) were less than 60 years of age. The overall mortality rate was 11.3%. The mean aortic diameter of the patients was 5.42 cm. All patients had type A dissection. In other words, type B was not seen.Conclusion: Given the high prevalence and high mortality rate of thoracic aortic aneurysm, early screening can be beneficial and can increase the survival rate of patients. Laboratory and pathologic findings, along with clinical findings, can be very beneficial in early diagnosis.Keywords: Aneurysm aorta; thoracic aortic aneurysm; aneurysm dissection; risk facto