203 research outputs found

    Hydrogeologic Setting and Characterization of the Aquifer System in Al Wagan Area, South Al Ain, UAE

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    AI Wagan area lies to the south of AI Ain City of the eastern region of Abu Dhabi Emirate along the Sultanate of Oman-United Arab Emirates borders. AI Wagan area is important for agriculture in the eastern region of Abu Dhabi. Ground water is the primary source of irTigation in the area. The main source of recharge to the ground-water-flow system of the entire eastern region of Abu Dhabi Emirate is rainfall on the Oman Mountains. Ground water flows in an east-west direction because most of the recharge at higher elevations is or near the Oman Mountains. The ground-water-flow system of AI Wagan area consists of the upper, unconfined, aquifer, the lower, confined, aquifer, and the intervening confining layer. The upper aquifer refers to the saturated part of most the unconsolidated deposits of Quaternary age. Below the Quaternary deposits, is a clay layer acting as a confining layer separating the upper aquifer from the underlying lower aquifer. The conglomerate layer of the Post Fars Formation primly comprises the lower aquifer. Water within the upper aquifer is generally more mineralized than water in the lower aquifer. The purpose of this study is to present: 1. A geohydrology description of the lower aquifer and the upper aquifer in the study area, 2. An assessment of the changes of quality of the brackish ground water that might result from large and prolonged withdrawals in the area, and 3. A description of the simulation of flow in the ground-water system. Annual well withdrawals from the two aquifers were tabulated from records of the Agriculture and Forestry Departments of AI Ai n and the Ground-Water Research Program monitoring wells. The potentiometric surface of the lower aquifer is declining because of large withdrawals for irrigation . Geochemical analyses support the conclusion that the salinity of brackish ground water of the lower aquifer in AI Wagan area increased with percentage ranged from 2 % to 74 % from 1996 to 1998. A three-dimensional, three-layer ground-water-flow model was constructed to help understand the ground-water-flow system. Model results indicate vertical flow occurs between the three model layers; possibly explaining the observed increased salinity of the lower aquifer. The use of the flow model as a predictive tool showed that if the current pumping rates of the wells will continue in the future, this might lead to a complete aquifer depletion of the upper aquifer at the north of the study area. As a result of this study the following recommendations can be made in order to avoid more depletion of the aquifer and deterioration of the water quality: 1. Minimize aquifer depletion, by reduction and of pumping rates and number of wells in each farm. 2. Regulate ground-water use. 3. Enhancement of the observation well network. 4. Better well constructions

    Effect of Board Diversity, Audit Committee, Managerial Ownership, Ownership of Institutional, Profitability and Leverage on Value of the Firm

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    This study aims to identify and provide empirical evidence regarding: The effect of the proportion of women directors on value of the firm. The effect of the proportion of independent directors on value of the firm. The influence of external audit committee on value of the firm. The effect of managerial ownership on value of the firm. The effect of institutional ownership on value of the firm. The effect of the ratio of profitability on value of the firm. The effect of  leverage ratio on value of the firm.Obtained a sample of 43 companies in the period of 2012-2014. The analysis tool use  in this study has classic assumption test and multiple regression test. The results of this study indicate that: The proportion of external audit committee, institutional ownership, profitability and leverage ratios affect value of the firm. The proportion of women directors, the proportion of independent directors, and managerial ownership does not affect value of the firm. Keywords: Proportion, institutional ownership, leverage, directors, managerial ownership

    The syntax of ellipsis in Libyan Arabic : a generative analysis of sluicing, VP ellipsis, stripping and negative contrast

