13 research outputs found

    Strategi Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Dalam Meningkatkan Profesionalisme Guru

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    Strategi kepalas seloh merupakan salah satu keahlian yang harus di miliki dalam rangka meningkatkan profesi guru dalam melaksanakan kegiatan belajar mengajar. Agar sasaran tersebut dapat di capai secara optimal, maka kepala sekolah harus memiliki strategi.             Profesionalisme guru adalah sikap penuh kerelaan dalam mematuhi semua aturan dan norma yang ada dalam menjalankan tugasnya sebagai bentuk tanggung jawab terhadap pendidikan anak didiknya. Karena bagaimanapun seorang guru atau tenag kependidikan (pegawai), merupakan cerminan bagi anak didiknya dalam sikap atau teladan, dan sikap propesinal guru dan tenaga kepenmdidikan (pegawai) akan memeberikan warna terhadap hasilmpendidikan yang jauh lebih baik. Dari urayan di atas, maka rumusan masalah  dalam penelitian ini sebagai berikut : 1. Bagaimana Peran Kepala Sekolah Dalam Meningkatkan Profesinalitas Guru di SMA N 2 Banjarsari-Lebak dan SMP N 3 Banjarsari?. 2. Bagaimana Strategi Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Profesionalisme Guru di SMA N 2 Banjarsari-Lebak dan SMP N 3 Banjarsari ?. 3.Bagaimana Tingkat Keberhasilan Kepemimpinan Kepala SMA N 2 Banjarsari dan SMP N 3 Banjarsari ?             Tujuan penelitian ini adalah : 1. Untuk Memahami Peran Kepala Sekolah Dalam Meningkatkan Profesinalitas Guru di SMA N 2 Banjarsari-Lebak dan SMP N 3 Banjarsari. 2. Untuk Memahami Strategi Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Profesionalisme Guru di SMA N 2 Banjarsari-Lebak dan SMP N 3 Banjarsari. 3. Untuk Memahami Tingkat Keberhasilan Kepemimpinan Kepala SMA N 2 Banjarsari dan SMP N 3 Banjarsari. Kesimpulan yang di peroleh dari penelitian ini adalah : Kepala sekoah menjadikan peran dirinya untuk menggali potensi yang ada di sekolah yang ia pimpin, sehingga di temukan kurangan dan kelebihan di sekolah nya. Dalam melakukan strategi meningkatkan profesionalisme guru kepala sekolah melakukan penyusunan visi dan misi, Penyesuayan Latar Belakang Keilmuan Dengan Pekerjaan, Memberikan Pembinaan Kepada Guru, Melakukan Kontroling Dan Evaluasi, Memberikan Motivasi, Memeriksa  Keuangan  Sekolah, Melakukan Supervisi Dengan Pengawas. Dari yang dilakuan kepala sekolah semunya di nyatakan tercapai dengan di lakukan nya wawancara dengan murid, guru, dan orang tua wali muri

    Hospitalised patients' awareness of their rights: a cross-sectional survey from a tertiary care hospital on the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia

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    INTRODUCTION: Optimal patient care varies considerably from place to place and is influenced by scientific as well as social developments. The purpose of this study was to investigate awareness and pertinent issues regarding informed consent among hospitalised patients and to determine lapses, in order to improve the standard of care. METHODS: A questionnaire-based cross-sectional survey was conducted among inpatients at a tertiary care level hospital. RESULTS: 90 percent of patients were aware of their rights, and 85 percent had enough information regarding their illness and modality of treatment. However, treatment options were discussed with 45 percent of cases only, and 65 percent of patients were informed of their duration of treatment. Most of the patients from the surgical group, haemodialysis unit and those with minor ailments were very satisfied with the doctors (92 percent, 86 percent and 96 percent, respectively), as opposed to only 36 percent of cancer patients and 70 percent of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) patients (p-value is less than 0.0001). Almost all patients (99 percent) said that their religious beliefs were respected by the staff and they had no problems in accessing them in times of need. Informed consent was obtained by the doctor in 98 percent of cases and by the nurse in two percent. 98 percent of the patients mentioned that their treatments/examinations were conducted in an atmosphere of privacy and that their personal information was kept confidential by their doctors. CONCLUSION: Patients were reasonably informed about their illness. Their privacy and religious beliefs were duly respected. Treatment options and the duration of treatment were not discussed with all patients. Cancer and AIDS patients were less satisfied with the attending staff. The results suggest that there is a need for periodic surveys of patient satisfaction with the quality of care

    Herpetofauna surveys at CFS ecological corridor (J-PL2: Panti Forest Reserve-Ulu Sedili Forest Reserve), Johor, Malaysia

