30 research outputs found

    Graph Attention Network for Camera Relocalization on Dynamic Scenes

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    We devise a graph attention network-based approach for learning a scene triangle mesh representation in order to estimate an image camera position in a dynamic environment. Previous approaches built a scene-dependent model that explicitly or implicitly embeds the structure of the scene. They use convolution neural networks or decision trees to establish 2D/3D-3D correspondences. Such a mapping overfits the target scene and does not generalize well to dynamic changes in the environment. Our work introduces a novel approach to solve the camera relocalization problem by using the available triangle mesh. Our 3D-3D matching framework consists of three blocks: (1) a graph neural network to compute the embedding of mesh vertices, (2) a convolution neural network to compute the embedding of grid cells defined on the RGB-D image, and (3) a neural network model to establish the correspondence between the two embeddings. These three components are trained end-to-end. To predict the final pose, we run the RANSAC algorithm to generate camera pose hypotheses, and we refine the prediction using the point-cloud representation. Our approach significantly improves the camera pose accuracy of the state-of-the-art method from 0.3580.358 to 0.5060.506 on the RIO10 benchmark for dynamic indoor camera relocalization

    On the boundedness of solutions of some fuzzy dynamical control systems

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    The asymptotic behavior of solutions of fuzzy control systems is a component of the study of fuzzy control theory. The study of stability for T-S (Takagi-Sugeno) fuzzy systems, which process qualitative data through linguistic expressions, is the subject of this paper. Asymptotic stability is conservative in many real-world applications due to measurement noise and other disruptions. The ultimate limit, which indicates that the mistakes stay in a specific area close to the origin after a long enough amount of time, is a crucial characteristic that is frequently defined for such systems. We are interested with the problem of the state feedback controller for T-S fuzzy models with uncertainties where the global exponential ultimate boundedness of solutions is studied for certain fuzzy control systems. We use common quadratic Lyapunov function and parallel distributed compensation controller techniques to study the asymptotic behavior of the solutions of fuzzy control system in presence of perturbations. An example demonstrating the validity of the main result is discussed

    Résultats de la chirurgie laparoscopique pour la hernie de l’aine: l’expérience Tunisienne

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    La hernie de l'aine de l'adulte reste une affection fréquente en chirurgie digestive. De nombreuses techniques de réparation ont été décrites à ce jour dont les procédés laparoscopiques. Deux méthodes furent rapidement adoptées par les différents praticiens pour le traitement chirurgical des hernies de l'aine par laparoscopie: la méthode laparoscopique totalement extra péritonéale (TEP) et la méthode laparoscopique transpéritonéale (TAPP). Le but était d'étudier la faisabilité de la cure de hernie de l'aine par coelioscopie et de décrire ses résultats du point de vue récidive herniaire et douleur post opératoire. Ce travail était une étude rétrospective, uni centrique, et transversale, portant sur des patients opérés par des chirurgiens du service de chirurgie A La Rabta pour hernie de l'aine par voie laparoscopique, sur une période de 8 ans allant de janvier 2006 à décembre 2013. Le principal critère de jugement était la récidive herniaire. La douleur post opératoire et les complications étaient les critères de jugement secondaires. Nous avons colligés 104 hernies chez 92 patients respectant les critères d'inclusion de notre étude. La moyenne d'âge de nos patients était de 48 Ans (19-83). L'approche TAPP était la plus utilisée: 94 cas (90%) TAPP contre 10 cas TEP. Aucune complication per opératoires n'a été signalée. Le taux de conversion de notre série était nul. La mortalité opératoire était aussi nulle. La morbidité postopératoire était de 5% (5 patients). Elle était à type d'hématome dans 3 cas et de sérum dans 2 cas. La durée moyenne d'hospitalisation était de 1.2 jours (1- 4jours). Le séjour post opératoire n'avait pas dépassé 2 jours chez 94% des patients. Seulement 2 patients avaient présenté une récidive. Les douleurs chroniques postopératoires étaient notées chez seulement 3 patients. Notre étude a montré que la cure de hernie de l'aine par laparoscopie a apporté un confort considérable à nos patients en ce qui concerne les phénomènes douloureux, les durées d'hospitalisation et d'arrêt de travail. Les résultats obtenus dans cette série sont bons et conformes aux résultats déjà publiés dans la littérature. Ceci nous encourage à poursuivre l'utilisation de ces techniques et à contrôler nos résultats à plus long terme

    A sophisticated Drowsiness Detection System via Deep Transfer Learning for real time scenarios

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    Driver drowsiness is one of the leading causes of road accidents resulting in serious physical injuries, fatalities, and substantial economic losses. A sophisticated Driver Drowsiness Detection (DDD) system can alert the driver in case of abnormal behavior and avoid catastrophes. Several studies have already addressed driver drowsiness through behavioral measures and facial features. In this paper, we propose a hybrid real-time DDD system based on the Eyes Closure Ratio and Mouth Opening Ratio using simple camera and deep learning techniques. This system seeks to model the driver's behavior in order to alert him/her in case of drowsiness states to avoid potential accidents. The main contribution of the proposed approach is to build a reliable system able to avoid false detected drowsiness situations and to alert only the real ones. To this end, our research procedure is divided into two processes. The offline process performs a classification module using pretrained Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to detect the drowsiness of the driver. In the online process, we calculate the percentage of the eyes' closure and yawning frequency of the driver online from real-time video using the Chebyshev distance instead of the classic Euclidean distance. The accurate drowsiness state of the driver is evaluated with the aid of the pretrained CNNs based on an ensemble learning paradigm. In order to improve models' performances, we applied data augmentation techniques for the generated dataset. The accuracies achieved are 97 % for the VGG16 model, 96% for VGG19 model and 98% for ResNet50 model. This system can assess the driver's dynamics with a precision rate of 98%

