11 research outputs found

    Knowledge and attitude toward genetic diseases and genetic tests among pre-marriage individuals: A cross-sectional study in northern Iran

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    Background: Genetic testing has been widely introduced for many hereditary disorders. While the attitudes towards these facilities have been evaluated in many countries, there are only a few reports on the knowledge of and the orientation among Iranians. Objective: The current study assesses the attitudes and knowledge of pre-marriage individuals toward the availability and use of genetic tests. Materials and Methods: A comprehensive questionnaire was distributed among 408 marrying individuals. The questions addressed the demographic characteristics along the registration of participant’s knowledge, education, and attitude toward genetic testing. The individuals were divided into three groups based on their knowledge: 1) Scored above 80 to 100 were defined as “good” 2) 60 to 80 as “average” 3) less than 60 as “poor” knowledge. Result: Most participants (86%) believed consanguineous marriages increase the risk of genetic diseases; 82.3% knew that thalassemia is a type of genetic disease, only 33.3% could distinguish prenatal diagnosis (PND) from other laboratory tests. The relationship between the participants’ knowledge and their level of education was significant (r = 0.78, p < 0.001), age (r =–0.16, p < 0.01), and urbanity (p < 0.01). A prominent relationship was observed between the knowledge (r = 0.64, p < 0.001) or education (r = 0.62, p < 0.001) and people’s desire to use the genetic tests before the wedding ceremony. No significant correlations were found between the participant’s attitude and their ages/urbanity. Most of the individuals agreed to arrange a genetic counseling before marriage (0.94%). Conclusion: This study revealed that most individuals were interested in using genetic counseling services and genetic tests before marriage

    Association between the synonymous variant organic cation transporter 3 (OCT3)-1233G>A and the glycemic response following metformin therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes

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    Objective(s): Organic cation transporter 3 (OCT3) as a high-capacity transporter contribute to the metabolism of metformin. The present study was conducted to determine the genotype frequencies of the variant OCT3-1233G>A (rs2292334) in patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes (T2D) and its relationship with response to metformin. Materials and Methods: This study included 150 patients with T2D who were classified into two groups following three months of metformin therapy: responders (by more than 1% reduction in HbA1c from baseline) and nonresponders (less than 1% reduction in HbA1c from baseline). PCR-based restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) served to genotype OCT3-564G>A variant. Results: The parameters such as HbA1c (PA variant in our study and different ethnic populations confirm that the variant is a highly polymorphic variant

    Aetiology of livestock fetal mortality in Mazandaran province, Iran

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    In the farming industry, the productivity of livestock herds depends on the fertility efficiency of animals. The accurate diagnosis of a broad range of aetiological agents causing fetal death is often difficult. Our aim was to assess the prevalence rates of Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum, and Brucella spp. infections in ruminant abortion using bacteriological culture and molecular techniques in Mazandaran Province, northern Iran. Samples were collected from 70 aborted sheep, goat, and cattle fetuses between September 2014 and December 2015. Necropsy was performed on all the received samples, and brain tissue and abomasal content were obtained from the aborted fetuses. Protozoan infections were detected by specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and bacterial agents using bacteriological examinations and PCR assay. Infectious pathogens were detected in 22 out of 70 (31.4%) examined fetuses. Moreover, T. gondii, N. caninum, and B. melitensis were verified in 13 (18.6%), four (5.7%), and two (2.85%) samples, respectively. Our results showed that infection with the mentioned pathogenic agents may lead to fetal mortality, which can be a major cause of economic loss. The listed pathogens could be considered important etiological agents of fetal loss in Mazandaran Province, for which appropriate control measures such as vaccination and biosecurity can be implemented to prevent infection and reduce reproductive loss in livestock farms


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    Background: Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) is caused by different factors, including genetics and thrombophilia. Beside Factor V Leiden, another nucleotide change in a factor V (FV) gene (A4070G; His1299Arg) has been identified linking to hereditary thrombophilia. Also, two proposed MTHFR polymorphisms, C677T and A1298C (Glu429A) are linked with RPL. Objective: In this study, the effect of two factors, A4070G in FV and A1298C in MTHFR are evaluated in RPL patients from Mazandaran province, Iran. Materials and methods: Sample population of 100 women with RPL and 100 controls with Mazandarani ethnics from northern Iran were consist. The factor V (A4070G) and MTHFR (A1298C) polymorphisms were genotyped by PCR-RFLP. Results: Molecular study showed 5 women from patients and 9 women from control group were heterozygous AG for A4070G. Frequency of "A" allele in patient and control groups was 97.5% (0.975) and 95.5% (0.955) respectively, and "G" allele frequency was 2.5% (0.025) and 4.5% (0.045) respectively. No significant association (p≤0.05) between FV A4070G genotype and RPL with an OR=1.88, CI 95%=0.6-5.82, was observed (p=0.4). Also, for A1298C, all patients and control individuals were AA genotype. "A" allele frequency in patients and control was 100% and "C" allele frequency was zero. There was no significant difference for A1298C between groups. Conclusion: Our finding showed that A4070G and A1298C polymorphisms cannot be considered as a cause of PRL in women from Mazandaran province, northern Ira

    Significant correlation of angiotensin converting enzyme and glycoprotein IIIa genes polymorphisms with unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss in north of Iran