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    PhD ThesisThis dissertation explores the syntax of ellipsis in Libyan Arabic (LA henceforth) focusing on sluicing, verb phrase ellipsis, stripping and negative contrast. These elliptical structures have not been studied in the language before; therefore, this study provides the first description of these phenomena from a generative perspective. Chapter three provides an overview of the status of ellipsis in syntactic theory and shows that there is compelling evidence that several ellipsis sites contain syntactic structure, which consequently can be treated as PF deletion phenomena. Chapter four investigates sluicing and attempts to determine whether what appears as sluicing is sluicing or pseudosluicing. It is revealed that some apparent cases of sluicing are instances of pseudosluicing despite their superficial appearance as sluicing. This follows from the fact that in this null subject language with covert copulas and noncase- marked wh-expressions, sluicing and pseudosluicing can be indistinguishable in some contexts. Chapter five discusses the interaction between preposition stranding (p-stranding) and sluicing. It concludes that the apparent cases of p-stranded sluices are instances of pseudosluicing. Therefore, two sources of IP ellipsis are proposed: sluicing and pseudosluicing. The former derives from regular wh-questions and conforms to the p-stranding generalisation; while the latter results from the deletion of a clefted clause whose pivot is an extracted wh-phrase. The fact that the preposition in cleft wh-questions resides in the relative clause, which is eventually deleted in pseudosluicing, yields the illusion that such constructions involve p-stranding. Finally, the proposed analysis provides novel evidence for Shlonsky’s (2002) analysis of Arabic Class II wh-questions as copular clauses. Chapter six discusses two cases of verb phrase related ellipsis, referred to as modal ellipsis and verb-stranding VP ellipsis. In the former, the complement of the modal verb is deleted, while in the latter, where the lexical verb is assumed to have raised to T, the complement of the main verb plus all vP-related material are elided. Given that modal ellipsis exhibits missing antecedents and binding effects and allows for extraction in some contexts, it is proposed that such an ellipsis is a gap with internal syntactic structure, which thus can be analysed as VP deletion at PF. As for the putative verb-stranding VP ellipsis, I will propose that this should not be analysed as VP ellipsis as in Farsi, Hebrew and Finnish. Rather, it should be reducible to null objects and/or individual constituent drop. This claim rests on two arguments. First, unlike VP ellipsis, the putative verb-stranding VP ellipsis is subject to definiteness restrictions; second, it differs from VP ellipsis with respect to the deletion of vPrelated material. Finally, chapter seven is concerned with stripping and negative contrast. It is proposed that both constructions involve TP ellipsis. The remnant in such constructions undergoes movement to the left periphery followed by TP deletion. However, stripping and negative contrast are distinct in terms of their interaction with information structure, that is, while the remnant in stripping is perceived as new information focus, in negative contrast it is interpreted contrastively.the Academy of Graduate Studies in Tripoli, Libya

    Effect of micro sprinkler irrigation intervals on onion (Allium cepa L.) production compared to surface irrigation under Kassala conditions, Sudan

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    An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of surface and micro sprinkler irrigation intervals on onion production under Kassala conditions. Three irrigation intervals were applied under micro sprinkler irrigation; every day, three days and at five days compared to farmers practice, (surface irrigation every 7 days). The treatments were replicated four times in a randomized complete block design. The results showed that higher yields were produced under micro sprinkler irrigation than surface irrigation. Moreover, micro sprinkler every day recorded the highest yield in both seasons. Therefore, micro sprinkler irrigation system was saving water by about 119% and 101% for seasons one and two, respectively, as compared to surface irrigation. The highest values of water productivity and economic water productivity were obtained under micro sprinkler irrigation system every day as compared to surface irrigation. Irrigation every day under micro- sprinkler irrigation was the most economic and had higher net benefit compared to surface irrigation.      اجريت التجربة لتقييم أداء الري السطحي و فترات الري بالرش الدقيق لإنتاج البصل تحت ظروف كسلا. تم تطبيق ثلاث فترات ري تحت الري بالرش الدقيق على النحو التالي: كل يوم وثلاثة أيام وخمسة أيام مقارنة بممارسات المزارعين (الري السطحي) كل 7 أيام. تم تكرار المعاملات أربع مرات في تصميم القطاعات العشوائية الكاملة. أظهرت النتائج أن أعلى انتاجية كانت تحت الري بالرش الدقيق مقارنة مع الري السطحي. وعلاوة على ذلك، سجل الري بالرش الدقيق كل يوم أعلى انتاجية في الموسمين. نظام الري بالرش الدقيق وفر مياه الري بنسبة 119٪ و 101٪ للموسم الأول والثاني، على التوالي مقارنة بالري السطحي. وقد تم الحصول علی أعلی قیمة لإنتاجية المیاه وإنتاجیة المیاه الاقتصادیة تحت نظام الري بالرش الدقيق کل یوم مقارنة بالري السطحي. الري يوميا تحت الري بالرش الدقيق هو الأكثر اقتصادا وله صافي فائدة أعلى مقارنة بالري السطحي. &nbsp

    Effect of Prophylactic Physical Activities on Reducing Lymphedema among Women Post Mastectomy

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    Background: Lymphedema is the build-up of lymph fluid in the tissues just under the skin. Lymphedema following mastectomy as a treatment for breast cancer is a major concern for most women who experience it. Physical activities are very helpful for lymphede­ma control. Aim: To evaluate the effect of prophylactic physical activities on reducing lymphedema among women post-mastectomy. Subjects & Method: Design: A Quasi-experimental design was utilized. Setting: This study was carried out in Minia oncology center- outpatient and inpatient surgical department. Affiliated by Secretariat of Specialized Medical Centres, at Minia Governorate, Egypt. Subjects: Included a total of 200 women have had a mastectomy. Tools: Five tools were used. 1) structured questionnaire; 2) scale for pitting edema measurement; 3) scale for lymphedema stage assessment; 4) international physical activity Questionnaire; 5) observational checklist for Physical Activities performance. Results: The mean age of the sample was 58.9 years old and 52.5% of them were elderly women. During the first assessment, more than eighty percent of the sample complained from a stage1 lymphedema. However, there was a significant reduction in this percentage among the study group during post-test. Likewise, there was a statistically significant difference between the groups regarding the lymphedema time and stage of development during the first assessment, after 6 weeks and 16 weeks (P<0.001*). Moreover, 49.0% of the study group compared to 29.0% of the control group had a moderate level of physical activity during the post-test. This indicated an increase in the level of a total pattern of physical activity between the two groups during the post-test. Conclusion: Prophylactic physical activities can reduce lymphedema associated symptoms. Also, the study group had a better level of physical activities than the control group. Recommendations: Early detection and nursing interventions have been gradually advocated to prevent lymphedema progression. So, the prophylactic physical activities are essential measures post-mastectomy to reduce lymphedema. Keywords: Lymphedema, Prophylactic, Physical activities, Mastectomy. DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/61-10 Publication date: April 30th 201