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    Herpetological surveys were conducted at Panti Forest Reserve and Ulu Sedili Forest Reserve of Johor in March and April 2019. These forest reserves are identified as one of the designated primary linkages under the Central Forest Spine (CFS) Masterplan, named as J-PL2 or previously known as CFSII PL3. The objective of the study is to document updated list of herpetofauna species recorded at the J-PL2. During this study, onehectare study plot was established at Panti Forest Reserve and Ulu Sedili Forest Reserve, respectively. Each study plot was equipped with 10 transect lines. A total of 25 pitfall traps were deployed at each study plot. These traps were set for five consecutive nights per session, with a total of two sampling sessions per site. In addition, active search was also conducted for a minimum of two hours at each site during every sampling session. As a result, a total of 30 individuals comprising of 13 species of herpetofauna were recorded at J-PL2. Panti Forest Reserve harbour highest number of herpetofauna with nine species (five families) followed by Ulu Sedili Forest Reserve with six species (five families). Amphibians was the most species captured in Panti Forest Reserve with six species, whilst the number of species recorded for both amphibians and reptiles at Ulu Sedili was similar with three species. Furthermore, five species of the herpetofauna representing by one amphibian and four reptiles are new additional recorded herpetofauna species when compared to a compilation of previously listed species at both forest reserves. Pelobatrachus nasutus, Draco haematopogon and Naja sumatrana are among the latest species recorded through this study. Referring to this information, hopefully the significance of J-PL2 as an important shelter for various herpetofauna species could be reflected and proper conservation actions must be undertaken to protect and sustain their population

    Distribution of Pycnonotidae at Padang Chong Forest Reserve, Perak

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    There is not much information on avifauna especially Pycnonotidae at Padang Chong Forest Reserve (PCFR). Therefore, the main objective of this study is to identify and document species from Pycnonotidae family at PCFR. A total of five sampling sessions were carried out from June to November 2022. Surveys were carried out at two plots along the gradient from the border of PCFR namely Plot 1 (500 m) and Plot 2 (1 km) each plot consist of transect line 100 m x 100 m (1 ha). Ten mist nets were deployed at each plot for five consecutive days per sampling session. Binoculars and cameras were aided for observation purposes. As a result, a total of 25 individuals from 9 species were recorded where 10 individuals (Plot 1) and 15 individuals (Plot 2) respectively. Species, Grey-bellied Bulbul were mostly recorded (8 individuals), followed by Spectacled Bulbul and Hairy-backed Bulbul (5 individuals), Grey-cheeked Bulbul (2 individuals), and Buff-vented Bulbul, Stripe-throated Bulbul, Cream-vented Bulbul, Black-headed Bulbul, and Olive-winged Bulbul are recorded one individual. Based on the species accumulative curve, the species composition is not reaching the plateau which indicates more sampling sessions are needed for Pycnonotidae at PCFR. In Plot 1, two bulbul species were recorded namely Spectacled Bulbul (LC) and the Grey-cheeked Bulbul (VU). In Plot 2 recorded the presence of Buff-vented Bulbul (NT), Stripe-throated Bulbul (LC), Cream-vented Bulbul (LC), and Hairy-backed Bulbul (LC). PCFR plays its role in providing a habitat for avifauna and resources to survive. Therefore, conservation efforts must be taken immediately to ensure this reserve is preserved and conserved

    Small vertebrates in CFS ecological corridor (D-PL1: Lojing - Sungai Brok - Sungai Betis Forest Reserves) Kelantan

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    Small vertebrate surveys were carried out in the Sungai Brok and Sungai Betis Forest Reserves. The Central Forest Spine (CFS) initiative has recognised these forest reserves as part of Kelantan's important ecological corridors, known as D-PL1. The surveys were conducted from July to September 2019. This study aims to identify and update the checklist of small vertebrates in the selected forest reserves. One hectare plot was established in each forest reserve for this study. Traps were used to capture and document these vertebrates, including 100 collapsible cage traps, three harp traps, 10 mist nets, and 25 pitfall traps deployed at each sampling site. In addition, the surveys also carried out active searches and direct observations. Overall, this study recorded 83 species from 38 families of small vertebrates. With the total, small mammals comprise of 13 spp. from six families, birds (53 spp. from 24 families), and herpetofauna (17 spp. from eight families) were recorded during this study. Ten small mammal species are recorded as additional species for D-PL1. Birds and herpetofauna recorded 38 and eight additional species to the existing checklist of D-PL1, respectively. Based on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (Version 3.1), this study recorded three threatened species namely Great Argus (Argusianus argus), Great Slaty Woodpecker (Mulleripicus pulverulentus), and Grey-cheeked Bulbul (Alophoixus tephrogenys) in D-PL1. This information is likely to support stakeholders in formulating a management strategy for the forest mosaics in the corridor, which will continue to serve as an essential habitat for small vertebrates

    Predictors of in-hospital mortality in primary intracerebral haemorrhage in East coast of Peninsular Malaysia

