63 research outputs found

    Improving English Pronunciation Through Computer-Assisted Programs In Jordanian Universities

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    The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of using computer- assisted programs for teaching English pronunciation on students' performance in English Language pronunciation in Jordanian universities. To achieve the purpose of the study, a pre/post-test was constructed to measure students' level in English pronunciation. The sample of the study consisted of 149 third year students; (73) male students and (76) female students from Al Zaytoonah university during the second semester of the academic year 2010/2011. The subjects of the study were distributed into two groups (experimental and control). The experimental group was trained on English pronunciation using computer-assisted program while the control group was trained using the printed material. Descriptive statistical analyses were used (means and standard deviation) for the pre and post- tests of students' English pronunciation. Comparison statistical methods were used (Two Way ANOVA) analysis of variance to make a comparison between the control and the experimental groups and gender variable (male and female). The findings of the study indicated that there were statistically significant differences in the post- test between the control and the experimental groups in favor of the experimental group, and there was no statistically significant difference in the students' performance due to gender

    Attitudes of Media and Political Sciences Students towards the Way Palestinian Television Addresses the political Division: A Field Study

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    This study aims at recognizing the attitudes of mass communication and political sciences students towards the way Palestinian Television addresses the issue of political division within the framework of several theories, namely: the functional perspective of mass media and the theory of dependence on mass media. To achieve the study objectives, the researchers employed the approach of “surveying the audience of mass media” based on a sample of (400) students from different universities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. This sample has been chosen by the stratified random sampling from Al-Najah National University in the West Bank and the Islamic University in Gaza. The study has come up with the following results: (62.7%) of the study sample population watch Palestine T.V, whereas (37.3%) do not. The item related to the evening period of watching T.V gets the highest average value which stands at (1.52). Keywords: Attitudes of Media, political Division, West Bank, Sector Gaza, Palestine T

    Reality of Educational Thought and Its Role in Social Change in Jordan from the Perspective of Educational Experts: A Qualitative Study

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    The present study aimed to explore the reality of educational thought in Jordan and its role in making social change from the perspective of experts in education. A qualitative approach is adopted. In-depth interviews were conducted with experts in the field education in Jordan (i.e. a former minister of the Ministry of Education, 3 faculty members specialized in education and 2 university presidents). It was found that educational thought in Jordan led to making several positive social changes, such positive changes include as follows: change in the value, moral, behavioral and economic system, a much more positive attitude towards education of woman, a change to what is considered taboo in professions, meanwhile negative changes such as loss of Jordanian identity and unemployment is deeply concerned. Regarding the reality of the (educational thought) in Jordan, the dominant educational thought in Jordan today is a mixture of different trends, affected by the western ideologies and thoughts due to globalization, with the respect of Islamic fundamental principles. Keywords:  educational thought, Jordan, social change. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-30-10 Publication date:October 31st 202

    The effects of COVID-19 on conditional accounting conservatism in developing countries: evidence from Jordan

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    The purpose of this study was to look at the impacts of COVID-19 on the Jordanian banking industry and how it affects the use of the conditional accounting conservatism concept. This study’s sample consists of 16 banking institutions listed on the Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) and 64 observations from December 2018 to July 2021. A multiple linear regression model was used to evaluate the hypotheses, and the results show that COVID-19 had a substantial beneficial influence on conditional conservatism in the Jordanian banking industry over this period. Furthermore, when uncertainty grows, the function of conservatism becomes more significant, as more trustworthy accounting information allows investors to properly judge a company’s past and future performance. The research suggests that the relevant authorities offer instructions for accountants that may be used in practice to attain the appropriate degree of accounting conservatism, under international standards and local laws and regulations. The current study is the first to be conducted in a developing nation, such as Jordan, and the findings may be useful to other developing nations

    Teaching Against Extremist Ideologies Through Evidence Obtained from the Holy Quran

