20 research outputs found

    An Examination Some of Educational – Extension Factors Influencing Use of Transgenic Plants (Case Study: Ilam, Iran)

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of educational – extension factors on the use of transgenic plants. This study was conducted through a survey design. The research was an applied study type. The research method of this study is descriptive-correlation. Statistical population of the study consisted of all of biotechnology experts of Research Center of Agriculture of Ilam Province (N=63). Census method was used in this study. A questionnaire was the main tool which the face and content its validity was confirmed by panel of University Experts. Reliability Coefficient (Cronbach's alpha) of the questionnaire was 92%. Results showed that the use of media (radio and TV) was the most important factor in the use of transgenic plants. The result of Spearman correlation coefficients showed that, there was a significant relationship between the variables such as the use of communication media, communication with extension professionals, and scientific rank of professional with use of transgenic plants. Multiple regression analysis results showed that varriables like scientific rank, relationship with extension professionals and mass media have positive effect on the dependent variable of application of transgenic plants, describing 53.2% of the changes of the mentioned dependent variable

    The Relationship between Extension Educational and Psychological Factors and Participation of Agricultural Co-operatives' Members (Case of Shirvan Chardavol County, Ilam, Iran)

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    The forty-year history of agricultural production co-operatives in Iran shows that this type of exploitation system has faced with many challenges during this period. First, despite the help and support by the government, the co-operative sector has not been able to play a major role in the development of the country, and its share has not exceeded 3% of the development program. The Purpose of this research was to examine the relationship between extension educational, psychological factors and the participation of members of agricultural co-operative in the Ilam Province. A researcher made a questionnaire that was used as the main tool for gathering data. The face and content validity of the questionnaire were confirmed by a group of university professors as well as several experts of the co-operatives. In addition, the reliability of the questionnaire was ensured through calculating a Cronbach's alpha coefficient (α = 0.80). The statistical population of the study comprised 751 active members of Shirvan-Chardavol township’s agricultural cooperatives, from among whom 260 particionats were selected for the study using the stratified proportional random sampling method and with the aid of Morgan table. Data analysis was performed using the SPSS software. The correlation coefficient showed that there was a significant relationship between the extension educational, psychological features and level of participation of members of agricultural co-operative

    Evaluation the effects of brand passion on commitment to brand through the adjusting role of ethics of brand

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    Regarding the existence of different brands in the various fields of consumer products, customers’ commitment to the brand is an important factor in the success of the product of the brand. The present research studies the effects of brand passion on commitment to the brand with regard to the adjusting role of ethics of the brand. Regarding the goal of the study, research methodology applied is practical, and it is conducted as a survey. The research tool comprised three standard questionnaires; for measuring brand passion a 14-question questionnaire (Vallerand et al., 2003) was used, for measuring commitment, a 16-question questionnaire was employed (Shukla et al., 2016), and finally, for the ethics of the brand, a 6-question questionnaire was applied (Brunk, 2012). The statistical community of the study comprised all the consumers of the brands of the sanitary cleaners and detergents. The 384 subjects were selected through a random sampling method. The data thus gathered was analyzed by the software SMART-PLS. And the results showed that brand passion had a positive effect on brand commitment while the variable of the brand ethics had an adjusting role in such effect. Therefore, it is recommended that the managers of the brands of sanitary cleaners and detergents pay special attention to the ethical aspects of the brands so as to increase the commitment of the customers to their brands

    Investigación de los factores efectivos sobre el empoderamiento orientado al empleo de las mujeres jefas de hogares rurales en Ilam, Irán