    Entwicklung nachhaltiger Pflanzenschutzstrategien zur Bek_mpfung von Schadschmetterlingen im olivenanbau

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    Current olive growing practices range from the traditional Mediterranean olive grove to intensively managed olive plantations. Insecticides against major olive pests, like the olive moth (Prays oleae, Lep.: Yponomeutidae) and the jasmine moth, (Palpita unionalis, Lep.: Pyralidae) are still applied frequently. The European Union-funded international research project TRIPHELIO is aimed at the development of economically feasible and sustainable insecticide-free control methods for key Lepidopterous pests of olive. Main research activities focus on (1) the use of pheromones for mating disruption and improved monitoring of target pests, (2) habitat management strategies to enhance the activity of natural enemies in the olive grove, and (3) the use of inundative releases of mass-reared egg parasitoids of the genus Trichogramma. Moreover, tools for successful integration of the methods developed into an integrated pest management (IPM) strategy for olive pests were explored by optimising techniques for surveillance as well as considering potential side-effects of common pesticides on beneficial organisms. An intense exchange of scientific information and technology between European and North African countries was undertaken to create solutions for a wide range of olive growing regions. Key results and recommendations for further essential steps towards practical implementation are presented in this publication.Zusammenfassung Traditionelle, extensiv bearbeitete Olivenhaine, aber auch moderne Intensiv-Plantagen mit k_nstlicher Bew_sserung und hohem Einsatz von D_ngern bzw. chemischen Pflanzenschutzmitteln kennzeichnen die derzeitigen verschiedenen Anbauformen der Olive im Mittelmeerraum. Schadlepidopteren wie die Olivenmotte (Prays oleae, Lep.: Yponomeutidae) und die Jasminmotte (Palpita unionalis, Lep.: Pyralidae) werden durch regelm_ssigen Insektizideinsatz bek_mpft. Das von der EU gef_rderte internationale Forschungsprojekt TRIPHELIO zielte auf die Entwicklung insektizidfreier Alternativmethoden durch (1) die Optimierung der pheromongest _tzten _berwachung und Verwirrtechnik, (2) der Anwendung von Habitatmanagement-Strategien zur F_rderung nat_rlicher Gegenspieler, und (3) dem Einsatz von Trichogramma-Schlupfwespen. Zus_tzlich wurden Module f_r eine optimale Anwendung biotechnischer und biologischer Methoden bez_glich der Ph_nologie der Schadinsekten und m_glicher Nebenwirkungen von Pestiziden erarbeitet. Die intensive Kooperation zwischen Wissenschaftlern und Praktikern aus mehreren L_ndern Europas und Nordafrikas erlaubte den Entwurf m_glicher L_sungsans_tze f_r verschiedene Anbaubedingungen und klimatische Regionen des Mittelmeerraumes. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse und Ausblicke f_r eine zuk_nftige praktische Umsetzung werden in dieser Ver_ffentlichung beschrieben

    Decay rate performance approach for stabilization continuous fuzzy models using their discretized forms

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    International audiencePurpose – The purpose of this paper is to deal with the stabilization of the continuous Takagi Sugeno (TS) fuzzy models using their discretized forms based on the decay rate performance approach. Design/methodology/approach – This approach is structured as follows: first, a discrete model is obtained from the discretization of the continuous TS fuzzy model. The discretized model is obtained from the Euler approximation method which is used for several orders. Second, based on the decay rate stabilization conditions, the gains of a non-PDC control law ensuring the stabilization of the discrete model are determined. Third by keeping the values of the gains, the authors determine the values of the performance criterion and the authors check by simulation the stability of the continuous TS fuzzy models through the zero order hold. Findings – The proposed idea lead to compare the performance continuous stability results with the literature. The comparison is, also, taken between the quadratic and non-quadratic cases. Originality/value – Therefore, the originality of this paper consists in the improvement of the continuous fuzzy models by using their discretized models. In this case, the effect of the discretization step on the performances of the continuous TS fuzzy models is studied. The usefulness of this approach is shown through two examples

    Nonquadratic Lyapunov function for continuous TS fuzzy models through their discretization

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    [IF=1.986]International audienceSince the beginning of the fuzzy control theory, results have been obtained independently for continuous and discrete models. It is still quite difficult to use nonquadratic Lyapunov functions for the continuous case, while this is much easier for the discrete case. This approach tries to put a bridge between the continuous and discrete cases for the class of continuous Takagi Sugeno fuzzy models that can be exactly discretized. Indeed, for this particular class, once the stability of the discrete model is ensured, the same control law applied to the continuous model will ensure the stability too. The interest of such an approach is that complex control laws and complex Lyapunov functions can be easily used. Simulation examples show that stabilizing feedbacks may be obtained with discrete control laws when purely continuous ones fail

    On the definition of non quadratic Lyapunov function for continuous Takagi Sugeno fuzzy models through their discretized forms

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    International audienceSince a few years, LMIs conditions associated to the control of continuous Takagi Sugeno (TS) fuzzy models have used non quadratic Lyapunov functions. Indeed they are much more general than classical quadratic functions. However, there are requirements about the derivative of the membership functions appearing in the LMIs. Whereas, this problem doesn't exist with discrete time models. This study tries to put a bridge between the continuous and discrete cases for the class of continuous Takagi Sugeno fuzzy models which can be exactly discretized. Indeed, for this particular class, ones the stability of the discrete model is ensured, the same control law applied to the continuous model will ensure the stability too. The interest of such an approach is that complex control laws can be applied with no hypothesis on the membership functions. Simulation examples illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach