52 research outputs found

    The analysis of Iran universities’ 2003-2004 entrance examination to detect biased items

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    Item bias or differential item function (DIF) refers to the situation in which the probability of correct responses to an item for examinees with equal ability measured by test but belong to different groups are not equal. The existence of bias in items decreases the validity of the test. In this study the range of item difficulty among surveyed groups, has been used as a method for detecting the item bias in Persian literature subtest as part of the Entrance Examination to Universities of Iran in 2003-2004. For this purpose, report cards of 5000 (each group of 1000 examinees) participants in this examination from three provinces i.e. Yazd, Azerbaijan Sharghi and Kurdistan as sample groups were analyzed using the computerized program, BILOG-MG. Out of 25, two items, numbers 9 and 10 showed bias between gender groups and both were in favour of female group and were identified as biased items. Of this number, four items numbers 2, 7, 9, and 12 showed bias among linguistic groups

    Is adiponectin associated with acute myocardial infarction in Iranian non obese patients?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Backgrounds</p> <p>Adiponectin is an adipose tissue-derived mediator with significant anti-atherogenic properties. A few studies were done in acute phase of myocardial infarction especially in non obese patients. We design a study to investigate the association between adiponectin concentration and acute phase of myocardial infarction in non obese patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This case-control study was done in Paymaneah Hospital (Jahrom, Iran) from Feb 2007 to May 2008. Plasma adiponectin levels were measured in 43 patients with AMI (mean age: 62.7 ± 13.3 years, male: 67.4%) at the first 24 hours of admission and 43 normal controls (mean age: 62.1 ± 12.3 years, male: 55.8%) matched for age, sex and other CAD risk factors.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Adiponectin levels in patients with AMI (3.36 μg/mL) were significantly lower than that of the control group (5.03 μg/mL) (p < 0.0001). Lower adiponectin were independently associated with higher risk of AMI (odds ratio = 8.97; 95% CIs: 2.3–34.5; p = 0.001). Adiponectin levels negatively correlated with triglyceride (r = -0.46, p = 0.002) and total cholesterol (r = -0.32, p = 0.03) in the case group and with body mass index (BMI) in control subjects.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The present study showed that adiponectin was associated with AMI in non obese patients but it is not related to sex, age and other CAD risk factors.</p

    Evaluation of medical error status in various wards of Shohadaye Ashayer Hospital, Khorramabad, Iran

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    Abstract: Medical errors are known as the most important challenges that healthcare systems in all countries are encountered to them. To provide security and safety for patient is one of the major items in the health care systems. Confessing medical errors imposed on patient and education system is found to be an important aspect of medical ethics and care in turn lowers incidence of errors. Given the importance of identifying and reporting occurred medical errors, the present research aimed to assess medical errors in hospital wards of Shohadaye Ashayer Hospital Khorramabad so that findings of this research can inspire us to incorporate medical errors as a very important subject in the curriculum of medical students and finally physicians can do best examination and treatment with minimal or no errors and inaccuracies. The present research is descriptive in nature which lasted from April to March 2015. Statistical population (subjects) included employees and supervisors, nurses, staffs, lab safety facilitator, pharmacy safety facilitator, surgery room personnel, equipment and personnel in the hospital wards, including the emergency department, men surgery, women surgery, operating room, orthopedics, internal medicine ward, neurology, laboratory room, surgery, infectious, ophthalmic, reception, pharmacy and CCU hospital in Shohadaye Ashayer Hospital- Khorramabad. © 2009-2016, JGPT

    Statistical Analysis Study of The Effects of Environmental Pollution on Population Applicative Study on Banias Refinery

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    إن التطور السريع في مجالات كثيرة, لحل مشكلات عدد من المجتمعات والدول, له مضاعفات جانبية خطيرة على صحة الإنسان ووجوده, تمثلت هذه المضاعفات في وجود ظاهرة خطيرة هي الملوثات البيئية موضوع البحث الذي تمّ فيه تناول بعض من جوانب التلوث الناجمة عن مصفاة بانياس والتي تؤثر تأثيراً مباشر على صحة الإنسان ولقد وضِع الفرضين الآتيين لإثبات ذلك: الفرض الأول: إن الانبعاثات الغازية الناجمة عن بعض المنشآت لها أثر ذو دلالة إحصائية على صحة الإنسان. الفرض الثاني: إن الأصوات الصادرة عن بعض المنشآت لها أثر سلبي ذو دلالة إحصائية على حاسة السمع لدى السكان. ولقد تمّ الحصول على مجموعة من النتائج كان أهمها أن معظم أفراد العينة المنتقاة يشعرون بالتلوث بشكل مخيف ومزعج وأن غالبية الأفراد يعانون من أمراض عديدة أكثرها تنفسية وذلك بسبب تعرضهم للتلوث كذلك لوحظ أن الضجيج الموجود في المصفاة يؤثر على حاسة السمع لدى العمال وبناءً على هذه النتائج تمّ وضع مجموعة من التوصيات والمقترحات التي تساهم في حل مشكلة التلوث في المنطقة. The quick development in many domains to solve problems of various societies and countries has serious subsidiary consequences on human existence and health. These consequences are represented by the existence of a serious phenomenon, which is the environmental pollution, which forms our research object. We take into consideration some aspects of pollution, caused by Banyas refinery, which have a direct effect on human health. So, we put two assumptions, to prove it: The first assumption: gas emission resulted from some constructions has a statistically significant effect on human health. A second assumption: noise caused by some constructions has a significant statistically negative effect on hearing sense. We obtained some results of which, the most important one is that the majority of sampled individuals feel pollution in anxious and terrible way. So, most of individuals in the sample suffer from various diseases, especially respiratory diseases caused by their exposure to pollution