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    Background: Spontaneous abortion is considered as the most complex problem during pregnancy. Thrombophilia is resumed as a cause of recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL). Glycoprotein IIIa (GPIIIa) gene is involved in thrombosis and abortion. Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II and is involved in thrombosis. The most common polymorphism in this gene is the insertion/deletion (I/D). Objective: In this study, we analyzed the association between ACE I/D and GPIIIa c.98C >T polymorphisms in women with unexplained RPL from the north of Iran. Materials and Methods: Sample population consisted of 100 women with unexplained RPL and 100 controls. The ACE I/D and GPIIIa c.98C>T polymorphisms were genotyped by TETRA-ARMS PCR. The association between genotypes frequency and RPL were analyzed using χP2P and exact fisher tests. Associated risk with double genotype combinations was also investigated by binary logistic regression. Results: There was significant association between ACE DD genotype and RPL (OR=2.04; 95% CI=0.94-4.44; p=0.036). ACE D Allele was also significantly associated with the RPL (OR=1.59; 95% CI=1.05-2.41; p=0.013). No significant association was observed between GPIIIa c.98C>T polymorphism and RPL. Conclusion: ACE I/D polymorphism may probably be a prognostic factor in female family members of women with the history of recurrent abortio

    PCR-RFLP Is a Useful Tool to Distinguish between C. Dubliniensis and C. Albicans in Cancer Patients in Iran

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    "nIntroduction: Candida dubliniensis and C. albicans are very similar in morphology and phenotypic characteristics. Approximation of this yeast species has caused major problems in identifying these two correctly. "nMaterials and Methods: To distinguish among sixty yeast clinical isolates from patients with cancer, polymerase chain reaction - restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) was done. "nResults: PCR-RFLP of the ITS region showed different patterns between Candida dubliniensis and C. albicans after digestion with enzymes BlnI. All of the Clinical isolates were diagnosed as C .albicans.  The results were confirmed by sequencing and RAPD-PCR. "nConclusion: PCR-RFLP would be a useful and applicable technique in clinical laboratories for discrimination of C. albicans and C. dubliniensis

    Frequency of Beta-globin gene mutations in beta-thalassemia patients from east of Mazandaran

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    (Received 6 Aug, 2008; Accepted 3 Dec, 2008) Abstract Background and purpose: Beta-thalassemia is the most common inherited disorder in the world, especially in Iran. According to Iranian thalassemia society registry, 18616 thalassemia patients now living in Iran, which Mazandaran and Fars provinces have the most patients. Previous reports have shown that the frequency of b-thalassemia carriers is more than 10% in Mazandaran province. Although b-thalassemia is very heterogenous in the molecular level, but in each population, 5 to 10 mutations are more common. In this research common mutation in eastern area of Mazadaran province was investigated. Materials and methods: 5 to 10 ml peripheral blood samples were collected from volunteer patients who were referred to Boali Sina Hospital in Sari. DNA was extracted from blood, then 20 different mutations were screened and detected using two different methods, ARMS-PCR and Reverse-Dot Blot in Thalassemia Research Center in Sari and Amir Kola Thalassemia Center. Results: From 240 chromosomes investigated in 120 b-thalassemia patients in total, 96.25% mutations were identified. 13 different mutations were identified from 231 chromosomes. Among different mutations investigated, IVSII-1G>A was detected as the most common with frequency of 68/3%, which was homozygous in 64 individuals (53/3%) and compound heterozygous with other mutations in 34 individuals (28/3%) respectively. Mutations C8(-AA), codon22(G>A)/ FSC 22/23/24(-7bp), codon 30(G>A), and IVSII-1G>A were identified in 83% of chromosomes which were studied (200 chromosomes from 240). Conclusion: Mutation IVSII-1G>A is the most common mutation in northern provinces (Gilan, mazandaran, Golestan) in recent study. Also, comparison of these results with the similar finding from other provinces showed that the distributions of mutations in the northern area are different with northwest, south or southeast of the country

    Detection of CYP2C18 m1, and m2 Alleles within an Iranian Population (Mazandaran) Using Denaturing High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (DHPLC)

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    Background: Genetic polymorphisms of cytochrome p450 in humans are the main cause of differences in the metabolism. The allele and genotype frequencies of CYP2C19 and CYP2C9 have been studied in some Iranian populations. The aim of present study was to examine the frequencies of CYP2C18m1, and CYP2C18m2, alleles in the Mazandarani ethnic group among Iranian Population. Materials and Methods: In this study, genomic DNA was extracted from leucocytes of one hundred unrelated healthy volunteers. The prevalence of the common variants CYP2C18 m1 and m2 alleles were studied by using high fidelity polymerase chain reaction (HF-PCR) - DHPLC methods. Results: The frequency of CYP2C18 m1 and m2 alleles were 0.0% and 3.0%, respectively. CYP2C18 genotypes wt/wt, wt/m1, wt/m2, m1/m1, m1/m2, and m2/m2 frequencies were 97 %, 0.0 %, 3.0%, 0.0 %, 0.0%, and 0.0%, respectively. Conclusion: The result of the current study shows that impaired CYP2C18 activity in 03% of our sample population may decrease extra hepatic metabolism of some important drugs such as Phenytoin. It may also affect transdemal delivery of drug substrate for this isoenzyme