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    Background and Objectives: Despite much medical progress, stroke remains a leading cause of death and disability. The aim of our study was to analyze the frequency of various risk factors and determine predictors of in-hospital mortality among primary intracerebral hemorrhage (PICH) patients, thus providing insight in developing therapeutic strategies to improve the outcome. Methods: A prospective study conducted at a tertiary care hospital. Results: A total of 160 patients (108 male and 52 female) were evaluated. Their ages ranged from 25 to 85 years (mean age was 58.3 ยฑ 11.4 years). Hypertension was the commonest risk factor (74.4%), followed by diabetes mellitus (18.8%) and cigarette smoking (36.3%). The commonest location of ICH was lobar (43.8%) followed by basal ganglia / internal capsule (28.1 %) and multilobar (13.1%). The overall in-hospital mortality was 32.5 %. About one third (32.7%) of the deaths occurred within fi rst 24 hours, this rose to 38.5% within fi rst 2 days and 84.6% within one week. The signifi cant independent predictors of acute in- hospital mortality were Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) on admission, posterior fossa bleed (OR 11.01; 95% CI 3.21 to 37.81), hematoma volume >60ml (OR 4.72; 95% CI 1.34 to 16.64), mid line shift (OR 3.32; 95% CI 1.05 to 10.50) and intraventricular extension of haemorrhage (OR 5.69; 95% CI 2.24 to 14.47). Conclusion: Low GCS score, posterior fossa bleed, and large hematoma volume were main indicators of mortality following PICH in East coast of Peninsular Malaysia

    Herpetofauna surveys at CFS ecological corridor (J-PL2: Panti Forest Reserve-Ulu Sedili Forest Reserve), Johor, Malaysia

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    Herpetological surveys were conducted at Panti Forest Reserve and Ulu Sedili Forest Reserve of Johor in March and April 2019. These forest reserves are identified as one of the designated primary linkages under the Central Forest Spine (CFS) Masterplan, named as J-PL2 or previously known as CFSII PL3. The objective of the study is to document updated list of herpetofauna species recorded at the J-PL2. During this study, onehectare study plot was established at Panti Forest Reserve and Ulu Sedili Forest Reserve, respectively. Each study plot was equipped with 10 transect lines. A total of 25 pitfall traps were deployed at each study plot. These traps were set for five consecutive nights per session, with a total of two sampling sessions per site. In addition, active search was also conducted for a minimum of two hours at each site during every sampling session. As a result, a total of 30 individuals comprising of 13 species of herpetofauna were recorded at J-PL2. Panti Forest Reserve harbour highest number of herpetofauna with nine species (five families) followed by Ulu Sedili Forest Reserve with six species (five families). Amphibians was the most species captured in Panti Forest Reserve with six species, whilst the number of species recorded for both amphibians and reptiles at Ulu Sedili was similar with three species. Furthermore, five species of the herpetofauna representing by one amphibian and four reptiles are new additional recorded herpetofauna species when compared to a compilation of previously listed species at both forest reserves. Pelobatrachus nasutus, Draco haematopogon and Naja sumatrana are among the latest species recorded through this study. Referring to this information, hopefully the significance of J-PL2 as an important shelter for various herpetofauna species could be reflected and proper conservation actions must be undertaken to protect and sustain their population

    Predictors of in-hospital mortality in primary intracerebral haemorrhage in rural Malaysia

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    Introduction: Primary intracerebral hemorrhage (PICH) remains the deadliest and most disabling form of stroke. Despite that, there is paucity of epidemiological data on this condition in Malaysia. The aim of our study was to analyse the frequency of various risk factors among our PICH patients and determine the predictors of in-hospital mortality. Methods: A prospective study conducted among PICH patients at a tertiary care level hospital. Results: A total of 160 (93 male and 67 female) eligible patients with age range from 25 to 85 years (mean age 58.30 ยฑ 11.44 years) were evaluated. Hypertension was the commonest risk factor (74.4%), followed by diabetes mellitus (18.8%) and cigarette smoking (36.3%). The commonest localization of ICH was lobar (43.8%) followed by basal ganglia / thalamus (28.1 %) and multilobar (13.1%). The overall mortality was 32.5 %. About one third (32.7%) of the deaths occurred within first 24 hours, this rose to 38.5% within first 2 days and 84.6% within one week. The significant independent predictors of acute in- hospital mortality were posterior fossa bleed (OR 11.01; 95% CI 3.21 to 37.81), hematoma volume >60ml (OR 4.72; 95% CI 1.34 to 16.64), mid line shift (OR 3.32; 95% CI 1.05 to 10.50) and intraventricular extension of haemorrhage (OR 5.69; 95% CI 2.24 to 14.47). Conclusion: PICH is associated with high mortality. The characteristics of hematoma and its localization was the most important factor to determine in-hospital mortality. Keywords: Primary intracerebral haemorrhag