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    El propósito de este estudio es investigar los factores que afectan el empoderamiento orientado al empleo de las mujeres jefas de hogar rurales en Ilam. En términos de seguimiento y grado de control, se trata de una investigación de campo y en términos de método de obtención de hechos y procesamiento de datos, es un estudio de encuesta y en términos de recolección de datos es descriptivo-correlacional. La población estadística de este estudio es 14156 mujeres jefas de hogar rurales en Ilam. El tamaño de la muestra se estableció para 374 personas utilizando Krejcie y Morgan Table. En este estudio, debido a tener una lista de los nombres de todas las mujeres estudiadas, se utilizó un método de muestreo sistemático. La herramienta de recolección de datos en este estudio fue un cuestionario elaborado por investigadores cuya validez aparente y validez de contenido fueron proporcionadas a través de un panel de expertos. La fiabilidad del cuestionario también fue confirmada por el alfa de Cronbach. Los resultados del análisis de regresión mostraron que las variables de dimensión psicológica, dimensión social, dimensión cultural y la dimensión técnica de las competencias profesionales tienen el mayor impacto en el empoderamiento de las mujeres rurales, es decir, explican el 52% de los cambios en el empoderamiento. variable de mujeres

    Investigando el impacto de los cursos de prácticas y de los principios de emprendimiento en la intención emprendedora de los estudiantes de agricultura

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of internship courses and entrepreneurship fundamentals on the entrepreneurial intention of students of applied science educational centers in western Iran. This research is in terms of degree of control and degree of control, field and in terms of method of obtaining facts and data is survey type and in terms of data collection, is causal-correlational. The statistical population of this study was 388 students of agricultural and undergraduate courses in Applied Science Education Centers in four western provinces of Iran (Ilam, Kermanshah, Lorestan and Kurdistan). Since the list of students who have completed internship and entrepreneurship courses is available, so the sample was selected as a whole sample and finally 250 questionnaires were returned. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire whose content validity was confirmed by a panel of experts and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha. The results of structural equation modeling (SEM) using Amos24 software showed that based on the model, in the standard case, the effect of the internship period on attitude towards behavior 0.08, perceived behavioral control 0.05 and subjective norms 19 Is 0 which is a weak to medium effect. Also, in the standard case, the effect of entrepreneurship fundamentals on attitudes toward behavior is 0.56, perceived behavioral control is 0.56 and subjective norms is 0.45 which is a moderate to strong effect.El propósito de este estudio fue investigar el impacto de los cursos de pasantía y los fundamentos empresariales en la intención empresarial de los estudiantes de los centros educativos de ciencias aplicadas en el oeste de Irán. Esta investigación es en términos de grado de control y grado de control, campo y en términos de método de obtención de hechos y datos es tipo de encuesta y en términos de recopilación de datos, es causal-correlacional. La población estadística de este estudio fue de 388 estudiantes de cursos agrícolas y de pregrado en Centros de Educación en Ciencias Aplicadas en cuatro provincias occidentales de Irán (Ilam, Kermanshah, Lorestan y Kurdistán). Como la lista de estudiantes que han completado pasantías y cursos de emprendimiento está disponible, la muestra se seleccionó como una muestra completa y finalmente se devolvieron 250 cuestionarios. La herramienta de recolección de datos fue un cuestionario realizado por un investigador cuya validez de contenido fue confirmada por un panel de expertos y su confiabilidad fue confirmada por el alfa de Cronbach. Los resultados del modelado de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM) utilizando el software Amos24 mostraron que, según el modelo, en el caso estándar, el efecto del período de pasantía en la actitud hacia el comportamiento 0.08, el control conductual percibido 0.05 y las normas subjetivas 19 es 0, que es débil a efecto medio. Además, en el caso estándar, el efecto de los fundamentos del emprendimiento en las actitudes hacia el comportamiento es de 0,56, el control del comportamiento percibido es de 0,56 y las normas subjetivas es de 0,45, que es un efecto de moderado a fuerte

    Análise qualitativa do conteúdo do curso de estágio e fundamentos de empreendedorismo de centros de treinamento utilizando o software Maxquda

