9 research outputs found

    Prioritizing Life Cycle Cost In Design For Remanufacturing Using Intelligent Tool

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    Sustainable practice is needed in every manufacturing industry.There are three indicators and problem arising with the economy indicator is that the variable used is not finalised during substitution value.Decisions made by decision makers are not synchronised and staff from different departments tend to argue until final decision is made.Different industries prioritize different cost resulting different in final answer.Therefore,this research will make the staff from the industry to substitute value and utilised well the Life Cycle Cost (LCC) equation to identify the suitability of Design for Remanufacturing (DFReM) practice.First objective was to determine parameter’s weightage concerning LCC equation. The data obtained from industries are direct overhead cost,indirect overhead cost,spare parts cost and packaging cost.Survey forms were distributed among 20 decision makers resulting in different perceptive and their answers were recorded.To make best cost prioritization from 20 different companies’ expenses, second objective is to propose three methods that are used in this experiment.The methods proposed are Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP),Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and combination of both techniques.Before the main research was conducted,a preliminary experiment was carried out to identify which FAHP will give answer almost same as AHP.AHP is compared because other FAHP are created based on AHP,therefore AHP will give almost correct but not as accurate as FAHP.The findings of this experiment show that Triangular AHP gives the near sequence and suitable material selection to fabricate a table fan.From this preliminary experiment,Triangular FAHP is implemented for cost selection in DFReM.Next part of experiment is to make decision using ANN. Before this part of experiment is carried out,a small experiment was carried out to determine the number of hidden neuron.The outcome of this experiment for this application,the suitable hidden neuron is 2. The last proposed method for cost prioritizing is combination of both FAHP and ANN. The improvement made is used as output from FAHP and introduced as target file.Input remained the same as previous part of ANN experiment.Final objective is to validate life cycle cost prioritizing through comparison of proposed decision making tool outputs.All proposed method’s output were identified and result shows that combination of FAHP and ANN will make the company save more expenses compared to carrying single technique.FAHP manage the company to save up to RM 91,353.The result from ANN makes the company to save up to RM 95,093. However the combination method saves the company to a total of RM 95,633.To conclude,combination of FAHP and ANN is the best technique used for cost selection before substituting in an economy indicator for DFReM. Contribution made towards body of knowledge is to adapt FAHP answer as target file for neural network simulation. Contribution made to industry is that by introducing AI technique,LCC equation gives out profit and make DFReM practice suitable for any manufacturing industry

    Conceptual Design Of Reverse And Jaw Detector Jig

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    Essentra Component is a company located in Ipoh, Perak which produce seals. There are two types of seal available in the company which are metal and plastic seals. The production plant still employs fully manual operation for most of the production line, but some operations are semi – automated. Due to manual assembly, human operator tends to get fatigue for doing repetitive task in one long shift. When this occurs, minor error such as misplace or wrong orientation of jaw will occur. Customers complain that the seal, especially those plastic seals are not functioning well. The quality problem sometimes not purposely done by the operator during placing the jaw in reverse orientation and moreover the jaw sometimes can be missing during transportation of work – in – progress to the ultrasonic welding station. This jig is designed to have the ability to detect reverse jaw or missing jaw and so that the finish product which has the quality problem will be prevented from being shipped to customers. The jig must also have a flexibility to be used for other plastic seal product. Under chapter 2, jig definition is known, the method of designing, suitable type of sensors, sample jig which used and research on decision making tool. As for methodology, a project schedules being developed in the form of Gantt chart to have time restriction in producing the concept design of reverse and missing jaw jig. Each and every stage was explained in detail in the methodology chapter. In result and discussion, House of Quality (HOQ) have been used to determine the highest weightage criteria. The important criteria which will be carried forward to Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) are 15.9% on flexibility and ease of maintenance, 15.4% on both ease of use and longevity of jig usage, lastly 15.2% for accuracy checking. The result obtain after AHP computation are Design 1 with 20.7%, Design 2 with 13.7%, Design 3 with 22%, Design 4 with 27.1% and Design 5 with 16.5%. Design 4 is selected due to the highest weightage after computation. Last chapter consists of a conclusion that has been drawn out from overall research project where final design is justified its properties and why should it be fabricate. Some suggestions are mentioned for future work in order to obtain better reading to make a better judgement

    Fusion of Fuzzy AHP in selecting material for drinking water bottle based on customer needs