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    Without proper religious education, the Muslim youth continue to be targeted for destructive, deviant and straying ideas by terrorist groups that may lead to extreme ideologies far from the moderate nature of Islam, and therefore the consequences may be disastrous and could lead to acts of terrorism. The absence of the true understanding of Islamic teaching leaves a catastrophic impact on the Islamic nation and the world; hence it is worth noting that learning how to counter these deviated ideologies through evidence obtained from Quranic texts is crucial to eliminate the ongoing threats, as this knowledge responds to falsehood, refutes it, and invalidates it. The religious information given in conventional education is insufficient for Muslim students to face the growing challenges in the environment around them, especially in an era where there is a lot of confusion, distortion of facts, intolerance, and intellectual and behavioral extremism. Therefore, this study calls for the reconsideration of the role of educational institutions, and to transfer conventional education from indoctrination, memorization, and recitation, to teaching students thinking skills. There are many examples in Quran that show how to use the rational approach and critical thinking in order to remove false ideas. It is crucial to develop educational curricula and teaching methods by adding the method of mental and logical reasoning based on evidence obtained from Quran in order to emphasize Islamic principles of justice, tolerance, security and coexistence Keywords: Education, Extremism, Quran, Thinking Skills. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-13-13 Publication date:May 31st 202

    The Communicator and Media Work Pressure: A Field Study of Workers in the Libyan Media

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    This analytical descriptive study aimed at identifying the professional pressures which affected workers in the Libyan media and its impact on the daily performance of media workers. The study was conducted on a sample of (353) in the areas of information media (press, radio, television, news agency) in Libya. The study showed a low degree of pressure on workers in the Libyan media; the television workers are the most vulnerable to pressure, compared to other professions. Working conditions may constitute a factor in such a relatively high degree of stress in this profession. So much so that significant statistical differences at 0.05 appeared. Besides, the study also showed significant statistical differences among all occupations (at 0.05) Key words: Communicator, media work pressures, job load, and job satisfactio

    The Causal Relationship between Savings and Investment in Jordan (A prospective study for the period 1980-2013)

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    This study aimed to discuss concerning the link between savings and investment, and highlight on most of the past studies concerning this relationship are cross-sectional in nature. The obvious difficulty with such studies is the homogeneity assumption that is usually made across the countries under investigation. In light of this, the study tried to fill this gap in some ways by attempting to investigate the causal relationship between savings and investment in Jordan using relevant econometric techniques, like Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test in a regression & Johansen co integration test. The evidence arising from the study suggests that, savings and investment are co-integrated. In other words, there is no reason to suspect either a long-run or equilibrium relationship between these two variables. This could also be interpreted to imply the existence of high capital mobility. Furthermore, a unidirectional causal relationship between savings and investment in Jordan running from savings to investment was observed, and the main findings in this study were:  Johansen co-integration test result shows evidence of co-integration implying that there is a long run relationship between GDP and savings, investment and FDI in Jordan. Savings and domestic investment have long run positive and significant impact on the Jordanian economy while FDI has negative but insignificant impact on the economy Keywords’: Investment, Savings, ,Time series macroeconomic data, FDI, GDP, Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test, Johansen co-integration tes

    On Optimal Power Allocation for Gaussian Broadcast Channel

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    We derive the optimal power allocation for Gaussian two users broadcast channel. To find the optimal power allocation between the two users, two optimization schemes are considered. In each optimization scheme, an analytical expression for the optimal power allocation between the two users is derived. The first optimization criterion finds the optimal power allocation between the two users such that they have equal rates. Then, the optimal power allocation that maximizes the sum rate capacity is studied. In addition, numerical examples are provided to verify the optimality of the derived schemes. Keywords: Gaussian Broadcast Channel, Capacity Region, Optimization

    The Tools of Manifestation and the Mechanisms of Disambiguation in the Discourse of Modern Arabic Poetry

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    Being conscious about the places of concealment and asking for concealing the meaning away from publicity and disclosure is an aim, ambition, and endeavor that the writer or artist relies on to achieve uniqueness and exceptionality in expression. This may ensure that the reader will not escape the grip of the text, seeking for an implicit, hidden meaning which has nothing to do with the obvious meaning whether this implicit meaning relates to a word, signal, and symbol or through writing, space, or punctuation and this ensures a special literary achievement which is based on terse style and aesthetic meaning rather than banal style and meaning. Therefore, this study demonstrates a clear conception of the dimensions in which the meaning is formed ranging between the obvious craftiness and the logical circle of sequence which is based on elaborate composition of words and on close relations to reality that does not need intense, logical recourse in research and inquiry. The second phase is liberating from all templates of the word and its literal meaning through organized deconstructing of structures and relations. This study attempts to follow the movement of the meaning through a conscious, profound intellectual journey, emphasizing that the meaning is not restricted to words but there are lanes and ways that lead to the purpose of the meaning along with the clarification of the aesthetics, psychological, social and political purposes that meaning withholds
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