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the content of internship courses and entrepreneurship fundamentals of applied science education centers in west of Iran. This study is a qualitative research paradigm. The sample was selected from among the agricultural professors of the mentioned universities and the apprenticeship course employers were selected by purposeful sampling with snowball sampling technique. Data were collected through individual interviews and focus group interviews with semi-structured questions. In the process of gathering information, each survey took about 20 to 30 minutes on average. Finally, after interviewing 20 experts, the data collection process was completed. In this study, data were analyzed using traditional (conventional) content analysis using two steps of open and axial coding and 11 MAXQUDA software. Content Analysis of Expert Interviews to Extract 38 Concepts in Open Coding and 5 Axiomatic and Extensive Concepts Including the Effects of Internship Courses and Entrepreneurship Basics, Internship Course Content and Entrepreneurship Basics, Internship Benefits, Internship Problems, and Features Requirements Course instructor led

    Unwillingness of Wheat Farmers in Ilam Province to Join Agricultural Production Cooperatives by Using Q Methodology

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    Today, the common belief is that farmers must be organized in a variety of local and regional groups to achieve food security and the development of local communities. But this requires changing the attitude of some farmers towards membership in cooperatives, creating and strengthening their motivation and satisfying some of their needs through agricultural cooperatives. The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the Barriers to membership of wheat farmers of Ilam Province to join agricultural production cooperatives by investigating the Participants' Minds using Q Methodology. The philosophical framework of this research is a kind of interpretive – positivism paradigm. Participants of study included 12 distinguished farmers, specialist and experts with knowledge in agricultural production cooperative matters. The Concourse of study was compiled from two main sources of literature review and in-depth interviews.  Forty-nine Phrases were selected as Q Phrase.  The distribution analysis showed that six distinct mental patterns can be identified among the participants which explains (86.08) percent of the total variance. The most explained variance was related to the first mental pattern with score (19.73). Barriers of the willingness of wheat farmers to join agricultural production cooperatives were identified and prioritized according to six distinct mental patterns. Finally, the mental models were named and interpreted metaphorically and, respectively, with the titles believers in the absence of infrastructure- politics (19.73),  believers in economic-motivational challenges (18.99), believers in the absence of educational-cultural structures (18.44),  believers in the lack of entrepreneurial spirit in agricultural cooperatives (10.81),  believers in the absence of management – supportive structures (9.049) " and believers in individual parameters (personality) (9.046)

    Identifying and Analyzing the Challenges of Nomadic Cooperative Companies in Ilam Province Based on Thematic Analysis

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    The present study was conducted with the aim of analyzing the challenges of nomadic cooperative companies in Ilam province. It is an applied study based on the goal, In terms of method, qualitative, and in terms of the philosophy of research, it is an interpretation research type. In order to analyze the data from semi-structured interviews, a thematic analysis has been used. The population of this study included 10 knowledgeable people in the field of cooperative subjects as well as appropriate texts for extracting indicators (theoretical literature). In this research, a snowball approach was used to select samples. As a standard for the end of sampling, the thematic saturation method is used. Thems were obtained using the two sources of theoretical literature and semi-structured interviews. The result of qualitative data analysis led to identifying 65 basic themes, 10 organizing themes, and finally 4 contextual themes including structural, managerial, economic, and socio-cultural challenges which all of them presented in the form of a model. Finally, suggestions were made in this area based on the results

    An Examination Some of Educational - Extension Factors Influencing Use of Transgenic Plants (Case Study: Ilam, Iran)

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of educational – extension factors on the use of transgenic plants. This study was conducted through a survey design. The research was an applied study type. The research method of this study is descriptive-correlation. Statistical population of the study consisted of all of biotechnology experts of Research Center of Agriculture of Ilam Province (N=63). Census method was used in this study. A questionnaire was the main tool which the face and content its validity was confirmed by panel of University Experts. Reliability Coefficient (Cronbach's alpha) of the questionnaire was 92%. Results showed that the use of media (radio and TV) was the most important factor in the use of transgenic plants. The result of Spearman correlation coefficients showed that, there was a significant relationship between the variables such as the use of communication media, communication with extension professionals, and scientific rank of professional with use of transgenic plants. Multiple regression analysis results showed that varriables like scientific rank, relationship with extension professionals and mass media have positive effect on the dependent variable of application of transgenic plants, describing 53.2% of the changes of the mentioned dependent variable