    Installation of a family drip irrigation system for the improvement of the livelihood of small-scale farmers in comparison with surface irrigation

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    Drip irrigation is one of the most efficient methods of water use for crop production. Family drip systems are suitable for small land areas ranging from 10-2000 m2 to irrigate horticultural crops. The system is a complete drip irrigation unit. It operates by gravity from a tank placed one meter high. It is a closed pipe-gravity system, and solid seasonal installation, for growing vegetables, flowers and other horticultural crops on flat or minor slope land. This experiment was established to evaluate a family drip system in comparison with surface irrigation for onion production under north Kassala conditions (Talkouk Locality). The results indicated that family drip system saved irrigation water by 67% and 59%, and increased the total yield of onion by 43% and 34% in sites one and two, respectively, as compared to local surface irrigation. The highest irrigation water productivity (2.98 and 2.73 kg/m3) was obtained under family drip system and the lowest values were 1.25 and 1.28 kg/m3 under surface irrigation in sites one and two, respectively. Moreover, the family drip system scored higher net return and benefit cost ratio compared to the surface irrigation system.         الري بالتنقيط هو أكثر الطرق كفاءة في استخدام المياه لإنتاج المحاصيل. نظام الري بالتنقيط العائلي هو نظام يناسب  المساحات الصغيرة التي تتراوح مساحتها بين 10 الي 2000  متر مربع, لري المحاصيل البستانية. النظام هو وحدة ري بالتنقيط  كاملة؛ يعمل بالجاذبية من خزان وضع علي ارتفاع 1 متر. هو نظام ذو انابيب مغلقة للجاذبية ويمكن تركيبة كل موسم بسهولة لزراعة الخضرواتِ والزهور والمحاصيل البستانية الأخرى على الأراضِي المنحدرة والمستويةِ أَو البسيطةِ. تأسست هذه التجربة لتقييم نظام الري بالتنقيط العائلي مقارنة مع الري السطحي المحلي لإنتاج البصل تحت ظروف شمال كسلا محلية تلكوك. اشارت النتائج إلى أن نظام الري بالتنقيط العائلي حفظ مياه الري بنسبة 67٪ و 59٪، وزيادة الانتاجية بنسبة 43٪ و 34٪ في الموقع الاول والثاني على التوالي مقارنة مع الري السطحي المحلي. ايضا تم الحصول على أعلى إنتاجية لمياه الري (2.98 و2.73 كيلوجرام متر مكعب) تحت نظام الري بالتنقيط العائلي وكانت أقل القيم   (1.25 و 1.28 كيلوجرام متر مكعب) تحت الري السطحي في الموقعين الاول والثاني. علاوة على ذلك، سجل نظام الري بالتنقيط العائلي اعلي عائد ومنفعة مقارنة لنظام الري السطحي

    Relentless Warrior and Shrewd Tactician: Shaikh Abdullah bin Ahmad of Bahrain 1795-1849 A Case Study of Shaikhly Statecraft in the Nineteenth Century Gulf

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    This study examines the political life of Shaikh Abdullah bin Ahmad al-Fatih Al Khalifa, the fifth ruler of the Al Khalifa dynasty and the third of that family to rule Bahrain. It is a political biography, examining the tactics used by Shaikh Abdullah and his family to fend off threats from various foes. Those tactics ranged from direct military combat, to entry into temporary protector-protégé relationships, to playing off one foe against another. His ability to employ such tactics effectively enabled him and his family to neutralize or defeat their foes. This study examines local statecraft tactics through the case study of one of the Gulf’s greatest nineteenth century statesmen. It also looks at the reasons that resulted in Shaikh Abdullah’s political downfall. Those reasons were domestic and external factors that the Shaikh seems to have either ignored or been unable to fully address. That inability and/or shortcoming in addressing those factors would have cost any Gulf ruler his rulership, not just Shaikh Abdullah, as similar aspects prevailed in the other Gulf shaikhdoms. The study examines the life of a political leader whose achievements have been played down, even neglected, by most modern historians in Bahrain and the Gulf. The reason for this neglect lies perhaps in the natural desire of the current ruling branch of the Al Khalifa family to discourage any potential future claim to the throne by the descendants of Shaikh Abdullah, who have lived in exile from Bahrain ever since Shaikh Abdullah’s overthrow in 1843