    Adsorption of Ni(II) ions from aqueous solutions using natural Bentonite

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      In this study, natural Syrian bentonite was used from the Tel Rifaat area in Aleppo governorate as a solid phase for adsorption of nickel (ll) ions from aqueous solutions. The coefficient of the distribution of ions on the surface of bentonite was studied in terms of the time of contact (T), the particle size (Vs), the (pH) value of nickel solution and and the solid phase mass (m). Primary concentration effect of the nickel ions was studied and adsorption model was determined. The adsorption experiment was applied to a real produced water sample obtained from tank 247 of the Syrian Oil Transport Company.It was found that the amount of adsorption increases by increasing the contact time from time (1 min ) until reaching the equilibrium time (60 min ). The value of the adsorption until the contact time (24 hours) stay steady. The experiment showed that the amount of adsorption increases by decreasing the particle size of bentonite from the range (1-2) mm until reaching the highest amount of adsorption using the particle size within the range (100 - 250) µm.then, The amount of adsorption decreases until the particle size < (53) µm. The amount of adsorption of the nickel ( ll ) ions increases with pH increase until the range (5-6). After this range, the process of Ion deposition begins. By increasing the bentonite mass, the total removal ratio increases to amaximum value at (2gr/30ml) and the adsorption amount decreases. it was found that the nickel adsorption on the surface of the bentonite follows the Freundlish model. When the experiment was applied to the real water sample, the ratio of nickel removal using raw bentonite was 91.39 ± 0.23%

    The Salient Motives for Malaysia Aviation Industry Sustainability: An Explorative Study on Business, Management and Technology Components in Aviation Management Program in Malaysia

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    The purpose of this research is to develop a comprehensive evaluation framework of three important elements, namely business, management, and technology embedded in the newly developed Master of Science program in aviation management. A Focus group interview has been adopted in this study with the involvement of aviation management faculty members and also panel members from the Board of Studies (BOS). Two prominent aviation practitioners and two leading academicians with aviation background were called for a focus group discussion and the meeting held for six (6) hours. Alignments of the course offered need to be formed to link with the aviation industry 4.0 and aviation industry 5.0. This study reveals the critical needs and issues at the industry perspective and drives new areas for an academician to focus on the syllabus and research. This study bridges the gap between industry and academicians by keeping scholars and practitioners abreast of the timeliest industry-academician framework. It elevated the current thinking necessary for better performance of the industry, as well as the quality of the new proposed master program. This study clearly shows both academic and industry players related needs to establish a new program by consolidating both theoretical development and industry career. Recommendation to all academicians, practitioners, and policymaker are also highlighted in this study

    Curcuma longa: A review of therapeutic effects in traditional and modern medical references

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    Turmeric with scientific name of Curcuma longa is a perennial and herbaceous plant from family Zingiberaceae that grows in East Asia, such as China, and India. Ample evidence from previous studies indicates that C. longa is effective on many diseases including diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and cancer. It also has hepatoprotective, gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system protective effects, and may stimulate immune system. Because C. longa contains antioxidant compounds such as curcumin, zingibran, alpha and beta-Turmerin, arabinose, fructose, glucose, starch and desmetoxicurcumin. The therapeutic effects that have already been confirmed in with animal and human studies can be attributed to these compounds. Therefore, the effective compounds of C. longa on the above diseases should be investigated in clinical trials. This may help to produce effective and strong drugs to treat these diseases. This article was aimed to summarize and present the therapeutic effects of Curcuma longa in traditional and modern medical reference

    Acute toxicity test of copper pyrithione on Javanese medaka and the behavioural stress symptoms

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    This study was conducted to investigate the median lethal concentration (LC50) of copper pyrithione (CuPT) at 96-hr exposure on adult Javanese medaka (Oryzias javanicus) in revealing toxicological effects of CuPT contamination in the tropical area. Wild stock fishes were acclimatized for 14-days prior analysis. Triplicate of test tanks for seven test concentrations were placed with ten fishes each, this includes two control tanks. The behaviour of the tested fishes was manually observed through a camera. The LC50 of CuPT at 96-h was found to be 16.58 mg/L. Tested fishes swam slowly in vertical movement and swam fast towards food during feeding time as the sign of stress behaviour. Meanwhile, fishes in the two control groups swam actively in a horizontal manner and no excitement during feeding time. No mortality in control groups. Results indicate CuPT to be toxic to Javanese medaka at low concentration and caused behavioural stress