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    In this paper, selection of drinking water bottle material is to be selected. Therefore, to try out decision making tools efficiency, three methods have been used. The methods are fusion of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) with Fuzzy logic with different membership function. The material selected are silicone, polypropylene, HDPE, LDPE and Tin. The criterion that being taken into consideration are price, density, tensile strength, thermal conductivity and electrical resistivity. Three methods have been carried out, and the weightage compared in the form of line graph. The best material gave by traditional AHP and trapezoidal AHP are Polypropylene, however triangular AHP gave LDPE is the best. But all three methods shows that tin is the least desirable when it does not satisfy all criterions

    Computation Of Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) Using Matlab Programming In Sustainable Supply Chain

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    Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) is a well-known method which is currently used by many researchers all around the world. However, the problem lies where the steps are lengthy and consumes time. This paper does the purpose to share a method where Decision Makers (DM) can reduce error or any mistakes while manual compute. A MATLAB programming is develop and field of sustainable supply chain is use as experiment purpose. There is one out of four criteria need to be selected by using FAHP. The criteria are cost, quality, delivery time and supplier distance. Both methods are done simultaneously and the answers were recorded. The percentage accuracy shows 100% for every step showing there is no error and the answers are the same if MATLAB is applied. Final answers for both shows that quality is the highest criterion to be selected based on the weightage

    Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) for Better Selection during Implementation of Design for Remanufacturing in Economy Indicator / Ahamad Zaki Mohamed Noor... [et al.]

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    Remanufacturing is a process of repair, reuse or replace parts of a product to extend its life with minimal waste of money and energy during the process. Design of Remanufacturing (DFReM) consists of three indicators namely social, environmental and economic. In this paper, the economic indicator will be improved by implementing Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) during cost selection. More often than not, industries ignore this practice due to time restriction. However, the industries do not realise that with more time spent on classifying costs, the more the revenue a company may reap through proper usage of DFReM. Data from three manufacturing industries that produce steel-reinforced plastic cable tight were acquired in the present investigation. The objective of this study is to identify the best cost selection prior to its substitution in the DFReM economy indicator equation. FAHP is employed to select the minimum cost and distance out of all three options. It was demonstrated from the study that FAHP could determine the optimum selection that yields the highest profit

    Simulation-Based Multi-Objective Optimization For Distributed Material Transportation System

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    Material Transportation System (MTS) is required to move materials within a factory, warehouse, or other facilities. This study focused on AGV where the optimization of MTS is further studied. Although there is increasing demand in AGV control architecture, there is still unexplored potential in optimizing AGV performance measures. Applying AGVs in logistic factory may help in improving the efficiency in material flow and distribution among workstation at the right time and the right place. The aim of this study is to propose a simulation-based vehicle requirement analysis of AGVs in warehouse area with low mixed product variation. Simulations results show optimized number of AGV in warehouse area is achieved and succeed in produce short cycle time with high throughput

    Optimization Of Material Transportation Assignment For Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) System

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    This article focuses on Material Transportation Assignment problem that is identified as an Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) multi-load task assignment. The primary goal of this paper is to determine the factors needed to optimize material transportation system. This study also explores the optimization and performance enhancement of the Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) environment. The implementation of Genetic Algorithm (GA) in this model is to obtain the optimal solution for FMS layout. The combination of delivery and pickup task are addressed by modified algorithm for advancement in multiple loads AGV. The result obtained depicts that the proposed task assignment method with a modified genetic algorithm can produce acceptable performance compared to conventional task assignment method

    Intelligent Vision-Based Navigation System For Mobile Robot: A Technological Review

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    Vision system is gradually becoming more important. As computing technology advances, it has been widely utilized in many industrial and service sectors. One of the critical applications for vision system is to navigate mobile robot safely. In order to do so, several technological elements are required. This article focuses on reviewing recent researches conducted on the intelligent vision-based navigation system for the mobile robot. These include the utilization of mobile robot in various sectors such as manufacturing, warehouse, agriculture, outdoor navigation and other service sectors. Multiple intelligent algorithms used in developing robot vision system were also reviewed

    Classification of weld bead defects based on image segmentation method

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    Defect is an imperfection that could impair the worth and utility of a finished good. The defects show some disorder of the product and it is opposite the standard or criteria that have been stated. In defining and detecting the defects occur, many ways have been discussed and observed. However, the techniques or ways are not appropriate or not suitable for some condition and situation. In addition, welding process is one of the critical processes in detecting and defining defect to ensure the quality of the weld bead. To overcome the problem in detecting and defining defects, image processing is one of the methods in improving the process of detecting defects. The defects are classified based on automatic thresholding method that automates detecting and defining the defects. This study proposes a Decision Tree-based classification of weld bead defects through segmentation of image. The result obtained shows that the classification is effective in identifying the weld bead defects with 89% accuracy. For future work, the focus will be made to improve the detection accuracy by integrating suitable filters